Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 878: -I was fooled

"Confused A Jie?" Everyone was taken aback.

The thief nodded: "Yes, A Jie is a smart person. I never doubted that if he could detect something and take his people to retreat forcibly, everyone thinks, can we stop them?"

Beast Blood said: "Why not? We have a lot of people."

"Yes, we have a lot of people, but if this is the case, even if we win, how much will we lose? A Jie's chaos this time has caused too much blood to flow from the mountains. If you can, I I want to clean up A Jie with the smallest loss."

Usma groaned and said: "My patriarch, it was not me who attacked you. Even if our encirclement was completed without loss, we would still lose a lot of people if we stormed the Li Volcanic Valley. It makes no difference."

Ji Thief said: "Then find a way, people are dead, but the way is alive."

With that, Ji Zei pointed to his head.

Everyone was overjoyed upon hearing the words: "Do you have a solution for that patriarch?"

Ji Thief grinned: "I'm thinking about it."

Everyone: "···"

The thief said, "Usma, I heard Xue said that you made a trebuchet before."

Usma nodded: "We have all the parts and everything, and we are assembling them. If I can get the copper mine valley back, I can make the reinforced trebuchet we used before."

The thief said: "Then do more and use the trebuchet to scare A Jie."


Ji Tie said: "It can be used for one hundred, but it is good enough to make A Jie see that we have one hundred trebuchets. That's it."

Usma snorted, "So what patriarch, if these hundred trebuchets can't be used, I can't make it for ten days."

Ji Zei shrugged and said: "If you can't do it, just think of a way. Don't worry, if it can be done this time, I will give you 500 more currency every month, how about it?"

"Hehe, is there any difference? In the end, only two hundred fell into my hands anyway."

Ji Thief was speechless: "I promise not to cheat your currency this time."

"Forget it, patriarch, you always say that."


"You fellow, are you still bargaining with me here, right? This is a dead task and must be completed for me, otherwise, I won't let you meet Ayin. Sister."

Xue agreed: "What's the matter with the warrior?"

The thief said: "You have taken Ain to live in these few days, when Usma has completed the task, and when will you send Ain back."

Usma trembled when he heard the words: "Clan, patriarch, you can't..."

Ji Thief said: "If I were you, I would be busy now, not here to waste time."

Usma was in tears, and the little daughter-in-law usually went away crying.

Hei Teng sighed and said to Bai Lian, "This brother is also bitter enough."

Bai Lian said, "Isn't it, you still have to do this kind of work at such an age."

Li Ya even said: "Although I don't know how bad A Jie is, but in my opinion, how do you think A Jie is worse than A Jie?"

Ji thief: "···"

The plan was finalized. The hundreds of combatants in the large mountain range, except those who regained the copper mine valley from the Aju belt, were all left to heal their wounds. The people in the Tianchan Plain were trained by the Ji thief and prepared for ten days. fighting.

The remaining tribesmen, each busy, do their own things.

Everyone, like a small gear, assembled together, it becomes a precision machine.

Immediately after Ah Ju set off, there was movement on the Ji thief's side, and he sent Ado to lead them to the Eastern Plains to play the battle.

This kind of mission is obviously to die. If it is changed to before, Ado will not go to kill him. However, after the dark cloud incident, A-Duo had nothing to fear about this kind of thing. When he came, the Ji thief had already said to him that he was just going to spread the word, and A Jie would definitely not embarrass himself.

Before Ado didn't believe in the thief, it turns out that Ado was wrong.

So, this time, Ado made up his mind and believed in the thief.

He came outside the Lihuo tribe, looked up, and yelled, "Call me A Jie!"

Several clansmen standing guard on the Hengqiao saw Addo and asked, "Who is this guy?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen this guy, but he looks arrogant, I want to go down and beat him up, how about you?"

"We want too."

"I was sent by Ji thief to find your patriarch, A Jie, and there is no one in charge. Go and call A Jie out. I have something to convey to him!"

"Ji thief!!!"

Hearing the name of Ji Thief, these few people who were going to teach Addo were taken aback. They all looked at each other: "It's Ji Thief, does he want to fight us? What should I do?

"What should I do? Go and notify the patriarch."

"Oh oh."

In words, he ran back hurriedly.

After Ah Jie appeared on the Hengqiao, Ado was still aiming at the left and right: "A Jie? Why is he not here yet?"

"I'm A Jie, what can Ji Thief tell me?"

A Jie Ti asked.

Ado looked up and down under the cross bridge, and saw that A Jie broke half of his face, broke a hand, and had several wounds on his shoulder, he couldn't help but startled.

He subconsciously yelled out: "Monster!"

After a sentence fell, A Jie's expression turned pale with a brush.

A clansman by his side pointed at Ado angrily and said, "Open your eyes and take a good look! This is our patriarch!"

Ado Bah said, "I thought Yi was ugly enough. I didn't expect you to be uglier than him. No, you are not ugly, you are scary."

When Ah Jie on the Hengqiao heard this, his eyes narrowed.

He grabbed the railing on the cross bridge, and his eyes were full of murderous aura.

Seeing A Jie's performance, the few clansmen next to him all felt awkward. They said they were broken. After the patriarch broke his face, he hated what others said about his looks the most. What's wrong with this kid outside? What are you saying bad, do you have to say this?

For a while, everyone looked at A Jie with fear.

For a long time, A Jie stretched his brows and asked Ado: "Let's talk about it, what can Ji thief ask you to bring me."

Ado snorted: "A thief asked me to tell you, three days later, in the eastern plains, do you dare to fight?"

When the words fell, everyone on the Hengqiao except A Jie was in an uproar, one of them counted as one, and they couldn't help showing a frightened expression on their faces.

For a while, whispering and whispering continued.

"What, the decisive battle will begin in three days? This, so fast?"

"This is over. We are not opponents at all. What should we do? We must lose in this fight."

"Shhh, be an idiot quietly, don't say this in front of the patriarch."

When he said this, the man also glanced at A Jie to the side.

The expression on A Jie's face remained the same, without any change.

"That's it?" A Jie asked.

Duo nodded: "That's all, otherwise, what else do you want to know?"

A Jie laughed: "I see, go back and tell Ji thief, three days will be three days, three days later, in the eastern plain!"

When I said this, everyone thought A Jie was crazy.

How is this a decisive battle? Even if the total available combat power of your side does not exceed 800, how can you fight Ji Thief and the others?

It is conservatively estimated that they are more than twice as many as ours.

Just thinking about it, A Jie spoke again: "In addition, I have one more thing I want you to go back and tell Ji Thief."

Ado was taken aback: "What's the matter?"

A Jie sneered, waved his hand, and suddenly ten spearmen appeared on the bridge.

"Send someone next time. Don't let a child like you come. Otherwise, it would be a shame to die!" A Jie, who has not been different from Ado for several years, said this, but with a taste of old age. .

Addo's eyes stared instantly.

A Jie said: "Kill!"

Throwing spears in the air continued to swish, and ten spears went straight to Addo.

Ado forgot to dodge and sat down on the ground.

When they drew a copper knife and threw a spear in the air, they pulled Ado up and retreated.

Addo's legs were so frightened that he was so frightened, he just murmured: "I was fooled, I was fooled by the thief.

A Jie pointed his hand outward: "Chasing out and killing them!"

The wooden door opened, and more than twenty people rushed out from inside, shouting and rushing up.

Seeing that Ado could not move, Zi directly picked up Ado and ran away.