Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 2460: -Ji Wan's nightmare

It took four days for the Ji thief to return and lift the siege of the gods. Four days later, A Liang brought his brigade back.

On his way back, he wiped out all the scattered Neanderthals in the southern states and counties.

When meeting Ji Thief, Alian, who didn't understand the identity of these Neanderthals, also asked Ji Thief where these long-haired savages came from.

Ji Thief briefly explained to A Liang, and then asked all the tribesmen to make up and prepare for battle.

The thief also learned these days that at present, only some states and counties in the south of the Federation have been born, such as the states and counties in the north and west, all being attacked by Neanderthals.

The states and counties have been separated from each other for more than a month. If they don't go to rescue, I'm afraid something will happen.

A Liang was very angry when he heard that he clenched his fist and yelled at these long-haired beasts for being too much. He even dared to attack the Federation while he was at war with the Jiuli Alliance.

Who gave these apes the courage?

Aliang was eager to fight, but Ji Thief didn't say anything hypocritical, so he immediately promoted his troops.

Aliang, Lieshan, two masters, led Ahu, Acai, Zhu Rong, Gonggong, Chisong and other 10,000 people to the west to wipe out the threat of Neanderthals. At the same time, several state and county kings to the west assisted.

Of course, Ji thief definitely cannot talk about Neanderthals with the two of them, Ji thief only talks about savages.

As for the north, Ji thief let Xiao Ji Huan and Ying Long Baiya lead the team, followed by Ahuang, Hunter, Oga, Black Tiger, and several great kings in the north, who are also 10,000 people.

The brigade had just experienced a battle with Chi You, just when its vitality was severely injured. Basically, it had to fight again without much repair.

It’s not that Ji thief is squeezing everyone, but things are happening together. A Shi, he just spotted the time and led the Neanderthals to move their hands, otherwise, it would not cause the Federation to lose like this. Big.

The 13,000-odd people who died were all talents from the Engineering Department and the Forging Department. It can be said that their value is totally more than 200,000 ordinary people.

Because of this, Ji Zei gave the order to die, and all the long-haired savages were killed, not one left.

If what Ashi said is true, these long-haired savages are actually Neanderthals, then the two sides are now fighting a war of genocide.

The two teams left with the kerosene lathe and crossbow catapult. Before they set off, Ji thief did not forget to order the three people led by Aliang Jihuan and Lieshan. These long-haired savages were not afraid of swords and guns, but were afraid of fire.

Therefore, when fighting, you can try more fire.

Among the three, the best at setting fire is Lieshan.

Although Aliang Xiaojihuan has been in contact with fire for much longer than Lieshan, Lieshan's knowledge of fire control surpasses everyone.

It might be because Lieshan is known as Emperor Yan.

Listening to Ji Zei's instructions, all three nodded, expressing that Ji Zei was relieved.

The three went out to fight, and Ji thief sat and guarded the gods to provide support.

Leading the talents of the tribe such as Yi, who led Usma and his new father, while rebuilding the capital of God, they continued to provide the few remaining resources to the army in the northwest.

To make a long story short.

A month.

One month passed quickly, and good news from both the northwest and the north have spread frequently this month.

All the way to Alianglie Mountain, after several arson attacks on the mountains, all Neanderthals from Kuromu County to the west have been wiped out and driven away, while Xiao Jihuan in the north pushed the front to Baiyuan County.

In the face of the exhausted Yan and Huang coalition forces, the Neanderthals did not seem so terrible, and even their actual combat effectiveness was not as good as the Sun Tribe.

It's just that they are not afraid of the super-protective features of knives and guns. When they first come into contact, they are a little scary.

Under the fire, these Neanderthals are moving lamb skewers.

It was late at night, and the Ji thief, who had just ended with Usma and Yi Huiyi, held the battle report in his hand, and began to think about the problem.

A year ago, his dream told him that the Neanderthals would wipe out the Alliance and bring destruction. The slabs that Ashi hid a month ago told him that the Neanderthals would still destroy the Federation.

But judging from the performance of the Neanderthals who fought with Aliang Xiaoji Huanlieshan and the others, the thief could not see the possibility of these Neanderthals winning at all.

What are their means?

Although it is preliminary judged that there are hundreds of thousands of Neanderthals in the Federation, no matter how many people there are, you will be burned under the fire.

Is it possible that more people is an advantage?

Perhaps there are many primitive people squeezed by Neanderthals outside the Federation, but they are not their own subordinates, and Ji Thief did not think about supporting them.

Although they belong to the same race of Homo sapiens, at the moment, Ji Thief can't take care of them, so how can he be in the mood to care about them?

According to estimates, it will take at least half a year to completely wipe out these Neanderthals.

If the scattered primitive people outside the country can last for so long, maybe the thief will support them at that time.

Right now, it's better to take care of yourself.

The thief Ji took out the emerald he had retrieved from A Shi and held it in his hand. If he remembers correctly, A Shi said before his death that this emerald had an extraordinary effect.

Ji Zei didn't believe it at first, but thinking about it now, Ji Zei felt that maybe A Shi didn't lie to himself.

First of all, this thing fell out of a meteorite from outside the sky. Secondly, when I married Xue, I was holding this emerald in my palms, and it was the first time I landed on Easter Island in my dream. Back in modern times, I saw the ancient ruins I wanted to go to before I crossed, but I didn't see it.

That is, own **** capital.

In the follow-up, whether it was Xue or Xiao Ji Huan, they all told myself that the emerald glowed several times when he was dreaming of Easter Island. Ji did not believe this was a coincidence and the only thing that could be explained. It is this emerald that is guiding him.

Is it possible that this thing has the function of controlling time?

Ji Thief hissed, his face serious.

However, this seriousness did not last long before Ji Thief laughed.

Don't be kidding, this thing is not the original time stone in Marvel, and it can bring yourself to the past and the future.

Thinking of this, Ji thief shook his head and yawned. He felt a little tired. In recent days, in order to provide resources for more than 20,000 people in the northwestern two roads, the busy Ji thief had no food every day. Tired and exhausted, I finally lay down, and was awakened by the hurried information.

It's rare to have nothing tonight, and I can finally get a good night's sleep.

Ji Zei walked out of the study with a yawn, only to go out, he saw a person sitting in the yard under the moonlight.

When Ji Zei saw it, he was curious, and went down from the second floor to the courtyard. After a closer look, he discovered that the yard sitting on the stone bench was not someone else, it was Xiao Ji Wan.

This isn't it. Ji Zei was surprised when he saw Xiao Ji Wan. Why doesn't the little girl sleep at this late hour?

While wondering, Ji thief walked to the back of Xiao Ji Wan, and he heard the little girl muttering in her divine mouth that she didn't know what it was.

Ji Thief couldn't hear clearly, so he reached out and patted the girl's shoulder: "What are you doing girl."

Xiao Jiwan was shocked unpredictably. When she turned her head and saw Ji Thief, she breathed a sigh of relief, lightly patted her chest, and after a white glance at Ji Thief, she continued to chatter.

Ji thief was puzzled, and asked her daughter what it was talking about.

Xiao Ji Wan didn't respond at first. For a long time, she breathed a sigh of relief and returned to normal.

Ji Zei felt that something was wrong, because just now the performance of her daughter was like a magic stick, which was very different from usual.

Right now, Ji Thief asked Xiao Ji Wan what was going on.

When she first asked, the little girl dodged her eyes and refused to say. The Ji thief asked anxiously later, and Xiao Ji Wan opened her mouth. She looked at Ji thief with sad eyes, and looked worried: "Daddy, we Will it die?"

Ji thief was taken aback and didn't understand what was going on, so he asked Xiao Ji Wan why he said that.

Xiao Ji Wan shook her head and refused to say anything at first. After that, Ji thief asked several times before Xiao Ji Wan gritted her teeth and told the truth.

From Ah Shi's death to the present one month, Xiao Ji Wan is having the same nightmare every day.

She dreamed that the sea half a day east of the capital of God, the sea rises hundreds of feet high, swallowing the gods like beasts, and the remaining more than 50,000 people in the capital are all drowned.

And behind the sea, there was a female giant laughing wildly.