Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 2008: -Somebody is watching us

The Ministry of Animal Husbandry stores a lot of fruit wine. After all, in winter, if the tribe comes out to watch the prey at night, it is not enough to keep out the cold without wine.

You can't come out holding a brazier. Let's not talk about hot hands or not. Holding a brazier will scare the prey away.

It was originally used as a fruit wine to keep the night watchmen out of the cold, but now it's cheaper than the thief.

In the office of the Ministry of Animal Husbandry, everyone punched their fists and sleeves.

The closer you are to the tribe, the more relaxed you are.

No, a drink was drunk right into the middle of the night, and that's it, the noise of Ji Thief and their drunkenness could be heard outside.

Xiao Jihuan ran out when he was full, and he didn't go anywhere else at night, just wandering around the place where the Sun Clan people settled and the prey group.

The little guy thinks very simply. He wants to check the status of these Sun Clan people personally and feel the atmosphere of the scene.

As for going to the prey group, it is a habit that Xiao Jihuan has developed these days.

He is accustomed to the life habit of seeing the prey up close, because Xiao Ji Huan feels that this is also a kind of learning.

After understanding the habit of the prey, isn't it possible to raise them better?

It is no one else who gives Xiao Jihuan this idea, it is Ji Thief himself.

In Xiao Jihuan's view, Ji thief is omnipotent, and there is nothing that Ji thief cannot do.

But unlike outsiders, Xiao Jihuan knew that all of these experiences had been groped out bit by bit by his father. Outsiders, think Ji Thief is born with this.

You cannot say who is right and who is wrong, you can only say that both are right and wrong.

Because, in front of Xiao Ji Huan, Ji thief really gained a lot of experience through groping and learning by himself, so in front of the clan, Ji thief can show the appearance that everything is known.

Xiao Jihuan used his father as an idol. He wanted to be like Ji Zei, but he also knew that he was far behind his father, who was called a **** by the people.

Therefore, he thought of working hard and chasing the footsteps of Ji Thief as much as possible.

It is indeed a bit early for this idea to appear in a child.

However, this kind of innocent idea of ​​treating fathers as idols is something that everyone will have in childhood.

No, Xiao Jihuan endured the strange smell in the prey circle, squatting on the side to watch the reaction and living habits of the prey at night.

For example, what kind of environment the prey likes to rest in at night, and whether the prey has the habit of eating at night.

Here, when Xiao Ji Huan was watching attentively, a figure suddenly appeared behind him and walked directly towards Xiao Ji Huan.

Maybe it was Xiao Ji Huan who had become a god, and he didn't have any reaction when the figure was behind him.

When the figure stretched out his hand and grabbed Xiao Ji Huan's shoulder, the little guy uttered a clever sound. He suddenly woke up, opened his eyes and looked back.

"What are you doing here?"

Xiao Jihuan breathed a sigh of relief when someone asked, "Mother Li Ya, why are you here?"

Li Ya snorted: "Well, don't you say that you went back to sleep? Why did you come here to smell? Just finished eating, you are not afraid of nausea and vomiting."

The little guy scratched his head: "I, I just walk around."

Li Ya grabbed Xiao Ji Huan's hand and walked out: "Then you are quite interesting. Just walk around here and come here. Why, I didn't eat enough and smelled it?"

Regarding Li Ya’s mouth poison, Xiao Jihuan is the same as Ji Thief, because he knows that Li Ya and Vido are the same, but their tempers are different.

It's okay for Vido to be stern, but Vido is reluctant to fight anyway.

Li Ya is different, even when I tell you a little laugh, I can do it.

You ask her why, Li Ya said it was a surprise, the thief taught me.

Because of this, Ji Huan and Ji Wan are afraid of Li Ya.

Being led by Li Ya to walk back, Xiao Jihuan raised his head and glanced at the position of the prey circle. He had the final say. It was his father who didn't come back before, so he was groping to study. Now his father is back, and he is also Don't have to be so troublesome. If you don't understand, just ask your father for advice.

With this in mind, Xiao Ji Huan stopped thinking about the prey circle, and followed Li Ya.

After only two steps, Xiao Jihuan stopped suddenly.

Li Ya, who was dragging him away, gave a stunned voice and turned her head back: "What's wrong with you, Xiao Jihuan? Why aren't you leaving?"

Xiao Jihuan looked back, her immature face was full of caution: "Mother Li Ya, I just felt like someone was watching us."

Li Ya heard the words, turned her head in wonder, followed the gaze Xiao Jihuan was watching: "Really? Why didn't I feel it?"

Xiao Jihuan pointed a direction in the darkness: "Really, it's over there."

Li Ya stepped forward and stopped suddenly, then looked at Xiao Ji Huan with a smirk: "Did you deliberately trick me away and run?"

"No, there are people."

"Oh, I see, you are scaring me and me, right?"

Xiao Jihuan sighed: "Why don't you believe me."

Li Ya couldn't help but nodded: "Believe and believe, I didn't say that I didn't believe it."

As he said, Li Ya put her hands on her chest and pretended to call out: "Oh, I'm so scared."

Xiao Ji Huan is stunned, no, no, what is this going to do?

After Li Ya finished this action, she turned her head and asked Xiao Jihuan: "Is it all right now? Can we go now?"

Xiao Ji Huan: "···"

Without knowing it, Li Ya took Xiao Ji Huan and left.

Xiao Jihuan still didn't dare not listen, she could only follow Li Ya with bashful eyebrows.

As she walked, Xiao Jihuan turned her head to see where she was pointing just now, in the dark.

When Li Ya pulled Xiao Ji Huan away, there was a sudden movement in the darkness and the prey circle.

Originally placed in the haystack in the hunting pen to feed the prey at night, a person came out directly, shaking his head, removing the hay from the top of his head, and rolling down from the haystack.

As soon as this person came out, the prey was shocked, one by one, all backing up to see the person who jumped out.

After this person came out, he took a few breaths, and his voice kept saying: "It smells, it smells. Really, who is that kid? Why is it so annoying that I have been hiding in it for so long without telling it, and I was almost caught by him. Found."

With that said, the man jumped out of the prey circle in a desperate manner, and saw the brightly lit Ministry of Animal Husbandry office in the dark, and went directly.

Li Ya took Xiao Jihuan back to her residence, and saw that he was stained a lot of filth, and directly asked for three braziers outside to keep him warm. Then, he brought a wooden bucket over, poured a full bucket of hot water into it, and pointed in it: "Take off your clothes and jump in."

Xiao Ji Huan was shocked: "Huh~?"

Li Ya stroked her sleeves and took the linen towel for scrubbing: "Ah what, don't pretend to hear me telling you, hurry down, don't force me to beat you."

Xiao Jihuan was shocked when he heard the words, but she didn't dare not listen, she quickly took off her clothes and jumped into the barrel.

Just as soon as he entered, Xiao Jihuan yelled and wanted to run out.

Li Ya was speechless, clutching Xiao Ji Huan: "What are you running? Give you a bath."

"No, hot, hot."

Li Ya said: "Is it hot? I feel just right. Forget it, let it be a little hotter, so it can be washed clean. Come here quickly."

Xiao Jihuan got under Li Ya’s arm and jumped out, standing on the edge of the brazier, fighting with his teeth, "Li, Li Ya’s mother, you, don’t you want to wash me clean, you, you have to I'm plucking hair and skinning."

"You kid, talk nonsense."

"I didn't! I see Grandpa Fat Bear uses such hot water when he kills pigs."

Li Ya: "···"

"Don't talk nonsense, come here quickly."

"Then you give me some cold water."

"This kid is really troublesome."

Li Ya shook her head while taking a gourd scoop and splashing it with cold water.

"Is this all right?"

Xiao Jihuan tried the temperature test: "Add more."

Li Ya rolled her eyes and added a little more.

A few times later, Xiao Jihuan still felt hot, Li Ya became impatient, grabbed Xiao Jihuan and threw it into the barrel: "It's so troublesome, let me go in."

With a plop, Xiao Jihuan fell directly in, and was rubbed by Li Ya.

When it was cleaned up, Xiao Jihuan was also completely out of temper.

So rude, still a child.