Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 890: -Give them another surprise

Almost all the women and children who came up to defend were thinking about the same question in their hearts.

Why did A Jie not deal with the things he caused himself? Why did he pull us into the water?

Why did we surrender you? Isn't it because you are strong?

Recognizing you as the patriarch requires you to protect us, not us to protect you.

Resentment grows.

The dissatisfaction of these people is almost written on their faces.

The cold wind blew, although it was past the spring and the climate became warmer, but at night, it was still a bit cold.

Not to mention, it's still a wild land like primitive society.

Many women and children doing defensive tasks on the Hengqiao Mountain were rubbing their shoulders, but they were suffering coldly while wearing a coat of animal skins.

The feeling of pain from the inside out makes them just want to go back to their residence, lie down, and sleep well, instead of standing on the wall of the Hengqiao mountain with cold copper spears as they are now. Task.

Everyone now, don't mention how envious of the coalition forces outside Hengqiao, there are hot food to eat, and a warm campfire to keep warm.

Outside the valley, the celebration of the coalition continued into the night.

Many people who stood guard on the wall of Hengqiao yawned.

They slapped their mouths, and they continued to aha.

In the beginning, everyone remained quiet and talked quietly.

But at night, it was already cold. If you don't talk to divert your attention, I am afraid that I will really fall asleep on the bridge.

Gradually, whispers sounded.

At first, it was only a very low voice discussing. Later, everyone's voice slowly rose up, just like a bug with nowhere to vent their energy in the summer night, becoming more and more intense.

It was Chuan who led the patrol to stop this momentum.

The Li volcanic valley was quiet again.

Everyone looked back at A Jie's place where they moved into the semi-finished palace, and their hearts were full of anger.

Just as they were blaming and resenting A Jie in their hearts, they were abruptly, they heard the sound like thunder trembling outside the valley.

Immediately, these women on the Hengqiao mountain wall were taken aback, and they grabbed the copper spear and stared out of the Heigulongdong valley.

The loud noise disturbed the children sleeping in their mother's arms. They rubbed their eyes and asked in a daze, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

"Kill! Flatten the Li Volcano Valley! Capture A Jie alive!"

The shouting and killing sounded loudly, this time, there is no need to explain, everything is understood.

Except for the east mountain wall, the rest of the valley, in the three directions of west, north and south, the thunder-like loud noises accompanied by the sound of screaming like a stormy sea patted over.

Everyone defending on the Hengqiao mountain wall was frightened. Those who had never experienced such a large-scale battle looked out in a daze, blinked, and looked silly.

No one is leading, they don't know what to do.

Even some people threw the copper spear in their hands, squatted on the ground holding their heads, and kept muttering: "Don't kill me, I surrender, I surrender."

Panic belongs to the Li volcanic valley tonight.

A Jie opened his eyes as soon as he heard the call to kill. He sat up with a sigh, and the Mulian nestling next to him rubbed his eyes and muttered, "What's wrong, A Jie?"

A Jie hissed: "Listen!"

Ying Chuuchuo stepped through the Li volcanic valley, and when the sound of catching A Jie alive entered his ears, the whole face of A Jie changed.

He even came without clothes, jumped out of the bed, grabbed a copper knife on the head of the bed, and ran out.

He was barefoot, ignoring the coldness of the ground, gritted his teeth and walked out, cursing in a low voice: "Damn Ji thief, did it start so soon! Night attack, this really looks like yours!"

After going out, A Jie summoned some of his henchmen to rest and led them to the Hengqiao.

Panic is everywhere in the valley.

A Jie joined the Chuan who led the team when he heard the sound, and boarded the Hengqiao.

Halfway through, when seeing countless people kneeling on the ground and tremblingly saying things like surrender, A Jie's nose was irritated.

If it wasn't for making trouble to know whether Ji thief came for real or frightened himself, A Jie might have drew his sword and slashed these guys.

Hurrying to Hengqiao, A Jie squinted and looked out.

For a long time, I just saw that there was no movement outside the valley, except for the sound of thunder and killing.

After another moment, the noise outside finally stopped.

"This **** Ji thief!" A Jie scolded, and as expected, Ji thief used that method!

Chuan didn't understand, so he wiped his nose and asked A Jie, "Master Patriarch, what is the Ji thief doing? Why do they put on a decisive battle if they don't attack?"

A Jie's knife was put down, and he let out a cold snort, "Have you not seen it yet? Ji Thief is trying to harass us."

Chuan was taken aback: "Harassment? Is it the same method you used when you attacked our mountain range?"

"The people who went out of the Lihuo tribe didn't know this? Let alone the Ji thief who invented this method, huh!" A Jiepo said a little unhappy.

Although he knew that Thief Ji was harassing, he couldn't believe it.

At the beginning, the thief Ji talked about the benefits of the harassment war in front of the big guy.

The so-called war is compared to who controls the initiative.

Take the night harassment of the offensive team as an example. The defense team has no way to determine whether you are coming for real or frightening people. Generally inexperienced, if it is a harassment, you will be messed up. You don’t need to attack at all. Fang hands.

A Jie had no way to crack it, he had only seen Ji Thief use this trick, and it worked well after trying it out himself, but he did not expect that this trick would fall on him.

After gritting his teeth for a long time, A Jie sat on the ground angrily: "I don't believe it anymore. I'm sitting here myself, Ji Thief, you can really call me. Come on, look at Bibi, it's a big deal tonight!"

A Jie said with anger.

No matter what the reason he did this, the women and children who were dissatisfied with him and became flustered by the noise just now were all relieved.

It's like finding the backbone.

Just as A Jie thought, in the next period of time, there will be two more sounds before and after the noise.

Seeing that the day was about to dawn, A Jie was sitting on the cross bridge, stubbing his mouth. He came out anxiously, and he didn't wear warm clothes. At the end of the night, he was already frozen into a grandson with his nose running down and hanging. It swayed on the nose, and for instance, sneezed from time to time.

Chuan couldn't stand it anymore, so he rushed to A Jie: "Then patriarch, maybe you take a break, didn't you say it before, this harassment is at most three times, besides, it is almost dawn, they are tossing. It's time to rest after so long."

A Jie just wanted to say no, but a sneeze came out immediately.

He rubbed his shoulders and cursed **** god. Then, A Jie took a deep breath and said, "Let everyone seize the time to rest and raise their spirits. After the harassment by the thief last night, he will definitely send someone today. Attacking us. I know him best, this **** will definitely do it!"

Chuan agreed and ordered A Jie to go down.

Only A Jie stood up, staggered down the Hengqiao, and walked towards the palace.

After he left, the tribesmen who had been worried all night finally breathed a sigh of relief. Now it's okay. The patriarch said that it's okay, so he can rest for a while. This night, it will be a tossing death.

For a while, everyone squatted on their posts, and two or three people hugged each other to sleep, seizing the time to rest.

Such a pitiful situation, if you let those male tribesmen who died or were captured for the sake of A Jie to see, they might become angry.

What are we doing desperately for? Isn't it just for our own women and children to be good, but you, A Jie, used our women and children like this? It's really not your relatives, don't you feel sorry for yourself?

Soon, there was snoring in the Li Volcano Valley, and everyone fell asleep.

At the same time, outside the Li volcano valley, the well-rested Ji thief yawned and was awakened by Tushan.

Looking at the bright sky, Ji thief asked Tushan: "How many times did you harass last night?"

Tushan answered honestly: "Three times."

Ji Thief was happy: "That's right, it's dawn, and give them another surprise."