Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1875: -Foe

Man Hu was so frightened that Yi was so terribly scared that he subconsciously avoided the fear and Yi looked directly.

Similar to this kind of gaze with colored glasses, Yi has experienced it and don't know how much.

If it is said that he might be inferior and shut up before meeting Ji Thief, but after Ji Thief's previous enlightenment, Yi also looked away and didn't care at all.

It's not that right, Yi stood with the sword in his hand, glaring at Manhu with glaring eyes, but he looked like a ghost of hell, and he was so scared that Manhu didn't dare to move.

Ji Zei patted Yi on the shoulder, signaled Yi to withdraw first, and then asked Manhu: "I have a few questions to ask you."

Man Hu still gave a hmm without any other answer.

The thief asked: "Do you remember what the enemy who killed your partner and son looked like? Speak out, I will help you get revenge."

Speaking of this, Manhu's eyes showed hopeful light, and he looked at Ji Thief in disbelief: "You, will you really avenge me?"

Ji thief chuckled, "I shouldn't deceive you yet. Tell me about the enemy's appearance, and I will find this person for you."

In fact, Ji Zei said these words completely running the train.

All he wanted was to persuade Manhu through this method, and after letting him go, let him apologize publicly.

At the same time, in the eyes of the Thorns tribe, he also gained fame, and he also explained to the tribe.

Anyway, Ji Thief didn't believe that after a few days, he could still find the enemy who killed the wild tiger's wife and children.

After all, this is not a high-tech era. For a primitive society with sparsely populated people, finding someone is more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

After all, Ji Thief is just acting.

However, Ji Zei said so, but Man Hu really believed it. He looked at Ji Zei excitedly, and tears came down.

He even walked on his knees on the excrement that he had excreted in the prison these days, and with a snap, his hands covered with filth grabbed Ji Thief's wrist.

Ji Thief's smile froze.

Don't say he has a habit of cleanliness, but as long as you are a normal person, you probably can't accept this situation.

Ji thief is no exception.

Man Hu grabbed Ji Zei's hand and thanked him in many ways.

But it was Ji thief who took away his palm without leaving a trace, then smiled and calmed the tiger: "Okay, don't cry, come on, get up and speak slowly, don't worry, I will give you the shot ."

Manhu cried so much. He wiped the tears in the corners of his eyes regardless of his dirty hands. He sat up, looked at the thief, and cried and said, "My lord, that **** is long..."

With the effort of speaking, Manhu said all the looks and characteristics of A Chui.

After finishing speaking, Ji Thief frowned, pinched his chin and muttered: "Why do I think this person you are talking about is familiar? It seems that I have seen it somewhere."

Yi coughed softly next to him: "Well, what is it, don't you think it is dirty?"

Ji thief was taken aback when he heard the words, looked at his hand holding his chin, and his nose shrugged. After yelling, he hurriedly shook his palm, then shook his hands on his clothes, rubbed his palms, and said It is cursing.

Manhu looked at Ji Thief blankly, seeming to be a little afraid of Ji Thief's reaction.

Ji Thief turned his head and saw that Manhu's eyes saw something wrong with him, he snorted, and said: "Then, what kind of tiger, what else do you want to add to your enemy's appearance?"

Man Hu cried and shook his head: "No. I didn't expect, I didn't expect, my son kindly saved this bastard, he should be so to us! This bastard! If it weren't for us! He would have been bleeding to death! Damn! , Damn it!"

Yi Shen Yin: "Great King, you said that Manhu's enemy, is it possible that he has been living in the Thorns Mountains in the chaos of these days?"

The thief hadn’t answered yet, but Man Hu said: “It’s possible that this is the case, my son, when my son rescued him, all the withered grass on his body was stained red with blood. We brought him back, I don’t know. It took so much effort to save him, but, but, this bastard..."

Speaking of this, Manhu was already crying.

But Ji Zei was taken aback: "Wait, you just said that the withered grass in his wound was stained with blood?"

Ji Zei's sudden reaction caused Manhu to be taken aback, and nodded blankly: "Ah, what, what's the matter?"

Ji Zei looked back at Yi and A Shi, pursing his lips and said, "Do you remember what Xiong Shan said earlier that when A Chue ran away, he used dry grass to plug the wound."

Yi shook his head: "I don't know."

Yi was telling the truth. When he was pursuing Ah Chu, Yi was not there.

He didn't know, it was reasonable.

Instead, A Shi squeezed his chin and asked Manhu when he would save the person.

Than Manhu made it clear, Ah Shi slammed his palm hard, and said, "Majesty, it's probably A Chue. This time is too coincidental, and I don't believe other than A Chue, Who else can plug his wounds with hay to prevent bleeding."

After listening to Ashi's analysis, Ji thief felt it necessary to figure it out.

Ever since, he asked Manhu: "Does the person your son rescued has a bright silver, long strip of weapon in the sun?"

Man Hu asked in surprise: "Do you know him?"

Ji Thief clapped his palms: "I didn't run, it's A Chue."

Manhu's eyes showed hatred, and he rushed towards Ji thief with a shout: "So you know him! I killed you!"

Tushan and Tai, who were outside the prison, saw this scene, they all yelled and slammed into the prison in a hurry.

But how can this be too late?

The key is to look at Yi. At the critical moment, Yi reacted quickly and stopped in front of Ji Thief. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the wrist that Manhu was leaping over. He followed, kicked his feet, directly slapped Manhu to the ground, and shouted : "You are so bold!"

Tushan and Tai rushed in like this, stopped in front of Ji thief, and asked caringly: "My lord, are you okay?"

Ji thief waved his hand, trying to speak without speaking. A Liang who followed followed kicked the wild tiger who was thrown on the ground by Yi, and shouted loudly: "You **** bastard, you dare to attack the king! You are killing you! "

Just cursing and kicking does not solve the hatred, Aliang snorted, and Cang Lang Lang pulled out Tai A Jian from his waist and went to kill Manhu.

When Ji thief saw this, he yelled badly: "Quickly stop A Liang!"

Tai reacted swiftly, handing out the water and fire ruthless stick in his hand, and with a clanging sound, he turned the top of Aliang's sword to the side.

Aliang stood there, looking at Ji thief wonderingly: "Great King, what's the matter?"

Ji Zei frowned and walked up: "How many times have you said you? Can you stop being so reckless?"

"It's not the king, this guy attacked you."

"I know, you start first."

Although A Liang had a violent temper and behaved like a second fool, his feelings for Ji Thief and his loyalty to Ji Thief were never less than others.

No, Ji Thief asked Aliang to avoid it, but the latter didn't avoid it. He just snorted and chose to stand beside Ji Thief, staring straight at the wild tiger on the ground. Whatever he did, he went up with a sword and ended his plan.

Ji Thief squatted down in front of Manhu, the latter was so painful that he was thrown easily.

Originally, he hadn't eaten for a few days because of a bad mood, so he hung himself in one breath. With this Yi, he almost broke the shelf.

It was also because of this that Man Hu just couldn't get up, lying there, just looking at Ji Thief with a sorrowful look, it seemed that he wanted to kill Ji Thief with his eyes.

Ji thief didn’t take it to heart either, he just took a deep breath and slowly exhaled violently: “Don’t get excited, I know the guy who killed your son and your partner, but he’s not. My companion."

Originally, Manhu was going to run away after hearing the first half of the sentence, but what happened to Ji Thief, let him huh? With a cry, he looked up suspiciously.

The thief hesitated and said, "Actually, Atri is one of the 26 leaders of the Sun Tribe, the daughter of the patriarch of the Sun Tribe, and her partner. About 20 days ago, I had a big break in the Barren Rock Mountain Range. A Trie, in the pursuit, I failed to catch him and let A Trie get injured and escape, but I didn't want to. He was saved by you in the Thorns Mountains."

Man Hu somewhat doubted whether this was a lie that Ji Zei deliberately told to deceive himself.

Just looking at Manhu's eyes, Ji Thief knew what he meant.