Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1877: -Sneak attack plan

The news was sent by the animal blood responsible for the advancement in the north.

In two months, nearly 3,000 troops from the four forces of animal blood, eagles, forests, and white cows, advancing all the way, occupying five territories, have already reached the Baixue Mountain Range, and further ahead, they will enter the core area of ​​the Sun Tribe. Up.

Therefore, the beast blood asked someone to write a report, and passed it to Ji Thief with the letter bird, so as to ask Ji Thief's opinion to see when the general attack will be launched.

When Ji Thief received the news, he was very excited. He summoned everyone except Yi and Ashi and read the content of the battle report in public.

After hearing this, Aliang sighed, and he broke his fingers where he counted: "Thirty-six plus five, my lord, don’t we have 41 territories now? Compared to before we set out, that’s ten more. Four territories."

Ji Zei shook his head: "No, no, don't forget, there are eleven territories in the Sun Tribe. Counting these eleven, we can have at most fifty-two territories."

The Xiongshan who was listening in secretly smacked his tongue.

Good guy, fifty-two, how big should this be?

Xiong Shan didn't have an accurate concept in his mind, but after he imagined fifty-two territories as large as the Blackwater Mountains, he immediately understood that it was not an ordinary size at all.

"But, this is not the time for us to calculate the size of our territory. Brother Beastblood is going to make an appointment with us this time for a joint attack. Brother Gaoshan, Brother Yan, Brother Yun, do you have any ideas? "

The three people who were asked by the thief’s name blinked: "How can I have any ideas, do it, Lord, are we here because of this. Isn’t it the Sun Tribe? We can eat their nine territories in two months. That's a bit more talk. In three months, it is not a problem to eat their remaining eleven pieces of territory. With any luck, we can end the battle in November and go back."

Ji Thief was amused by the optimistic three: "Brothers, the truth is the same, but don’t forget, let’s eat these nine territories in two months, in addition to dealing with the five thousand people of Achan, Basically there have been no hard battles, no hard stubbles, but the next step is different. Next, it is the base camp of the Sun Tribe. The resistance encountered will be unexpected. Nearly 30,000. Enemy."

"Uh, what do you say, King?"

Ji Zei beckoned his hand, and Tushan came over with a huge piece of linen.

In front of everyone, Ji Thief opened it and hung it behind his seat, but it was a topographic map.

Ji Zei held the Xuanyuan scabbard and pointed on the topographical map, and said, "This is a sketch I asked Lieshan Ashun Fatniao and others to draw together. It is a sketch of the eleven territories of the Sun Tribe, which is facing us. To the west of the Blackwood Plain is the Green Snake Plain under the Sun Tribe. The terrain here is gentle and belongs to the Sun Tribe’s gateway. In the words of Fat Bird, when the Blue Tiger instigated the patriarchs of various territories to rebel, the enemies outside the Green Snake Plain Once he fought in, which made the follow-up Blue Tiger embarrassed, so after he took the position of the patriarch of the Sun Tribe, the first thing he did was to suppress the unrest in the Green Snake Plain. During the follow-up A Chu and A Fang Dong campaign, it was also Coming out of the Green Snake Plain, this is a geographically important place and is highly valued by Qinghu."

Everyone blinked and listened.

The thief said: "My plan is like this. What I think is that I will lead the 3,000 people of the Lihuo headquarters to attack the Green Snake Plain head-on, not seeking to take the Green Snake Plain, but at least, I will be attracted here. Enough attention, give you a chance for Brother Beastblood and Brother Gaoshan."

Gao Shan was stunned: "Chance?"

With a cry, Ji Zhen pointed to the unnamed mountains and deciduous plains on the north and south sides of the map.

"From the Baixue Mountain Range to the west is the deciduous plain, which is the direction of the attack of Brother Beastblood, and from the Red Fox Plain to the west is this unknown mountain range. In these two places, the unknown mountain range is barren and the roads are rough and difficult to navigate. , This place will not have much defense. As for the deciduous plains, most of them are swamps, in which there are a lot of giant beasts and evil beasts. Under normal circumstances, no one will attack on a large scale here. The Sun Tribe only needs to put A few people are enough. It can be said that the nameless mountains and deciduous plains are the natural dangers of the Sun Tribe. Normally, I don’t think there will be anyone here to prevent heavy guards. The most important thing is that ordinary people are not willing to come here. Place. So this is our chance!"

Speaking of this, Ji Thief clenched his fists.

"After crossing the Unknown Mountains and the Deciduous Plains, whether it is going straight to Huanglong to strike the core territory of the Sun Tribe, or to outflank the Green Snake Plains and destroy the enemies I confronted with, they will have the power to fight. Choose for yourself. However, one thing can be confirmed is that this plan is currently the most suitable for us."

A Liang pondered next to him: "Yes, yes, but my lord, I have another question."

The Ji thief looked at Aliang who had come back to the IQ after talking about fighting, and said, "Say."

Aliang said, "It's the king, but with the more than 3,000 people of our tribe, can they successfully attract their attention when attacking the Green Snake Plain? If there are fewer people from them, the sneak attack on the Unknown Mountains and the Deciduous Plain will not succeed. If they come with more people, we may not be able to stop it, and the plan will still fail."

Ji Zei waved his hand: "Don't worry, this time we brought out the elite, all arms are complete, and it is a plain battle. I am confident that these three thousand people are invincible in the world. In addition, we are not without reinforcements."

Everyone was taken aback: "Reinforcements? Who?"

Xiong Shan stunned his face and asked, "Is it the five hundred people in my domain?"

Ji Thief: "Uh...Forget it, but not all."

"what is that?"

"This time the nine territories we have laid down, bosses, do you think, these nine territories were squeezed and bullied by the Sun Tribe before, how many tribesmen have died tragically, and they have no hatred against the Sun Tribe? We just need to say one thing to hit the sun Tribe, do you think they will follow us? Not to mention that each territory is dispatched. Even if each territory dispatches three hundred people, then these nine territories will be two thousand and seven, including our three. Thousands of people. In the case of doubling, do we have to worry about the number of people in the Sun Tribe? Not to mention, the more Sun Tribe people, the greater the advantage for us."

Everyone was even more puzzled by what Ji Thief said.

A Liang even said, "My lord, are you okay?"

Ji thief wondered: "What can I do?"

Aliang said: "No, what you just said, the more Sun Tribe people we have, the greater our advantage. This, it doesn't make sense."

Ji thief waved his hand and smiled: "Aliang, you don't understand, why are our Federation fighters so powerful?"

"Weapons are excellent, trained."

"This is just a factor, what else?"


A Ju said: "There is also our clansman following the command."

The thief clapped his hands and said: "Yes, the most important thing is that our clansmen listen to the command. Imagine that there will be 10,000 enemies in the Green Snake Plain, so many people, how do they command better? Huh? On the battlefield, will it? It's messed up because you can't see the command? Large-scale battles can never be ended with a swarm of rushes. Perhaps it is barely possible to bully some ordinary people, but if it is used to deal with us, it will be almost impossible. Aside from the distance, there were 5,000 people under Ah Chu in the Barren Rock Mountains, and none of them could eat a thousand of you. Do you really think that this is all because of the weapons and equipment and the good protective fortifications?"

A Liang asked, "Isn't it?"

"Of course not. If the five thousand people of Attri are replaced by our people, not to mention the same weapons and equipment and the level of sophistication, but only if we have the execution power like ours, don't say that your thousand people hang him. I’m afraid it’s been eaten a long time ago. Not to mention, speaking of elites, those sun elites are no weaker than us, that is, the weapon gap is up. The Qingfeng Mountain range, with so many people, they also Don't dare to swarm everyone up, isn't it also a wave of battles? Because of what? Isn't it because the number of people is too large and the command is improper?"

Ji Zei's eloquent words, Aliang said, "Oh, why do I say that sometimes small-scale enemies are more difficult to fight."