Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 2109: -You have today too

Amidst the crowds around, the team moved towards Bai Lian's residence.

Needless to say Ji Thief, the old driver Ado is naturally the one who drives. As for Yi's car, it was Ayu who drove, which surprised Ji Thief very much. It seemed that the relationship between the two of them was good.

The team went straight to Bailian's residence. On both sides of the carriage, the band and dance team led by A Yin was marching and playing.

On the road paved with the big red carpet, all the tribesmen who came to watch the ceremony lined up neatly on the two sides, one by one, cheering for the thief and Yi in the middle of the road.

The great princes ran after the crowd, smirking while running.

At the end, they turned around and rushed to Kurifuji.

Hei Teng was happy. He and his son were originally bachelors. Two or three years ago, he took down Bai Lian and had a family. Two or three years later, his son was also married.

This is called overjoy.

The sound of Bell Ding and Yuming in the valley is much more luxurious than the two previous marriages of Ji Zei.

No way, after all, conditions are improving.

Around the valley, the thief made a circle and walked around in front of all the clansmen before he came to the door of Bai Lian's residence.

Ado Ayu stopped the carriage, and a 14-five-year-old girl followed from behind the team, quickly ran to the side of the carriage, brought up the wooden ladder, and respectfully bent over to welcome Ji Thief and Yi to get off the carriage. .

Ji Zei raised his head and glanced at the opposite courtyard, pursing his lips, holding his hands behind his back, and stepped out of the carriage.

Yi followed Ji Thief at the back, and the two of them got down, tidied their clothes, and walked to the door amidst the sound of battering.

Bai Lian's residence was decorated in red, and the door was vacant when the thief arrived.

Ji Zei stepped forward to push the door of the room with a creak, followed by a creak, and the door opened. At the door stood the female family members of Wen, A Shuang, Bai Hua and other tribes leading Shangqing with hippie smiles.

They blocked the gate, blocked the way, smiled and stretched out a hand to the thief: "Congratulations, my lord, bring the red envelope, otherwise you are not allowed to go in."

Ji Zei said: "Red envelopes? Is there this link?"

"Of course there is, Master Xue specifically told us."

The corner of Ji's mouth twitched, saying that Xue is really good at playing.

No way, just give it, or what else can be done.

No, Ji Thief stretched out his hand and fumbled around, but after a few fumbles, his face suddenly changed drastically.

I didn't take it with me.

After turning his head, Ji Zei stared at Yi.

Yi first froze for a moment, then spread his hands, as if he was talking about the king, don't look at me, I didn't take it.

At this moment, Ji Thief was embarrassed, and the people who rushed to the road said: "Well, today I came out too hastily, or you let me in first, how about I make up later?"

Everyone looked at Yi, and Yi was embarrassed: "I am more hurried than the king."

"Then I'm sorry, you can't enter, Majesty, or you can make an IOU."

The women grinned, eyebrows rousing the thief.

Under normal circumstances, they don't dare to joke with Ji Thief like this.

But who makes today a special day? Just kidding.

Ji Thief couldn't help but took a deep breath and said: "Ado!"

Ado trot up and came to the front: "My lord, what is your order?"

"Go, bring me pens and linen."

"Why are you looking for this?"

"Year note." When he said these words, Ji Thief blushed.

The clansmen onlookers all booed in good faith.

"All let all let all let."

After this meeting, a voice came from behind the crowd. When everyone turned around, it was not someone else but Xiaoqing.

Xiao Qing ran over holding a box, stumbled and watched as she was about to fall.

It was Ah Ju who was on the side of the crowd with quick eyes and quick hands, and he supported Xiao Qing.

The latter said thank you, and came to Ji Zei holding the box, and he was relieved: "Brother, I, I am here."

The thief yelled, "Xiaoqing, don't you want to set up with your sister in the palace?"

Xiaoqing panted and opened the box.

Inside were cloth sacs made of linen cloth one after another. At this time, these cloth sacs were all dyed red.

"Red, here's the red envelope." Xiaoqing gasped.

Ji Zei blinked, glanced at the box, picked up one of the red envelopes and looked, good guy, ten hundred-yuan currency.

At this moment, Ji Thief was very surprised: "Be good, put so much?"

Xiaoqing pushed the box into Ji's arms: "Brother, don't say so much, get sister Wei Duo and sister Li Ya quickly."

Ji thief: "···"

Pushed forward by Xiaoqing a few steps, before Ji thief sent it out, Yi San smiled and struck out, and coughed: "That prince, I didn't carry it, or if you lend me some, I see that the box is quite Many."

The thief was even more speechless, if Usma could sing aloud at the scene.

Your lord has today too! In the past, you used to scam money and borrowed money. Today, you can also experience my feelings!

No idea, Ji Thief took out some red envelopes from the wooden box and gave it to Yi.

The monarch and the minister came forward together, and handed in the red envelopes in the hands of Wen He A Shuang and the others.

These people took the red envelope and opened it to take a look at the amount of money inside. There were small icons of money floating in their eyes: "Wow, my lord, you are so generous, so much money."

Ji Thief smiled, and was too embarrassed to admit that it was no, so he went down and said: "Yes, yes, I'm generous."

Everyone nodded frantically, Ji Thief spread his hands: "Then can you get out of it now?"

When everyone took the money, they were naturally easy to talk.

Without ordering, she spread out to the left and right, patted her palms, and walked out more than a dozen young females, carrying a basket full of petals, holding them in one hand and waving them in the air.

Ji Zei couldn't help being surprised when he saw it. He drank, good fellow, it was such a waste, how much money did it cost.

Yi Xiang took a step back and made a please gesture: "My lord, please please."

Ji Zei rolled his eyes: "Nonsense, I ask you not to please."

While talking, Ji Thief pulled Yi and went inside.

The grand princes and many leaders, Shangqing, all laughed outside the door.

They wanted to follow in, but unfortunately, the only ones who could get in were the female guests who were responsible for receiving the family.

No, when Ji Thief and the others walked in, everyone was waiting outside the door.

A Shi raised his head to look at the back of Ji Zei and Yi, listening to the lively sounds next to him, showing a look of yearning.

Leaving aside the outside, the two bridegrooms Jiye and Yi walked into the Bailian Courtyard with eight 14-five-year-old girls who had received them.

When I came in, Bai Lian was sitting on a chair in the courtyard. The sun was so hot that Bai Lian was sweating.

If so, her face was still beaming.

Seeing what Bai Lian looked like, Ji Zei was still shocked.

As for Bai Lian, when she saw Ji Thief, she wiped the beads of sweat on her face and said, "My lord, don't blame me, this is the request of Master Xue."

Ji Zei looked aside and saw that there was a kettle on one side and several empty bowls.

Yi pulled the sleeve of the thief, his mouth turned towards the kettle.

The thief knew what it meant, so he smiled, walked towards the kettle, poured a bowl of water, turned around, directed at the white lotus, pushed the Jinshan down the jade pillar, knelt down on one knee, and raised the bowl above his head: "Mother, please Full drink."

Bai Lian got up in a panic, and quickly took it: "Oh, your lord, you are too polite, you don't need to kneel."

Ji thief raised his head and chuckled, "Behave."

Bai Lian drank the water in one sip. Don't tell me, after so long in the sun, this sip of water will quench your thirst.

She let out, and the thief made a please gesture: "Great King, please."

Before the thief could say anything, Bai Lian shouted at the room inside: "Vito, Li Ya, your husband is here! Pay attention."

Ji thief walking forward staggered and almost didn't fall to the ground.

Bai Lian also came to help, and at the same time, pointed her finger at the two houses inside: "They are both inside, go to the king."

The corner of Ji Thief's mouth twitched: "Thanks, thank you Mother."

"Look at your king, why are you polite with me."

Ji thief: "···"

Stepping towards the room where Wei Duo and Li Ya stayed, behind him, Bai Lian pulled Yi and pointed in another direction: "Miao is over there."

Yi also said thank you, and ran away from the Ji thief, and the two went to pick up their wives.

Leaving aside Yi, here the thief left the courtyard and went up the corridor to the east wing.

Along the way, many young female races greeted her.