Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 2089: -Li Fire Regulations

The thief threw the **** bronze knife to Aguan, and stood there, looking at the corpse on the ground and several other Sun Clan people expressionlessly.

"Eating, drinking, clothing, housing, currency, status, what you need, I can give you all, provided that you are members of my Lihuo tribe. The Sun Tribe is already in the past tense, if you still use the Sun Tribe tribe Promise yourself, yes, then we are the enemy, and I will personally send you to see Qinghu."

These Sun Clan members shook their heads frantically and shouted loudly: "No, no, we are not members of the Sun Clan, I, we are from the Lihuo Clan, and are your tribe!"

Ji Zei squinted his eyes and looked over: "Is it from the Lihuo tribe?"

Several people nodded vigorously.

The corner of Ji Thief's mouth was bent, and he smiled like a sly devil.

"Aguan, memorize Article 7 and Article 19 of the Ministry of Public Security Order."

Aguan who was receiving the knife and scabbard froze for a moment, then stepped forward, stomped his foot, stood still, straightened his chest, and said loudly: "The seventh order of the Lihuo tribe, no clan member is allowed to fight with his companions. Those who disobey the regulations will be imprisoned for one month. Those who are in serious condition can be regarded as disrupting the tribe, expelling or killing them. The 19th regulation, any tribe, dare to resist law enforcement, a warning, if you do not obey, directly kill on the spot! ···"

Before Aguan could finish the rest of the story, Ji Thief interrupted him directly and looked at the Sun Clan people: "I remember just now, when I asked Aguan to pull you, you used to resist. Right?"

At this moment, the hearts of several Sun Clan people raised their throats.

Next to Aguan, he said, "I haven't finished it yet. If the circumstances are special, you can be imprisoned temporarily. It depends on the situation to make a conclusion."

However, Ji Thief intentionally stopped what Aguan said below, and the latter also understood what it meant, so he didn't go any further, but looked at Ji Thief.

Ji Zei looked at the Sun Clan members with a smile: "Why didn't you speak? It was you when you resisted just now?"

Several people were trembling, afraid to look directly at Ji Thief.

Ji Thief snorted: "Grab them all, take them back to the Ministry of Public Security for processing!"

Aguan yelled out loudly and greeted, Hu and Ben guards came up, apart from anything else, pulling shoulders and arms together, jackdaws, water horses, and hoofs, tied these Sun tribes firmly to the carriage. behind.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Zei looked at the Sun Clan people who were willing to build roads before and nodded. In the latter's horrified expression, he smiled and said, "That's good. From now on, you are the Lihuo Clan. Way."

These Sun Clan people have not recovered from their panic. Hearing Ji Zei's words, one by one, everyone was extremely surprised, and they opened their eyes to see Ji Zei.

Ji Zei tilted his head and asked: "Why, not willing?"

How could this be unwilling, no, these people knelt down one after another and shouted the king.

Ji Thief chuckled and turned into the car, Aguan came up and asked what to do with the dead body on the ground.

Ji thief just glanced at it and said: "Take it back, explain the crime, and pass the head to Dongcheng."

Dongcheng District is the place where the Sun Clan people settled. Needless to say, Ji Thief’s order meant nothing.

Hearing this, Aguan looked excited, and directly tied the body and carried it up.

Immediately, the team pulled out and headed towards the Lihuo tribe.

On the road, Ji Zei leaned on the carriage to rest because of sleepiness. It was already night when he woke up, and there was only one torch on the carriage to light up.

Ji Zei sat up with a yawn, saw that he was wearing a robe, smacked his mouth and said, "I said it's so hot, who would give it to me?"

Addo, who was driving, turned his head: "I'm also afraid that you are freezing, the king."

Ji thief: "···"

"You want to heat me up. Where are you now? How far are you going back?"

"The front is the north gate of Shendu."

The thief nodded, stood up on the carriage, glanced left and right, and said: "Why don't you see the princes?"

"Oh, you guys were boring horse racing on the highway before, now I'm behind."

The time to speak has come to the north gate.

In the dark, the north gate was lit with torches. Seeing Ji Zei came, the guards opened the gate quickly, but Ado didn't go inside. When he saw this, Ji Zei asked what was wrong.

Ado scratched his head: "Then what prince, princes have not come back yet, shall we wait?"

Ji thief waved his hand: "No. Aguan, you are here waiting for the princes, and by the way, deport those guys to the Ministry of Public Security. Ado, let's go first."

Aguan was very obedient, nodded and directly agreed.

It was Addo who drove the thief into the **** city, curiously saying: "My lord, are you really okay without waiting for the princes?"

Ji Thief smiled: "It's nothing, let alone, there is a reason why I am advanced into the capital city."

"what reason?"

"Go to the medical department."

"Where are you going? King, are you uncomfortable?"

"No, look at someone."



After hearing Ayi's name, Ador blinked his eyes, and asked what would he look at her?

Ado knew about Ayi's suicide, but was later rescued by Bailian and did not die.

To Ayi, Ado has no good looks.

You know, Ayi did a lot of trouble in order to get Ji Thief to avenge her father.

Ado also regarded Ji thief as a prince, like a father, like a brother, and it would be good if he didn't make Ayi secretly fix her, and that would give her a good face.

Isn't that right? As soon as I heard that the thief went to the medical department, Ado was somewhat reluctant.

But after all, he wouldn't disobey Ji Thief's order, oh, suppressing his dissatisfaction, turned his horse's head, and went to the medical department.

When I went, Ado was still muttering in his heart, saying that if she were the king, she had not succeeded in committing suicide. She had already sent someone to help. How could she still go to see her, is she Ayai?

Don't blame A-Duo for thinking this way, because Ji thief had murdered Ayi before he killed the Sun Clan people on the street today, and now he is going to see Ayi, not because of his original intention.

In the past, the Sun Clan members did not make trouble for two months, making Ji thief think that the Sun Clan members had already surrendered, and it didn't matter whether Ayi was a mascot.

But today, when I saw the Ji thief after the Sun Clan's trouble, I didn't think so.

Ayi, it's still useful.

It is precisely because of this that Ji thief would want to see Ayi and use Ayi to control these Sun Clan people.

The only thing is that it has been more than a month since Ayi woke up from suicide. This is the first time I have gone, and it seems a bit abnormal.

That's not it. On the way, Ji thief is still thinking about how he should talk.

When he arrived at the medical department, Addo stopped the carriage, and the Chongji thief said, "My lord, if you want to go, go by yourself, I won't go in with you."

Ji thief was puzzled and asked what happened to Ado.

Ado wiped his nose: "I will be annoyed when I see Ayi. If I hit her again, it won't look good."

The thief couldn't help but smile: "That's OK, then you can wait for me here."

After speaking, Ji Thief walked into the medical department with his hands behind his back.

Even though it is already night, the medical department still has staff on duty.

Unlike other departments, except for the combat department, it can be said that the medical department, the public security department, and the logistics department will be left behind even at night.

The Ministry of Public Security will not talk about it. At night, they patrol to maintain security in the tribe.

The logistics department needs to be optimistic about the warehouse materials, and there must be no fewer people on duty.

As for the medical department, it's all because the family members are sick and uncomfortable. No one knows when. If there is no one on duty at night, there is a real need, and it is not good to knock on Bailian's door.

The clansmen along the way saw the gift one after another, and the thief also politely returned the gift.

Passing through the corridor, walking all the way to the door of the room where Ayi lived, Ji thief stopped. He heard someone talking inside, and knew that Ayi would not rest yet. After a pause, Ji Zei tidyed up his clothes, only then reached out his hand and gently buttoned the door.

In two or three seconds, Ayi's voice came from the room: "Is it Master Bai Lian?"

Ji Zei pursed his lips: "No, it's me, Ji Zei."

"Oh, lord!!!"

Hearing this shout, Ji Thief was puzzled. What happened? There were two voices in the room, one male and one female.

At this point, who is with Ayi inside?