Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 1984: -The landlord's house has no more food

Ji Zei rubbed his hands: "Look at what you said, how can you not be anxious. This is like a wedding bridal chamber. Why, are you not anxious and excited after getting married in the bridal chamber?"

Yi Angrily touched his nose: "My lord, I haven't been married."

Ji thief: "...Anyway, it means that."

Knowing that Ji Thief was anxious, Yi didn't want to sell it anymore, he said: "Major, according to your order, the number of mining is completely based on the number of the Sun Tribe people. On average, each person carries a piece of ore. It has been mined now. There are 20,000 quantities."

Ji Thief hissed: "Isn't this fast?"

Yi is a little embarrassed: "It can't be said that it is fast."

Ji thief was taken aback: "How to say?"

Yidao: "It's such a king. There are a total of 17 caves in the valley. We basically have one a day. We have mined 15 caves before we have 20,000 ore. There are two caves left. How can I not make up? Collect these 40,000 ores."

Seeing the embarrassment on Yi's face, Ji Thief hesitated for a moment, and asked: "Did you look down the cave?"

"Next?" Yi Yi was taken aback.

The thief nodded: "Yes, under the cave, this iron ore can't be just on the surface, there must be there."

"It's not there yet, but the king, if you go down, the delay will be long, and there will be no way to go back before the New Year. You know, it's already in the middle of October. Even if you go back now, no Counting the time we lost on the road, we can return to the tribe before the new year, then it will be considered fast."

Ji Zei snorted: "Then don't go back now, because a treasure like iron ore is in front of you, you can't just leave like this."

Yi Wenyan said, "Well, well, I will listen to you, the king."

"Well, go ahead and be safe."

"Yes, King."

Yi turned around and left.

Ji Zei looked back at the air, thought for a while, and blew his whistle vigorously.

The golden eagle who had just flew into the sky and hadn't flew far away heard the sound and turned back helplessly, landing on Ji Thief's shoulder, looking at Ji Thief quite speechlessly.

Ji Thief smiled, took the linen cloth from the golden eagle's leg and burned it in the tent. After writing a new copy, he tied it to the golden eagle's leg again and came out to release the golden eagle.

This time, the golden eagle grew a heart, and did not leave immediately, but flew around in the air, circling for a long time, making sure that Ji Thief had nothing else to do, and then fluttered away.

When the golden eagle left, Ji Zei wiped his nose, ran back to carry out Xuanyuanjian, and looked at the busy valley and said, "It seems that I will also be a miner today."

When the words fell, Ji Thief ran into the valley.


When the time came to the end of October, I watched the sky getting colder and colder, but the weather still didn't have a hint of rain.

It is the mist that rises in the middle of the night in the mountains, which is very pitiful.

In Ji Zei's words, it is not that Sabretooth has so much urine.

In the Li volcanic valley, after Xue Zidai's son showed his talents, he took his son to meetings every night, discussed tribal affairs with Usma, Ayu and other leaders, and asked his son to listen and learn from the experience.

When encountering a problem, everyone discusses and solves it, and occasionally, the little guy will come up with a different point of view.

This astronomy department is resting. Xiao Jihuan originally wanted to go to Xiao Cangjie to study, but she was caught by Xue. It is not easy to use Cangjie. Let him rest for a few days after the New Year. You and me go to the conference room for a meeting. On the excuse of going, he took away the studious Xiao Ji Huan.

Sitting down to discuss matters in the tribe, Usma raised a question, saying that since the Western Expedition has ended, the Western Expedition team has been staying in the Sun Plain for almost two months, and when will the king plan to return.

After hearing Usma's question, Xue shook her head.

To be honest, since the last time Ji thief sent back news to watch Ayi, there was no new news.

Xue also didn't know if Ji Thief came back now.

No, I told Usma, Usma couldn’t help but tweeted: "What the **** is the king doing in the plain of the sun? My wharf and ship number two and three have been built for several months, so I’m waiting for the king to come back for inspection. , Why are people not coming back."

Xue Xin said that who knows to go.

Comparing Xue and Usma, Ah Yu obviously didn't think of a problem with them.

"I think it doesn't matter when the king will come back. The important thing is that after the king comes back, the problems we face are more difficult to deal with."

"Question? What question?" Usma and Xue asked at the same time.

Ayu said: "It's the disposal of the captives of the Sun Tribe. It's not a problem to watch them all the time. If nothing else, the king can have a simple instruction."

"The issue of captives has never been mentioned by the warriors. Let's not bother about it. Whatever happened before, and now it's fine."

"That’s okay, it’s just Master Xue, I’m afraid we don’t have enough food. I have already sent food to the Sun Tribe twice this month. Now it means that we are a tribe that feeds more than 100,000 people. This is another drought, and we don’t have any other food sources. If this continues, I am afraid we will not eat it ourselves."

"Well, how about going to the various princes to buy food first?"

"Master Xue, you are joking, how much money does it cost."

"That wouldn't make it impossible for food to keep up. At this rate, how long can food last?" Xue asked.

Ah Yu thought for a while: "According to the current situation, only going out and not going in, at most half a year, at most half a year will be gone.

"Half a year, half a year is almost there, when the time comes, the wheat will be mature and can keep up with consumption."

"Master Xue, don't think so. The wheat is still eight or nine months old. And even if it is mature, I guess it will last three months."

Xiao Jihuan is very puzzled: "Yes? No, this year we have been holding wheat for so long. How can we expand the planting scale next year and have less wheat."

Ah Yu turned his head and said, "Master Xiao Jihuan, you don’t understand that we can last so long this year because we have stored wheat prey in previous years, and we have not encountered drought. This year’s drought has been so long, and the harvest next year will definitely be bad. ."

Xiao Jihuan said thoughtfully.

Xue raised her chin and asked, "Son, do you have any ideas?"

Xiao Jihuan thought hard for a while, her scalp was almost scratched, and her shoulders drooped at the end: "No, no..."

Seeing that his son was discouraged, Xue sighed: "Well, it seems that it is exactly what the Warriors said before."

Usma asked: "What kind of?"

Xue laughed and said: "The landlord's house has no more food. It seems that we have to urge the warriors to come back quickly, otherwise, if this continues, we will not be able to keep up with our own food."

With that, Xue planned to write to Ji Thief, tell Ji Thief about the food, and ask Ji Thief to come back earlier.

Just as soon as he picked up the wolf pen, Ado outside the hall walked in quickly.

"Master Xue, Xiaojin is back."

Xue Wenyan was taken aback, raised his head, and quickly said: "Has Xiaojin brought back news about the Warriors?"

Ado nodded, touched his body, and found a piece of sackcloth, and handed it up respectfully.

Xue took a look at it, with a strange expression on her face.

You said you were laughing, but it seemed to be crying again.

You said he was crying, but he seemed to be laughing again.

All of a sudden, Usma and Ayu were completely confused.

No, no, what the **** is going on?

This is not the case. The two were puzzled. Xue put the linen down, looked at Usma, and then at Ayu, and said: "Two, the warriors have sent news, one good, one bad, you Which one do you listen to first?"

Usma squeezed her chin: "The king said that the first bitter and then the sweet, listen to the bad first."

Ah Yu doesn't matter, any one will do.

Seeing this, Xue took a deep breath: "The warrior said that he might not be back before the New Year."

Ah Yu stood up with a cry.

After Yi followed the expedition, Ayu took care of the logistics. It was okay when the food was sufficient in the early stage, and it didn't hurt to use it.

After all, in the Lihuo tribe, there are stored food for 20,000 people to eat for four or five years.

As the result of the war ended, Ah Yu counted them, okay, spending money like water!

So much food stored before the war, more than half has been gone.

After all, the logistical resources of the western expedition team and the rations of the 80,000 prisoners since the western expedition were all the responsibility of the Lihuo tribe, and the consumption was unpleasant, that would be a ghost.