Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 891: -Bleeding Li Volcano Valley

Tushan didn't react for a while, and he was shocked: "Huh? Surprise?"

The thief stretched out and groaned: "Yes, you said they should have just fallen asleep now, go, let the big guy work harder, beat the drums and continue to scare them."

Tushan hurriedly agreed, and went out after a trot. After a while, the drums rang loudly, waking up the resting leaders and the patriarchs.

They all got up, came to Ji Zei in a hurry, and blinked and asked, "What's the matter with the warrior? Isn't it enough for dawn? How come?"

Ji Zei yawned, holding a bowl with a pinch of salt in his hand, and was squatting on the ground, clinching teeth.

When someone asked, Ji Thief sprayed out all the salt in his mouth and said, "Oh, nothing, but suddenly I thought that A Jie must know my harassment routine. Now that he knows it, we don’t have to do it. Does the routine play cards? Tortured A Jie well and let him have a long experience. Okay, brothers, now everyone is going to prepare. Let's wait for the sun to rise, and then prepare to do it."

Everyone looked around at each other, all kicked and shouted yes.

At the same time, Ji Thief still mumbled: "It's strange to say that we were so harassed last night, no one came out to surrender or something, is the method of encircling three and missing one not working?"

Outside the valley, the thief and the others traveled freely. Apart from harassment, they could chat with each other, joking or something.

In the valley, A Jie's lungs were about to explode, and he roared: "Damn it, how come back!"

With red eyes, A Jie ran out with a knife, and everyone was full of anger. Now A Jie has a very urge to slash at anyone who is upset.

You know, counting today, A Jie has not slept for two consecutive nights.

In addition, he was so excited yesterday that he took some people to chase the Ji thief, but he returned from an ambush, and more than 400 people fled back to less than 100, almost vomiting blood.

It was equivalent to saying that A Jie was completely holding on with a sigh of relief.

He ran up the Yokohashi, before he could get angry, he was stunned.

Because, after the harassment, Ji Thief has come for real this time.

Hundreds of trebuchets were pushed out under the cover of more than two hundred people, and they were arranged at a distance of 200 steps outside the valley.

About four hundred people guard the trebuchet from the left and right. In addition, in the north and south directions, the blood of beasts and the patriarch of Gaoshan led the formation, leaving only the east sideline.

When A Jie learned of this, he felt a little stunned.

Ji thief, Ji thief is here for real.

In front of the trebuchet, Ji Zei led the Territorial Mountain and the Twelve Thunder and Fire Warriors to jump out of the tiger, holding the flag gun back and forth. Suddenly, he stopped the tiger, holding the flag gun in his hand and pointing at Hengqiao, shouting: "A Jie !"

A Jie on the Hengqiao was clever and hurriedly suppressed the fear in his heart, and couldn't help but shout back: "What, what!"

Ji Thief was happy, still looking relaxed and freehand.

It seemed that for him, cleaning up a Jie couldn't be easier.

I knew that this was Ji Thief’s psychological warfare, but A Jie just couldn’t raise his energy. In A Jie’s mind, perhaps, it was indeed the same as Ji Thief thought. Facing Ji Thief, he was looking up. High mountains?

No, no, I am A Jie, I am a heroic A Jie, I can't have such thoughts!

Taking a deep breath, A Jie corrected his attitude again and looked at Ji Thief with indifferent eyes.

When doing this action, A Jie kept telling himself that he was not looking at Ji Thief, and he was not looking at Ji Thief, but an irrelevant person.

He tried to use this method to hypnotize himself.

"Our battle officially begins today. Before the decisive battle, I have only one sentence. If you surrender now, I will give you a good death and save the blood of your subordinates. Otherwise, when I break the Li Volcano Valley, I will definitely kill you. Divide!"

Hearing these words, A Jie's heart changed somewhat.

He tried to correct his attitude, and kept breathing deeply, so that he could return to his state and keep himself at a point where he was neither humble nor humble.

"Ji thief, don't speak big words, things have become like this, either you die or I live! If you want to come, then come, see if I am afraid of you!"

Ji Thief smiled slightly and said: "Very good."

As he said, he turned his gaze to the people stationed on the Hengqiao mountain wall, and asked, "What about you? Do you want to work hard for A Jie? I promise, I'm just asking A Jie to trouble him alone. If you If anyone stands up and surrenders, then I will raise my hands to welcome."

When the defending women heard these words, a lot of different thoughts came out of their hearts. They looked at Ji Thief in a daze, and their legs moved unconsciously.

A Jie noticed this scene, his nose almost crooked, and suddenly, he grabbed the copper knife, chopped it on the cross bridge with a bang, staring and shouting: "Who dare I!"

This roar made everyone energetic and looked back at A Jie in fear.

Down the valley, Ji Thief smiled softly: "It's hard to persuade the **** ghost. If that's the case, then, I can only let you taste the power of the trebuchet first. These hundred trebuchets are all for You prepared it. Of course, don’t be afraid. At the beginning, I will never use all the trebuchets. After all, I have worked so hard in the Li Volcano Valley for so long. Still distressed."

After saying that, Ji Thief straddled the tiger's back, turned around, laughed and left.

When Ji thief returned to his camp, eleven trebuchets were retired immediately.

Usma personally took the helm and led a few former engineering tribesmen with good accuracy to calibrate the attack points of the trebuchets. Then, after giving orders, the slings blew out with the sound of the wind.

When the boulder lifted into the sky and slammed on the bridge and the mountain wall to make a loud noise, the first time he saw the power of the trebuchet and the people from the natural plains were shocked.

This, this is too scary, right?

They knew that only eleven of the hundred trebuchets could be used, and the rest were used to scare people, but even these eleven trebuchets, when they were activated, were terrifying.

Even the father and son couldn't help thinking in their hearts, if, by any chance, a hundred trebuchets were collected, would there be a need to fight?

Just these one hundred trebuchets smashed past, and there is nothing left in Li Volcano Valley, right?

In the Li volcano valley, the wailing was constant. The women who were forced to come up by A Jie had no experience in guarding against trebuchets, nor had they received relevant training. Many times, they stood there watching the huge boulders come.

The panic spread quickly.

When everyone was trembling and lying on the ground, begging to throw stones not to hit them, suddenly, a woman jumped up and shouted like crazy: "Don't fight, don't fight, I surrender, I surrender!"

After that, she ran under the Yokohama.

This person's actions were almost the voice of most people, and when she moved, several of them followed.

However, just when they were about to grab the Hengqiao, suddenly more than a dozen people appeared, armed with copper spears, and slammed the few women who had fled to the ground.

A Jie half bent over on the horizontal bridge, holding a bronze knife in his hand, and screamed staringly: "If anyone dares to escape, this is the end! I don't believe it anymore, you won't stand still and fight hard!"

A Jie's actions and his words stunned all the clansmen who wanted to escape.

They didn't dare to resist A Jie, they could only shrink up and continue to hide themselves, and at the same time pray that the boulder would not hit them.

The catapults roared for about half an hour, and the eleven catapults almost completely destroyed Simon.

The beautiful and neat west gate that was originally built is now swaying and tending to collapse.

A section of the horizontal bridge above the door was hit by a boulder, and at this time, it was barely supported.

The Ji thief riding on the tiger's back raised the flag spear in his hand, pointed obliquely in the direction of Li Volcano Valley, took a deep breath, and shouted: "Attack!"

With an order, those tribesmen who were waiting for the battle behind Ji Zei's body were like a flood that opened the gate, wailing and rushing up.

There were mountains and plains, and before they waited for a fight, the amazing aura alone made many defensive women unable to hold weapons.

The war will begin now.

At the same time, bloodshed is just today.