
Chapter 387: 24.3 Hidden Blade

Blazing took the spacecraft from the Gongde space station and embarked on the road to lunar orbit.

Twenty-one hours later, when the blazing spacecraft reached outer lunar orbit,

God's star aperture has approached 600,000 kilometers around the earth star.

In magnificent space, this aperture is 60 kilometers in diameter, and the edge ring emits flowing light, and the central interface is like a thin film in a circle of soap foam toys.

In the inner circle of the aperture, beams of light bounced frequently in the aperture. At this time, the super large advent rings created by the gods joined hands and began to continuously convey their gospel to Saturn.

This contains a large number of electromagnetic fields of information particles, sweeping the entire planet in one second. However, very few responses were received.


Age of god

When a believer prays, he has a chance to get a response from the gods.

Tens of thousands of years ago, normal God would not respond to every believer, but believers would go to the temple every day to pray.

The literature on the slate describes the temple as follows: "On the holy altar, the sacrifices stand on it to perform prayer rituals, the light is emitted from the idols, and the entire temple is filled like a stream of water, allowing believers to bathe in it Worship the gods with your heart. "

Obviously, the temple was built in a special way, maintaining a special field energy, presided over by the priest, and the believers receive field energy day after day, with standard consciousness and a correct and positive heart. Then these devout people, the body will be formed by the field-like structure. Thus the gods are felt in the temple.

Of course, if someone is favored by God, a powerful pulse structure is formed in field energy. Even if you leave the temple, you can get a response by praying prayerfully and unfolding a field in a similar field to your star.

But how difficult it is to get a favor from God.

Therefore, some gods are dusk, and they have not responded to the believers for thousands of years. There are still a small number of believers who persist in praying and maintain this branch of religion. They are looking forward to the return of the **** they worship one day. Respond to the few believers who correspond to them.

Now, the beliefs of Saturn make the gods feel awkward.

Billions of human beings living in material civilization do not have any devout believers. Although there are many casters who can support the meager realm strength and the will of God, but these human beings with sufficient material life have doubts about the gods.

No one in the field dare to fully accept the introduction of God's information. When developing the field, they have subconsciously set up obstacles to resist.

Some even started the realm of the realm tower and performed extremely impolite profanity on the gospel sent by the **** in the sky. Well, it is trying to use the realm of the realm tower to test the gods. This is similar to holding a stick to tease a dog. It was definitely a price to pay 20,000 years ago. But this time, the gods are slightly generous. The ignorance of these ignorants has been temporarily exposed.

Times have changed!

Tens of thousands of years ago, people should have believed in God, and those who did not believe in God were wonderful and few.

And now, the gods are sensing the cities on the earth star with magnificent buildings, and there is no such temple in this huge city.

According to tens of thousands of years ago, humans without any belief must pile up the wall of the unbeliever, so the situation on the earth planet today is afraid that it can build a great wall.


In fact, not many people in the past could really understand God. They just sacrifice God's power and life.

Today's high-level humans have mastered the law of eternal life and powerful military power similar to the blessings of gods, and are very picky about what God has given them. And extremely stubborn, do not want God to change the power structure of his own society. In particular, we must not allow any church club to interfere with our social rights.

For hundreds of thousands of years, believers on the four major carbon-based planets have been tirelessly seeking opportunities to enter the kingdom of God, but no one knows them today.

Because those who are entering the information age in the contemporary era may understand the kingdom of God as a kind of virtual world superficially, and consider it to be virtual, so they are subconsciously regarded as false.

In fact, the level of the kingdom of the kingdom of God is unimaginably high.


Kingdom of God, this is no longer an ordinary virtual world, it can be said that there is an unstable real world.

Due to the high energy of white dwarfs, the computing system set up by God there is horribly accurate.

How terrible is the calculation of the kingdom of God? Let's talk about energy consumption.

Calculating the state information of one kilogram of water in the next hundred years consumes seven or eight grams of high-energy matter in white dwarfs. To count a sea, it is necessary to consume seven thousandths of the mass of degenerate matter to maintain the simulation.

Of course, a matchbox-sized material on a white dwarf weighs at least 50 tons, so the high-energy calculations are consumed by the gods.

Of course, everything that God has done in the kingdom of God seems to be between thoughts, but it actually consumes energy and cost, it is only a thousand times easier than the real world.

To destroy a city in the real world, it can be accomplished by making a nuclear bomb. That is to use the rules of force in the real world to find suitable material materials.

In God ’s country, the steps will be simpler, the material will be easier to find, the rules will be simpler than the actual force rules, the power of the explosion will be a little bigger, and the control will be better. But there are still similar steps to make a nuclear bomb.

The kingdom of God is not Ubisoft's game world. No bugs or bugs are allowed. Otherwise, they can be found by other gods and can be directly broken. This is a highly rigorous and stable energy complex. Even if you want to modify the data, you must follow the rules.


In general, every time a miracle falls and a huge circle unfolds in front of the planet, it opens the door to mortals to the kingdom of God.

Behind the circle is a band of light made up of particles.

Humans on the planet are sucked in from the front by the kingdom of God, and like data lines, they are uploaded to white dwarfs by the light beam data lines of particles on the other side of the universe through the aperture.

In the past, each aperture had an independent upload system, so there was only one kingdom of God behind each aperture.

And now it is the cooperation of the gods, and the light-emitting particle band at the tail of the aperture that is coming this time is connected with multiple **** kingdoms on the white dwarf.

Therefore, this time in the white dwarfs, the gods are bordering each other's kingdom when they share a data line. This is a magical scene that has never been seen for hundreds of thousands of years.


The gods have different ideas, and the style and atmosphere of the kingdom are also different.

For example, the domain of the Lord of War is the battlefield.

Steel blades, broken guns, and fighter planes wandered around his space, while his followers fought immortal battles in the designated area. Because after death in battle, there will be a rebirth of light at the resurrection point. Just like a game, you must defeat the resurrection point before you can win. Blood, flames, roaring dialogue of various weapons, this is the world that believers in warfare desire after death.

The neighbours of the order of life are very elegant. Flowers, trees, gurgling flowing water, fawns, rabbits, and beautiful feline carnivores are together in peace. A flower and a tree are all distinct from the battlefield area next to it.

The reason why the main deity of the order of life is in this main deity's kingdom, to bring his realm together with the unmatched war main deities, is because in the cooperation, there is a divine kingdom that makes her more disgusting. The master of this kingdom of God is severely hostile to her.

The life department and the **** of war are both gods of the order faction. Although the concepts are seriously inconsistent, there is a history of cooperation.

The chaos faction also has the Lord God of Life.

For example, the opposite, life is the main **** of chaos, Master Father Father interprets life from another angle.

Festering fungi, foul pustules, huge pieces of meat walking on deformed legs, constantly walking, constantly dropping twisted tapeworms, and tapeworms grow up without swallowing anything, and grow up again after growing up Dropped, life is deteriorating in a long form.

Everything that happened in this kingdom of God made the elegant goddess of order as sick as swallowing dung.


There are sixty-seven main gods here, which divide this combined kingdom of God into distinct fields.

For tens of thousands of years, they hate each other and are hostile to each other. At this time, they are discussing dividing up the faith on this continent.

Yes, interests can make old enemies converge.

Like human beings seeking for material wealth, vanity, and other desires, these are born of high-energy existence, and they need one-by-one independent thinking in terms of information, and they are consistent in concept with themselves.

Like ancient law, God needs human faith.

It must be mentioned here that God is not stupid. The present scientific and technological thoughts of mankind are in the huge thinking of God. God's understanding of the phenomena and nature of this world has so far surpassed the civilization of Saturn.

It is only ignorant believers of God, not God. God has the final power to explain his ideas. Nearly 100% of believers can only understand some of God's thoughts because of their inferiority and inferiority. To be completely close to God, you must go through the difficult trials given by God.

[The "elite scholars" who believe in the universal value of US imperial liberty and democracy on the earth and do not hesitate to demolish their own country are fools, but the upper level of the US imperialism who advocates the value of democracy is not a fool. The US imperial court has the final interpretation of universal values. Other countries just don't learn enough. To understand universal values, you must have experienced enough democratic pains]


God understands science, and contemporary humans want to travel back and forth to show off technology in front of God, and God knows it.

But why did n’t God bring humans to science? The reason is simple. God is not interested here.

This is equivalent to the fact that some senior mathematics students have the ability to be programmers and are suitable for them. As for why you are not a programmer?

Senior students in mathematics: "We are interested in finance and make a lot of money. We are not interested in letting go of our troubles by ourselves." In this world, not bystanders think that some people are suitable, these people take it for granted.

At that time, the Taiyun Dynasty Ming Dynasty thought that Rongshi was suitable to be a minister of repairing machinery under his Majesty. Rongshi thinks: our interest is not this, our interest is to be an industrial trust giant.

This interest can also be said to be concerned about benefits!

And God's long life, powerful memory and logical computing ability, they are pursuing the concept of eternal will and can sustain it.

Although science is endless, science must observe phenomena as a theoretical proof (the difference between gravitational waves proposed by civil science and gravitational waves proposed by orthodox scientists is that orthodox scientists can obtain observation data for analysis and evidence).

However, just as there is a limit to the speed of light, when it reaches a certain level, the speed of verifying science in this universe will be limited by observing the progress of the universe.

At the level of the white dwarf god, their observation of the universe is also limited, and the technology and theory they have mastered have reached the boundary and cannot be broken.

Science has become an unsustainable goal.

God is a long-lasting life. Just like when people's curiosity in youth is frustrated by reality, they will start looking for work and down-to-earth life. After all, God will embark on the path of seeking faith and maintaining their own ideas.

The dreaded white dwarf life body, the "money" that is valued now-

It is to find some strong will in carbon-based life and develop it into a believer who converts to his own thinking.


The goddess of life sitting on the throne of flowers, petals and towering trees, curbing the discomfort of adjacent areas (one is the noise of cannonballs flying, and the other is the island that is constantly eroded by seawater) can only look at the kingdom of God Sky.

A skylight was opened in the sky. Outside the skylight is vast space, and Saturn floating in space is constantly approaching the window. The goddess of life looked at the space station unfolding in space, and sighed softly, it seemed to be a pity for the lost lamb.

In the battlefield next door, the God of War sat on the golden throne and wiped his blade. He glanced at the sky of the Kingdom of God, the preparations for the merit space station displayed on the skylight, and a smile of approval appeared on his face.

There is no communication between the gods.

It is rare to be able to maintain cooperation together. As for nothing to chat about, it is impossible.

The attitude of the goddess of life to war warriors on the side is similar to the attitude of ordinary people to the gays: disagree, disagree, disagree.


A demigod who was detained in the laboratory in Qianchuan felt that God was about to come, so he took for granted two or five children and sold one piece of information to many. No, I prayed to many gods for salvation, and at the same time informed them about the world.

Therefore, the blazing white of this world has been paid attention to by the gods.

As a powerful contemporary hero, both the intrinsic qualities and the secular influence in the host world are worth the struggle of the gods. Even as long as the blazing white is willing to cooperate, the gods will even be willing to introduce their Majesty and seal the godhead.

To a certain extent, those who pass through the reincarnation system, those individuals who are willing to be fused and tolerant to disintegrate their will, want to achieve long-lasting achievements on the plane.

But so far, Blaze has not responded to the gods.

On the side of the blue earth star, the half-mooned moon is slowly moving.

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