Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 838: -Fragrant mouth

Oga had the heart to kill Ah Yu, and he was delaying time here, but you turned around and told me the matter.

Still speaking in such detail, don't you know how crazy A Jie is looking for Master Xue now?

At the moment, Oga turned his head and glared at Ah Yu. If he could, he wanted to take out the axe and chop Ah Yu.

Who ever thought that Ah Yu just smiled honestly, but didn't care at all.

He knew Xue's plan. If he didn't lead Chuan a way for Chuan to hit him, wouldn't the layout of Xue be a waste?

It is precisely because of this that Ayu directly said where Xue and the others were going.

Sure enough, Chuan was so excited as if he was picking up bee poop, his mouth couldn't close. He hurriedly said to Oga, "Oga, I won't bother you for now, you go back, I have something else. It."

As he said, Chuanyi waved his hand, and the hundreds of people from the combat department who followed him all roared and moved forward together.

Here, as soon as Chuanqian walked away, Oga threw Ah Yu under the horse with his backhand.

Sitting on the ground, Ah Yu still raised his head blankly and asked Oga: "Oga, what are you doing?"

Oga snorted and didn't speak, and the hussar tribesmen who followed also gave Ah Yu a glance, followed by a yuck, and walked away.

Being despised by so many people, Ayu just blinked, he laughed and jumped up, and trot to follow.

Putting Ayu and Oga aside, the camera pulled over to Xue, and they headed towards the site of the Frost Valley Tribe.

When it was night, everyone hurriedly hurried, and finally stepped into the deserted valley of the Frost Valley tribe.

When she returned to the land where she would raise herself, Xue couldn't help but feel a little trance.

On the ground, there are still some bones and dark red land abandoned.

This is where the witch took Lin, Gaoshan and other tribesmen to attack General Qingfeng Gray Wolf last time.

On the battlefield, there are still many remnants of that day.

Xue set up everyone while preparing to ambush.

At this time, Ayin, Xiaolan, and Ugly all ran out, shouting three words for Master Xue.

Ayin was the most anxious. Her heart hadn't been taken seriously since she set off in the snow. When she saw Usma in the crowd, Petrochemical was stunned on the spot and stood there, unable to stop the flow of tears.

Usma pushed away the clansmen who were supporting her, walked staggering step by step, hugged Ayin, and whispered: "Great Ayin, you're fine, you're fine."

A-Yin was sobbing. For a long time, A-Yin was sobbing intermittently, tugging at Usma’s ear and said: "Master Usma, you said you don’t leave me alone, but you threw me down. I went to the Lihuo tribe, tell me, how do you count this!"

Although he was angry, what A Yin said did not feel angry at all. It sounded more like acting like a baby.

The injured hunter covered the wound and grinned: "Ain, I can tell you, Uthma is not honest in the Ministry of Public Security these days. I have been thinking about finding more females to marry after I come out. , You have to clean him up."

Usma's eyes widened in an instant, looked back at the hunter, learning the tone of the thief and cursed: "Are you special?"

Shou raised his eyebrows: "It's useless for you to scold me. Do you think you are the patriarch or something? Ayin, if you listen to me, you have to clean him up."

Ayin blushed and hugged Usma: "I, I am not willing."

Everyone immediately booed.

Usma looked at everyone triumphantly, with a bragging expression.

Xue stopped the people from playing around and said: "Stop talking and laughing, Oga said, Chuan is going to chase over, we have to prepare for an ambush quickly."

Everyone corrected their expressions: "Yes!"

Xue immediately began to allocate manpower, mainly from the one hundred tribesmen of the hunting department, supplemented by some sturdy male tribesmen. There were about three to four hundred people in total. They went to Houshan and got the prepared spear throwers. On both sides of the mountain wall.

As for the remaining tribesmen, such as old people, children and women, all climbed up the cliffs on both sides, hid behind the crowd, waiting for the arrival of Sichuan.

After waiting, they were all ambushing. After Ayin arrived late for the prepared food, the people in charge who had recovered some strength all lay down beside the snow, waiting for orders.

Moon star was scarce, waiting and waiting, Xue suddenly frowned: "No."

Several persons in charge all looked at Xue: "What's wrong with Master Xue?"

Xue Xue said: "If this is the case, we can't fool Chuan."

Next to Usma he said: "No, Master Xue, this is already perfect, why can't I lie to Chuan?"

Xue pointed to the valley and said, "Now, there is no sound in the valley. If you chase after you, will you feel that something is wrong? Will you think that there is no one in this valley and will not come in?"

When everyone in charge heard it, they all blinked and felt reasonable.

After waking up, the still very weak witch gulped hard: "In this way, I, I will take people down to talk and make trouble to attract Chuan and them to be fooled."

Xue shook her head: "No, sister Zhen, your body is not good now, so I will go down."

With that said, Xue was about to walk down holding a copper spear.

Only when she moved, she was stopped by the people in charge: "No way, Master Xue, how can you go down? Let me go, ah, I go."

A group of people couldn't fight for it.

There was no way, Xue shouted, "I still listen to you!"

Everyone present, let alone almost, had never seen Xue anger and anger, abruptly howling Xue's voice, everyone shrank their shoulders in fright, and blinked at Xue.

Xue packed up the copper spear and said, "That's it, I'll go down."

Speaking hard, she turned her head back: "Who will come with me? Be smart, so that when Chuan and the others are attracted in, we can run away as soon as possible. If there are few people, the voice is too small to be fooled. they!"

Xue's words fell, and A-Gump immediately brought out more than 200 members of the White Bone Wasteland. There were men, women and children, and they knelt down respectfully and said, "Master Xue, let's go with you."

Xue glanced at it and asked, "Is it all right?"

A-Gump punched his chest vigorously: "Don't worry, Master Xue, there is absolutely no problem!!!"

Toto and Aniu also stood up: "Let's go too."

Xue looked back at the two of them: "What are you going to do?"

Toto rammed his breath: "The patriarch asked me to protect you all the time, so I want to go."

Aniu also said, "I promised the patriarch to protect you, and I want to go."


For fear of the delay for a long time, the river has already arrived, and the snow can't help but take them down the mountain wall and ran into the middle of the valley.

Seeing this scene, the witch seemed to have tears in her eyes, and the snow grew.

With no one to rely on, she still relied on those poor resources to rescue everyone out, and she caught A Jie by surprise.

It seems that the Warriors accident this time made Xue reliable.

Of course, the witch didn't know much about Xue's character. What she didn't know was that when Xue had no one to rely on, she could rely on herself to display strength far beyond her level.

If someone gave her advice and gave her advice, then Xue would not even be able to display half of her strength.

To put it simply, Xue is the kind of person who doesn't see people in the wind, and brings super gods against the wind.

Immediately, Xue brought people into the valley. As soon as she stood still, Toto asked Xue: "Master Xue, what can we do to attract attention?"

Xue Xue said without thinking: "Curse."


"Yes, it's just cursing. If you curse boldly and forcefully, you can curse Ajie and Mulian.

Toto scratched his head: "Are you sure you want to scold?"

Xue nodded: "Yes, just like the words the warriors like to scold before. Although Chuan doesn't understand him, he must have someone who can understand him."

Toto grinned, "I see."

Speaking hard, Toto scolded.

The culture of planting flowers for five thousand years and the three-character scripture has already been developed. It was brought back to primitive society by the thief. Doesn't it become a nuclear bomb-level lethality to human spirit?

Don't say you can understand or not, just feel the atmosphere, you can't stand it.

With Toto's lead, everyone began to scold.