Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1807: -A big tone

The sun gradually faded to the west.

The battlefield on the west side of the Tianling Mountains has come to an end.

More than two thousand Sun Clan people have been killed and wounded countless. In addition, many Sun Clan people are squatting on the ground holding their heads, looking like they are waiting to die.

Ah Ju came to Ji Thief with excitement. He rushed into the battle before, and the blood-stained man was laughing now, how could he feel that he was oozing.

But Ah Ju didn't know, so the Chongji thief reported excitedly: "My lord, a big victory, this is a big victory! We fought a big victory with less than 20 casualties, and this one is stable. "

The thief glanced at A Ju: "Will there be 20 casualties with such a sufficient preparation? Don't forget, the enemies are all tired soldiers, and we have caught so many prey. Alas, it seems that the past was depraved. Life still makes the people's fighting spirit drop."

As soon as Ji Thief said this, Ah Ju couldn't help but let out a er, why did the King still look unhappy when four hundred people defeated two thousand people?

Just wondering, Ji Zei smiled on the side facing the west again: "But you are right, what is it, it is a big victory for us."

After saying this, Ji Thief murmured again: "The sun helped us defeat the sun. Well, it's very interesting."

Ah Ju didn't hear clearly, he asked, "My lord, what did you say?"

"It's nothing, then Aju, let the clansman hurry up and tidy up, wait for the follow-up team to come and take over the prisoners, and we will continue to pursue. Since the decision is to fight a decisive battle, then fight in one breath, absolutely can not give the enemy a little breathing space. understand."

Ah Ju stomped his feet hard: "Yes, King!"

After saying that, Ah Ju turned around, and simply regulated the prisoners. After the follow-up team came, the two sides handed over the prisoners, and the follow-up work was handed over. Ah Ju immediately assembled his troops and followed the Ji thief.

The sun has completely set, and the sky has been completely dark.

Everyone lit a torch and pursued the enemy everywhere.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

A Fang flees from east to west with the defeated soldiers, but no matter if he is going south or north, some people use crossbows and trebuchets to block him. In desperation, A Fang can only flee west.

Moreover, as he fled all the way, the remaining morale of these defeated troops under his men was wiped out. The original team of more than a thousand people, one after another, stopped by the roadside and said nothing to leave.

After the big defeat, A Fang was injured again, and he didn't have the time and the mood to take care of these lagging clansmen.

He just wants to run now.

Because above the open field, in all directions, there are bright torches and yelling voices to capture oneself.

Panic is like a dog in the family, rush like a fish slipping through the net.

Just look, whenever there is a place to hide, as long as you find it, you can designate a tribe from the Sun Tribe to hide in it.

In this way, A Fang ran in front with a team that was constantly out of touch, Ji Zei took the military department, and after joining part of the support of the Black Tiger and A Yan, he leisurely chased after him.

For example, Aju Tushan suggested that Ji thief chase him quickly. A Fang in the province ran away, but Ji thief was unmoved. He knew that he was in a hurry to chase. He was the one who lost the trapped animal fight. It was as if the old man came out for a walk when he was full, walking and stopping, grabbing prisoners here and taking the defeated army there, just like an outing.

One after another, they chased and stopped all night.

Ji Thief was holding a blunt knife and followed not too far behind. If A Fang continued to escape, it would be fine. Whenever he stopped to rest, Ji Thief would make a noise and pretend to attack.

Under this circumstance, Afang dared to stop, it was a ghost.

No, he kept running away without any time to rest.

In the dark night, he didn't know how many enemies there were, just knew that the torches were always on.

In fact, he was really anxious and scared. If he stopped to take a closer look, he would know that the person who has been chasing behind him has never exceeded three hundred.

Ji thief completely divided the support of the military department and the black tiger Ayan into two teams and pursued them separately.

The reason why the torches are not reduced is entirely because the Ji thief made every tribe prepare twice or even three times more torches.

Hei Ye is Ji Thief’s best friend, three hundred people, holding torches used by nearly a thousand people, which made Afang, who had just lost the battle and had not had time to gather the defeated tribe, but only about a thousand people under his team, Ah Fang, dare not stay. , There is no courage to turn back and fight.

Like a dumb duck, he was driven to the shelf by the thief, and chased by the thief, to the mouth of the tiger arranged by the hunter.

There was no time to rest all night, and the whole night fled in haste. Compared with the next morning, A Fang took advantage of the rising morning light to see that his subordinates were still following his tribe, and he almost didn't cry.

Yesterday evening, the tribesmen who were back one thousand forty-five when they retreated in the battle, if so, they will die, that is, about six or seven hundred left.

He wiped his tears, and a clansman next to him came to comfort him: "Ah-Zhang people, don't be too sad. Although we have lost a game, as long as we can relax, we can still suppress the Tianling Mountains."

A Fang kicked the tribeman several times, and snarled angrily: "Get out! I didn't cry because of this, I hurt, you know what it hurts!"

The tribe member rolled on the ground several times, and finally stabilized and looked up, and saw that A Fang covered his previously injured shoulder with one hand, and with the other he was scraped off a piece of meat by Ji Thief with a crossbow yesterday evening. Neck grinning.

"This **** Tianling Mountain Range, I definitely can't spare them!"

It's all hurt like this, A Fang still gritted his teeth and said cruel words.

"Yo, don't forgive us, Afang, you have a big tone."

Isn't it? A Fang was talking, and suddenly he heard a mocking voice from above his head.

Looking up, he saw that on the slightly raised high **** on his side, Ji Zei came out riding the Sabretooth Tiger, carrying the Xuanyuan Sword and the hand crossbow in his hands, and beside him, he followed many sturdy tribesmen with tiger backs and waists.

Tushan smiled even more, and said, "My lord, this guy has given it to me!"

Before Ji Zei nodded, Tushan jumped down from the high **** with a copper hammer.

His movement was like a signal. On both sides of the high slope, Aju and Tai turned out, leading the military department and the support of the black tiger Ayan, flanking Afang on both sides.

Think about it, Ah Fang ran away all night and didn't have half a minute to rest. It was like Ah Ju and the others. They took turns to rest and regain their strength. Almost the same number of people on both sides fought, waiting for Ah Fang, only escape.

Ji Zei deliberately rounded up three and missed one, leaving the west side for Afang to save him as a trapped animal fight.

A Fang is also aware of current affairs. Seeing Ji thief catch up, even now with the same number of people, his side is not at all a fierce fighting spirit, sufficient physical strength, and superior weapons and equipment.

Therefore, he didn't need to think about it, and fled west with the remaining people.

He drilled into the net prepared for him.

Six to seven hundred people, after this battle, still followed A Fang, only about four hundred people.

When Ji thief finished cleaning the battlefield here, watching the direction of A Fang's escape, Ji thief left a part of people to clean the battlefield, surrender the captives, and then use a move to continue chasing with a well-preserved elite of 200 stamina.

Just like driving a sheep into a pen, drove Afang and the hundreds of remnants into the trap.

Fleeing desperately, A Fang had planned to wait for himself to gather the defeated army before breaking his wrist with Ji thief, his confidence was completely broken, and now he just wanted to escape as soon as possible.

So much so that he couldn't think of a rest just by running wild.

When it was noon, A Fang was relieved when he saw two mountain peaks in front of him. There was only a mountain road that was enough for more than twenty people to run in between.

Xin said that it was okay, as long as it was, after crossing this mountain road, he would be safe.

Behind the mountain road, there are local tribesmen who have been conquered by myself. As long as they arrive, I can use these local tribesmen to block the pursuit of the Tianling Mountains. At that time, whether I stay to fight or leave to save my life, There are plenty of choices. It's not like now, people are not people, and ghosts are not like ghosts.

He breathed a sigh of relief in my heart. Before A Fang took a short break to recover his strength, he heard the sound of banging on both sides of the mountain road all day long.

Immediately afterwards, at the end of the mountain road, countless people lined up.

The first person is slender and looks outstanding! Know him yourself!