Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 922: -Inferiority complex

At the west gate, Azhi retreated.

He couldn't understand why a group of women were so brave.

Especially the woman who rushed to the front was more difficult to deal with than Toto of Li Huo.

Although Toto was fierce, he was relatively simple and easy to deceive. This was not necessarily the case. Several times to trick her into ambushing the ring, she seemed to know in advance, so she was not fooled.

It happened that Chuan was not there yet, and no one could stop her.

Simon was about to miss.

Being led by Li Ya, Ah Zhi is not an opponent at all.

When he was in the Qingfeng tribe, he was not the kind of person who was good at fighting. When he encountered a female war **** like Li Ya, it seemed that Azhi had no other choice except to retreat.

Hengqiao had already fallen into Li Ya's hands. Then, as long as Li Ya drove Azhi away, it would be equivalent to taking Simon completely.

If Ximen falls, then the Ji thief outside can directly enter the Li Volcano Valley.

At that time, no one can stop it.

The matter has reached this point, and Ah Zhi is also desperate. He knows that if Simon is here, he can live two more days, and if Simon is not, he will die on the spot.

Azhi is not Chuan, it's not that he disappeared early in the morning when things were wrong.

He led the team to charge. During the battle, when he caught sight of Ah Yu standing with Li Ya, Ah Zhi’s eyes stared out. Ah Zhi is not a fool. Anyone with a discerning eye can see this situation. Ah Yu, that’s The one who brought in Leia.

He glared and roared: "Ayu! The patriarch is so kind to you, why do you betray the patriarch!"

Ayu, who was fighting with Timao and Li Ya, heard Ah Zhi's words and turned his head and shouted: "It is the patriarch who is kind to me, and I want to repay the patriarch. However, my patriarch is only Ji Thief, and only Could it be a thief!"

Li Ya rolled her eyes in disdain: "What are you doing with so much nonsense with him!"

Speaking hard, Li Ya put on a spear-throwing posture, and with a flash, the copper spear in her hand dropped out and took Azhi straight.

Azhi was unprepared for a while, was pierced by the copper spear in his shoulder, screamed and rolled off.

Seeing her hit, Li Yaha let out a cry of excitement, followed her body and hid herself, then raised her fist and knocked over an enemy who wanted to take the opportunity to attack her. She snatched his copper spear and shouted: "Don't grab anyone from me! That guy's head is mine!"

After saying that, Li Ya rushed forward with a copper spear, and no one in front of her could stop her.

The enemy guarding the west gate was washed away and fled in all directions. Azhi also hid his wound in the crowd to escape.

This is no longer possible.

If Ah Zhi was still thinking about taking back Simon when he was not injured, then now that he is injured, he no longer has this thought.

Li Ya succeeded in capturing the West Gate, and only when she boarded the Hengqiao and ordered her men to open the West Gate, she saw that a place not far from the valley was filled with smoke, followed by Mulian with Chuan and Ashan, and dozens of An elite male tribe and three to four hundred women and children came here.

Seeing that Li Ya had the urge to fight, Ayu hurriedly stopped Li Ya: "Sister, don't get excited, you can't beat that Chuan."

Li Ya raised her eyebrows: "What are you talking about! I am not his opponent! I don't believe it today, don't stop me!"

Li Ya was not irritated. Even though Ah Yu had good intentions, Li Ya jumped down without hesitation, grabbed the copper spear and rushed straight towards the Mulian, shouting: "Which is Chuan! Come out and challenge me. !"

The injured Azhi ran away and pointed his hand to Li Ya, and said to Mulian as if making a small report: "Master Patriarch, this is the woman! It is her!"

Without instructions from Mulian, Chuan raised the knife to rush forward.

For a time, the two were like needles to the wheat.

Li Ya was not convinced by Ayu's words at first, but the battle started and Li Ya realized the gap between herself and Chuan.

After the battle started four or five moves, Li Ya couldn't bear it.

Chuan's attacks were weird and quick, and they were often prevented from here but not there.

With a sudden stab, Chuan cut directly at Li Ya's arm.

Even if Li Ya hid in time, Chuan still swiped his arm with a stab, and blood flowed downward.

After being injured, Li Ya did not retreat but moved forward, like a mad tigress.

Her stubborn temper came up, her eyes were red, and she rushed forward with the bronze spear, as if she wanted to die with Chuan.

Chuan Rang was taken aback. Ming Chuan's skills could surpass all the masters in the mountains, but he was too costly to be injured. Seeing Li Ya like this, he couldn't help but give in two steps.

That is to say, after these two steps, Li Ya was able to make continuous attacks and once moved the balance of victory to her side.

But as the battle progressed, Li Ya's physical strength was exhausted. Chuan just withdrew from the defensive position, kicked out from below, kicked directly on Li Ya's abdomen, and staggered her back seven or eight steps. A knife took Li Ya's throat and neck.

Seeing that Li Ya couldn't hold on, Ah Yu on the cross bridge was anxious. Just when Ah Yu was about to take the bronze spear to rescue Li Ya, he heard the squeaking sound behind his back, and looked back, a familiar figure reflected Into the eyelids.

Ah Yu was stunned: "Shooting?"

After receiving the order of Ji Zei and abandoning the large group to move forward alone, the hunter who climbed the Hengqiao with explosive force pulled out his back double knives and said: "Ayu, you go and open the door and let the patriarch come in. I will save Li Ya. ."

Saying that, without giving Ah Yu time to react, Shou has already jumped off the four-to-five-meter-high cross bridge. After landing, he rolled and took off his strength. Following a carp, he leaped forward and went straight to Li Ya and fighting. Chuan.

Ah Yu didn’t react until Shuyuan left. He heard horses neighing and footsteps on the ground. He hurriedly looked back and saw that it was about 30 steps away from Hengqiao. Ji Thief started his head and lined up. There are thousands of people.

Seeing Ayu on the Hengqiao, the thief even raised his arm to say hello: "Oh, Ayu."

In an instant, Ah Yu's eyes became wet, and as his lips trembled continuously, he cried out: "Master Patriarch!"

Chuan kicked Li Ya away and attacked Li Ya with a single knife.

Li Ya lost her balance and could only retreat again and again.

Suddenly, Li Ya didn't pay attention to stepping on a copper spear under her feet, and she let out an exclamation and fell directly to the ground.

Seeing this, Chuan shouted a good opportunity and jumped up, holding the knife high in his hand to hack it down.

The copper knife flashed like electricity, and it did not give Li Ya any time to react. What's more, when he fell, the copper spear in Li Ya's hand fell to one side. At this time, there was no weapon in Li Ya's hand. , Even if she has a sense of defense, but what to guard against?

With this knife falling, Li Ya will undoubtedly die.

Li Ya's eyes widened and watched the knife fall. Suddenly, a dark shadow flashed in front of her.

In the next second, Li Ya only heard a sound of golden and stone symphony in her ears.

Immediately afterwards, in front of him, someone who was squatting appeared out of nowhere.

"Shunting?" Li Ya was shocked.

With the Shouheng knife on his shoulders, he just carried Chuan's heavy knife and successfully rescued Li Ya from Chuan's men.

Immediately, Shou smiled happily: "Chuan, we met again."

Chuan missed a shot, and he was shocked: "It's you again?"

The hunter said, "Li Ya, you go back first, the patriarch is outside."

Li Ya exclaimed: "A thief is here too!!!"

Shou smiled, did not answer, followed his body up, propped up Chuan's knife, and then turned the wrists of the hands holding the double knives, moved his neck, looked at Chuan, raised his left hand knife and pointed it over: "Come on, let's do well. Go heads-up!"

Chuan squinted his eyes to look at the hunter, and suddenly he was holding a knife to his side, his figure turned sideways, and the tip of the knife pointed at the hunter: "Okay, then I will try your skills."

The two fought together in an instant, and Li Ya's eyes were a little blurred when she looked at it.

Even as the Simon opened wide behind him, she didn't hear the sound of Ji Thief leading people in.

At the battle between Kari and Chuan, there was already a phantom group.

Both of them are both speed and power candidates. When they fight, they are full of appreciation, and between each move, they are full of primitive and rough beauty.

For the first time, Li Ya felt an inferiority complex in her heart.

In the past in the Tianchan Plain, Li Ya always thought that she was the strongest, but after seeing the battle between Shou and Chuan, Li Ya knew that she was the strongest, as if she was joking.

This is also a loss because Li Ya has never seen the metamorphosis of Li Ya. If he has seen the combat effectiveness of Li Ya, maybe Li Ya will be autistic on the spot.