Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 830: -The prototype of the palace

Beast Blood and the Eagle glanced at each other, and both nodded: "Okay, just do what you say!"

Xue nodded, first instructed Chou to lurk to the Lihuo tribe, who is also a member of the Thunder Fire Tribe, and Chou naturally knew where they were lurking.

Speaking briefly of Xue's plan, he was taken aback, and when his heart said Master Xue was so courageous?

Ever since, Zi agreed to accept everything and take care of everything.

That night, Zi sneaked to the place where Xiaoqing lived, waiting for Xiaoqing's return.

At this time, Xiao Qing was walking with the other persons in charge, following A Jie in the location where the Lihuo tribe was going to build the palace.

A Jie demolished dozens of Chase shops in one go, freeing up a place about the size of a modern football field and building a palace.

And the foundation just submerged into the ground, it was buried no less than 500 roots.

He didn't treat the 1,000-odd Lihuo old man as a human being.

Every Lihuo old man is now incarnate as a humanoid animal. In the past few days, he has polished his tenon and tenon and digs the foundation.

Ji Zei gave a death order to polish the tenon and tenon joints. The mature man, at least two a day, if the elderly, women and children, one a day, if there is more, there is no reward, if there is less, he will kill.

For those who excavate the foundation, it is required that within three days, all the foundations required for the construction of the palace must be laid, and one person is responsible for one foundation.

If it fails, don't blame me for killing.

Under the heavy pressure, all the tribesmen sighed, and none of them dared to be lazy and relaxed, so that, within three days, there were thirty or forty tribesmen who died of exhaustion.

The corpses of the tribesmen were randomly discarded by A Jie outside the tribe, even the Lihuo tribe ignored the tradition of burying the dead.

A Shan held a torch, followed A Jie flatly, and whispered: "My patriarch, everyone is very excited to hear that you are going to build the palace. No, the foundation was completed in only three days."

She chuckled with the Mulian next to Zai Ajie, looking at the stump foundation that stood up like a forest: "I don't know what this palace looks like when it is built."

A Jie hummed with a smile: "Don't worry, this palace is very big. There are dozens of rooms just for living. When the palace is built, we will build a tall building outside the palace. Stone wall, I heard the thief say that the palace must have tall stone walls, so that it is worthy of being a palace."

Mulian looked forward to: "I really want to see such a palace sooner!"

Ah Shan immediately patted the horse and said, "Understood! I will order the people to hurry up and work! Not to mention, within twenty days, within twenty days, I will let the patriarch and the Mulian see the palace established!"

A Jie glanced at A Shan: "Don't always think about speed, I'll talk to you first, if this palace is not strong..."

Ah Shan shook his head vigorously: "If you are not strong, you can kill me directly!"

Mulian smiled at A Jie: "I said letting A Shan do things is very reassuring."

A Jie gave a faint hum, but A Shan was proud of his face.

Afterwards, he pointed to nine pillars with a height of twelve or three meters, and said, "Master Patriarch, come and see here."

A Jie looked in the direction of Ah Shan's fingers, and couldn't help but was taken aback: "What is this?"

"Hey, Lord Patriarch, do you remember that the thief once said that kind of multi-story building? I thought about it for a moment and decided to build a three-story large room for you at this location. The one that Ji thief lived in was so big. I have agreed with the people, that the room must be built more solid than the room Ji thief lived in before. If anyone is responsible for something wrong, then whoever will be punished ."

Mulian pursed her mouth: "It's just that the punishment is too simple. Given the opportunity they don't cherish, it's better to kill them."

Ah Shan was taken aback when he heard the words.

A Jie's voice followed immediately: "Just follow the instructions of Mulian."

"Yes, Lord Patriarch!" A Shan hurriedly lowered his head to agree, but he couldn't help being a little scared in his heart, saying that this manglietia was really cruel.

Just as Ah Shan was thinking, A Jie pointed to the pillars in front of him and said, "What are these things?"

Ah Shan hurried forward: "These are some strange leaf-patterned buildings I found from Usma. I looked pretty good, so I asked everyone to add them."

With that said, Ah Shan also took out the book of buildings that Ji Zei gave to Usma.

A Jie took a look: "It turns out to be this, you can open me to see what it looks like."

Ah Shan agreed, turned around and pointed to the building with a lip-like shape above it, then pointed to the corridors in front of the building and said, "This is Lord A Jie."

A Jie raised his head and glanced at the pillar standing on the open ground, and asked A Shan, "This is what your palace does?"

Ah Shan nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes, there is an open space in the middle. Usually, Lord A Jie, you can put something here or something, and I plan to add a door in front of this palace. In this case, no matter who it is, you can't Come in wherever you live, Lord Patriarch."

The corners of A Jie's mouth twitched and asked Azhi and the others: "Do you think it would be too wasteful for me to live in such a big house? After all, the previous patriarch Ji Thief did not live in such a good place. ."

Without waiting for Ah Zhi to reply, Ah Shan hurriedly said: "How come the patriarch! You are so powerful, you should live in such a house! No, it's the palace! That's you, so that the Lihuo tribe can come out so much. If he’s a member of Ji Thief, can he be replaced by Ji Thief? He just wants to live in such a big place, he is not worthy! Everyone said, right?"

Everyone nodded and praised A Jie.

Hearing Fengying's words in his ears, A Jie looked up to the sky and laughed.

Among the crowd, only Oga, Shamu, Forrest, and Xiaoqing had ugly expressions.

A Jie stopped after laughing and said: "Yes, yes, that's right! Let's continue to see!"

He followed forward again. After wandering for about twenty minutes, Mulian suddenly stopped leaving. He grabbed A Jie and said, "A Jie, I'm a little hungry."

A Jie looked up at the sky, it was completely dark.

Immediately, A Jie scratched his head and said: "I didn't notice that it is so late, A Shan, go, let the food and beverage department prepare some delicious food."

A Shan nodded hurriedly, and at the same time he was pleased with a smile: "Today the logistics department received a small ivory. It is said that it was snatched by the hunting department from the tribal territories south of the eastern plain. Then I will go to the catering department and say With a bang, let them deal with this ivory."

A Jie was taken aback when he heard the words, then looked back at Chuan: "I didn't expect you to be quite good, you all took the hunting department to the south to grab food from other tribes, not bad, not bad."

Chuan's face showed a proud look: "The strength of the few tribes in the south is really not that good. I took people there three times, and every time no one dared to stop me, the patriarch, asked me to say, tomorrow you give me more people. I went to the south to clean them up, and then captured their clansmen back, all prisoners?"

A Jie squinted his eyes and smiled: "Yes, tomorrow I will let the Husbandry Club cooperate with you, Oga, how about it?"

Ogaben didn’t want to agree. When Ji thief was there, he advocated a peaceful strategy. If others came to fight, Lihuo would not take the initiative to offend. After such a long time, the tribes in the south have been in peace with the Lihuo tribe. Including when the Qingfeng tribe broke into the eastern plains, the tribes in the south did not move. Now, if you break into other people's territory, you still want to capture them as prisoners. How do you think about it, how you feel too much.

But Oga didn't dare to say no with his own woman in the hands of A Jie, and could only nodded against his will.

At the moment, Ajay laughed loudly: "Although the tribes in the south are not very strong, they still have hundreds of people. It is not impossible to capture them back to do coolies to build the palace. Chuan, it depends on you. That's it."

"Yes, Lord Patriarch."

Seeing that he was robbed of the limelight, Ah Shan was a little unhappy, and hurriedly snatched it over and said: "The patriarch, I will now notify the catering department to make the ivory 彘."

A Jie waved his hand: "Go, go."

With a promise, Ah Shan turned around and left.

Only when he left with his front foot, he was stopped by Mulian.

"Wait first."

Right now, Ah Shan looked back at Mulian in doubt, and asked a little confusedly: "What's the matter with Lord Mulian?"