Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 2258: -Missing a tooth

Xue stood facing Ji thief and held her shoulders: "Because it's not just that I saw the gem shine, but Xiao Jiwan also saw it this time. And warrior, I also told you that you came back from the southern tour, Sabretooth Tiger When she passed away in time for the torrential rain in the autumn harvest, the gems also glowed. At that time, Xiao Ji Wan could see clearly, she grasped with her hand, and now there is a scar on her palm. And..."

"And what?"

"Xiao Ji Wan said that when she saw the gem glow, a strong wind came over the sea. As soon as the gem glowed, the strong wind dissipated, and the fish and shrimps began to fall into the sky."

Ji Thief was taken aback when he heard the words, staring at Xue with wide eyes, and then pressed his brows extremely low: "Sister, didn't you lie to me?"

"What can I do to lie to you, a real warrior. If you don't believe me, just ask Xiao Ji Wan."

After that, Xue also said: "Warrior, except you, my son and daughters and I have all seen the gem shine, don't you think our mothers are united to lie to you?"

Putting it in the past, Ji Thief might think that Xue was deliberately teasing herself, but after this series of things, Ji Thief didn't think so much anymore.

He recalled that he got the gem and started these things.

When I first married Xue, I dreamed that I had returned to the future and saw the remains of the tribe.

Then it was Xiao Ji Wan who saw the gems glow when the Sabretooth died, and the sea storm stopped. Of course, this may be just a coincidence. The specific Ji thief can't understand.

Then, three years ago, when they met with the dark guard at the competition ground and waited for a nap, Xue and Xiao Jihuan witnessed the gems shine with their own eyes.

This is the next time. In the past three years, the gems have shined again.

Seeing Ji Thief pondering, Xue didn't bother and stood there waiting.

For a long time, Ji Thief spoke here. He looked at Xue and asked: "Sister, I ask you, when is the gem shine this time?"

Xue raised his head and thought for a while: "It was almost half a month ago. By the way, it was the night of the heavy rain, and then there were a lot of ice like small rocks in the sky."

Hearing this, Ji Thief was stunned.

Wasn't this the night that hail fell?

Hey, wait, on the night of the hailstone, if I remember correctly, I seemed to have a nightmare. In the nightmare, I returned to the island. Moreover, on the murals, I saw the gods created people in the Eastern and Western myths. One scene.

Reminiscing about the dream I had in the competition field three years ago, and the gems were also shining at the same time, Ji Thief suddenly realized a terrible truth.

I will make such a nightmare that foreshadows the future, not because I am the protagonist, but because this gem is at work! ! !

Thinking of this, Ji thief rushed to the snow and asked: "Sister, where is the gem now?"

Xue pointed to the direction of his room: "It's still in the room."

Ji thief threw his legs away and went to the room.

When I entered the room, I saw that the king's scepter and necklace were quietly hanging on the head of the bed, and there was no trace of luster in the simplicity.

The thief thought for a while, turned around and took the copper box for storage in the room. After pouring all the contents, he threw the scepter and necklace into it.

Xue, who was chasing from behind, saw this scene and curiously asked Ji Thief what he was doing.

Ji Thief laughed, and said casually: "If the light of the night affects the rest, I'd better put it away first."

Xue looked at Ji Thief, her expression seemed to be asking if this was the reason.

Ji Thief was a little guilty when Xue saw that, so he carried the copper box to one side, and hid it.

Seeing Ji Thief's behavior, although Xue was curious, she didn't say anything else.

It was when Ji Thief hid the box, he basically made up his mind.

Needless to say anything else, these two stones are definitely not as simple as they seem on the surface.

At least, the nightmares that I have done are all related to these stones.

It seemed that the small island in the dream was a warning given to him by the stone. The savages on the island who destroyed the Federation were still alive, and the stone giant still existed.

In this case, it seems that I need to find time to walk around the island. Perhaps, I can uncover the secret of this stone, or the secret of the giant stone on that small island.

The secret of why underground ruins appeared in Baekok County and Tianchan County.

Incomplete, these things are related to prehistoric civilization.

The initiation and destruction of prehistoric civilization, and the reasons for the emergence of primitive people are all unknown.

If it is placed before, Ji Thief would not care about this kind of thing, what good is it to care about? It's all in the past tense, even if you understand it, it will have little effect on the development of the Federation.

With this gossip time, why not worry about the tribal federation.

But now it's different. When gems, prehistoric civilization, nightmares, and islands are all kneaded together, the answer that Ji Thief cannot ignore.

He has to figure out what's going on. You don't need to worry about the gem prehistoric civilization, but the content of the nightmare, the island, and what is going on must be figured out by himself.

With a plan in mind, Ji Thief basically decided that after the river was successfully excavated and the water passed, he and Heiteng went out to sea again. This time, he had to find the island of his dream!

Thinking of this, Ji Zei turned around and grinned at Xue, shaking Xue with fright.

The next thing is much simpler, Ji Thief came back this time, originally to visit Li Ya.

Besides, Baihe County and East County are next to each other, and it's just two or three days of death. Li Ya gave birth to a child, and there is no reason why she would not come back near Baihe County.

After returning, I named the child and stayed with Li Ya for three days. It was almost time to go back to Baihe County to continue the unfinished work.

In the early morning of this day, Ji Zei set off again to Baihe County, but this time he only took Addo, and Wei Duo and Xiao Ji Huan were not allowed to follow.

In Ji Zei's words, the work in Baihe County is about to come to an end, and Xiao Ji Huan will go there and learn nothing.

Rather than wasting time, it would be better to keep Xiao Jihuan in the tribe to help Xue deal with government affairs.

For this reason, Ji thief and Addo drove to Baihe County.

Just when Ji Thief had just walked away, a person walked out of the city wall of God Capital.

This person looked at the direction Ji Zei was going away, and muttered softly: "The destruction is coming soon, Your Majesty, even you, there is no way to stop it."

While he was talking, he turned his head to look at the direction of the sea to the east, as if he was looking out: "You two **** have been looking for me for so long, but you can't guess, I'll be hiding in the Lihuo tribe. "

When the words fell, the man grinned, two rows of teeth, just one missing...


After the thief went to Baihe County to help survey the excavation location of the river, he began to excavate.

Everyone works together, and the speed is naturally fast.

From the birth of Li Ya in November to December, the excavation of the river from Dalianfeng County to Baihe County has been completed.

When the water was drawn down from the upper reaches to fill up the five-meter-wide river, it was announced that ships could sail inland.

At the same time, the seafood salvaged from the sea by Heiteng's military war department also entered the waterways endlessly and sent to various states and counties.

Water transportation is always faster than land transportation. After all, there are no airplanes or trucks in this era. Water transportation is undoubtedly the best choice.

For a time, the currency of various states and counties circulates rapidly into the capital. Besides, you need money to buy seafood.

Not only the transportation of seafood resources, but other materials can also be transported by water.

In the fastest time, let all states and counties communicate with each other.

Even on the New Year's Eve, there are endless ships on the waterway.

Ji thief also returned to Shendu a few days earlier.

In a month's time, Xiao Jiying had already grown open, not like her skin wrinkled when she was just born.

Ji thief is in the tribe every day, taking Xiao Ji Wan and holding Xiao Ji Ying to play.

As for Xiao Ji Huan, under the arrangement of the thief, he began to accept tribal affairs in all aspects.

Although he was a bit early at this age, for Ji Thief, he wanted to use this opportunity to exercise his son. After all, after the spring of the coming year, he would go to the sea to find that nightmare island.