Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1791: -Mother-in-law?

When talking, Li Ya saw that Ji Thief's expression was wrong, and wondered if there was something wrong with him.

Ji thief didn't dare to tell Li Ya that he would take the team out to help clean up the enemy in the Tianling Fortress. If Li Ya knew about this, she wouldn't be clamoring to follow him?

In the Lihuo tribe, Li Ya is a famous fighting maniac.

No, Ji Thief snorted, "No, nothing."

Li Ya looked at Ji thief suspiciously.

"Then what, I went to talk to sister Zhen, talk about it."

Ji thief said.

Li Ya nodded and opened her hand to hug Ji thief.

Ji Zei was shocked, then blushed, and squeezed: "Don't take it, there are other people here, the child is also there, it's not good to hug and hug, besides, Li Ya, you are not such a person. ."

Li Ya was taken aback when she heard the words, and then looked at Ji thief with contempt, her expression seemed to be saying why you think you are so dirty?

"I mean you gave me Xiao Ji Wan first, where did you want to go?"

"Uh...think, thought of going together, going together, ha, ha ha."

"Then you say hug and hug?"

"I don't mean that the child is older, and it is not appropriate to hold it anymore. I should teach her to walk."

Little Ji Wan in Ji's arms: "???"

Speaking hard, Ji Thief really put Xiao Ji Wan down.

As a result, the little guy was so embarrassed that he couldn't believe that his father sold himself like this?

Being placed on the ground, Xiao Ji Wan didn't dare to make trouble, Li Ya was standing by her side, but she remembered this dazed Quasi Niang.

No, Ji Zei gave Li Ya a pair of sons and daughters, and he went to the door of Zhen's room by himself, and reached out and slammed the door gently.

The door rang, and Xue Xue's voice came from inside: "Who?"

Although Li Ya was outside, Xue knew that it was definitely not Li Ya who knocked on the door. When did she knock on the door when she entered?

It must be someone else.

Maybe it was Toto.

The thief Ji spoke outside: "Me, sister, can I go in now?"

"Warrior, come in."

When the voice fell, Ji Thief opened the door and walked in. After entering, he closed the door with his backhand.

In the room, Wei Duo sits on the edge of the bed, holding a fan made by Ji Zei in her hand, and gently fanning Zhen who is lying on the bed.

In hot weather, this is the most convenient way to cool down.

Ji Zei cautiously walked over to the bed, glanced at Zhen, who was lying on the bed, sleeping quietly, and asked the snow road beside him; "When did sister Zhen fall asleep?"

"I slept for a while, what's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing, just have something to tell you."

Bai Lian pointed to his nose next to him: "Then, do I want to go out?"

Ji Thief was happy, waved his hand and smiled: "Farewell, it's all my own, what are you going out, right, old mother-in-law."

Bai Lian: "??? What do you mean?"

"Oh, it's a name for wife and mother."

Vido screamed beside her, blushing to the roots of her ears.

The thief did not notice, pursed his lips, and rushed to the snow seriously: "It's such a girl. Just now, the Tianling Fortress sent news that outside the Tianling Fortress, there were enemies with about 2,000 people. I’m not sure of their identities, I think, take Aju and Hunter out this afternoon, and try to eliminate these enemies in the fastest possible time, and when it’s time to copy the back of the Sun Tribe, I will run into these people. , Wasted time."

Xue nodded earnestly: "Warrior, don't worry, no matter what you do, we will support you."

Ji Thief was happy: "Sister, you are still sensible."

Viduo couldn't help looking at the thief.

Ji Thief quickly added: "Of course, you are also sensible Viduo."

Viduo smiled openly.

Bai Lian squeezed her chin and asked, "The king, if that's the case..."

Before Bai Lian's words could be spoken, Ji thief waved his hand to interrupt Bai Lian: "Don't be a big king, you are an elder, just call me Xiao Ji."

"Uh, little, little..."

In other words, Bai Lian is also sensible and sensible, how could she call such a rude name?

Seeing the embarrassment on Bai Lian's face, Ji Thief said, "Then, like Vidoriya, call me A Thief?"

"Not the king, this, is this appropriate?"

"Why is it inappropriate? You are the elders of Wei Duo and Li Ya, and naturally my elders. Why, this elder still has to call the elder king to the younger generation? Without this saying, without others, we can be called by family members."

When Ji Zei said so, Bai Lian couldn't refute it anymore, she could only say okay, and then opened her mouth and tried to shout A Thief.

Ji Thief smiled: "Hey, mother-in-law, what did you just say?"

Bai Lian hissed: "Why do I think this name is weird?"

"Then I, like Vidoria, call your mother?"

"Don't, but don't."

The two of them were hypocritical during this meal, and Xue was speechless: "I said warrior, if you continue to be so polite, this chapter will end."

Ji thief: "···"

Xue said that the two of them were not polite. Bai Lian asked what she hadn't asked just now: "A thief, if you go to the Tianling Fortress, what will Master Chen do here? She's been here for a few days."

Ji Thief frowned.


What about Hazel?

Originally, I wanted to see the baby born.

But at the Tianling Fortress, he had to deal with it.

After deducting the time to lead the team back and forth, he was equivalent to packing up two thousand people within six days to clear the way for the large army. Fortunately, afterwards, he could smoothly copy the back road of Ah Chu.

On the one hand it is public, on the other it is private.

This stumped Ji Thief.

The last time Xue gave birth to a child, he was not by his side. This time, Zhen is about to have a child. Is he not by his side yet?

Just as Ji thief was in trouble, a voice came.

"It's okay warrior, go ahead."

Everyone was stunned when they heard the sound, and when they followed it, they saw that Zhen didn't know when she woke up.

Ji Zei hurriedly went to sit on the bedside and hugged Zhen in his arms, and said with great care: "Sister Zhen, you are awake."

Zhen said: "Warrior, I have heard what you said just now. It's okay. Go ahead. There are Xue, Viduo, and Bai Lian, I'm fine."

"Didn't I want to be with you."

Zhen smiled: "This is not the case with the warriors I know. They never give up official business because of private affairs. Warriors, if the enemies outside the Tianling Fortress are not driven away, it will delay discussing with A Liang about the hunting of A Chu. If you do, your hard work before that was wasted? I don’t want the Warriors to be delayed because of me. It’s okay, don’t worry.”

With Zhen's words, Ji Thief breathed a sigh of relief, holding Zhen's forehead and gently sticking her lips: "Then you take a good rest, I'll be back soon."

Hazel clenched his fists: "Don't worry, warrior, I'll wait for you to come back and regenerate."

Ji Zei chuckles and is amused: "Is it nonsense? You can control the time when giving birth to a child."

Zhen yelled.

After chatting with Zhen for a few more words, Ji Zei stood up: "That's OK, if that's the case, then I will set off."

"Does Li Ya know?"

Xue, Zhen, and Wei Duo all asked.

Ji Thief snorted and looked at Bai Lian. Bai Lian was stunned. What did you think of me? Why, I'm here to hinder you young couple, uh, young four?

Ji thief retracted his gaze and shook his head and said: "I didn't dare to tell Li Ya, you also know Li Ya's character, if she knows it, she must be arguing with me."

Everyone nodded when they heard the words, don't tell me, Li Ya really has such a personality.

"That's OK, don't tell Li Ya, Warrior (A thief), you can go early and come back early. Pay attention to your safety."

The same words were spoken from the mouth of the three women, and Ji Thief couldn't help but feel a warm heart.

No matter when I am fighting abroad, I always have a family who misses me at home, which is good, good.

Saying goodbye to the three girls, when they came out, the three said: "The warrior (a thief), we won't see you off, otherwise Li Ya will be clamoring to go."

Ji Thief said it was okay, walked to the door, and looked back, the three of them really didn't move. The corners of their mouths twitched, and they said they really didn't come to send them.

No, Ji Thief came out and taught Xiao Ji Wan to walk strictly. Li Ya, who coaxed Xiao Ji Huan to ask, asked Ji Thief what he was going to do.

The thief snorted and gave Li Ya a panic: "I'm going to see the Literature Department. How about Li Ya, do you want to go too?"

Hearing this, Li Ya was petrified on the spot, and the expression on her face was even more colorful as if it were dyed workshops.