Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1785: -Like a person

With Ji Zei's words, the nervous person really changed to Lieshan.

But when I saw it, Lieshan fluttered forward in a panic expression, yelling: "Don't, don't be the king, we say, we say."

Speaking hard, Lie Shan turned to Ashun and said, "Brother Ashun, please speak quickly."

What does Ashun say? It's very strange. I admire Ahuang, befriend Ado, and be afraid of Aguan, but as long as he gets along with the thief, he can't help but feel resentment in his heart.

It was this kind of resentment that made him speak out in front of Ji Zei, and suffered no less.

Maybe it was because Ayi told him about how Ji thief bullied his siblings. Ashun, who was loyal to the sun, of course felt unhappy.

This is also true. After Ji Thief said the words just now, Ashun didn't have a good face to Ji Thief. He fell off a face, and Lieshan spoke, and Ashun reluctantly said: " At the beginning of the Sun Tribe, all people must listen to the patriarch. Later, in order to gain the support of others, Qinghu established the rule that all tribes do not interfere with each other. Let alone Ah Chue, it is Qinghu, except for the Sun Tribe and him. The clansmen in the territory, he doesn't even want to call another person over."

The Ji thief snorted, thoughtfully, this means that the Sun Tribe after Qinghu came to power, adopted the tribal alliance system?

On the whole, it is not much different from this federation.

However, if you go deeper, you can still distinguish some gaps.

For example, the Sun Tribe after the Qinghu came to power, although there were many people and powerful people, but the hearts of the people were not uniform, because for the sake of the upper hand, he abolished the rule that the Sun had finally changed into a one-sense status quo. The Sun Tribe is better to be called the Sun Alliance.

In this alliance, every patriarch has the same status as a green tiger.

For these patriarchs, Qinghu can only tune, not declare.

This is no better than the Ji Thief Federation. Don’t think that the Ji Thief and the several princes in the Federation are considered equal in name. However, each prince secretly recognizes the Ji Thief as the leader. Whenever something happens, he listens. Ji thief's.

The most important thing is that at the beginning of the establishment of the Federation, everyone has set the rules for Ji Thief as the highest person in charge in case of war.

It is this rule that is the reason why the Federation has come all the way to the present, and I don't know how many powerful enemies have been eliminated.

As for the Sun Tribe, hehe, at the beginning, they might rely on a lot of people to be invincible, but once they encounter an opponent that makes them embarrassed, the shortcomings of their alliance will be revealed.

Once they have internal disagreements, it will be difficult to order and ban them, and what to do.

This is equivalent to a company in which all shareholders hold the same shares, and no one needs to look at their faces.

The Federation of Ji Thief is different. The Federation of Ji Thief is that Ji Thief holds fifty-one shares, and the rest is handed over to other princes.

During the war, the grand princes had the power to comment, but in the end, it was Ji Thief who made the final decision.

This is the highest decision-making power.

From this point of view, the Sun Tribe is not as long as the Lihuo Tribe.

Thinking of this, the thief nodded, and then asked Ashun some questions about the Sun Tribe, for example, whether they have any difficult enemies, and whether they have any opponents that need attention.

Ashun didn't want to say it at first, but at Lie Shan's request, he simply closed his eyes, like pouring beans from a bamboo tube, and told Ji thief all the time.

Of course, the Sun Tribe is also hierarchical. If they were only governed by Qinghu and A Chu for such a large territory, they would have been exhausted long ago.

Within them, there are about twenty-six people who belong to the management of the Sun Tribe.

Some of these people took refuge in Qinghu's former sun henchman after Qinghu killed his brother.

Some are the backbones who were promoted from their own territory after Qinghu came to power.

These people are either strong in combat, or smart, or they are known for their shameless methods.

Hearing this, Aliang suddenly laughed.

The interrupted Ashun turned and looked back at Aliang, not understanding why Aliang was laughing again.

Not only Ah Shun, but even Ji Thief couldn't understand, what is Ah Liang doing?

But when I saw it, A Liang shook his hands, hehe silly and said, "No, nothing, I just remembered a happy thing, you continue, Lord."

Ji Thief shook his head and said that the child is sick.

Throwing out the random thoughts, Ji thief continued to ask Ah Shun.

It was Alian who lowered his head next to him, clutching his stomach, and suffocating with a smile, very painful.

Usma was sitting next to him, and he had seduceed all his attention away, and had no intention of listening to the conversation between Ji Zei and Ashun.

Since then, Usma pushed Aliang, lowered her voice and said, "What are you doing, can you be like a person?"

Aliang hissed, "Usma, don't you think that what Ashun said just now was funny?"

Usma looked at Aliang in a puzzled manner, and didn't understand what Aliang was talking about.

I only saw that Aliang was holding the air, with a scornful look: "The guy said just now that many of the managements of the Sun Tribe are shameless."

Usma looked at Alian directly, his expression seemed to be asking, then what?

Aliang didn't feel embarrassed, so he pointed to Usma: "Think about it, if it is more shameless, can anyone be more shameless than you and the king?"

Usma: "What am I..."

"You see you are still in a hurry, I'm telling the truth."


These two were whispering, and Ji thief's dissatisfied gaze cast over.

"What are you two whispering about?"

The two quickly recovered and waved their hands: "Oh, no, nothing."

Ji Zaixin said something was wrong.

Looking back, he signaled to Ashun to continue, talking about it until dawn the next day.

After the end, Ji Thief asked Tushan to take Lieshan down to rest first, but the child was worried and asked Ji Thief if he wanted to avenge himself.

Ji thief laughed, did not say yes or objection, but gave Lie Shan an ambiguous statement, which made the child confused.

Biji sent away Lieshan and Ashun, Ji thief immediately beckoned Gaoshan and Aliang to the front.

"What's the matter?" Ah Liang, who had fallen asleep in the middle of the night, asked with such a yawn, which formed a strong contrast with the high mountains with red eyes next to him.

"Brother Gaoshan, Aliang, you have to go to the barren rock mountain range now. You heard what you said last night. Judging from the past experience of this guy, this guy is not a good stubble. I worry, Asuka and Oga is still at a loss in his hands, so please go over and stabilize the situation."

A Liang said, "Is this guy very good? No, I think it's okay."

Gao Shanxin said that you fell asleep when you heard half of it yesterday, and the snoring is loud, what can you know.

"That's OK, the king, we will set off immediately."

Said that the mountain was about to go, but Ji thief caught him before he even started: "Wait."

"What else is the king?"

"Well, you go this time, remember, don't..."

A Liang stubbornly said: "You must not be ashamed of the king, right? I know that, don't worry."

The thief looked at A Liang in particular speechlessly: "You said, can you listen to me first? Uncle?"

"My lord, you are too polite. If you shout like this, the relationship will not be easy to talk about in the future." Aliang chuckled.

"My special knife."

Gao Shan was busy and stopped Ji Thief: "Then what great king, A Liang has a problem with his head, don't compete with him, come, you continue to talk."

Ji Zei glared at A Liang, and then said: "After you get to the place, don't take the initiative to attack. It is still according to the plan we made before. When the time is right, we will swallow these five thousand people."

"Then, can't we fight back even if we are beaten?" Gao Shan asked embarrassedly.

Aliang yawned next to him: "How can I be beaten without fighting back? In this case, the people below would have no fighting spirit."

"Then, shall we fight back?"

"Can't fight back either." A Liang said.

Ji thief didn't speak anymore and just watched A Liang perform.

It was Gao Shan who couldn't understand: "Hey, I won't be beaten or fight back. Did we chat with Ah Chu in the past?"

Aliang waved his hand: "Duke Gaoshan, why don't you understand."

Gao Shan was a little ashamed, he only felt that his father Chang Si was still inferior to the famous second fool like A Liang.