Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1898: -It's all installed

Xiaotian felt that something was wrong, too abnormal.

There is no reason for no one in the huge mountains of thorns.

At the same time, in the valley.

For two consecutive days, Ji thief led the team to personally repelled the attack of the Sun Tribe, and the morale was greatly boosted.

The morale of the tribesmen who were somewhat discouraged because of the Ji thief's losing streak has gradually risen to warm up.

There is a cave in the valley, here is the temporary command post of Ji thief.

It's not just the thief, the hunter who has recovered from injury, Tai, Gaoshan, wild geese, and clouds are all there.

However, Gaoshan's right hand has not yet responded, because he has not received medical treatment, his right hand is swollen, and he can't eat even a single move.

In this case, Ji thief would comfort Gaoshan to take a rest.

It was Gao Shan who said that he didn't agree with anything. In his words, now there is the Sun Tribe outside the valley. It is just when he is using people, he cannot take a rest.

The thief couldn't help being dumb, and smiled and comforted: "Brother, you can rest assured that you have me, and I will take care of you. It's okay, go and rest."

Ji Zei's optimistic attitude made Gao Shan a little relieved, but Gao Shan was somewhat uneasy.

Although Ji Thief lost his morale because of losing streak, now he is back with confidence.

However, in this state of the end of the battle, I am afraid that I don't know how long it will be besieged by Xiaotian.

Can the original plan be successful?

Gaoshan is not a heartless person, so naturally he cannot be as stable as an old dog.

The reason why he insisted on attending this meeting was to probe Ji Thief's tone and see if Ji Thief was sure to defeat Xiaotian.

After working together for so many years, Ji Thief still doesn't know what Gao Shan is thinking?

Basically, Ji Thief knew and understood what Gao Shan was thinking.

No, Ji Thief smiled softly and said: "Brother Gaoshan, you tease me the truth, are you worried about the little sky outside?"

Takayama nodded hesitantly.

Not to mention Gaoshan, even Yan and Yun were equally worried about whether Ji Thief could defeat Xiaotian.

Seeing the three of them showing embarrassment, Ji thief habitually sniffed his nose and said, "Did you move all the tribesmen here when you retreated to the Thorns Mountains in advance according to your plan?"

Gao Shan nodded: "They all moved away. Yi and Ashi personally led the arrangement. Moreover, according to your instructions, we also blocked all the mining wells."

Ji Thief flicked his tongue: "So, that's it. We have all laid out according to the plan. What are you afraid of?"

Tai Xin said bluntly: "But the king, we broke Xiaotian's plan twice before. How do you know that Xiaotian won't be broken this time?"

When Tai asked this, everyone went to see Ji Thief.

Ji Thief was shocked for a while, before shaking his head and smiling for a long time: "No, absolutely not this time."


Ji Thief paused: "Because Xiaotian broke the game two times before standing outside. This time, she herself is an insider. How can she break the game?"

Oga was at a loss: "Majesty, what are you talking about? Why do I not understand?"

Oga, who had been a tool man for several days, did not understand Ji Thief's plan, because Ji Thief did not tell him at all.

The thing is like this, after Ji thief wrote a letter to send the letter bird out, he made such a plan to counter Xiaotian.

In the first two fights, Ji Thief knew about Xiaotian's ability, and also knew that this woman was not generally difficult to deal with.

Therefore, on the first day, he harassed Xiaotian's subordinates by beating the drums to prevent them from resting.

Then, the next day, knowing that Xiaotian would be prepared with a high probability, he still took a sneaky attack.

Not to mention Xiaotian, he changed hands to steal Ji Thief's home.

The high mountains, wild geese, clouds, hunters, Tai, Asuka and others who stayed in the camp all followed the secret order given to them by the thief before leaving, and after a little resistance, gave up the camp.

Before leaving, he deliberately left most of Shanhu's food and water resources.

You know, if Gaoshan and the others are willing, they can burn all of these materials in a fire, without leaving Xiaotian and the others at all.

But they didn't. When they gave up the camp, they went straight to the Bramble Mountains.

When they came to the place, Ashi and Yi, who found a job, helped them to remove all the tribesmen from the Thorns Mountains and block the wells in the mountains.

In addition, they even sent all the food that hadn't been delivered to the front line to the valley where the thief was now hiding, and at the fastest speed, they mined a well enough for drinking in the valley.

The purpose of this is to implement the strategy of solidifying the walls and clearing the wild in the Thorns Mountains.

As for the thief, after losing the sneak attack that night, he fled all the way to the Thorns Mountains in embarrassment.

On the road, deliberately slowing down or delaying time and Xiaotian chased and fleeing several times, making it more embarrassing than embarrassing.

Moreover, Ji Thief was afraid that the shrewd woman Xiaotian would see that it was wrong because of his overstatement, so he didn't tell the plan to Oga Azheng and the others.

As a result, all the people who went up to Oga Azheng and down to ordinary people thought that the past was victorious in all battles, and the era of the invincible Ji thief was passing.

Under this circumstance, the depression and sorrow that appeared between everyone's gestures were sincere and successful, and they deceived Xiaotian's eyes.

Moreover, it’s not even counted. Ji Thief was afraid that Xiaotian would see the clues, so she strictly guarded that she would not be caught. On the linen tricks that Gao Shan gave to Gao Shan before separating from Gao Shan, he told Gao Shan to go to the valley mouth of the Stranglethorn Mountains after preparing for the strong wall and clearing the wild. Ambush, scare Xiaotian at the same time, use all the strength to attack, anyway, let Xiaotian know that he has an ambush.

Ji Zei was not afraid of destroying his plan, because for these three thousand valiant heroes, Ji Zei was no longer familiar with their strength.

With them as the icing on the cake and giving charcoal in the snow, they will not have this ability.

Isn't it right, their desperate attack, and they occupy the advantage of ambush, still can't shake the little talent.

However, their actions completely relieved Xiaotian.

There is indeed an ambush, but in Xiaotian's eyes, this ambush is just a wishful struggle of insects.

When the righteousness and bravery couldn't stop Xiaotian from retreating, the Ji thief who deliberately waited twenty miles from the entrance of the Thorns Mountains to Riomo acted as a guide, using his body as a bait to deceive Xiaotian out of the current valley.

Entering the valley, Ji Thief swept away his decline, and personally led the team at Taniguchi, using bold words to inspire everyone's fighting spirit.

In the so-called last battle, the Lihuo tribe was originally more powerful than the Sun tribe, but the difference in numbers was too great. Now, it has a geographical advantage in the valley. The Sun tribe cannot play its advantage because of its 18 attacks in two days. And back.

Moreover, the two days of tug-of-war also made the Lihuo tribe, whose morale nearly collapsed during the flight, regained their fighting spirit, and dragged down Xiaotian and her tribe.

Hearing this, Oga just woke up like a dream: "Majesty, you have always pretended to be affectionate? I thought you really didn't have the confidence to defeat Xiaotian!"

Ji Thief laughed: "No confidence? Just kidding, apart from sister and sister Zhen, I have never had any confidence to deal with. No matter how strong Xiaotian is, it's just hard to deal with. Sprinkling water is a trivial matter. Up."

When he said these words, Ji Thief couldn't help but stinks again.

At this point in the implementation of the plan, it has already succeeded in letting Xiaotian fall into the trap. Ji Thief is a bit stinky, after all, his plan is to bet his own life.

It's just that Ji Thief is lucky and won the bet.

Under his own series of arrangements, Xiaotian indeed dispelled his doubts and settled in according to his own arrangements.

Just as Ji thief was triumphant, he was told by Ji thief that Oga, who suddenly realized he had a new question: "The king, although he has brought Xiaotian over now, how are we going to defeat her?"

"The Bramble Mountain now has no water, no food, no tribe for the Sun Tribe to squeeze, right?"

Oga nodded.

Ji thief said: "We eat and drink, right?"

"Great King, do you want to starve to death Xiaotian? No, the Sun Tribe food will still be delivered."

"Tsk, look, I took such a great effort to attract her, do you think I will send their food?"

Oga was shocked: "My lord, what do you mean?"