Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1506: -Catch bugs

"There are no black sheep in that place. It's none of your business. Get up." Ji Thief said.

A Biao was still ashamed.

Ji Zei looked at him: "Don't say anything else, didn't there also be A Jie Chaos in the Lihuo tribe before? I have also seen the wrong person, get up."

As he said, Ji thief also helped forward.

A Biao was even more ashamed and angry.

After helping the man up, Ji Thief asked: "Speaking of A Biao, what do you plan to do with Henghu and the others?"

Hearing this, A Biao gritted his teeth and said, "Henghushanshi and the others blackmailed their companions! It is even more to slander the tribe, and want to hurt the king. Any one of these three charges is enough for them to die! The king! , I applied to kill them!"

The thief nodded: "Killing chickens and monkeys is indeed feasible. In this way, three days later, you will gather everyone and behead their heads in public. In these three days, you and Viduo will add up and list their crimes so that everyone can know. , Let’s not kill by mistake."

A Biao held his fist: "Yes, King."

After agreeing, A Biao hesitated: "Then what great king, just kill Henghu and the others, or kill all the hundred people?"

Ji Thief stretched his waist: "Don't feel distressed for those people. You know, when a tree gets sick, the borers inside are also part of the trunk. But if you don't pick out these pests and pinch them to death , The one that died is this whole tree. Now the Baihe Plain is such a tree, Henghu and the others, these pests. There are more than one hundred people, you can figure it out."

Seeing that A Biao couldn't bear it, Ji Zei asked him: "Have you ever cultivated the land or planted wheat?"

A Biao said, "I have seen it."

"Then you have seen weeding."

"Yes, the king."

Jiye touched his nose and smiled: "In this case, it's easier to talk about it. Let me tell you A Biao. If you grow wheat, you must first weed the weeds. If the weeds are not clean, they will continue to fight for the nutrition of the wheat."

Speaking of this, A Biao basically understood it, nodded and clasped his fist: "I know the king, I will never disappoint you."

Ji Thief hummed: "Well, I believe you can handle this matter well."

A Biao turned around and left.

On that day, the Ji thief who had not rested overnight and they settled down in the camp.

The next day, A Biao took a linen cloth full of densely packed manuscripts and came to the side of Ji Thief, and asked: "Majesty, this is the crime I wrote based on what Henghu said. kind?"

The thief took a look: "It's generally okay, the details are still a lot worse, go find Viduo, she watched the whole process yesterday, let her help to mix it up."

"Yes, King."

Another day passed. On this day, Ji Thief didn't do anything. He just chatted with Ah Si to relieve his boredom.

Said to relieve boredom, but Ji Thief was invisibly instilling management experience in Ah Si.

For this, Ah Si has learned a lot.

When the third day came, A Biao, who had finally confirmed Henghu and the others, came to Ji Thief and let Ji Thief have a look.

Ji Thief took a look in his hand, and finally nodded and said: "Yes, that's it, you can take it out and publish it."

A Biao respectfully answered yes, and then turned around. In the morning, the two thousand people in Baihe Plain received the news that more than 100 people including Henghushanshi were about to be beheaded.

After being shocked, they clapped their hands to celebrate.

Even among these people, they also include their own people.

Even his own people are so disgusted and disgusted by Henghu and their gang of rogue robbers, enough to see how vicious they usually are.

On the day of the beheading, more than two thousand people all came to the front court to watch.

Henghu and their arms were **** with ropes, kneeling on the ground, crying like tears, begging for mercy.

A Biao, who was appointed by the thief as the Superintendent of the Slaying Officer, did not change his face. He was about to see it, stood up, and shouted, "Slash!"

With an order, the executioners of the military and military tribes all stepped forward, inserting the bronze spears in their hands on the ground, and with a brushing sound, they pulled out the bronze swords from their waists and aimed them at Henghu's necks. Go down.

The heads of the first fifty people who were beheaded fell to the ground, and the other fifty people peeed their pants in fright.

For a while, the execution ground was full of filth and smell.

They pleaded bitterly and did not get the hand of the military department. They dragged the people up, and then swung their swords down, cutting off the heads of the hundreds of moths in the Baihe Plain.

Seeing everyone's heads falling to the ground, A Biao stood up and waved his hand. Some military and military tribesmen ran up, gathered the beheaded corpses, returned them to the pile, and separated them for burial.

This is the rule Ji Zei said, beheading is to show punishment, but the death of a person is big, and the one that should be buried is still buried.

Isn't it? Just beheading is enough to shock the people who are coming to observe now.

This is really cut.

Fortunately, when Henghu and the others persuaded themselves to be rogue robbers, they didn't agree, otherwise, the dead inside would have themselves.

In front of everyone, A Biao took advantage of the heat to strike the iron, took the opportunity to publicize a wave of labor glory, the robber's shameful declaration, and evoked the sense of honor in everyone's hearts, and then went back to the camp and found the thief to return to life.

When he came to the place, Ji Thief was lying on the table and writing and drawing on a linen cloth.

A Biao was puzzled, and asked Ji Thief what he was writing.

Ji Thief didn't look up: "It's nothing, write homework."

A Biao said: "Homework?"

Ji Thief smiled and said, "It's the homework for sister and sister Zhen, I have to report to them about the work."

A Biao blinked and said that what everyone in the tribe said was really good. Don't look at the great king. In fact, like Lord Uthma, they are all people who are afraid of their wives.

After finishing writing, Ji Zei dried the black paint on the linen cloth, went to the outside of the room, and blew a whistle.

With a puff, the golden eagle fluttered down in the air.

The thief tied the linen to the golden eagle's leg, and while tying it, he rushed to Abiao and said, "The situation in the Baihe Plain has basically been dealt with, so I have to leave quickly and go to the next place."

A Biao was a little bit reluctant: "My lord, are you leaving now?"

The thief nodded and then smiled: "Okay, a big man, don't be like a woman. I can't just pay attention to the Baihe Plain in the 26 territories in the north and south."

Ah Biao nodded: "Then, when do you plan to leave, Lord?"

"Just this afternoon, we will leave when we finish eating."

Although he knew that Ji Thief would leave very quickly, A Biao didn't expect it would be so fast. He hadn't heard more teachings from Ji Thief and he was about to leave.

"Okay, let's get ready to eat, don't forget, and call the Asi family over."

"Yes, King."

Soon, A Si's family of four came, and A Biao had all the food they would eat.

The thief Ji called everyone together, and everyone ate a meal similar to a farewell banquet. After eating, the thief asked Ado to set up the carriage and prepare to leave.

A Biao Asi and the others sent each other all the way, and they were sent out for more than ten miles. In the carriage, the thief made Ado stop and waved to A Biao Asi to come.

The two rode up to the front, looking very respectful: "My lord, do you have any orders?"

Ji Thief smiled and said: "It's nothing, it's A Biao. Your past management of the Baihe Plain was too soft and lacking innovative spirit. In the future, you have to change it."

A Biao couldn't help nodding, and said to obey orders.

The thief smiled and looked at Ah Si again: "So, I leave Ah Si to you. In some respects, Ah Si’s thinking is longer than yours. Usually you two communicate more often. For Ah Si’s proposal, you Obey, I'm leaving the Baihe Plain to you. If I still see the same old appearance next time I come, I'm not happy to tell you."

A Biao waved his hand hurriedly: "No, no."

Ji Thief laughed and deliberately urged the generals: "They are all human beings, and the black tiger and Ayan are not even as good as you two. With the same funding, they can develop the Tianling Fortress so well. Believe that you two are stronger than them, can't you do it?"

Both of them blushed: "Please rest assured, the king, we will never let you down!"

"Okay, just do it if you have ambitions. I remember what you said today."

Ji thief looked at the two, his eyes burning.