Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

v3 Chapter 944: -Ready to expand

Separating from the fat elder Baihua, the thief returned to the palace all the way.

After lying down, within three or four minutes, Ji Thief fell asleep.

Just like the fat elder said, the hurdles in the heart, the catastrophe of fate have passed, what could be more comfortable than this?

With this sleep, Ji Thief slept especially comfortably.

After waking up, it was already afternoon.

Sitting on the bed with a long babble, Ji thief walked down, beside the table, there was a bowl of goat milk prepared.

I opened the inverted bowl, um, it was still warm.

I don't know if it was prepared by Snow.

He picked up the bowl and drank the goat's milk happily, and Ji Thief walked out with a touch of his mouth.

In the front hall, the animal blood woke up early and were waiting in the front hall.

Seeing Ji thief coming, they all stood up and said hello.

Ji Thief gave a hum, knowing why the patriarchs have not left yet.

To put it bluntly, it was nothing more than a matter of the prisoners.

However, these captive Ji thief didn't intend to take it at first, and it was nothing to share with the beast blood patriarch.

Immediately, Ji Zei sat on the main seat, and ordered the son to call Xue and wait for the backbone of the tribe. After they were all seated, Ji Zei directly moved the topic to the topic.

"During the period of A Jie's turmoil, everyone has worked hard. I won't say anything else, thank you first."

The patriarchs all smiled and were polite to Ji Thief.

Ji Thief said: "This time the rebellion, there are a total of 2,643 prisoners, of which 1,521 are male prisoners and 1,122 are female prisoners. My plan, We don’t want any of these captives..."

When talking about this, Ji Thief paused to look at the expressions of the patriarchs.

Sure enough, when he heard Ji Zei's words, all the patriarchs couldn't help holding their breath, one by one, their eyes staring at Ji Zei.

Xue, who was sitting with him, knew Ji Zei’s plan for a long time, and there was nothing to say, but Usma and the others in charge were slightly surprised, including the newly added Bailian Heiteng and other people from the Tiantian Plain. The same is true. , So many captives, really want it?

"There are more than two thousand and six hundred prisoners, patriarchs, just divide them equally."

When Ji Thief's words fell, the patriarchs almost cheered.

Good guys, let’s not say anything else, there are probably more than two hundred and less than three hundred clansmen in each tribe. With these captives, there are more than five hundred and nearly six hundred.

Although such a comparison is a lot less than that of the Lihuo tribe, everything is relative.

Wasn't the Heishan tribe, which had crushed the tribes of a large mountain range, only had 500 people?

Most importantly, after absorbing these captives, the number of people in the mountains will surge to eight thousand.

In the past, when the number of people in the large mountain ranges was the highest, there were no more than 3,000 people. This time, there were so many people from all of them, and whoever they were, they couldn't sleep with excitement.

There are so many people, so many people means great power.

Now, who would dare not grow eyes to hit a large mountain range? Your legs are limping.

Because of the excitement, many of the patriarchs were speechless, looking at the Ji thief just babbling.

The thief looked around and said, "Every patriarch, don't get excited. In addition to this prisoner, there is one more thing. I want to talk to the patriarchs."

Everyone nodded: "Warrior, just say it."

Ji Zei pursed her lips and said, "Everyone knows that the number of our people is increasing rapidly, so my plan is like this. Three months, three months of recuperation and training time, after three months, we will Start expansion plans."

Everyone was stunned: "Expansion plan?"

The thief nodded: "Yes, go south and expand all the way to the natural production plain. To the west, you will occupy the entire mountain range next door. If you go north, take the former site of the Qingfeng tribe."

The heads of the patriarchs were all taken aback: "Well, is this territory too big? Will we not be able to hold it?"

The thief shook his head: "It may be a bit bigger, but the guard can still hold it. If we don't expand our territory, we can only rely on the large mountains and eastern plains, although we can barely feed our people, but in terms of quality of life , It is destined to be no better than before. The expansion of the territory not only increases the scope of hunting, but also expands a lot even for resources. In addition, I plan to turn the Bone Wasteland into farmland."

"Agricultural land?" Everyone was taken aback.

Ji Tie said: "Yes, all excreted later will be transported to the White Bone Wasteland to increase the fertility of the land, and then plant crops such as wheat and vegetables. After all, just hunting cannot be used as a strategy for our long-term development. People still have to enter the farming age if they are fed and clothed."

Everyone blinked, and the beast blood said: "I don't understand it very much."

Ji Thief said: "Slowly understand."

"Then, are we sure to expand?"

The thief nodded: "Yes, for now, you can first occupy the mountain range next door, the Bone Wasteland, and the plain to the south of the Eastern Plain, and expand your territory. Otherwise, let someone else take the province away. When the time comes, we can Lost the geographical advantage."

The chiefs slapped their chests: "Don't worry, warriors, when we go back and settle down for a few days, we will start to expand our territory."

The thief Ji nodded: "In addition, I will also ask the Engineering Department to increase the progress of weapon manufacturing, and strive to build more weapons within three months. This time the collective event, I will provide it to everyone for free."

Hearing this, the patriarchs were even more excited.

In the past, everyone has been thinking about the copper spear for a long time. Now that the thief wants to provide it for free, how can you upset everyone?

"Warrior, let me say that we don't take a rest for three months, just ten days or something is enough. Now as far as the quality of our weapons is, who can be our opponent?" Beast Blood said proudly.

When he said this, the other patriarchs were also excited.

Reaching out and pressing down, the excitement of everyone was stopped. Ji thief looked around and said: "No, this time A Jie rebellion has caused too much loss to a large mountain range, whether it is resources or financial resources. Moreover, counter the rebellion. During the war, everyone was exhausted. If you use this state to conquer, there may be nothing in a short time, but in the long run, everyone will definitely be disgusted. Since we have decided to expand, then we will expand in the best state. . Therefore, three months of cultivation is necessary, and the tribes who participate in the expansion and conquest must also be well trained."

After finishing talking, Ji Zei looked around and said: "In addition, this time our expansion is not to conquer, but to take heart. Let the defeated tribe know that we are not here to kill, we are to bring everyone Come to live a happy and stable life, be sure to remember this. When you go back and train the tribe, you can instill this in the tribe."

The chiefs looked at each other and nodded.

Ji Thief said: "Well, if everyone has no objections, then from now on, we will begin to prepare for the expansion plan in three months."

The patriarch Gao Shan hesitated for a moment and asked, "The warrior, the wedding ceremony between you and Xue?"

Ji Zei glanced at Xue, who was sitting upright, but the reddish face betrayed her excitement at this time.

Ji thief retracted his gaze and said, "Same as the previous plan, forty-five days, oh no, forty-four days. After forty-four days, the wedding will begin. At that time, brothers must join in."

The patriarchs all laughed: "Don't worry, warrior, absolutely, definitely come over."

Ji Xie said: "The scale of the animal herd going north will start to expand. In a few days, I will arrange for Aliang to organize a group hunt. This time, we will try to restore the scale before the A-Jun Rebellion. Of course, I mean food storage."

The patriarchs nodded vigorously: "No problem, we will start preparing for these things when we go back."

After talking about some trivial things, the patriarchs stood up, went to the personnel department to hand over the formalities, and then all the prisoners were taken away. As for how they divide equally, it is not what Ji Thief considered.

Everything was arranged overnight, Ji Thief turned around in front of the people in charge, clapped his hands and said, "Well, starting tomorrow, everyone will work hard to rebuild the tribe!"

All the people in charge raised their arms and shouted, "Okay!"

At this point, the hundred days of the A Jie Rebellion has completely lifted the curtain.