Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 2153: -Sit on the mountain and watch the tiger

Fat Bird's words made Ye lower his head.

He chuckled and pursed his lips: "I understand. I agree with this approach, but my opinion will remain unchanged."

A Zhan sneered: "You really don't turn your mind."

Chubby Bird shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "It doesn't matter. Since you all agreed, that's OK. Call everyone over and I will tell you what we should do."

Ye and Ah Zhan are gone.

A Zheng in the dark retired, turned to lie down, and rushed towards the hunter with his hands on his pillow: "Master Hunter, the temperament of this night is not ordinary stubborn."

Shou Xin said that this is still stubborn, you have never seen him more stubborn.

Fat Bird and the others are discussing the plan over there, and Shou and Ah Zheng are also discussing here.

The two of them couldn't hear what Fat Bird's plan was, but for the two of them, they didn't need to think so much. They only needed to help them when it was really dangerous.

It's just that the grizzly bears and the wolves are not dangerous to Hunter and Ah Zheng.

After all, when the hunter was in the Tianchan Plain, because of the disappearance of the Ji thief, within a day, he chopped four grizzly bears in a frantic state. For hunters who have experience in combat with wild beasts, these are all drizzling. Water out.

There was no word for a night, and at dawn the next day, according to Fat Bird's instructions, Ye and A Zhan were dispatched separately.

They each took five or six people and headed in two directions.

Seeing this scene, Ah Zheng hesitated and asked what to do now.

Shou thought for a while, lowered his voice and said: "Let's follow up separately, you follow Azhan and them, and I follow Ye and them."

Ah Zheng nodded: "Okay, Master Nasher, be careful."

"Do not worry."

The two left separately, leaving Azheng alone and tracking all the way on the hunter's side, and they saw that Ye and the others touched back to the wolf field, and then they led out while the wolves were out hunting. She killed the female wolves who stayed behind in the wolf pack camp and killed them with a stone. They pulled out more than a dozen wolf cubs from the pack and grabbed them in their hands. He broke the neck of one of the wolf cubs and buried the corpse on the ground. Some liquid of unknown composition was sprinkled on the soil where the wolf corpse was buried.

When the wolves came back in the evening, I saw all the cubs of the cubs disappeared, and saw the she-wolves who stayed behind were crushed to death by gravel. They were extremely angry. In the long roar of wolves, these wild wolves passed their sense of smell. Found the cub's body buried in the ground.

At this moment, all the wild wolves had red eyes and jumped up and down angrily.

After this time, there was the whine of young wolves in the forest. When the wild wolves all followed the sound, they saw that a young wolf with a broken spine on the ground screamed again without a sound.

The wild is cruel, and the little wolf is doomed to survive such an injury.

The young wolf's mother sniffed back and forth on the little guy's body, and the soft howl could not stop echoing.

The wolves are extremely angry.

For nothing else, the main reason is that they smelled the neighbor grizzly on the cubs.

As neighbors, wolves and grizzly bears usually fight.

But grizzly bears have thick skin and are not afraid of the fangs and claws of wolves.

Once the war broke out, the Grizzlies suffered a lot of injuries, but the wolves suffered heavy losses.

If you really kill the Grizzlies with all your heart, there will not be a few wolves left, and in the end, they will only end up with a dead clan.

Because of this, the two sides often face off under normal circumstances, and there is rarely a real fight.

But this time it was different. The wolves cubs were killed, and there was a grizzly smell.

In extreme anger, the wolf king could no longer remain calm, and with a long roar, the wolves chased the smell.

On this road, every few hundred steps forward, the grief of the wolf pack rises by one point.

Nothing else, because every few hundred steps, there will be a wolf cub whose spine is interrupted.

More than two hours after the wolves chased them out, all the members of the wolves were already in a state of anger.

They all believed that the grizzly bear was the murderer, and they would never have thought that the one who did this was the young erect ape who was trapped by his own group for a day and night yesterday.

Secretly lurking to protect the night, their hunters have basically figured out Fat Bird's plan.

It is to use the corpses of wolves cubs to frame grizzly bears and bring the two powers together, and then he leads people to reap the benefits of fishermen.

One point is that this method is shameless.

Using the wolves to love their cubs, it is the method that Fat Bird is good at. He can't understand, where did Fat Bird get the grizzly bear urine?

The hunter does not pity the wolves cubs. He just thinks that Fat Bird does this kind of thing with ease. I don’t know if Fat Bird also uses this unlimited method when dealing with enemies. What?

The hunter was excited and didn't think about it anymore.

The task of seduce the wolves was done very well at night.

As a result of his actions, the wolves were all led to the mountain col.

Early, when the wolves had not caught up, Ye hid himself, but threw all the corpses of the remaining wolf cubs into the col.

After walking for only two or three minutes before the night, A Zhan and the others ran over, chasing them by a strong grizzly.

When the Grizzlies chased, it was red-eyed and hungry and frantic.

Unlike the wolves, the grizzly bear's hunting methods are somewhat clumsy, and can only lead a half-hunting and half-hunting life.

Today, Ah Zhan and the others did nothing. They undermined the grizzly robber's plan several times in a row, which caused the Grizzlies to be extremely angry. They turned their heads and directly used Ah Zhan and the others as food.

It's just that the grizzly bears wolves, ill-fated, and can't catch up with Azhan and them, but because of a tendon, they have been chasing Azhan and them to the col.

As a result, A Zhan and them disappeared in a blink of an eye, leaving the Grizzlies incompetent and furious.

At this time, the grizzly bear saw the corpses of wolf pack cubs left in the clearing of the mountain.

A grizzly bear with a stubborn brain will not think too much. If it catches up, it is also hungry for a day. After chasing for so long, it is empty in its belly. It crawls over, picks up the corpse of the wolf pack, and puts it in its mouth. Nibble inside.

Coincidentally, the wolves entered the col at this moment.

When they saw the grizzly bears, the wolves hesitated.

After all, fighting with the Grizzlies, there is too much difference between the pay and the reward.

If the wolves of twenty members want to kill the grizzly bear, at least seven or eight will die, and seven or eight will be severely injured, and the rest will be able to consume the grizzly bear.

It is equivalent to saying that at least fifteen or six people are needed to kill the grizzly by the wolves.

After all, serious injuries and deaths in the wild are not much different.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, when you encounter a grizzly bear, the wolves are almost threatening to leave.

This is the same thing in reality as if two evenly matched opponents let each other out.

But it shouldn't be, the grizzly bear chased it hungry, and when it saw the carcass of the wolf pack, it ate.

The wolves originally came to chase the cubs. At this moment, they saw the grizzly bear eating the cub's carcass. At that moment, all the calmness and the instinct of all animals to survive made them thrown out of the sky.

Even if you keep a live cub, these wolves are more than crazy.

But without a single cub, these wolves can't stop them completely. The anger that has been chasing all the way will break out here.

Under the order of the wolf king, a group of wild wolves rushed out to attack the grizzly bear.

In the beginning, the grizzly bear did not put wolves in its eyes, and it was not the first time. When it went to slaughter wolves cubs to reduce competitors for itself, the wolves used to be crazy like this.

But after facing each other for a period of time, the wolves all left by themselves.

This time, the Grizzlies think it will still be the same as before.

However, it didn't know that before the wolves were reluctant to leave desperately, it was because it did not kill all the cubs, and the wolves still had a way out.

This time it was different. All the cubs died, and the anger of the wolves was beyond the imagination of the Grizzlies.

All the wild wolves exploded at the grizzly, until a wild wolf slapped blood on the grizzly's shoulder in desperation, and the grizzly realized that this time the wolves were playing for real.

It roared, pulled the wolf that had bitten it off, and slapped the wolf's waist with a bear paw, and it slapped the wolf's spine with just one click.

Instantly killed a wild wolf, the grizzly man stood up and roared to warn the surrounding wild wolf pack.