Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 2105: -How long did you sleep?

Ji Zei lost his reason in anger, rushed to the savage, and hit the savage with his head.

However, the savage couldn't appreciate the abilities of Ji Thief at all. As soon as he stretched out his foot, he kicked Ji Thief to the ground. Several times, he struggled to get up again.

The wild people shouted slogans that the Ji thief could not understand, walked up, stepped on Ji thief's chest with one foot, held a stone high in one hand, and beat the chest with the other hand, making an excited howl.

It sounds like two groups of wild beasts are fighting, and one of the leaders is showing off their strength as if they defeated the other.

Ji Zei continued to curse, but that was the case, there was still no way to break free of the barbaric restraint.

This guy is too strong.

Ji thief struggled for several times, but to no avail, only a few words of curse.

The savage lowered his head, grabbed the stone and smashed towards Ji Thief.

He has run out of patience.

At this very moment, a whistle sounded in the woods, and then, an iron arrow directly penetrated the savage's wrist, and the hurting savage screamed.

Immediately afterwards, there was a tiger roar. One person in the forest was riding a huge Sabretooth tiger, holding a crossbow in one hand, and Xuanyuan sword in the other. He looked like a teenager with a determined expression on his face. Charged.

Behind him was Baishiqi a giant wolf howling.

It's a wolf cavalry!

Ji Zei's eyes lit up, and it was Xiao Ji Huan who was in front of the wolf cavalry.

Although his body shape has changed, Ji Thief still knows his son.

Xiao Jihuan charged with the Xuanyuan sword in his hand, blood was flowing like a fountain where he passed.

Numerous savages in the forest rushed up, and as a result, beside Xiao Jihuan, an eight or nine-year-old child came out. He was very weak, holding two drums and Weng Jin hammers that were not much smaller than his body. Anything stopped him. The people in front of him were all crushed to death and turned into meat sauce.

This child Ji Thief also knows him. It is not Ji Thief who knows his appearance, but the yellow hair on top of the child's head, just like Ji Zhi's youngest son Ji Chi.

The two brothers led the wolf cavalry to kill, until the Ji thief, rushing to disperse the surrounding savages.

With a sword, Ji Huan cut the vines on Ji Thief's body, hung the crossbow, and stretched out his hand to pull Ji Thief onto the Sabretooth Tiger.

After escaping from the dead, the thief opened his mouth and asked Ji Huan: "Son, what's the matter, how could it become like this, why are everyone dead?"

Xiao Ji Huan didn't speak, turned her head, holding the direction of Xuanyuan Sword when she was going back and forth.

Xiao Ji Chi continues to take the lead, as a pioneer.

Regardless of his young age, a pair of hammers danced into the wind in his hands, and no one could stop him.

Under the protection of the two brothers, the thief stood out all the way.

The Sabretooth Tiger and the Giant Wolf scurried through the dense forest. I didn't know how long they ran. Ji Thief saw a valley in front of them.

Ji Huan let out a shout, and everyone went straight to Shangu.

When I got to the front, I saw a wooden horizontal bridge and gate at the valley entrance of the valley. On the horizontal bridge, there were a few young warriors standing. I saw Ji Huan come back with the thief, kneeling down to make a prayer.

After that, the thief followed his son into the valley through the opened wooden door.

When Ji thief came in, he discovered that there were a few dragon flags standing scattered in the valley, and many young soldiers were patrolling the valley with their wounds.

Many people sat on the ground numbly, as if they were stupid.

Compared to the look when they saw Ji Thief sitting on the Sabretooth Tiger and being brought back by Ji Huan, everyone's eyes had just recovered a bit of vitality, and they worshipped Ji Thief again and again.

Ji thief was shocked, and quickly asked Ji Huan what happened.

Ji Huan still didn't speak, just walked forward.

After walking a few steps before looking forward, the youngest son of the geese, Bailang, and the youngest son of Gaoshan, Wushi, led a group of tribesmen passing by, saw the thief, all bowed down.

Although he bowed down, he said nothing.

Ji Zei was even more surprised. He asked his son several times the reason, but all he got was his son's silent answer.

Ji Thief didn't understand, what was going on in the heart, why didn't everyone talk anymore?

Walking forward, I came to a pool of water, where two young girls were sitting bandaging the wounds of the injured tribe.

One of them jumped up when he saw Ji Huan came, and when Ji Huan got off the Sabretooth Tiger, he jumped into Ji Huan's arms.

The thief knew this girl, who was the daughter of Usma and A Yin, Xiao Leizu.

The other girl, Ji Thief raised his head to look.

No one else, but his daughter Xiao Ji Wan.

This is such a meeting, Xiao Ji Wan has also grown up.

Seeing Ji thief, Xiao Ji Wan took a few steps forward and knelt on the ground, tears streaming down her eyes.

With this cry of Xiao Ji Wan, whether it was the injured clansmen nearby or the clansmen who had lost their spiritual support, all of them got up and bowed to the Ji thief on the back of the Sabertooth Tiger.

Everyone paid homage to Ji Thief.

Different from the previous visits, Ji Thief clearly felt that in everyone's visits, they clearly felt a desperate silence.

What exactly is going on?

Why did you become like this when you woke up? How long did you sleep?

Just as Ji Thief was thinking in his heart, a person rushed over suddenly.

It is also an acquaintance.

The man came with a thin face, a pinch of beard on his chin, a few scars on his face, and a bronze knife in his hand ran up, stopped on the spot, and knelt down on one knee.


Ji Thief shouted in surprise.

Ado saw Ji Thief, and opened his mouth to Ji Thief without any sound.

Even Ji thief wondered if he had a problem with his ears. Otherwise, why would he not hear what Ado said?

Just as Ji thief was pulling out his ears, Ji Huan pulled out Xuanyuan Sword, leading the team, and strode out of the valley.

But without waiting for Xiao Ji Huan to take any action, countless clansmen ran back in panic in the direction outside the valley.

Ji Zei looked up, the savages all over the sky howled and charged.

Ji Huan stared at this scene. He stuffed Xuanyuan Sword into Ji Thief's hand, followed by pulling out the knife from his waist, and slamming Sabretooth Tiger's ass.

Under the pain, the Sabretooth Tiger rushed away with the thief.

No matter how Ji Thief stopped drinking, the Sabretooth Tiger didn't stop.

Under the protection of the Sabretooth Tiger, the thief went out of the valley through the savages.

Than when he looked back, he heard a scream in the valley.

It just didn't take long for the shouting to kill, and it quieted down.

Ji Thief was holding Xuanyuan Sword, his heart was ashamed.

The front and back feet were normal, and the wild people who couldn't see the edge chased out from the valley. The leading ones were holding a few heads in their hands.

It was Ji Huan, Ji Chi, Ji Wan, Lei Zu, White Wolf, and Wushi.

Ji Thief couldn't calm down even more with the death of his children. Holding the Xuanyuan sword, he urged the Sabretooth Tiger to kill the wild crowd.

However, the Sabretooth Tiger didn't care about this, turned around, carried Ji Thief, and ran to the east.

Ji Thief tried to get off the tiger's back several times, but unfortunately, his **** seemed to be rooted on the tiger's back, no matter how Ji Thief turned down, he couldn't get off.

During this run, Sabertooth didn't know where it went.

In the end, I only knew that the Sabretooth tiger ran into an ancient forest surrounded by mountains and forests, full of ancient desolate atmosphere.

Not far behind Ji Thief, those savages chased him as if they had grown wings, always keeping a short distance from Ji Thief.

Ji Zei glanced back, cursed, and raised the sword to turn around and rush, but the Sabretooth Tiger didn't give him this opportunity and plunged into the forest.

Behind the savage chasing, the Sabretooth Tiger ran with Ji Zei.

I don't know how long it will take, Ji Thief only knows that in the humid forest, the smell is extremely strange.

Suddenly, the Ji thief running in the dark forest just felt that his eyes lit up, and the front suddenly opened up, and a large open space suddenly appeared in his eyes.

In the open space, there are many large stone pillars.

The Sabretooth Tiger rushed into the stone pillar with the Ji thief on his back, and the savage who was chasing after stood fearfully outside the stone pillar and did not dare to go inside.

After running into the big stone pillar, the Sabretooth tiger stopped running, stopped, opened his mouth, and panted heavily.

Ji thief moved a bit, and only then did he feel that he could move freely.

He rolled over and got down on the back of the blade-toothed tiger, lifting his sword to avenge his son's relatives. However, when Ji Thief had just moved, he heard a series of empty and strange laughs in his ears.

He couldn't help but froze, turning his head left and right, looking for laughter from all sides.