Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1886: -Catastrophe

After listening to Xiaotian's ridicule about the hunters, Shanhu didn't feel any surprise.

Because he knows the character and temper of the woman in front of him.

In the eyes of this woman, no matter it is anyone, no matter your status is high or low, it is a bug.

Strong as A Chui, as expensive as a green tiger, everyone who Xiaotian said was like a bug, it was just a strong bug and a cruel bug.

It was because of Xiaotian's indiscriminate ridicule that everyone did not wait to see her, including A Chui and Qinghu.

There was even one time Ah Chu had to teach Xiaotian.

Primitive society does not say how immoral men bully women, the weak eat the strong, and the **** is not distinguished.

That time, A Chui was indeed a lesson when he talked about teaching Xiaotian. The next day, Xiaotian's nose and face were blue and swollen, and Xiaotian, who was habitually squinting, could not find his eyes.

But even so, her name for Athui remained the same, but there was an additional adjective, that is, stupid and strong bugs that like to use violence.

Everyone felt that Xiaotian's character would not be a loss if she killed her, but, unexpectedly, A Chui didn't talk about hands-on matters anymore, letting Xiaotian talk about himself and his old man.

Some people have speculated that it may be that A Chui also found that Xiaotian was unconvinced, and that he was unconvinced in the fight. She wanted to say, so let her go.

If it weren't for Xiaotian's cleverness, everyone would have been unable to tolerate her.

Isn't it? Xiaotian's old problem has committed again. Seeing Hunter and Tai who rushed into his square, he pursed his mouth and said the insect's resistance.

Shanhuquan didn't hear it, but said a crazy woman in his heart.

"Let them pass." Xiaotian said.

Shanhu subconsciously nodded his head and said yes, Biji reacted, eh? With a cry, he hurriedly looked up at Xiaotian: "Master Xiaotian, did you just say?"

Xiaotian nodded: "Let them pass."

Shanhu was dumbfounded: "No, no, Lord Xiaotian, why, let them pass?"

Xiaotian laughed, and the laughter was miserable, as if two pieces of rusty iron were rubbing artificially. The sound that scared the roots of the teeth faintly echoed in the ears of the mountain tiger: "The insects are one by one. Is it better to pinch to death, or to pinch to death in one piece?"

Shanhu heard the words, struck a strong spirit, and cursed a lunatic in his heart. I didn't pinch the bug to death. Wouldn't it be good to grab and eat it?

Even though Shanhu didn't understand what Xiaotian's intention was, but Xiaotian didn't have any meaning to explain it to him.

He was also used to Xiaotian's temper in the tribe, Shanhu could only choose to obey, and turned around to convey the order, so that the people of the tribe dispersed.

When Hunter felt that the resistance in front of him had become smaller, he was even very surprised, not understanding what had happened.

But this is obviously not the time for him to think.

Whether you can converge with the mountain and rescue the mountain is the most important thing.

He gritted his teeth, lowered his heart, and continued to rush forward with Tai.

The army, the tiger, the wolf, and the six hundred people in the three combat departments. After paying a hundred people died in the battle and two hundred wounded, they finally smashed into the dead wood forest.

When the hunter showed joy on his face and wanted to shout to celebrate his success in achieving the combat goal, he saw the scene in the dead wood forest. He was used to seeing the big scene, and he almost vomited.

When crossing the Unknown Mountain Range, there were a total of 2,000 people under Gaoshan, but now that they are still standing, there are only about 1,000 people left.

The rest were lying in a pool of blood, with countless stumps and broken arms.

The earth was blackened with blood.

The hunter was stunned.

Asuka turned over and got off the wolf's back and stumbled forward. While running, he shouted: "Father, where are you? Where are you?"

After shouting several times, the people of the forest tribe all looked at the flying birds with numb eyes.

It was so lifeless that Asuka couldn't stop thumping in his heart, and his heart was startled.

Isn't it? Isn't it possible that my father is him...

Just as Asuka was thinking about it, sitting in a pool of blood, the regained clansman raised his head and said, "Don't shout, I'm here."

Although the voice is a bit hoarse, it can still be heard as a high mountain.

It's just that the blood-stained face makes people invisible to the mountains.

Asuka finally let go of his hanging heart, breathed a sigh of relief, ran forward, hugged the mountain, and cried in his mouth.

Gao Shan's arm was twisted irregularly, and he was hugged by his son. He abandoned the sword in his hand and stroked his son's head with his eyes filled with compassion: "You are such an adult, why are you crying? How come you have been following the king for many years. Feel ashamed, still crying?"

Asuka blushed, wiped his nose to stop his tears, and looked at Gaoshan's arm and said, "My father, your hand?"

Gao Shan said: "You said this, it should almost be abandoned."

Asuka squeaked in his heart.

After this time, the two people stood up next to Gaoshan just sitting down, the same **** faces could not tell their original faces, but their voices were full of guilt.

"Yes, I don't want to take off the bird. If it weren't for my carelessness, Brother Gaoshan wouldn't hurt my hand because of protecting me."

The owner of the voice was the wild goose, and Feidao stared at it.

Gaoshan still laughed hard, "Yan, you see what you said, you are an elder, why did you apologize to Asuka?"

"Not Brother Gaoshan, I..."

"Don’t you, you, me, mine. In that case, if I don’t save you, you will be gone. What is my hand if I can keep you? Besides, if I meet that kind of In the circumstances, won't you save me?"

The wild goose was even more ashamed.

At this time, Hunter took a step forward and greeted the three of them one by one, calling out the Lord.

Even if it is **** and dirty, it can still be seen that the three of them have already reached the end of the road. Standing there, their bodies can't stop shaking.

Seeing the hunter coming up to meet the gift, the three of them all responded. Then, Gao Shan grinned and pacified the hunter: "Sher, you have worked so hard to save us. Alas, we were accidentally ambushed by the enemy.

Hunter was ashamed: "I'm sorry, Lord Takayama, I was late."

Gao Shan and Shou both took the responsibility for this defeat on their shoulders, but in a strict sense, this defeat was due to improper arrangements by Ji Thief.

However, no matter whether it was a mountain or a hunter, or which clan member, they did not throw this pot on Ji thief. They all thought it was their own fault.

Gao Shan waved his hand and smiled bitterly: "Now it's useless to say that these are useless, Hunter, how many people have you brought this time?"

Looking at the dry blood on his face because of his laughter, the mountain fell down, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

There were tens of thousands of enemies outside, so I brought 600 people to the rescue, which is not good. Are these 600 people here to give the heads or to help?

Even if all the elites are brought, one can be regarded as five or one as ten, but if people rely on this to save everyone out, it would be tantamount to a dream.

That's not right, when Shouyi said the number of people he had brought, Gao Shan was shocked.

Immediately, he came to understand: "Did something happen to the king?"

Hunter didn't expect Takayama to be so smart. At that time, he was shocked: "Duke Takayama, how do you know?"

When asked this sentence, Shou regretted a little.

What is the title of Gaoshan? That is Chang Ligong.

The titles Ji Zei gave to the great princes when he became king weren't just casual talk, they were all well thought out.

As a mountain of Changsi, there is still this wisdom.

So, Shou told Gao Shan what happened.

Including the fact that the headquarter of Ji Thief was counterattacked by Qinghu desperately.

Gao Shan took a breath of air-conditioning after hearing this: "This is not good. It seems that the breaker that surrounds us is deliberately trying to eat one of us, Shou, you are confused, here you come to rescue. Us? Why don't you stay with the king?"

Hunter bowed his head and said nothing.

The mountain stomped straight.

Asuka came forward and said: "My father, the king said when we came, he can withstand Qinghu's counterattack and save my father, your most important thing."

All kinds of anxiety in Gaoshan's heart.

Yun came over and said: "High Mountain, now it's useless to say more. Let's find a way to break through early, so the king won't worry."