Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 2134: -Goal of effort

Usma, who was still thinking about how to complete the task that the thief gave him within two months, suddenly shook his body, followed by a chill in his heart.

He fought a sturdy cold war, gulping his saliva and looking back at Ji Zei.

The thief smiled: "Usma..."

Usma hurriedly interrupted the thief's words: "Great King, you, you know, I, I have to build a city."

"Hi, I know, so I just added a small task for you."

Usma looked at the thief cautiously: "Really just a small task?"

"Look, you still don't believe me. It's really a small task."

"The king, first tell me what kind of task I hear."

Ji thief said casually: "It's nothing, but you are in the valley and find a place to build a school with an area larger than the palace. You come tomorrow and I will give you the drawing."

Usma had an unbelievable expression: "Bigger than the palace? Lord, this is also called a small task?"

"Why do you think I should give you at least 60,000 people so that you can only build two cities in two months?"

Usma said that I knew you did not have such a good heart, Lord.

It was just after thinking about it, but Usma didn't dare to say it clearly, groaning inwardly.

"Majesty, what's the use of this school? Didn't it mean that children don't have to work?" Everyone in the Jinluan Temple asked questions.

"School is a place to learn knowledge, not work. Easy."


"Two months before the completion of the school, you will give Ayu the internal affairs of the tribe, and you will concentrate on compiling teaching materials with Cangjie."

"Teach, textbook?"

"Yes, textiles, medical care, arithmetic, management, and so on, you have to compile your own experience. You have to compile as many books as there are children who sign up for school."

"Uh, Majesty, let's not say whether it can be completed in two months. With so much content, how many boards do you need? It takes a lot of time just to find boards."

Ji Zei pursed his mouth and smiled: "Of course not using wooden boards, so I will make the paper in the next period of time."

"Huh? What? What Zhang?"

The thief waved his hand at Usma, and Usma sighed, "My lord, I have to come. I have enough work. Besides, I don't know what the paper you are talking about is. what."

The thief rolled his eyes and said nothing: "Who makes you responsible, I will ask you to give me the book of architecture in your arms."

When Usma heard this oh oh twice, she took out from her arms the building encyclopedia that Ji Pi gave to him when he took over the engineering department.

After so many years, Usma is still very intact.

Although every page is worn out, there is not a single place to break.

The thief Ji took the building encyclopedia, opened it, and pointed to the crowd and said, "This is called paper."

"Uh, Lord, do you mean to do this?"

"Of course." While speaking, the thief exchanged the building encyclopedia for Usma.

The latter immediately took it and put it in his arms like a baby.

Ji Zei followed: "Although I can't make paper with exactly the same texture as this building encyclopedia, it's okay to compare with linen cloth."

"My lord, if you can do it, why didn't you do it before?" Usma asked a question at the critical moment.

"Is there time before? We are either going west or going south and north. How much free time do we have?"


"Moreover, a key material needed to make paper is lime. Previously, the development of lime was used in the construction of tribes, and excess lime could not be used. Now, with the development of more and more lime, so, There are sufficient conditions for us to make paper."

Everyone is thoughtful.

"If we have paper, we won't use linen boards as writing tools in the future. No matter what, it will save a lot of trouble."

"Then king, when do you plan to start making paper?"

"Start tomorrow, Ayu."

"Yes, King."

"I'll give you a list later, and you will prepare the materials needed for paper making, do you know?"


The thief looked around: "In addition to the content I said above, there is another point, that is, Azhi, Xiang, you two."

Xiang immediately answered, but Azhi seemed to be distracted. He pushed him a little bit before A Niu next to him. He just came back to his senses and quickly agreed.

Ji Zei frowned and glanced at Azhi: "Azhi, what's the matter with you?"

Azhi shook his head hurriedly: "No, it's okay, king, what's the matter, you, do you have anything to order?"

"Of course there is. Don’t let the matter of transporting iron ore from the Tiger Leopard Mountains. In addition, Xiang, speed up the iron pot casting speed, and strive to provide each household with a pot, and then began to change hands to make Armored armor."

Xiang was a little embarrassed: "Majesty, this is a bit difficult. With so many people, it's not easy to complete in a short time."

"It's okay, just do your best."

Xiang nodded.

It was Usma who said in her heart that it was doing her best to others. How come I have the minimum requirements? This is not fair.

One by one, after the thief had arranged everything, he looked at everyone and said: "Everyone, the war has been drawn down, and the arrangements have been put in place. Now, nothing will be delayed. Our footsteps. Therefore, the development of the tribe is our primary goal. Have you remembered all the things I said to you just now?"

Everyone looked at each other and yelled: "I remember the king!"

"Okay, let's work hard, in three years, in three years. I want to double our tribe, and then drive the entire federation to stand on top of primitive society."

"My lord, what is primitive society?" Usma asked curiously at the critical moment.

Ji thief: "···"

I don't know how to explain it to Usma. I can't let the thief and Usma say that the era we live in is a primitive society. That's a bit nonsense.

With two embarrassing coughs, Ji Thief covered it up, and then, after arranging the work in detail, he waved the crowd to disperse.

The Biji people left one after another, and Ji thief took his son Xiao Ji Huan's hand to the inner court.

On the way, Ji thief also asked Xiao Jihuan: "Son, why didn't you say a word at the meeting just now?"

Xiao Jihuan raised her head and looked at Ji Thief seriously: "Daddy, it's what you told me, only if you talk less and listen more, you will learn more."

After hearing this, Ji Zei was shocked, then laughed, squatting down and asking: "Then what have you learned?"

Xiao Jihuan frowned: "Except for how to squeeze Uncle Usma, I didn't understand everything else, it's too difficult to understand."

Ji Thief: "Uh..."

With a smile, Ji Thief picked up his son, pinched Xiao Ji Huan’s nose and said: "Son, you only need to learn this."

Xiao Jihuan was taken aback: "Squeeze Uncle Usma?"

"No, I mean you just need to learn to make the best use of it. Like other things, you can't even think about it."

Xiao Jihuan looked embarrassed: "But, daddy, I, I still want to learn from you that great idea."

The thief laughed loudly: "Son, you can't learn this."

Xiao Jihuan was full of curiosity: "Why dad?"

Ji Zei shook his head and smiled implicitly. He said in his heart that my dear son, father passed through from later life. Naturally, there are so many advanced thoughts. Even if father teaches you these, you can be smart. Maybe you can't think that in your later life, will There are so many strange and advanced elements, right?

Looking at Xiao Ji Huan with affectionate eyes, Ji Thief said softly: "Son, you only need to learn how to master the talents from your father. You don't have to worry about other things, and your father will help you pave the way."

"But dad, I want to work hard, I want to be as good as you!" Xiao Ji Huan said stubbornly.

Ji Thief chuckled: "You are already very good now."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Ji Huan looked at Ji Zei with a confused expression on her face, as if she didn't understand the meaning of Ji Zei's words.

Ji thief lifted his head and looked at the sun hanging in the sky after days of rain.

The dazzling sunlight forced Ji Thief to squint his eyes. He covered it lightly with one hand, and said softly in his heart: "Son, for Daddy, you are the sun in the sky, and Daddy's goal for the rest of his life..."