Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 886: -Came out to greet the guests

A Jie slapped his chest: "Of course, but before that, I have to look at your sincerity. You should know the route of Ji's retreat and take me there."

Scarface bit his lip and nodded vigorously after thinking for a long time: "Okay, I promise you."

Scarface is Yi. After learning about Ji Thief's plan, he actively asked to stay and seduce A Jie and the others.

Yi wanted to see how much A Jie, the owner of this name, had been chanting for countless times when Ji Thief couldn't sleep.

Immediately, A Jie was fooled, and Yi Yu's tribe became a guide, leading A Jie to death.

On the road, when he heard A Jie’s words of boosting morale, Yi couldn’t help but look slightly, saying that A Jie is okay. The decisive battle mentioned earlier was to divert A Jie’s attention, so that he could cut the openings between the north and the south and close the door to beat the dog. As for the decisive battle, I never thought about it.

Even on the agreed day, Ji Thief didn't send anyone at all.

However, Yi didn't expect that when A Jie spoke, it became an excuse for Ji Zei to be afraid of him, so as to improve his morale.

Seeing the clansmen with fighting spirit on their faces, A Jie smiled happily, and Yi's brows were lowered.

It seems that A Jie does have real skills.

However, Yi wouldn't believe that A Jie really went there that day. Just think about this kind of thing.

It's a pity, it's a pity that I didn't seize this opportunity to blow their morale.

Instead, A Jie took the lead.

Looking at it this way, dealing with A Jie is really not an easy task.

But, this time, as long as A Jie enters the encirclement to set up an ambush point, then the battle is basically over.

Thinking of this, Yi stabilized his mind and continued to lead A Jie forward.

As he walked away, A Jie became more anxious, and couldn't help asking Yi: "How come you still see Ji Thief and the others?"

Yi raised his head and glanced at the sky. It was already noon, he wiped the beads of sweat from his face and said, "It's almost there."

After saying that, Yi saw the large mountain range and the northern entrance of the eastern plain, and the figure was shaking. He immediately drew his fingers and said, "That's it!"

A Jie looked suspiciously, only to see hundreds of people indistinctly ahead entering the entrance. Immediately, A Jie's eyes lit up and said that he had finally caught you!

Ah Wu eagerly slapped his hands and said, "Master Patriarch, give the order, I will lead people to rush up!"

What A Wu said, plus the fact that it came to a critical point, A Jie was not as excited as before, or that this morning's march had worn away his impatient temper.

I saw that A Jie stopped and squinted at the entrance.

More than ten days ago, I am here to ambush a wave of Xue. If it wasn't for Xue's strategy of dividing forces, I would end the battle here in advance.

A Jie closed his eyes and said nothing, he was thinking about the problem in his heart.

What if Ji Thief is here to ambush themselves?

Yes, it is correct that Ji Thief died, but he has never seen Ji Thief's body. It is all about listening to the people below and Ji Thief's people. What if Ji Thief is cheating?

Don't doubt, Ji Thief is such a person.

In other words, even if the thief is dead, Usma is still there. Although Usma is not a smart person to myself, Usma will still learn how to do it, just in case. He set up an ambush here to prevent his pursuit?

Don't forget, there are still nearly two thousand people on Ji Zei's side. Looking at him, there are only four hundred and less than five hundred people. If they enter the valley, none of them can escape, and the battle will end ahead of schedule.

No, you can't be careless, it's too dangerous to get in.

Ji thief once said that a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

A Jie didn't know what a gentleman was or what a dangerous wall was, but A Jie knew that if it was a dangerous place, even wild beasts would not easily enter it. What's more, it was himself?

Immediately, A Jie opened his eyes and looked for Yi. Without knowing Yi's name, he directly shouted: "Hey, you are sure that Ji Thief is really dead..."

Before he finished speaking, A Jie was shocked: "Where is the person?"

Everyone who was excited when they saw the retreat of the Ji thief were shocked: "Who?"

"It's those people from the natural plains!"

"No, I don't know, I was there just now."

A Jie groaned in his heart, and said his heart was broken.

He just wanted to open his mouth and shout to retreat. Suddenly, he heard a burst of laughter from the gorge facing him, and a man riding a tiger swayed out of it.

"A Jie, you finally came out."

A Jie's eyes locked into a ball instantly: "Ji Thief!!!"

Two hundred steps away, Ji Thief smiled: "Yes, it's me, Ji Thief."

Wu's eyes widened: "Isn't he dead?"

A Jie kicked A Wu's heart to death. You ask me what?

"You are quite alert, originally I was thinking of pitting you in and killing you, so that you can also taste the smell of being jammed in the canyon and ravaged, I didn't expect you to be fooled, tusk." Ji Thief A Jie gritted his teeth and looked forward.

Yi led the dozen or so natural people to Ji Zei's side, and gently pursed his lips: "Azie, he has already been brought here."

Ji Tie said, put his hand to his lips and whistled: "Everyone, don't hide, come out and greet our guests."

The words fell, shouting and killing everywhere, roaring everywhere.

From the south, beast blood and A Niu led more than three hundred killers out. To the north, the Eagle and Clan Chief Lin led more than three hundred people. On the east side where A Jie came over, there were two Acai A-Gumps, who brought the three hundred tribesmen of the Lihuo tribe and surrounded them.

At a time, nine hundred people came out, and the Ji thief made a move. From the canyon behind him, Oga led twenty-six cavalry, surrounded by patriarch Yun and Gaoshan, leading 500 people to press up.

The battle is about to start.

Wu grabbed the bronze sword and shouted, "Master Patriarch, don't be afraid, I am here!"

After saying that, Wu raised his sword and rushed forward towards Oga. While he rushed over, he shouted: "Oga, you traitor, dare you stand up against me!"

Oga didn't even take a look at him, the horse galloped past, and the copper axe in his hand flew up.

Oga rushed dozens of steps away from Wu, who was still standing in place.

No, to be precise, it was Wu's voice still standing on the ground. At the feet of his cavity, there is his head rolling.

Oga took the lead: "Kill!"

As if it were a signal, all the tribesmen from all directions came up.

Tushan led the Shanying tribe to guard the Ji thief, staring scorchingly at the situation in front of him.

Usma and Yi were beside the thief. The former sighed, "It's a pity, it's a pity that A Jie didn't get into the canyon. The trebuchets, archers and spearers we set up on both sides of the canyon were all wasted. Up."

Ji Zei hummed, "That's why I said, A Jie is not easy to deal with."

"By the way, Lord Patriarch, why didn't you see Patriarch Blackvine? What about the others?" Usma asked.

"Oh, you mean Brother Heiteng, he and Yan Clan Chang Shamu are leading the remaining hundreds of people and still have things to do."

"What's the matter?" Usma asked in a daze.

Ji thief smiled: "You said that A Jie has brought the clansmen out now, is there still someone guarding the Li Volcano Valley? If you don't make a surprise attack at this time, when will you go?"

Usma suddenly realized.

Yi blinked and asked Ji Thief, "A Thief, why do I think there is something wrong with the number of people."

"what happened?"

Yi Na pointed at A Jie and the others in the circle, and said, "Look, how many A Jie and the others are now? Four hundred people are less than five hundred people. We asked them before that the remaining number of them should not be eight. A hundred or so? Where did the rest go?"

Ji thief was also taken aback: "Yes, where did the rest of the people go?"

Usma said, "Did A Jie not bring all these people out?"

"It's broken. If that's the case, Brother Heiteng will not be able to go to Dali Volcano Valley, and he will suffer a loss." As he said, Ji thief opened his mouth and shouted: "Go, call a hussar tribe, and let him hurry. Go and notify Patriarch Heiteng. The original plan was cancelled. Don't move the Li Volcano Valley first, and transfer people back. First, eliminate the hundreds of people brought out by A Jie."

Chen, one of the thunder and fire dead men who followed by him, agreed and went straight into the battlefield.

After a while, a hussar tribe left the battlefield, headed east, and left.