Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 2328: -Mass extinction

"So?" the young man asked, tilting his head.

The uncle said seriously: "So Ji Pirate will definitely see it. I don't believe that guy can pick off those murals under Ji Pirate's eyelids."

The young man shook his head: "Not necessarily, don't forget, the stone is not in our hands, nor in the hands of Ji Thief."

Uncle: "···"

When the uncle was speechless, he turned his head and looked to the side. When he saw the fragments of the mural that he had picked up from the cave, he was so angry that he said, "Damn it must be that guy who took the stone and robbed us and Ji Thief. I just smashed these murals. It must be like this. Let us spend a few years in vain to find that bastard. I can't kill him or me!"

The young man coughed softly: "You can't say that. Your Highness, there are no follow-up pictures of the origin of mankind in these fragments of murals."

The uncle was very shy: "Mr. Hah, don't call your Highness or anything. The prehistoric civilization does not exist anymore. My Highness still has an ass. Besides, I am also a modern person. You just call my name. , Or the nickname is fine."

The young man was stunned: "Pharaoh?"

Uncle: " better call your Highness."

Instead of entangled with the youth in the title, the uncle pointed to the mural and asked: "So sir, what you mean is that the guy just destroyed the mural of human origin, and the rest were actually destroyed by the thief?"

The young man nodded: "You should know what temper the thief Ji, we have been observing him for so long, he will never let these murals appear in front of the world, so there is a high probability that he smashed it, and it is only him. We can't feel it because of it."

As he said, the young man spread his hands out with a wry smile.

The uncle suddenly realized: "I said, when the mural was destroyed, I didn't feel it at all. At first I thought it was because we ran to the gate after the thief time... Wait. So, the mural destroyed us. There will be feelings, but we don’t feel them. So, those murals that disappeared were not destroyed, but actually moved?"

The young man nodded: "At first, I thought it was destroyed just like you thought, but now I think if he destroys it, we felt it, but we didn't feel it, indicating that the mural was not destroyed."

"Where did those frescoes of human origin go?"

The young man asked the uncle: "Do you remember the two giant sites below the Baigu Mountain Range and the Tianchan Plain?"

"Remember, Ji Zei controlled the animal cream sapphire was found in this place, oh yes, I also rescued the panda Tuantuan from below the natural production plain."

The young man nodded: "These are all small problems. The thief’s wife Vidoriya told him that when the old mother-in-law of the thief, Bailian, had destroyed some murals on the Tiansan Plain, which was the Bailian Valley. It's a story of two snake men fabricating people."

The uncle's eyes rounded, "Isn't that the mural we carved!"

The young man shrugged: "Yes, we have worked so hard for these years, and finally the old mother-in-law of Ji Thief was destroyed."

"That's not right, sir, that was almost 20 years ago. At that time, Ji Pirate hadn't come here. How old are Ji Pirate's daughter-in-law? It might be the same mural.

"How can it be impossible? Don't forget, that guy is holding the emerald in his hand, where and when can he not go?"

As soon as the young man said this, the uncle couldn’t help but pat his head: "Mom’s missteps, originally thought we were preparing for the past few years. It was carving murals and dreaming of Ji thief. He could tell him the truth about the mass extinction and let him stop it This sixth mass extinction, I didn’t expect it to be a failure."

Then, the uncle looked at the youth: "Sir, why are you not nervous at all?"

The young man shrugged his shoulders: "Why are you nervous?"

"Our plans are all ruined."

The young man smiled: "Although the plan has been destroyed, the thief will definitely prevent the extinction in the end."

"Why? Is it because Ji Thief is the protagonist of this book?"


"I'm telling you business, don't interrupt."

"I'm talking about business."

The young man was speechless: "The reason I dare to say this is because whether it is you, me, or Ji Thief, we are all modern people. If it is said that the sixth mass extinction has broken out, then we will It's dead, shall we still be here now?"

The uncle snorted, "It makes sense, but I always feel that something is wrong."


The uncle's eyes lit up: "Aha, I understand, the time paradox, this is the view!"

The young man froze for a moment, then shook his head: "The time paradox is not established in our fantasy novel."

"Sir, you have broken your studies."



Not to mention that the two of them jumped out of the Dimensional Wall to make complaints, and the camera was pulled back on Ji Thief. The Ji Thief who knows this way, and Shou have just returned.

Aguantai saw Ji Thief and all turned around and asked Ji Thief why he was there.

The thief screamed, very casually: "It's nothing, let me go."

The two of them wondered: "Your Majesty, have you been relieved for so long? How long has it been holding back?"

Ji thief: "···"

There is nothing wrong with the two Ji Thief. I sat down and thought for a while, beckoned to Aguan, and said, "You take the people in there and take out all the stone masks inside."

Aguan was puzzled and asked Ji Thief what a stone mask was.

The thief raised the mask he brought out in his hand.

Aguan took a look at this and realized that he lit up more than twenty people and walked in. After a while, everyone came out with many masks.

When they came out, everyone was still wondering, and asked Ji Thief what use these faces are.

Ji Zei smiled lightly, holding the mask in his hand and covering his eyes: "You said, does it look like the giant stone statues of those savages?"

Everyone looked at them, and they were surprised: "I think, but the height is not very similar."

The thief shook his hand: "This is not the key, so what, please go down, let everyone wear this stone mask, we will walk out swaggeringly later."

"Uh, Your Majesty, I'm afraid it won't work."

"Why? Are you worried that the savages will attack us?"

Everyone shook their heads: "It's not your majesty, we don't worry about this, your majesty, your method is absolutely useful."

"Then what are you worried about?"

Aguan picked up a stone mask and placed it on his face. When he let go, the mask fell to the ground with a whistling sound, and then broke into several pieces with a snap.

"Your Majesty, you have seen it too, you can't bring this stuff."

Ji thief: "···"

"Let everyone cut off one piece of clothing, tie up the mask and put it on."

Aguan said, "Okay?"

"No, do you have a better way?"


The thief waved his hand: "Hurry up and do it."

A Guan just agreed, and ordered Ji Thief to go down.

Everyone began to cut open the clothes to tie the eye sockets and corners of the stone mask to make them fit on their faces.

As for the Ji thief, after such a short time, he began to digest the content that he saw on the murals just opened.

To be honest, if the native primitive people like Hunter can guess what is on the mural, it is absolutely impossible to guess what is going on.

But don't forget, Ji thief came through, and the biggest difference between him and primitive people is that he has a wealth of experience and knowledge reserves.

Catching up with Ji Zei still likes these cultures, so, after Ji Zei's inference, the content on the murals is not about anything else, but the truth. In history, there has indeed been a great extinction of living things.

From the beginning of biological reproduction on the Blue Star to the emergence of modern humans.

In the history of Blue Star, there have been five major biological extinctions, which wiped out the biological overlord of the five generations of Blue Star.

Among them, the molluscs of the Ordovician, the spine creatures of the Devonian, the theropolites of the Permian, the reptiles of the Triassic, and the dinosaurs of the Cretaceous.

These are all recorded. These creatures became extinct. In terms of fame, the most famous one is probably the extinction of the Cretaceous dinosaurs.

Not surprisingly, that's what the murals talk about.

These five great annihilations of creatures were absolutely trivial things for Ji Thief, because he had known it before and had been exposed to this knowledge, so he didn't feel shocked.

It’s just that Ji Thief can’t understand why there are three stone giants on the mural every time the creatures become extinct?

Moreover, the gems in their hands are the same as their own. Is there any necessary connection between the two?