Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 2456: -The gate opened from the inside

Hei Teng said it lightly, but Bai Lian knew that things were not that simple.

She knew that Heiteng was deliberately saying this to make her feel at ease, but what the facts were, Bai Lian was still more willing to trust her eyes.

The clansmen of the various technical departments are not good at fighting. In addition, the protective equipment such as iron armor and rattan armor is pitiful. Most clansmen of the technical departments all go up to fight with a knife, and they have great deal of power. And the savages with strong defensive power, fight, that is to give food.

Rao is so, the people on the front of the city did not say that they would retreat.

After a while, Bai Lian was silent for a long time before faintly said, "Hei Teng, let me and the members of the medical department stay on the head of the city, so that we can treat the injuries in time."

Hearing this sentence, Heiteng, who has been trying to be calm and calm, couldn't help but tremble all over, then turned his head and muttered: "City, where are the wounded besides the dead in the city..."

When Bai Lian heard this, her heart sank to the bottom.

Two people care about each other speechlessly.

After half a day of work, a panicked voice suddenly came from the silent city.

But I heard that in the direction of the city wall to the south, there was a panic shout from the tribe: "No, it's not good! The city, the city gate is broken! The savages have entered!"

Hearing was shocked when he heard the words, he stood up with a sigh: "What!!!"

Bai Lian also stood up.

Hei Teng immediately picked up the knife and called a voter to support the southern city wall. At the same time, he asked everyone to stay with Bailian and Viduo.

Before leaving, Bai Lian kept looking at Heiteng, choked with tears: "Heiteng, you must live!"

Hei Teng stiffened, then smiled, nodded and said: "Don't worry! Bailian, I'm going. Viduo, take care of your mother."

After speaking, Hei Teng turned and left.

As he walked down the city wall, Hei Teng couldn't help but mutter in his heart.

Live? Is it possible?

I have been in my early sixties this year. At this age, I have been fighting hard for half a month in the city, and I have almost reached the point where I have been exhausted. The reason I am still insisting is entirely based on a sub-conviction.

Under the blessing of the city wall, he can barely fight, but losing the advantage of the city wall, can he be the opponent of these savages?

Heiteng didn't dare to think about it, he took back his wandering thoughts and killed him to Nancheng with someone.

As soon as I walked over, I saw countless savages rushing into the capital of the gods, breaking into the houses, and looting and killing the people of the gods.

Seeing this, Hei Teng was furious, carrying a knife and leading people to rush up.

The fighting power of the savage is much stronger than the amateur fighters brought by the black vine.

After fighting, the warriors of Black Vine fell one after another.

The predecessor is the technical staff of various departments, how good at fighting.

After fighting for half a month, everyone was struggling to stop the savage.

Although Lihuo has special combat tribesmen, these are not their responsibility, but everyone's wives and family affairs are all in the capital of God, even if they sacrifice their lives, they cannot let the savages come in.

One person desperately, never mind.

What's more, these thousands of people are desperate.

Everyone tried their best to fight, and under the blades of the blades, they finally blocked the savage at the gate of Nancheng.

Hei Teng stood at the gate of the city holding a gap in his hand, almost turning into a saw blade. He felt a sad end hero, blocking the road for the savage to enter the city.

While fighting, he ordered the people to close the gate of Nancheng.

That huge city gate is not to be closed, especially, it is still under the impact of savages.

The clansmen of the technical department spontaneously formed a death squad to charge, and pushed the barbaric offensive outside the city, which was considered as a chance for everyone to close the city gate.

When the gate was closed, Black Vine could see clearly that the gate bolt was not broken, on the contrary, the gate bolt was intact, all three bolts were so.

Heiteng is not a fool. He saw this scene, and a thought that even he couldn't help being afraid of.

This latch is not opened by an external impact, because if it is impacted, the latch should be broken.

The integrity of the latch can only prove one result, that is, someone opened the door from inside.

Thinking of this, Hei Teng was terrified.

Who would open it! In the capital of God, all tribesmen are struggling to fight, who will be making fun of everyone's lives!

Heiteng didn't dare to think about it. He hurriedly blocked the gate of the city. In this way, someone would open the gate from the city and remove the soil bag and stone blocking the gate.

Although I don't know who opened the door, Hei Teng reacted swiftly enough and fundamentally cut off the possibility of opening the door.

After blocking the door, Hei Teng's next task was to kill the savages who had rushed into God's Capital because the door opened.

When the two sides fought, Hei Teng, as one of the only warriors in the tribe, took the lead and rushed forward desperately.

Heiteng's bravery inspired the technical tribesmen who followed him, and they fought desperately with the wild people. Under chaos with each other, there were casualties at all times.

After all, they are not good at fighting. No matter how desperate the clansmen of the technical department are, they can't stop the ferocious fighting and not afraid of swords.

Seeing the festering retreat, Heiteng killed his head and ran back and forth shouting, it was his lower abdomen was torn by the savages, and he just cut off his clothes and simply wrapped it up, continuing to kill the enemy.

The more people killed, the fewer people, the more he killed the more jealous.

Finally, at a juncture when Hei Teng couldn't hold on, Xue asked Adottoto to bring the six members of the Thunder team and a part of the tiger guards to support.

They took the unprepared beast oil and set ablaze a large area where the savages were hiding.

Under the tumbling flames, the unscrupulous savages finally tasted the pain and were burned alive in the houses.

The scorching smell of the burning body rushed into everyone's nose and it was disgusting. Toto took the tiger guards and threw back all the savages who tried to rush out of the fire.

After completely annihilating the savages who had entered the capital, Toto breathed a sigh of relief, and Ado came to Heiteng and bowed his head to apologize.

When the savages entered the city from the south, the savages outside the city were not idle. They also took the opportunity to attack the gods, and everyone fought **** the city.

A Wei from the Ministry of Agriculture, Xiang from the Ministry of Forging, A Zhi from the Ministry of Resources, and even A Shuang, and other female relatives like Ting Xian all went on the wall.

There was really no way, Xue Xue just ordered to implement an arson plan ahead of time, and burn the savages who had broken into the capital.

For Toto's apology, Heiteng didn't say anything, just sat on the ground, bowed his head and said nothing.

The fire light shone on him, turning Heiteng's gray hair bright red.

Seeing that Heiteng was silent, Toto tried to call Heiteng's name again.

As a result, silence was still obtained.

Addo glanced to the ground and saw the blood under Heiteng converging into a small river.

Immediately, Ado was shocked, as if he realized something.

He tremblingly stretched out his hand and put it on Heiteng's neck.

Stop, stop...

Heiteng's pulse has stopped beating.

When Ado touched Hei Teng for three to five seconds, Hei Teng fell back heavily and lay on the ground with a plop. The wound on his stomach, which was simply wrapped in clothes, was dyed red with blood. His pants were all wet and bloody, and Heiteng's intestines fell from the wound, so miserable, Ado was frightened watching.

However, he could see a satisfying smile on Heiteng's face.

Black Vine... is dead...

Frozen for a few seconds, Ado leaped forward with a howl.

Like Heiteng, Ado was also born in Tianchan County, and was one of the first Tianchan County to follow Ji Zei.

Among the two thousand tribes who came out of Tianchan County, Heiteng, as the leader among them, brought more than one help to Ji Thief.

After fifteen years, Ado has grown from a child to an adult, and his respect for Heiteng, an old man, has not diminished in the slightest. Now that his companion of fifteen years has died in front of him, how can Ado not be sad?

Under the firelight, the scene of Addo lying on the corpse of Heiteng crying, made Toto and Hu Ben guards all unable to stop the tears.

Thump thump.

In the constant sound of knees hitting the ground, everyone knelt down, bowed their heads, and gave the highest farewell to the veteran Hei Teng.

Within half an hour, Xue, Bailian, and Wei Duo all heard the news and hurried over.

Bai Lian cried hard, and when he saw Heiteng's body, he choked and almost fainted.

She lay down next to Heiteng's corpse, crying in sorrow.