
Chapter 439: 27.6 Retirement in Ming Dynasty

Water Star, Antarctica.

Huge steamships were close to the glacier, and carbon fiber pipelines transported materials in the ice. At the base of the glacier surface, a large-scale construction vehicle with a tonnage of 600 tons and a double spiral drum chassis, raised a 40-meter mechanical arm, and placed the shield machine vertically on the ice.

With the bang, and a lot of debris ejection, this 20-meter-diameter guy began to drill holes. After entering the ground, the drill bit will begin to adjust its attitude based on gravity. Ice water will drain up from the pipes.

This spiral metal drill bit is also the place where the reactor's heat is radiated, so the drill bit can drill layers of cavities in the glacier to form freshwater lakes. These freshwater lakes are rapidly eutrophicated after injecting a large amount of nitrogenous substances. Under irradiation, algae began to multiply, and during the process of proliferation, the entire freshwater lake was continuously injected with carbon dioxide, and the algae were recovered by filters.

Now the glaciers at the poles of Water Star are very wide. The average thickness of these glaciers is 500 meters, and such a large area has reflected a lot of sunlight in the past.

But all stars are not greedy for this point of solar energy, but aiming at 10% of carbon dioxide in Mercury's atmosphere, with a total mass of 8 trillion tons. All stars have calculated and calculated that if half of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can be removed, then-winter is coming!

In the blueprint of the concept of both stars, production fields will be expanded on the glaciers on the north and south poles. After collecting algae, hydrogen will be separated out, leaving the carbon simple substance to produce carbon fiber materials, which will be used as infrastructure materials (real estate) in ice. Then with the nobles on this planet to invest, circle more sites, create more carbon algae fields, and form a multiplication economic model similar to the coal-iron complex.

All stars: No one knows the greed of capitalists better than me.

The extinction events of carbon emissions on a planet are all drizzle, and carbon emissions into the atmosphere will accelerate the atmospheric carbon cycle. This accelerated process is beneficial to the carbon-based biosphere in the long term.

Mass extinction caused by carbon absorption (cut off the carbon cycle)! That's the bottom pay.

[When human beings do not need fossil fuels, and most of the energy is replaced by geothermal and nuclear energy, and at the same time they are about to enter the ocean, steel and cement materials are not resistant to seawater corrosion! Carbon fiber has become a mainstream material. At that time, I am afraid that there will be no carbon emission share, but carbon absorption share. 】

Right now, this carbon field is designed by Junxingxing, and the nuclear power rig production line for drilling glaciers is also an application from Junxingxing to the Federal Ministry of Industry.

Hundreds of drill bits move like thick worms in the thick ice layer. After the completion of the pipeline construction, the water will slowly be extracted from the ocean, and the algae in the glacier circulate like blood in the blood vessels.

The tens of thousands of square kilometers of glaciers at the feet of all stars have been dyed into a green, four-hectare well pattern. As if the king's chess board spread out in this world.

Fifteen hours have passed, and the setting sun is still bright, and the extreme day will end in three months.

All pick stars walk on the road of 20 meters wide ice fields in the glacier. In the distance, there is a 30-meter-high ice pyramid building every 100 meters. Each pyramid has a signal platform. These signals The station provides a basic information network.

A drone hovering above Jun Zixing is providing communication services for Jun Zixing at any time.

All pick stars with eyepieces, Bai Mihai in the eyepieces. In the following dialogue, there is a gap in interstellar communication!

Bai Mihai: "I say you, come here to farm? Quite leisurely."

Jun Zixing: "Impatientness doesn't do anything, and I, uh, I'm a little impatient these years."

Bai Mihai: "How do I feel, you are old-fashioned."

Jun Zixing looked up and said, "You feel right, my thinking often speeds up, so my mental age is relatively old."

Bai Mihai: "Your mind is either in scientific research or manufacturing, or looking for something. Is your mental age old? My dear young master, you are dreaming again. You do n’t understand many things in this world."

Jun Zixing narrowed his eyes and said, "Yes? You tell me what you understand, I don't understand."

Bai Mihai nodded his finger to the camera and said, "Have you been in love?"

All pick stars: "Let's talk about some meaningful topics."

Jun Zixing pointed to the terraces behind him and said, "This is a labor-intensive industry. The huge glaciers can provide food, energy, and housing."

Bai Mihai: "Well, let's change the subject for you. Now, what do you want to do on Water Star?"

Jun Xing: "Master, I think the people of Water Star are qualified to pursue happiness and freedom!"

Bai Mihai: "Say what I can understand!"

Jun Xingxing: "My experiment was ultimately for the political service of Mercury. We have controlled this planet with military power for 700 years, and we have provided a lot of economic and political support to the natives. When religious forces are fighting, these moderate religious people are still at the level of no help, and the Federation can go further. "

Bai Mihai frowned and said, "You mean, cultivate new interest groups on the glacier. So, what good are we doing?"

All stars: "Order. Building an order on Mercury is conducive to our order. Alliances that rely on economic activity are capital consortia. They are weak and compromised. They will be willing because we have access to key technologies and resources. Rely on us. "

Whether it is a nuclear reactor drill vehicle or a large carbon fiber pipeline factory, these core technologies are all in the hands of the Federation, and interest groups that rely on federal core technology to expand on glaciers will become compradors, which is a social law of human selfishness.

Bai Mihai thought for a while, and raised some questions about meticulous operation.

For example, how to get people on this planet to follow. A: Support some small nobles and businessmen first, and shake their power from the economic foundation.

However, when Bai Mihai asked how economic construction on the ice layer can prevent war-damaging factors (when any economic activity is at risk of war damage, labor, capital, and technology will be immediately withdrawn. Everyone is here for profit, not for his life. .)

Jun Zixing replied categorically: "Compromise, further tenderness, create the illusion of doves in extreme religious factions, and pull them into our camp. Extreme religious people under the glacier have always believed that the world ’s twenty Hundreds of millions of people just stopped drunk on the islands. They stubbornly refused to contact us and rejected all our ideological influences, but their fences were by no means flawless!

Thanks to Brother Shi for your brilliance and brilliance these years, they have been crushed by you as a monk, and I, a little fool, have to send them supplies and cooperate with them to make a hole in your hungry hunger! In this way, they will create a feeling of victory!

Human beings are the most advanced creatures in the world, and desire is also the largest among all species in the world. The interest of change will inevitably lead to the separation of opinions within a group! In particular, according to the latest information, their system has still not changed fundamentally. Under advanced productive forces, there is a great deal of serious injustice in ruling and being ruled. "

Bai Mihai looked at the stars and smiled and said, "It's a pity that you don't become a politician?" Then he smiled and said in a twist: "Okay, I understand. You're not interested in the twists and turns. Just Do n’t want others to interfere with you, you will come up with these interesting things! ”

The call is over.

All picked stars looked down at the hardy algae fields in the glacier. He whispered, "Human society bound by desire is the best tool in the world. Without one, human desire can easily make itself a tool."


At this time, the ice layer at the foot of Junxingxing was 17 kilometers away and had a depth of 1,200 meters.

A pure rock-stacked pyramid building stands here. Between these spectacle buildings, one by one, blue light flashes, and the shape of jellyfish, such as jellyfish, is actually the existence of machinery tied to the feet and is working underwater.

There are humans inside the transparent body of these jellyfishes, and countless biofibers on this human skin and blood vessels are extended to connect with the jellyfish's feet.

There are usually only two kinds of people bound to underwater creatures. The first is a sinner and the second is a penancer. This is what religious forces do after putting the base in the deep sea. A thousand years ago, sinners were used to go directly to the trial bench, where they were killed by various means in order to emulate, while the ascetics were walking on the mainland to promote the teachings.

Under the high pressure environment of the deep sea, the need for infrastructure and maintenance requires the use of human resources. The devotees devoted themselves to this by moving huge cement rock blocks and driving the steel bars into the deep sea crust foundation.

Surviving in the deep ocean, implanting humans into multi-wrist deep-sea creatures, and connecting the blood with oxygen through a semi-permeable membrane to the sea creature's blood vessels is the most convenient way.

But this kind of implantation is not so easy to take out. When the symbiosis of humans and sea creatures began, they adapted to the deep sea pressure. If humans are to survive at atmospheric pressure again, they must undergo lengthy adjustments through complex surgery.

Now in the deep ocean, how much time does the resistance organization have for recovery surgery, so the factory will directly change humans into marine life, regardless of it. Only on the Day of Atonement, one or two lucky people were drawn by lot among tens of thousands of people, announcing that they had been redeemed by God, leaving sinners on the seabed with insignificant hope, seemingly more hard work.

The ascetics are voluntarily implanted in marine organisms. For those who are devout and willing to give their lives to God, the temple will choose another marine organism.

This is usually an earth whale-like species with tusks and a streamlined body. Thirty percent of the equipment was mechanical after the transformation, and the whole body was covered with reinforced plastic armor (there is no high-temperature damage underwater, and plastic stacked armor is more solid than steel).

As the largest force, the Ice Temple has 50,000 ascetics. These are half-whale and half-mechanical states, while sinners are as high as 2.2 million, most of which are jellyfish biological forms and auxiliary machinery.

Sinners at the bottom of the sea have no ability to resist when facing the streamlined group of ascetics.

Sinners' jellyfish form is only suitable for hard work on the ocean floor, while whale form can swim at high speeds and form clusters. By launching torpedoes in the deep sea, it can easily suppress a large number of sinners. This terrible generation difference is no longer the difference between the farmer and the knight, but the difference between the eagle and the mouse.

So stable that the sinner's child is still the sinner, and the ancestors of the priests are the priests on their behalf.

In the deep sea, all buildings are dozens of times taller than the land. Here, the rocky walls can be hundreds of meters high. The sharp-angled pyramids (the obtuse-angled pyramids on the land) are comparable to Gothic buildings. In the deep sea, like the sword of heaven, these strange spectacles can make people visiting here feel the depression and the heavy sacredness.

These buildings were built in the deep sea using flammable ice minerals. The builders only need to use a little electric heating to release a large amount of gas, and air bubbles can make huge rocks float easily on the ocean floor. Then push it slightly to move it to the correct position.

Of course, after successful construction, maintenance is indispensable.

Now these jellyfish people are sweeping on the huge spectacle steps of the ocean floor. There is a pump-like structure on their wrists and feet. The jet water is sucked and extruded to wash out the sediment on the spectacle. The debris deposited under this sweep is Brushed, the slate is always smooth.

As the underwater whistle sounded, signal lights flickered on both sides of the forty-meter-wide rock passage. A galloping mechanical ship passed the rock passage, and the jellyfish who cleaned the passage quickly avoided it. And this flat flying saucer looks like a mechanical submarine.

In the dome of the semi-glass globe, Ao Lan, wearing a military uniform, was hurriedly called by the Supreme Pope, and did not dare to stand still.

[On the submarine wonder building, the huge stone door slowly lifted up and let this mechanical submarine enter. 】

There are twenty such roads leading to the central base around the deep seabed base. On other similar wide rock passages, hundreds of mechanical ships the same as the proud blue car ride in a hurry within these hours. Come.

Look through the thick, pressure-resistant water wall of the central pyramid to the core area of ​​the pyramid. In the pool, each flying saucer floated. In the water waves, a human in a white mechanical suit took off his transparent glass helmet.

Many people, including Ao Xinlan, have already been wearing serious silver robes heading towards the central hall, where one and five atmospheres are maintained, and any sound is much stronger than the outside world.

At the top of the hall sits an old man with gray hair, who is the Pope of the Temple of the Lord of Machinery. To the lower right is a brown-haired man with a diamond-shaped magic cursor on his forehead.

Steiner-the candidate of the Lord of Machinery, the post is Archbishop of Machinery, holding a bronzing mechanical code.

In addition to the mechanical pope, there are six mechanical archbishops, 274 mechanical sages, and 3,425 mechanical high priests. Twenty-three thousand four hundred mechanical pilots, and twenty-three thousand mechanical apprentices. Eighty-seven thousand workers.

In the current hall, Steiner's status is obviously second only to the Pope, and he is higher than other people of the same level, because he has the level of the senior machinery builder's veins, and the magic alchemy of the alchemist. grade. He is clearly the next pope, and the current pope is old and old, and in fact he is in charge of many things.

Slatter crossed his fingers and kept looking at the hall. At this time, all three mechanical archbishops had arrived, and there were seventy-three sages. Water Star's Machine Lord believer power is also present.

The Pope looked at Stena, nodded, and let him begin.

Stella raised her hand, and an interface appeared in the lobby.

All pick stars appear on the interface, this is a message: "I all pick stars, a student of the Commander Department of the Federal Astronomical Tower Academy, a magnetostar maker. I am now on the ice, and now I speak with you in my personal name. Dialogue, I hope to communicate with you, I respect your beliefs and try to understand them. I think I can put aside the differences in thinking for a while.

If possible, I hope to talk to you about some common interests. For example, I like machinery as much as you do. Um, I'm sorry, my words may be a little disrespectful, and you respect the machinery. I apologize for what I just said. "

The teenager's clear eyes make people and animals harmless. Although the words are a little naughty, they are not annoying.


Jun Zixing's message interface is over, using the platinum nut as the pope, and bending his fingers to hit the metal table with the nut.

Pope: "This video was dropped by a watertight tank a day ago (after throwing it to the bottom of the sea, it constantly issued a sonar to remind the bottom people to get it). What do you think of it?"

People in the conference hall were whispering, and they were talking about: "Is it a conspiracy", "This is an opportunity", "A big maker under seventeen came to Water Star?" "Does the Federation want to Looking for coordinates of an underwater base? "

The Pope turned his eyes to Stena on the right.

Steiner calmly said: "I think this child has a longing for the Lord of Machines in his heart. In the fence of the unbeliever, trying to embrace the truth is courageous."

The pope's face showed an interested expression, and signaled that the chosen person should continue to expound his point.

Steiner: "Someone should be contacted to draw him to the glory of the Lord."

There was silence in the hall, and everyone looked at the candidate.

The pope asked in a deep voice: "Who do you think can get in touch with him?"

Steiner looked at the many sages in front of the table, and then moved his eyes to the pope and said, "I! (Pause for a second, the eyes of the survey obviously signaled everyone's attention) I will meet him.

There was silence at the meeting. The Pope nodded and said, "Take the sixty-five mechanical block, pay attention to the situation, and make sure you retreat."

If you like returning, please collect: ( Returning to the literature is the fastest.