Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1931: -Ji thief's lore plan

Tushan's mouth twitched constantly next to him: "Ahuang, there is no such thing as you, just say, why take me with you."

Ah Huang said shyly: "That's not the king's question."

"You...huh, what's the matter, I can also suppress A Chue." He couldn't say that Ahuang, Tushan turned his head, and said in piss.

The eagle expressed surprise: "Really, Tushan, you can really suppress Ah Chu, when are you so powerful?"

Tushan immediately became proud.

But it was the thief who pulled over Ah Huang to show his care, and he didn't care about Tushan's words.

Yes, Tushan was able to suppress Ah Chu, and he did.

However, when Tushan suppressed Ah Chu, it was the residual blood that had been beaten by his own wheeled fighter A Chue, and was picked up by Tushan, and just like that, he let Ah Chu run away.

This is not true, Tushan boasted, Ji thief is not rare to say.

"A Huang, you give me a bottom, to A Chue, how do you feel?" Ji thief held A Huang's shoulders and asked with a serious look on his face.

Akira is an honest person, and he thought about it carefully: "It's stronger."

Basically, as soon as the three words Ahuang were uttered, Ji thief knew what Ahuang meant.

The stronger meaning is that I can handle it, is the situation still in my grasp?

If Ah Huang really didn't move, he would use his character to describe Ah Chu as strong.

"So, you played with A Chuan for a day today?"

Ji Thief asked with a smirk.

Akira straightened his face: "Hey, King, how can you say that, how can you say it's a day of playing."

Ji Thief was surprised: "Why, A Chui is really your opponent?"

Ah Shaking shook his head: "I can barely count as an opponent, or I am teasing him for a day. If you are willing, Lord, I will catch him for you tomorrow."

Asuka was shocked: "Ahuang, don't talk nonsense. I think you panted when you were fighting with A Chui today. Obviously, you two are almost the same. You said you caught A Chui. What if you can't do it? Then can't you follow Aliang to copy your name?"

Akira: "···"

The thief looked at Ah Huang in doubt and listened to Ah Huang's explanation.

A Huang lowered his head and said, "Today, when I was fighting A Chue, I just used the strength of the test. If you want to catch him, the lord, then I will use the strength to kill the enemy tomorrow."

Ji thief: "···"

Tushan, who was bragging about his achievements with the eagle, intervened after hearing the words: "Ahuang, you shouldn't have done this, it's just an Atri, I'll come, I'll do it, you see how I catch him tomorrow!"

"Don't make trouble." Ji Thief glanced at Tushan, then asked Ah Huang: "Are you really sure to catch Ah Chu?"

Ah Huang let out a cry, then asked Ji Thief: "The king, do you want me to catch him tomorrow?"

The thief laughed and changed the subject: "Don't talk about this first, come, let's eat first, eat first."

Speaking hard, the thief arranged for Aguan to prepare food, and the crowd sat down to eat and drink.

After a brief lap, Ah Huang asked Ji Thief again.

I don’t know, Ji Thief is not in a hurry at this meeting: “Of course I want to catch A Chui, but I’m not in a hurry yet, A Huang, didn’t you keep saying that you didn’t meet an opponent? You can play with A Chui for a few days It's okay."

Alian, who was copying his name while others were eating, raised his head and said, "Majesty, are you making another bad idea?"

"Did you finish copying your name?"

Aliang immediately persuaded and closed his mouth.

But when A Liang said so, everyone in the account looked at Ji Thief to see what Ji Thief had ordered.

Upon seeing this, Ji Thief sighed and put down his chopsticks: "Well, since you are all so curious, I'll tell you. Let Ahuang and Achu play a few more days, I do have other plans. "

Li Ya was the first to take the brunt: "Are you going to make a surprise attack? A thief, don't worry, as long as I lead the team, there will be no unsuccessful. You said, how are we going to make a surprise attack?"

"Don't you know anything other than the raid?"


Ji thief rubbed his nose and said: "I left the brigade and Oga on the way before. If Ah Huang can't resist Ah Chui, I will take strong measures to defeat the son-in-law Qinghu and Ah Chui, but Well, when I got to the place, Ah Huang was completely at ease. Therefore, the strategy should be changed in due course, Ah Huang."

Ah Huang raised his head with a loud voice.

"In the next few days, when you fight A Chue, can you show off your strength as much as possible?"

"Show off force?" Ah Huang didn't understand.

The thief nodded: "It's just fancy, anyway, no matter what method you use, you can scare the tribe of the Sun tribe."

Akira thought for a while: "It's okay."

Asuka poked at Azhi next to him, and whispered: "My lord, is this going to watch the show?"

The sound of the two people's communication was already very small, but Ji Thief still heard it.

But when I saw it, Ji Zei pursed his lips and chuckled: "There is no such thing as acting. I just think that it has been almost four months since we set out. It is nothing to stay in the usual four months, but to catch up with this drought, These four months are terrible. In the past four months, Yiyi has been sending supplies without interruption, that is, with the background of the Lihuo tribe, it will be hollowed out. In this case, it is no longer suitable to be with the Sun tribe. It's gone. To catch up with the current Sun Tribe's main force is in the green plains, so my plan is to be a battle!"

"My lord, you are joking. It has nothing to do with A Huang and A Chue fighting."

"Why not? The Sun Tribe has no discipline and no stable food source. What is the reason why their people have resisted until now? Do you know?"

"Uh, what?"

The thief stretched out two fingers: "Because of Xiaotian, because of A Chui."


"Xiaotian's victory on the flank allowed them to see the hope of victory, so they can stick to it. But now they don't know the news that Xiaotian was completely wiped out by me. As for Ah Chu, that is the God of War in their minds. Their spiritual support. If at the right time and at the right place, I will tell you that Xiaotian was killed, guess what will happen to them?"

The eagle squeezed his chin: "Should you panic?"

The Ji thief clapped his hands: "Yes, if A Trie is defeated in the second battle at this time, will their spiritual beliefs collapse? They still have the spirit to fight with us?"

"The king, we can use this trick now," said the eagle.

Ji thief waved his hand: "No, it's not the time yet. In the eyes of the Sun Tribe, even though Ah Chu has lost a battle in the Barren Rock Mountains, he is still their God of War. If he can use this trick, he can't do a lore. "

Asuka pointed at Ah Huang and said, "Don't you say that Ah Huang is sure to take A Chue? Can he defeat Ah Chue tomorrow?"

"I said it is not the time yet."

"My lord, what are you going to do?"

"Yes, King, tell us how to do it, and tell us about your plan, we have to have a bottom line."

Everyone said so, Ji Thief couldn't help laughing: "Well, in this case, I will tell you clearly."

As he said, Ji Zei calmed his mind and looked around everyone: "When I was watching Ahuang and Atribe fighting on a wooden wall in the afternoon, I came up with a plan to destroy the enemy. I plan to do this, Ahu and the others. The main force, first did not let them join the battlefield, but cruised on the periphery, did not show up, and lay in ambush. Then, sent to the guerrilla mountains to hunt them, and did not harass the rear, but cut off the green tiger’s food supply channel and hungry Stay with them for a while."

The eagle blinked.

Ji Thief opened his palms: "Neither humans nor wild beasts can bear hunger. Not to mention too much, as long as you are hungry for two or three days, the Sun Tribe will be messed up by yourself. At that time, Ah Huang will win in a heads-up. After Ah Chu, I took a stab at their spirits, and then I took advantage of the trend and announced that Xiaotian had been killed, giving them a second blow."

The eagle murmured: "In that case, the Sun Tribe will have no fighting spirit."

"Yes, at this time, let's join the Ahu who is cruising on the periphery of the battlefield and cut into the Sun Tribe. They have no fighting spirit and are in panic. Do you think they will stay and fight with us? Or will they run away? ?"

The eagle hesitated.

Judging from his experience with Qinghu, the Sun Tribe is likely to leave a decisive blow.

Although the Ji Thief's plan is impeccable, don't forget that the beast will resist when it is forced into desperation, let alone people?