Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 923: -Broken in one battle

Click, click.

The sound of footsteps sounded in Li Ya's ears, and when Li Ya heard it, she turned around to look at her, and she saw two tightly muscled tiger claws.

Look up, sit on the tiger's back and sit alone.

"Ah, thief?" Li Ya was taken aback for a moment.

The thief looked down: "Is it hurt?"

Li Ya shook her head blankly, nodded again, raised the arm that Chuan had struck, and asked with some guilty conscience: "Does this count?"

Ji thief: "···"

"You go down and rest first, and then leave it to me." Ji Zei said calmly.

Li Ya blinked and asked Ji Thief: "You, don't you scold me?"

The thief made Li Ya amused: "Why, are you not used to it if I don't scold you?"

Li Ya scratched her head: "No, no, just..."

"Okay, don't just stop, let's go down and rest first, what's the matter, wait until the fight is over," Ji Thief took off his animal skin coat and threw it to Li Ya.

Unexpectedly, Li Ya shook her head and refused. She picked up a copper spear from the ground and held it, then tore one from the thief's animal skin coat, tightly tightening the upper and lower ends of the arm wound, and resolutely said: "I follow You fight together!"

Ji thief blinked and looked at Li Ya for a long time, before finally faintly said: "Follow me."

After saying that, Ji Thief raised the flag and spear in his hand, slowly dropped and pointed to the front: "Kill!"

With an order, all the clansmen who had entered the valley behind Ji Thief shouted and rushed away in all directions.

The moment he saw Ji thief lead people into the valley, Mulian knew that the situation was over. She ran away and hid early before the thief had found herself.

The Ji thief flew past Shou and Chuan who were fighting, and said: "Shou, this guy will be handed over to you, I will go find A Jie and Mulian."

Hunter responded with a big laugh, and the two swords violently attacked Chuan: "Master Patriarch, don't worry, this guy is handed over to me."

Immediately, Ji Thief left the crowd, and only took the Hussar to gallop in the familiar Li Volcano Valley.

There were battles everywhere. The enemies who were still defending on the mountain wall had little resistance at this time, and none of them insisted on fighting for two minutes. Almost all of them were kneeling and please come down. At that moment in the valley, the battle was over.

Ji thief entered the Li volcanic valley before the sun rose in the morning.

When the battle was over, the sun just showed up.

Uthma is counting the number of women and children kneeling down on the ground.

Ji thief searched for a circle but did not find the shadow of Mulian. In the end, Ah Shan who surrendered pointed out where Mulian was hiding.

When Oga led the team to pull out the Mulian from the hiding place, the latter was frightened and yelled for forgiveness. As a result, the angry Oga dragged her hair to Ji. In front of the thief.

Waiting for Oga to release her hand, Mulian's hair fell countless from his fingers.

The reason for doing this is not to say that Oga has a cruel and tyrannical character. On the contrary, Oga has a mild temper and treats others harmoniously.

The reason why Oga behaved in this way was mainly because of the things that Mangli took Wen as a hostage and forced Oga to do it, which left a lot of psychological shadow on Wen, so much so that until now, Wen will parefull.

Oga had nothing else to make him angry, only one Wen.

Your sweetheart has been so tortured, you can expect him to give Mulian a face. It's impossible to think about it.

Almost violently he threw Mulian in front of Ji Thief and said, "Master Patriarch, I have found Mulian. But I haven't found A Jie yet."

Ji thief stood there, simply treating Li Ya's wounds, Yi and Ayu stood by and guarded.

Seeing Ji Thief, Mulian climbed up directly from the ground, knelt down and crawled towards Ji Thief, and came to the front, hugged Ji Thief’s leg and howled: "Ji Thief, no, Lord Warrior, I was wrong, it was me You’re wrong, please forgive me! Really, I won’t dare anymore!"

Ji Zei looked down at Mulian, his eyes did not reveal any feelings.

At this time, the Mulian was crying, her nose and tears flowed, she looked very pitiful.

However, the things that Mulian did in the past are really pitiful.

Although from Mulian's point of view, she just wanted to live. To be honest, this wish is simple and reasonable.

But there is one thing that makes Ji Zei unable to sympathize with Mulian. While she is living, she will always harm the interests and lives of others.

The sin is unforgivable, and there is more than a guilty death. It is the manglietia.

Mulian was crying, crying very miserably.

However, no matter how Mulian begged or cried, no one was sympathetic to Mulian except Yi and Li Ya.

Everyone knows that Mulian is disgusting, she is crying pitifully now, that's the cruel and merciless thing you haven't seen Mulian.

"Master Warrior, Master Warrior, as long as you let me go, I will tell you where A Jie is hiding! Really, except me, no one knows where A Jie is hiding. As long as you let me go, I'll tell you where he is!" Seeing Ji Thief didn't let go, Mulian pretended to cry at the same time, and immediately carried A Jie out in advance, who could get his chance to survive.

After hearing these words from Mulian, the thief opened his mouth. He looked at Mulian with disgust on his face: "I really don't know how A Jie likes you. Oga, take her down and wait for everyone to come together. Decide how to solve her."

Oga nodded vigorously, came up and grabbed Mulian, and pulled back: "Mulian! You have today too! Wait for death."

As soon as the Mulian was detained, the hunter came back.

But when Shou came back, his face was depressed.

Ji thief asked him what was going on, and the hunter spread his hands and said, "Don't mention the patriarch, the **** Chuan ran away again."

Ji Zei was shocked: "Are you away again?"

Shou nodded: "Ah, he saw the patriarch you come in with someone, and you beat me for a while and ran away. Originally I wanted to chase him, but I don’t know how this guy did it. I am more familiar than me. Li volcano valley, within a few steps, I lost it."

Ji thief laughed and patted the shoulder of the hunter and said: "It's okay, just run away. This guy's strength is not below you. If he really wants to run, few people can stop him. It's okay, don't Take it to heart."

Ji thief said so, but Shou always felt uncomfortable in his heart, so he nodded and said, "Well then, it's all about you, the patriarch."

Ji Tie said a few words with Shou.

Without much effort, Oga, who sent Mulian to the Public Security Department, returned to Ji Thief and asked Ji Thief, "Master Patriarch, what should I do next? Do I need to send someone to find A Jie in the tribe?"

The thief waved his hand: "Don’t bother, Oga, you send your people to the large mountains, the copper mine valley, and the south, and inform Xue, Aju, Ahu and the others, that the Li Volcano Valley has been taken, let Come here everyone."

Oga nodded vigorously: "Yes!"

"In addition, let Xue take those wolf cubs with them, and use them to find A Jie's hiding place."

"Okay, I personally go back and inform Master Xue."

"Well, be careful on the way."

"Don't worry, Lord Patriarch."

Soon, Sanqi spread out to three directions west, north, and south, where they were notified separately.

At this time, Ji Thief was not in a hurry to find A Jie, he knew that as long as A Jie was still in the Li Volcano Valley, he would not be able to escape.

Looking at the dilapidated but well-organized valley, Ji thief couldn't help but sighed and said: "A Jie, these days, he still manages the Lihuo tribe in a decent way."

A Yu said next to him: "Although A Jie is a bastard, he is still capable. At least, in our tribe, except for the patriarch, I can't find anyone better than A Jie."

Ji Zei hummed softly, and only saw his eyebrows, a trace of sorrow emerged.

Seeing this, the hunter hurriedly turned off the topic, and the Chongji thief said: "By the way, Lord Patriarch, A Jie, the **** built a palace in the tribe before, or let's go and see it."

The Ji thief shook his head: "Forget it, don't go anymore. It's nothing to look at. Li Ya, you can call Usma for help, let him see how to tear down this palace, make room, and give Everyone builds houses or something."

Li Ya, who couldn't see the Li Volcano Valley well because of the battle before, was so keen to look at her without blinking. When she heard the thief calling her, she was busy and nodded: "Okay."