Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1779: -The wolf rides out

In the Lihuo tribe, the thief is discussing with the grand princes what needs to be arranged in each territory.

Because of the arrival of drought, the battle against the Sun Tribe could only be temporarily suspended.

At the same time, more energy and preparations should be allocated to meet the massive numbers of homeless and foreign forces that may come in the future due to the disaster.

When Ji Zei talked about the plan to terminate the battle, several main combat factions, such as those headed by Beastblood Aliang, were a little disappointed. They said that after preparing for so long, they couldn’t do it anymore. Isn’t that a waste ?

As for the Eagle Takayama and others, they nodded in agreement.

No matter what I said, in this special situation, it's better to not do it or not.

Otherwise, once a war starts, the resources needed will not be one or two.

Generally speaking, among the great princes, there were many voices of agreement, and they all felt that the suspension of the battle plan was the best choice.

Ji thief complied with the masses and issued a truce.

But he didn't make any publicity, and he was also afraid. Two brothers and sisters Ayi, Lieshan, knew about it, and then came to ask him to make trouble.

With the help of Lieshan, the medical skills of the Lihuo tribe are advancing by leaps and bounds. If the two of them are making a fuss, Ji thief would really be reluctant to clean up the two of them. It just happens to be hidden. Before he decides to do it, he will squeeze the two siblings as much as possible. Residual value.

Well, it was so decided.

When the meeting was over, Ji Thief sent the great princes to leave. When the gods were parting, they saw him from a distance from the south, and hurried over.

There are countless dust and dirt.

Everyone who heard the sound looked up curiously.

When that ride reached the moment when he cut into the horse and turned over to dismount, among the crowd, Gao Shan said in surprise: "Ashu? Why are you? Why are you here?"

The coming person is a member of Gaoshan's cadres. It is Gaoshan who went to the fief. The young generation promoted by Gaoshan is usually trusted by Gaoshan.

During this time, Gao Shan arranged Feiyun and several other persons in charge to take charge of his son, including A Shu.

Isn't that right? Gao Shan was naturally surprised when he saw Ah Shu coming, and couldn't help but ask.

A Shu’s face was in a hurry. First, the Chongji thief yelled a polite call to the King, followed closely, knelt down to the mountain in a panic, and stammered: "Hi, Lord Gaoshan, it’s not good, Lord Wushi , Lord Wushi."

Gao Shan felt a little in his heart: "What happened to Wushi?"

Not only Gaoshan, but also came out with the thief. Asuka, who sent his father away, was also worried and asked, "What happened to Brother Wushi?"

Ji Zei gave Aguan a look next to him, who knew, walked over, patted A Shu's back, and helped him smooth his breath.

Biji Ashu got angry and swallowed a mouthful of water: "Master Wushi is injured and has been in a coma for two days!"

Gao Shan was shocked: "What!"

When I yelled this sentence, the mountain shook and almost fell to the ground.

Ji thief had quick eyes and quick hands, and he immediately supported the mountain by his side. At the same time, he gave Tushan a wink and let Tushan hold the mountain.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Zei turned around and asked Ashu: "What's the matter? How could Wushi be injured and unconscious?"

In the face of Ji thief, A Shu didn't dare to conceal a little bit: "My lord, to tell you the truth, it is like this..."

With that said, facing the Ji thief, A Shu opened his mouth and said what had happened in the past few days.


After using his bow and arrow to retreat A Chue, Wushi ordered to keep the door closed, turn back, and let someone bring Swallow and a group of people to interrogate them personally.

Regardless of Wushi's young age, but he can perform so well, but he is no worse than an adult.

In the face of the increasingly majestic Wushi, how could the swallows conceal anything, and told Wushi about it.

After that, she couldn't think of how this group of invaders who claimed to be the Sun Tribe came into the good boulder mountain range.

Yanzi didn't know, but Wushi knew.

Sun tribe, isn't that the tribe that the king said he would go to war with them? They got it after all.

Surprised, Wushi recalled what Ji thief had said.

That is the number of the Sun Tribe is huge. If you fight with them, you must be careful and then careful, otherwise, if you don't pay attention, you will be involved in their crowded tactics.

Recalling this, Wushi hurriedly sent someone to send Feiyun a letter, asking him to send support to the border checkpoint. After all, when the total number of enemies is unknown, there are only less than a hundred people on the checkpoint. It's hard to say that there is a conflict.

While looking for Feiyun to support, Wushi asked to pull up the crossbow and catapult.

But before they were ready, A Chu, who had retreated earlier, took advantage of the evening and took the people from the dry river to slip into the barren rock mountain range, and attacked the tribesmen who remained outside the pass, and hit Wushi by surprise.

Seeing the enemy's vast sea of ​​no less than a thousand people, he closed his guards, worried about the safety of Wushi, ordered Wushi to be forcibly sent away, and protected the tribe to transport the crossbow and catapult.

As a result, on the way after the break, the guard was killed by Ah Chu's head smashed.

Although Wushi retreated in time, Ah Chu was caught up behind him.

At dawn, all the more than 20 ethnic groups who were guarding Wushi died in battle, and Wushi and the swallow fled.

If it weren't for Feiyun's rush to rescue Wushi after receiving the news, Wushi would also die on the spot.

Even so, Wushi was not hurt, and there were wounds all over his body.

Feiyun rescued Wushi, and while maintaining the display, he gathered the tribe and withdrew to a safe range.

Originally, the Sun Tribe was already exhausted from expeditions along the way. The eating and drinking problems of their tribesmen were all sent from the rear continuously, and they were very tight.

But when they broke the barrier, they found that there was a well behind the barrier, they immediately got it, and called all the clansmen responsible for transportation over. Nearly two thousand people were stationed in the barren rock mountain range to put pressure on Feiyun.

Feiyun was so busy that he had been under Atri's offensive, relying on terrain advantages and sophisticated weapons to persist for two days, and finally reached the sun tribe’s offensive slowing down, so he immediately dispatched Ashu to Lihuo tribe for help and reported to Gaoshan. Happening.

Hearing this, Gao Shan's body was shaking, and after working hard to return to normal, he asked Ashu, "Then, how is Wushi now?"

"When I came, Master Wushi was still in a coma. I don't know what happened these days, but it should be stable."

Gao Shan immediately turned around and said, "No, my lord, I have to go back quickly. The situation in the Barren Rock Mountain Range is urgent, I..."

Ji thief pressed down with his hand, motioning Gaoshan to stop worrying.

This side comforts the mountains, but the bird next to him is anxious again: "My lord, I, I have to save Wushi, save the barren rock mountains, my lord, please allow me to go..."

"Okay, I said, can you two listen to me first?"

After comforting the father and son many times, he still looked anxious, Ji Thief got impatient and shouted directly.

After the shout, the two of them closed their mouths. Although they were anxious, they were not as noisy as before.

The two looked at Ji Thief like this.

The thief took a deep breath: "The Barren Rock Mountain Range is the west gate of our federation. If anything goes wrong here, if the enemy moves eastward, we can divide our territory into two. The Baihe Plain does not have much armed forces, so Huang The Rock Mountain Range must be saved, but you can't go alone, Brother Gaoshan."

Gao Shan's eyes lit up.

The thief shouted: "Aguan."

Aguan took a step forward: "My lord, your orders!"

"Go, now send my order immediately, let all the persons in charge of the combat department go to the chamber to gather for a meeting!"

Aguan clasped his fists and arched his hands: "Yes, King!"

Gao Shan's face is even more sad than when Aguan leaves. There is still a meeting. What if time is lost?

As if he had guessed what Gao Shan was thinking, Ji Zei turned and ordered Asuka again.

He took out the token from his body and handed it to Asuka, who also looked at Ji Thief with a surprised expression, not understanding what it meant.

But when he saw it, the thief took a deep breath and said: "Asuka, the situation in the barren rock mountain is urgent, so there can be no delay. Now you take my token to adjust the wolf cavalry and lead them from the eastern plain to the west into the large mountain range. , And then turn from a large mountain range to the Barren Rock Mountains. The wolf cavalry moves quickly in the mountains and forests. This is the fastest route to support the Barren Rock Mountains. If you are marching quickly, it is estimated that you can reach the Barren Rock in less than two days in a day and a half. Mountains. You go over first, and then I will send Oga to lead the Hussars to support from the White River Plain."