Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1754: -First in the world

Yes, the battle just now was fierce, but look carefully, every counterattack lock skill of A Guan will take a beat.

Except for the first time he hit Ah Zheng and was caught off guard, the rest, every lock technique, was unsuccessful.

What does this show?

This shows that this locking technique is not what Aguan is good at. Perhaps it is a bit wrong to say that. You can understand that the locking techniques Aguan used to deal with A Zheng were not something he knew at the beginning, but something he prepared recently. .

This is also because of what, every time Aguan hits back, Aguan always takes a slower shot.

Moreover, these movements of his are also very awkward, as if he had thought ahead of time what A Zheng would do and how he would deal with it.

Under normal circumstances, it can't be seen, but when Azheng changes a movement, Aguan will have a noticeable daze.

From this point too, Ji Thief concluded that Aguan was not an opponent.

Yes, on the surface, Aguan's locking skills are the nemesis of Azheng's wrestling skills, but speaking of conscience, this is also separate.

In contrast, A Zheng is skilled, and A Guan is more or less rusty.

The strength makes up for the skill gap, so Aguan lost.

Of course, the most important point is that Ah Zheng’s last move is similar to flying cross solids, using his legs and his own gravity to throw A Guan on the ground. With this move, A Guan reacted a little bit and responded a little bit. There is no way, this is the key to his loss.

Basically, here, the thief can be determined.

A Guan's locking skills for Ah Zheng were basically the tricks he figured out through watching Ah Zheng's games.

That's why, when Ah Zheng used a lore that he had never used before, A Guan was defeated in seconds.

Having said so much, it is not to prove that Aguan is waste.

On the contrary, he can be said to be a genius.

Let's put it this way, joining Ah is a creative genius, then Ah Guan is a genius on demolition.

If you give Aguan enough time to understand and figure out a way to deal with Azheng, then the outcome of this game is still unknown.

But right now, it's useless to think so much.

To decide the winner of the game, all Ji Thief needs is to go down in person and hold an award ceremony for Ah Zheng.

Standing up, Ji Zei tidyed up his clothes, then turned around and smiled at everyone: "Everyone, let's go down for a walk?"

Several princes stood up: "That is necessary."

The thief Ji stretched out his hand to Xue: "Come sister, give me the prize you prepared."

Xue offered a dagger, a bronze plaque, and a wooden board the size of a mouse pad covered with linen.

The thief gave these three things to Tushan and Tai to hold, and then leisurely stepped out of the stands.

When leaving the stands and entering the arena, all the clansmen on both sides were calling for Ah Zheng's name.

As the champion of the first Budokai in the world, Ah Zheng is enjoying the honor he deserves.

In contrast, Aguan looked very shabby while standing beside him with his arms folded.

He enviously looked at the champion he had missed, and looked at Ah Zheng, who was cheering from the crowd.

At the same time, he still complained a little bit about himself. If he worked hard and gritted his teeth for a while, maybe he would have a chance to win the championship.

Alas, the victory or defeat is already divided, and it is useless to think so much.

That's not it, Aguan's face is depressed.

When Ji Zei came down to the front, he did not recover.

It was Ji Thief who slapped him on the shoulder, and then he woke up, and when he saw that it was Ji Thief, he was shocked: "Great, great king!"

Ji Zei patted Aguan on the shoulder, smiled and did not hesitate to praise the words: "You did a good job, great."

Aguan dared to swear that at that moment, his eyes were a little wet.

He looked at the thief and muttered: "Big, king..."

The thief laughed: "Okay, I'll tell you later, now, I'll go to present the award first, you prepare, and talk to the herring brother about your joining the Tiger Ben camp afterwards."

After speaking, Ji Thief went before.

I'm dumbfounded by leaving Aguan, join Huben Camp?

Isn't that a qualification to get the first place?

What does this mean?

A Guan didn't understand that it was normal, how could he know that Ji Thief was thinking of loving talent?

Just like Ji Zei guessed, for this game, Aguan did prepare a lot. Using his cleverness, he delved into a way to deal with Azheng, but he didn’t expect to break in. In the final, Ah Zheng was still holding a big move, but he regretted losing.

However, his performance has already caused Ji thief to look at him. In this case, it is not difficult to make an exception for Aguan to join Huben Camp, right?

After all, Ji Thief is the king.

Aguan thought in a daze here, over there, Ji thief came to the front of Ah, looked at him, and said with a smile: "Azheng, congratulations on winning the first place."

Seeing Ji thief, Ah Zheng hurriedly corrected his attitude and bowed deeply at Ji thief: "It's all you trained well, the king."

Ji Thief was happy and waved his hand: "Don't say that kind words, I don't have any credit, it's all your own efforts, come."

With that, Ji Thief stretched out his hand and took the short sword from Tushan.

Ji Thief held the short sword and raised it up: "This sword is the Yuanhong sword. It is made of the same material as my Xuanyuan sword. It is your reward for first place. Take the sword."

Ah Zheng thumped on his knees, raised his hands above his head, and his voice trembled: "Thank you, the king!"

Ji Zei took the bronze plaque from Tai again, and glanced at the cloud.

Yun Le couldn't close his mouth and walked up.

Ji Zei raised the bronze plaque and shouted in front of so many spectators around him: "On this plaque, the first four characters in the world are written, which is a symbol of the glory of the Qingtu Plain. It will be held at the next World No. 1 Budokai. Previously, this plaque was left on the Qingtu Plain as the honor of the Qingtu Plain."

After Ji Zei's words fell, there were 108 human amplifiers in the stands.

They shouted out what Ji Thief had just said loudly, covering the entire arena.

The stadium was silent for about ten minutes, and they all began to shout the four words Qingtu Plain.

Ji Zei waited with a smile, waiting for the enthusiasm of the people to pass temporarily, and then took the small wooden board covered with linen.

I opened the linen cloth, and two words were written on it.

One hundred thousand.

The thief handed the small wooden board to Ah Zheng.

The latter was stunned, not understanding what it meant.

Ji Thief pointed at the small wooden board and said, "This is a bonus for you. With this, you can go to Yi, and you can exchange it for 100,000 currency."

The clansman said the words of Ji Zei loudly again.

In the stands, hearing the news, Ah Zheng's father almost died of beauty.

He clutched his heart with an expression on his face that he had never seen in the world: "One hundred thousand, this, how much currency does it cost!"

No wonder he is like this. After all, except for the Lihuo tribe, the monthly salary of these non-local tribes is about 500 currency.

In one year, that is six thousand, this one hundred thousand currency, good guy, at least sixteen years or nearly seventeen years of salary, can you be unhappy?

Isn't this, Ah Zheng held up the small wooden board, knelt down, pointed at the thief, and expressed gratitude: "Thank you, the king!"

Ji thief smiled and helped Ah Zheng up: "Now, Ah Zheng, there is one last reward for you."

Ah Zheng became nervous, he knew what Ji Thief was talking about.

No, Ah Zheng raised his head and his breathing became quicker.

But when I saw it, Ji Thief smiled slightly: "I said before the game that I won the first place in the game, and I have the qualification to join the Lihuo tribe Huben camp as the captain. Now that you have obtained this qualification, I want to know your choice. What is it. Is it to join, or to return to the Qingtu Plain with honor?"

Looking at Ji Zei's friendly smile, Ah Zhengxin said, is this still necessary? He opened his mouth and said directly: "My lord, I am willing to stay and join the Huben camp, to protect the lord, fight to protect the Lihuo tribe, even if I die, I am willing!"

The crowd burst into applause.

The thief laughed loudly: "Well, you and your father can stay in the Lihuo tribe. I will arrange the formalities for you to enter the job in a few days."

"Thank you, King."

Just when Ji Thief still had something to say to Ah Zheng, he was in the direction of the stands, and two or three people came in hastily, with the snow leading, and Zi Chou behind.

The three of them looked panicked, and when they came nearby, Xue gave Ji Thief a look in this side of the conversation.