Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1633: -The confession of Chi Guo Guo

Leaving aside the embarrassment of Ji Zei, after talking about the outside, after Wei Duo left and ran back to the residence, Bai Lian hadn't rested yet. Seeing Vi Duo came back, she sat on the edge of the bed, dropped one leg under the bed, and glanced at Wei. Duo: "Face is so red? What's wrong with you?"

Viduo coughed and bit the scalp and changed the subject: "No, it's okay, Mother, are you still asleep?"

Bai Lian sighed: "Sleep? How can I fall asleep? Well, my girl is lost, can you fall asleep instead of you?"

Viduo's face turned red even more.

After such a while, the conversation between the mother and daughter woke up Li Ya. This afternoon, Li Ya went out with them to expel the beasts around the gods. She came back tired and lay down.

It stands to reason that Li Ya is the kind of person who will reach dawn as soon as she slept, but this time she did not know what was going on, so she got off the bed after fumbling, and walked to Li Ya's side with sleepy eyes open. The nose sniffed.

Wei Duo was a little scared, and took a step back to look at Li Ya: "You, what do you want to do?"

Li Ya blinked blankly: "Sister, you have a smell."

Viduo looked at Li Ya up and down: "Do you want to ignore yourself? Follow Big Brother Hunter to expel predators back, did you not take a bath?"

Li Ya shook her head: "It's not about this, I said you have the smell of other people."

Wei Duo was puzzled and raised her arm to sniff her nose: "No, only the smell of medicine."

Li Ya was very cute and put her nose close, and sniffed: "It smells like a thief."

When this sentence came out, there was a burst of enthusiasm, and it rushed to the roots of the ears directly from Wei Duo's heart, with a buzzing sound, similar to the sound of a small train's jet, and Wei Duo's head was almost cooked.

Li Ya grabbed her sister's arm and asked, "Sister, did you go to see the thief!"

Wei Duoxin said Li Ya, this is a dog nose, right? What do you want me to say in front of my mother?

Actually, it’s fine for her to tell the truth, but when she thought of Ji Thief holding her hand just now, she subconsciously changed the topic: "No, no, really, Li Ya, you have nothing to do, go quickly. go rest."

Li Ya refused to give up, she insisted on asking the answer.

In the end, Bai Lian came forward to help, and drove the two girls to sleep.

Seeing Wei Duo lying on the bed with her back to the outside, facing the wall with a shy look of hiding her head, Bai Lian blinked and said to her, yes, it's time. She has to find a chance and discuss it with Fat Bear , See how to deal with this matter better, eh, the most important thing is what Master Xue and Master Zhen think.

After all, unlike Master Zhen, her daughter has less time to know Ji Thief, and she doesn't have the advantage like Zhen. I don't know if she can be accepted.

Hey, for these two girls, I really broke my heart. The matter between myself and Heiteng hasn't settled yet, so I have to start worrying about my girls. What is this.

Muttering, Bai Lian lay down and fell asleep.

Putting down Bai Lian, they didn't mention it, and when it came to Ji Zei's side, he was in the ward waiting for Tai to wake up, waiting, not knowing, but fell asleep.

Moreover, when he slept, he fell asleep, and Ji Thief had a strange dream.

This time the dream, he had experienced before.

The night before marrying Xue, the strange giant stone group that Ji Thief dreamed of in his triple dream.

There are totally seventeen giant stone statues, placed in the open space in different poses. Ji Thief is among the idols. The seventeen idols grinned at him with grinning teeth. In an instant, the feeling of stomping on the empty abyss of the abyss surged. Coming up, Ji Zei suddenly opened his eyes.

The sun came in from outside the window, and his body was covered with cold sweat.

After blinking and touching his chest, Ji Thief breathed a sigh of relief and murmured, "It turned out to be a dream, shit, it scared me to death."

Speaking hard, Ji Thief couldn't help but shook his head: "It's weird, how could I have such a dream, or twice?"

This is not because I was puzzled. There was a squeak at the door and the door was pushed open. Viduo walked in from the outside with the food. Seeing Ji Thief stunned, he smiled: "You're awake, A Thief, just right The food prepared for you is still hot, come, you can eat some."

Ji Thief said thank you, and the one who took the meal was planning to eat, and suddenly he was stunned: "You know I was asleep?"

It stands to reason that this is a nonsense, how can normal people not sleep.

But who knows, when Ji Thief asked this sentence, Viduo blushed and said: "I, I just came here, and I saw you lying on the bed, I just, I didn't bother you."

Ji thief: "···"

"Oh, don't ask so much, hurry up and eat."

Not knowing how to explain it, Viduo quickly changed the subject.

Jiye promised a few times, and swallowed it in his stomach while holding the bowl.


After eating and drinking enough, Ji Zei wiped the oily corners of his mouth, put down the bowl, and thanked him.

After the thief finished saying thank you, Viduo replied almost subconsciously, who of us and whom, what did the family say thank you?

The words fell to the ground, and both of them were petrified in place.

Also knowing that she had failed, Viduo coughed, turned and went out: "Well, what, I'm busy today, I'm going to help your mother, thief, you can sit here for a while."

The thief opened his mouth and shouted, "Vido, wait."

Viduo, who had already reached the door, really stopped. With her back facing Ji Zei, she was somewhat agitated, just thinking that Ji Zei would respond to what she said just now.

But it turns out that Viduo thinks too much. How could Ji Thief, a straight man who likes to pretend to be confused, say those nasty things?

Especially when he didn't hear Viduo's meaning from Viduo's mouth, he wouldn't say anything that would destroy the relationship.

"That, your bowl."

Ji thief raised his hand in the bowl.

Viduo felt a crow flying over her head.

She turned around, grabbed the bowl from Ji Thief, and then strode out.

While running, Viduo was still hiding her face, for fear that it would be a step too late, so she was caught by the thief.

She ran out of the room, closed the door, leaned her back against the wall, and looked up at the ceiling above her head. She stomped her feet and said shyly, "Oh, I'm so shameless, how can I? Let’s just say that. Let’s do it now. Don’t misunderstand me anymore. Hey, how can this be done?”

When Wei Duo complained to herself, the door of the room next to her was suddenly pulled open. After that, Ji Thief ran out of the room with a panic expression and yelled: "Vido, Wei Duo."

Viduo was taken aback and turned around to answer: "What's the matter, I am here?"

She first saw Ji Thief rush out to call her name, just thinking Ji Thief had something important, for example, after Ji Thief thought about it, she decided to answer herself.

No, she was thinking about happiness, Ji Zei said a word and directly photographed her from above the clouds.

But when I saw, Ji Thief grabbed Viduo's arms: "Viduo, hurry up, Tai, Tai woke up."

Viduo: "Huh?"

I thought you were confessing to me when you chased it out, but you just said these things?

The various disappointments in Viduo's heart were just a second thought, so that's okay, it's not time to right now, not time to open the window.

After thinking about it, he clenched his fist and sank his mind, regaining his former generous expression: "Really? Hurry, go and see."

Speaking hard, the two ran in.

When I came in, didn't it? Tai had opened his eyes and was lying on the bed, looking dull at the ceiling above his head.

Ji Zei led Viduo to the side and watched Tai said: "Viduo, look what's going on. He was in a daze when he woke up just now. I asked him and he didn't say anything. What's the matter? What's wrong, right?"

Wei Duo wondered: "It shouldn't be, and there is no fatal injury, how could it be possible."

Ji Thief worried: "Did it hurt your brain?"

Viduo had no bottom in his heart: "Wait, what a thief, I'll call your mother to see the situation."

"Well, then you go and come back quickly."

"Do not worry."

With that, Viduo ran out.

After he left, Ji Thief came to the bed and looked at Tai, who had just woke up. When he saw that the latter still had a sluggish expression, Ji Thief shook his head and sighed: "Tai, Tai, don't do anything wrong. ."

With that said, Ji Zei turned around and sighed with his back to Tai.

However, just in this situation, just when Ji Zei turned his body, Tai's voice came from behind him.

"My lord, sorry!"