Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 2006: -Can you shout separately

When Ji Zei saw the ranch office from a distance, he saw that Xun led a group of people waiting at the door.

Upon seeing this, Ji Thief laughed subconsciously, no matter what he said, is it always a joy to see his own person?

Isn't it, Ji Zei turned over and got off his back, strode forward.

After Ji Zei made this action, everyone in the follow-up dismounted the horse one after another, and the wolf who dismounted the wolf followed Ji Zei back and looked forward.

From a distance, Ji Thief reached out and greeted Chong Xun with a smile: "Oh, Xun, long time no see."

Looking excited, he stepped forward a few steps, knelt down one step, his head was buried, and he called the king.

Ji Thief hurriedly moved forward to help Xun Xun: "Get up and get up quickly, but that's not the case. You are a great hero on the westward road, how can you kneel down."

Xun huh, "My lord, I, I didn't participate in the Western Expedition."

The thief laughed: "Although you did not participate in the Western Expedition, you are indispensable for the Western Expedition."

There is nothing wrong with what Ji Zei said, indeed, if there is no search, it would be really difficult to march west.

Don't forget, this time the west expedition, if not counting the flour, the prey alone would consume about 130,000 heads.

If there is no small breeding expert to find, these 130,000 prey will be able to kill Ji Thief.

Since the thief went west, how has it been used to win people's hearts?

Why did Yi make everyone believe in the legend that the **** tiger and the thief are gods?

But isn't it just driving away the Sun Tribe and giving everyone a comfortable life and food to fill their stomachs?

Looking at the entire federation, who can match the credit for seeking?

This is the truly obscure devotee.

After being praised by the thief, Xun lowered her head shyly.

Oga also walked up: "Little brother, the king is right. If it is not for you, we really can't fight so smoothly in front."

Hearing Oga's voice, Xun took a deep breath, bowed deeply, and called out Brother Oga.

Oga is the brother-in-law of Xun, and the two are relatives besides colleagues. When they find Oga, aren't they the closest relatives?

No, Oga hastily polite: "Brother, brother, what are you doing, don't be polite, stop polite."

When everyone saw this, they all said in a sour tone: "Oh, it's good to see your family early, and we have to go back to the tribe to talk about it."

"Who said no."

A group of people tweeted that they had everything and blushed at Oga and Xun.

The two turned their heads: "Well, no one."

Seeing that the generals and logistics tycoons are so embarrassed, the thief laughed loudly: "Okay, everyone, don't talk cold words here, in two or three days, everyone will be able to go back and see their relatives, and they will always run against the people. What are you doing with Add and Search."

Everyone laughed after hearing the words.

Ji Zei turned his head and rushed to search: "Xun, walk."

Xun agreed, turned his head and made a please gesture.

The thief stepped forward, and within a few steps, he saw that the crowd following him dispersed, and another wave of people stood there.

Seeing the first two, Ji Thief was stunned.

Ah Yu, and his son Xiao Ji Huan.

Isn't this, Ji Zei asked in surprise: "Ayu, son? Why are you here?"

Before Xiao Jihuan spoke, Ayu touched his nose and smiled embarrassingly: "Then what the king, do you call me and Lord Xiao Jihuan separately, or just call Lord Xiao Jihuan not to call me, this What should I do if everyone gets a misunderstanding by shouting?"

Everyone was stunned, and then they understood what Ah Yu meant and laughed.

Ji Zei also shook his head and smiled: "You kid, I haven't seen you for a few months, and his mouth is still sharp."

A Yu’s age is about ten years old from Ji Thief. When Ji Thief was twenty-five, A Yu was only fifteen years old. For a long time, A Yu was trained by Ji Thief as the number one person in charge of the second generation. of.

It was A Jie before, but it was a pity that A Jie didn't cherish it, so he died by himself.

In the A-Jie Rebellion, Ji-thief’s performance made Ji-thief look sideways and focused on cultivating A-yu. Therefore, Ji-thief also loved and favored A-yu very much.

Although Ah Yu is 23 this year.

The familiar name came to my ears, and Ah Yu trembled with excitement, stepped forward, respectfully clasped his fists, and shouted the king.

Ji Thief agreed. Before he could speak, Xiao Ji Huan rushed forward and hugged Ji Thief's thigh: "Father, you are back!"

Ji Thief bent over to pick up his son, stretched out his hand and pinched his son's nose: "Little guy, don't you talk about it, or call Dad, or Dad, it's more fun for you to call Dad."

The little guy groaned, buried his head in the arms of the thief and did not dare to look up.

Seeing this scene, Ah Yu He Xun couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth.

Is this, this is the mature and steady performance of Master Xiao Ji Huan in the past few days?

The thief held his son and raised his head, smacked his mouth, and asked Ayu, "Speaking of Ayu, why are you in the Tsuburaya Mountains with Xiao Jihuan? Do you know that I am coming back today, so I came out to meet him in advance?"

Ah Yu sighed: "That's the big king, it's like this. My Lord Xiao Jihuan and I came here to count the prey groups."

"Count prey groups?"

Ah Yu said: "That's not the king, you are out on the expedition, count the number of prey groups, so that you can use it."

Ji Zei nodded, and glanced at his son: "What's the matter with Xiao Ji Huan? Why did he follow?"

With that said, Ji Thief also deliberately scolded his son with a straight face: "Little guy, tell me the truth, did you sneak out? Did you get into trouble?"

Xiao Jihuan waved her hand quickly: "No no! I came out with the consent of my mother."

Both Ayu and Xun explained: "My lord, this has wronged Master Xiao Jihuan. Since your departure, Master Xiao Jihuan has been behaved. He goes to the Department of Literature to study writing every day. In the evening, he will help Master Xue handle official reports from various places. ."

The thief yelled, put his son down, squatted down, and looked up and down carefully: "Really?"

Xiao Jihuan straightened her chest: "Of course it's true!"

Ji thief hadn't spoken yet, Li Ya chuckled and put her hands on her knees, bending over and said, "Really making trouble?"

Xiao Jihuan glanced at Li Ya: "I won't talk to you anymore."

Ji Thief laughed when he heard the words, stretched out his hand and grabbed his son's wrist forward: "Okay, okay, don't talk outside, go, go in and talk!"

Everyone answered yes.

As he walked forward, Ji Thief suddenly thought of something, and turned his head towards Ah Yu: "By the way, Ah Yu, the sixty thousand Sun Clan people I brought back, you and Xun Xun will watch and settle down. Don’t be too troublesome, anyway, tomorrow. Going back to the tribe."

Ayu and Xun both clasped their fists and answered yes.

Xiao Jihuan opened her mouth and said, "I'll help too."

Ji Zei picked up his son and slapped his ass: "Why are you going? Go and make trouble for me?"

The little guy suddenly mumbled and was speechless.

Everyone walked into the office of the Ministry of Animal Husbandry, and their own tribe sent them to eat and drink.

Outside, Ayu and Xun commanded the tribe to place 60,000 Sun tribesmen.

To be honest, the Tsuburaya Mountain Range doesn't have so many places to live. After all, is it a pasture? That is, there are enough rooms for the animal husbandry tribes to live. If you want to house so many people, you have to set up tents.

After working for two hours, with the help of the Xizheng tribe, a tent enough for 60,000 tribesmen was barely erected.

Having settled down these tribesmen, Ayu and Xun returned to the office to find Ji thief.

Before leaving, Ayu and Xun did not forget to order people to prepare food and drink for these Sun Clan people.

In the settlement of the two thousand people in the Tiger Leopard Mountains, there is an area of ​​Yingying and Yanyan.

Unlike other Sun tribesmen, these people in the Hubaoshan Mountains belong to the thief himself.

After all, they once held an obedience ceremony to Ji Thief, expressing their willingness to follow with their lives.

Therefore, the placement of these people is different from that of other Sun Clan people. If they are more or less, the conditions and treatment will be better.

In the resettlement area, more than a dozen young tiger and leopard women gathered in a group, looking at the environment of the Tsuburaya Mountains, involuntarily sighed: "Don't say, the king is really capable of raising so many prey. ."

"Of course. Otherwise, where do you think all the food we ate along the way came from? Well, if we meet the king earlier, we don't need to be bullied by the Sun Tribe."

"It's not too late to meet now."

More than a dozen people talked and laughed, but there was only one person sitting in the corner with his head down and speechless, looking very uncomfortable.