
Chapter 502: 30.20 then! b

Southern Yan continent, theater 74.

The theater covers an area of ​​3.24 million square kilometers, which is the area that can be controlled by a higher commander. However, its 80% boundary is determined by natural dangers such as mountains and rivers, indicating that it is very defensive.

For example, north of Saint Sok, Weishui of Qianchuan continent, these are the great plains, and the boundaries are determined by the influence of cities on the place.

For example, there are many human factors on the boundaries of language, culture and economy. After all, culture and economy are infectious. Compared with natural borders, there is a greater probability of a major battle at the artificial borders.

In 856 of the cosmic calendar, Zhu Kongjie was assigned to this area defense. As the chief of the new generation of the Paladin Commander Academy, her strength is moving towards the higher commander, and she is also the new leader among the large number of new members the Federation has invested in the next four years.

But now, Su Tianji, Rong Jixuan, and older commanders are still afraid to let her take over the military affairs of Qianchuan. Victory players made Qianchuan a large number of offensive stream commanders collectively cautious. So assign this easy-to-defense area to Zhu Kongjie.

——Now, the top federal commanders have discovered these years, and Jun Xing seems to like to put his main attack in Qianchuan area.


The Federation ’s satellite network over Saturn has fallen. The assault launched by Qiu Jinhui was global, so Nanyan Theater 74 was also attacked.

In an underground base with a well-developed tunnel system, Zhu Kongjie was standing on a hemispherical operating platform with a diameter of eight meters, and was systematically installing the only few defense facilities.

Outside the operation platform, on the 7,000 frontline interfaces, the coastline, various traffic routes, air traffic, space, and other fields are displayed.

As for the operating platform-well, the lens stays away. Zhu Kongjie has a very bad habit. She doesn't like induction clothes like tights. She is used to the holographic capsule to sense signals from her body. So-called, "The base is my house, and the induction capsule is my clothes."

Zhu Kongjie raised his arm with fine light lines at this time, like a sonata, guiding the artificial intelligence to complete each task.

In modern warfare and production, it is okay to complete work tasks in a timely manner, and if there is a problem, all tasks that should be done are not completed.

At this time, all the stars tore the sky and stars, and to a certain extent created a lot of work for all high-level federal commanders. Commanders need to replace satellite networks with drones, and need to move long-range strike fires in various areas to replace space-based beams. However, Zhu Kongjie here, the defensive area is relatively stable, and quickly filled the loopholes, there is no danger of being broken.

On the map of the coastal area in front of her, several landing waves in the advancement meeting have been frustrated by her.

What is displayed on the right set of interfaces is the situation of the zone delayed by seven minutes:

Near the mouth of the giant rat river in the Nanyan continent, dozens of hundreds of meters of dam-like military arsenals have now survived the nuclear strike by the Qiujin Society. The surface of the reinforced concrete building is still heated by the strong radiation, and it emits plumes of white smoke, just like a steamed bun.

With the "bang" sound, the steel gate opened, and an amphibious warship with the federal three-color icon was dragged by the crawler protruding from the front of the bow, entering the shallow water from the shallows and pouring into the ocean. The cylindrical electronic receiver exhibited, accepts the light spot transmitted by the sky drone,

The owner of the light spot, Zhu Kongjie, passed all correct instructions in a timely manner, and the shore-based long-range firepower was coordinated and unified, and a fierce and accurate saturation blow was made to the fireboat at the sea.

The corresponding front-line scene on the left interface is that Zhu Kongjie is the attacker, and the battle to seize the island.

Eastern Peninsula area.

Zhu Kongjie fired a series of short and thick rockets (1.5 meters in diameter, 8 meters in length, a direct range of 20 kilometers, and wings gliding), launched from the shallow continental shelf, and the warhead directly penetrated the UAV. The air defense net was then opened in the volley, and the mechanical infantry opened a paraglider flower and landed on a hill to build a defensive position.

Frontline metal fragments, explosion sounds, and rising smoke and dust on the ground are now displayed on the interface of Zhu Kongjie, a clean, precise, opticalized command room.


Zhu Kongjie no longer looks at these fierce battle interfaces at this time-because she is sure she can prevent them.

Now her gaze was staring at the global map, exactly, on the specially enlarged map of Qianchuan.

Forty minutes have passed since the war began. At this time, it can be confirmed that in all battles around the world, picking stars is still the first choice of Qianchuan area. This place has long gathered the highest commander of the Federation.

Now, Zhu Kongjie's eyes were surprised and a little worried.

On the real-time map of the federal Qianchuan strategy, there are information black hole areas that extend one after the other, one thick and one thin, one south and one north toward the inland.

From the beginning, the destruction of the satellite network signaled that all stars were going to do big things. But the federation did not anticipate the boldness of the star-picking strategy.

This is a strategic battle. It is the rhythm of trying to win a battle zone on the federal land defense circle.

Start with the fall of the satellite network. In space, all stars have locked the first and second largest rivers on Qianchuan, and also the third and fifth longest rivers of Saturn.

The first offensive department.

The battle started from the southern river, and all stars were picked as the overall strategic planners. Here, 70% of the sea-based long-range fire support from the Eastern Hemisphere Theater was begged. The satellite fell behind, and the diving aviation warships fired fast and more than 10 tons Sixty percent of the heavy-attack drones and the 400,000 human army are all senior personnel who are responsible for radar, link communications, and debugging automated robots on the battlefield.

This is the result of fifteen years of struggle for advancement and the first education cycle. It is also a talent pool that the Federation could not get out of ignoring primary education two decades ago.

[Basic soldiers on both sides of the battle are junior non-living mechanical units. Both sides in a theater have invested 10 million. The so-called party of the beneficiary party invests in manpower, but it is also an intelligent mechanical team above the battalion size and battalion size, equipped with one or two people to ensure control of the complex environment of the battlefield. 】

Now Qijin's attack department in Qianchuan is composed of 87 Dragon Guard Assault Regiments. At the same time of rapid attack, the aircraft in the rear sky, the ships along the river, and the seedlings are also rapidly spread. Information platforms are deployed to complete Information network construction.


Regarding "Can the modern Dragon Guard Corps born during the Great Social Order Revolution block the commander system that has been developed for hundreds of years?" This question has not existed for hundreds of years. Just like the 21st century Earth cavalry has the possibility of destroying tanks with high-energy explosives, but no one discusses cavalry anti-tank.

The commander is an artificial intelligence commanded through self-thinking to direct combat weapons. Five hundred years ago, human flesh and blood fought in steel weapons. What is the significance of a large number of human-organized corps, even if they win the drone corps?

All flesh and machinery are gone? Such a huge price has denied the existence of this problem from the beginning of the peace-time humanity.

However, this question actually makes sense!

When too many people who skipped lessons find that they have nothing and are about to fall into slavery, they regret it and want to keep it right, then they need to consider all losses and no losses. They must use all the chips to exchange with the strong.

Dyeing red flags with blood and paving the way with flesh and blood, this is the price that great change cannot escape.


Qianchuan Theater at this time.

The sky was dyed red in the southern Great River Basin. A shallow-water heavy artillery vessel deployed by the Commonwealth was holding its gun high. The muzzle was raised, and one cannonball blasted into the distance, and in the rain of the cannonball, it was occasionally mixed with a nuclear cannonball.

As a defensive party, when they determine that the satellites in the sky have been destroyed, the drone network cannot seize air dominance, and the strike cannot be accurately located, they will adopt this "all-in-one" approach: "I do not get the information advantage, and I will not let you get . "

A cloud of mushrooms spread on the ground. When the nuclear explosion exploded, the wet surface was pushed away by the shock wave. Into a hot white steam.

However, nuclear bombing cannot be sustained, and Qiu Jin will face a situation of such information failure and has a series of countermeasures.

[The magnetic pulse damage of a nuclear bomb is often more severe than the shock wave, and the system inside the nuclear artillery shell is also afraid of the magnetic pulse. After the first nuclear bomb explodes, the nuclear bomb that is too close will fail, so there is no continuous nuclear explosion. 】

In the gap between the nuclear bombings on the battlefield, Qiu Jin will launch a large number of 100-ton ground-effect aircraft-based assault cluster forces to meet the mushroom cloud and quickly re-establish information positioning points in this area damaged by magnetic pulses. So in less than three minutes, in this smoke-filled area, the electromagnetic communication of the party was resumed again.

Seeking advance will pay a huge price. Because the soldiers on the side of seeking advancement seek timeliness, when the nuclear explosion shock wave is not exhausted, they will take the aircraft into the danger zone. These aircraft often appear to be damaged by the shock wave. , Falling scene.

Of course, one or two crashes are not a big problem. The maintenance personnel invested in various regions in this war will be saturated. One plane got out of control and the other quickly got on top.

The information superiority was ensured, and the fighter planes in the ocean were continuously put into the front line. The ground dragon guards assault group also received long-range missiles and almost accompanying fire support.

The mechanical wings swept through the ground dust, attacked strongly, and passed through the mushroom cloud.

Each of the intercepted shallow water gunboats, one by one, automated the army, with the dense spot fire of the hot optical stream (high-speed warhead) turned into broken copper.

The high-speed dragon guard group, on the three hundred kilometers wide front, move forward, move forward, move forward!


North of the attacking corps on the southern front of the Association, in the Huai Shui area, in the fortress group.

The higher commander Mo Jialin is in the command capsule and is sounding an alarm to parry this complicated battlefield situation.

The 86-year-old woman still maintains her 20-year-old physical appearance, but her brain has been elementized by 30%. Human current medical technology can make the body evergreen, but it can't curb the elementalization of the brain. And after forty years of age, after accumulating a large amount of knowledge, if you regenerate, you will lose most of it, and no one can easily let go of your hard-earned talent for most of your life.

This faint blue woman has not been too excited and angry for a long time, but now her blood pressure has been soared by the battle.

The war has been going for four hours. To the south, the red arrow has hit a depth of 700 kilometers. As a federal commander, she invested in nuclear strikes, and she was also opposed by nuclear weapons, breaking through layers of defense under the cover of neutron bombs.

The dense front line of laser turrets and a large number of drone groups have all failed under such a high-density nuclear war. Can't resist even a minute. However, the side of the beneficiary meeting was the moment when the automated weapons stagnated during the nuclear strike, and the raid was completed by gritting their teeth.

[Humans, as species, are more stable than machinery in the face of neutron radiation, but after the war, they must be festering. With today's medical technology, they can only enter the rebirth cabin. Re-development in the rebirth cabin will cause a large loss of memory. 】

Jianjia Mo Jialin knew that under her blow, there must be huge casualties on the opposite side.

On the final screen displayed on its frontline interface, a nuclear explosion flash often drowned seventeen or eight Dragon Guard mechs within a few hundred meters. These mechs instantly fell into scrap iron, and they must be all dead!

However, Jian Jia Mo Jialin, totally unable to figure out, under such a blow, why can the opposite side still willingly sacrifice an attack!

There is a fundamental difference between fearlessness and suicide.

The suicide offensive organized by the decaying religious group has encountered countless times on the planets Mercury and Wind. But death for superficial reasons, it is simply difficult to find enough talents to operate complex war weapons.

The use of chip implantation enables suiciders to master war weapons proficiently. Like cattle and sheep, suicide attackers driven to the battlefield by deception are crazy on the battlefield, but the organization is very low! Even with the failure of the constrained machinery, the lies are broken by the final reality and become unorganized.

The fearless warrior vows to die for lofty goals and acts in an organized way. The former paves the way for the latter, and the will is passed on by fire.

During these four hours, the attack of the Qiu Jin Club did not see attenuation. These fighters, who have studied in the deep sea for more than ten years, have become increasingly cooperative in nuclear explosions and missile strikes, and their casualty rates have declined. And found out the weaknesses of artificial intelligence weapons as non-species.

The weakest weakness of artificial intelligence robots on the battlefield now is that under penetrating neutron radiation, their chips will be destroyed by radiation in three minutes. These efficiency-seeking tools are worse than humans in stability. Lost.

And seeking to join the meeting, now the soldiers have found this, and fight for this for the sake of victory.


How many years has the human federation entered the era of human thinking? How many years has artificial intelligence surpassed human grassroots in various fields? On the battlefield of Gunlin Danyu, countless times have proved the weakness of ordinary people.

Of course, this wave of attacks made by a large number of sacrifices of members of the club is not to prove that humans are more durable than artificial intelligence on the southern line! Instead, it strategically cuts ties while covering another offensive force.

Just when Mo Jialin gave priority to solving the southern line that is close to her, but has not solved it, the northern line's late offensive momentum is in a strategic detour!

According to the report sent back from the front, it is also the case that the Dragon Guard cluster charged, the drone network covered, and there were many auxiliary personnel at the rear to maintain communication. but! Although the number of front-end impact points is much less, the air force covers much less, and the number of rocket strikes is much less, it is obvious that the degree of command and dispatch is higher than that of the southern line! The southern line and the federal war damage ratio is 4: 1, which is barely supported, while the northern line is now 1:11, which is completely invincible!

And this legion has such characteristics. Although 16 Dragon Guard Corps are attacking, except for the time of marching, each legion is actually stuck in time to strike forward. The battle was settled here in sixteen minutes, and the march just arrived there. And the size of each Dragon Guard Corps is below 1000, which is exactly the number of light particles that have been picked on the No. 5 star!

The following is the assault process of the North Attack Group.

At 8:34 am, Cuiyu Port was broken.

At 8:46, Gushan City was broken.

At 8:56, the Jinhe Fortress was breached, and within seventy kilometers, ferries 3, 13, and 18 were forcibly jumped over.

Between 9:00 and 9:40, the Jinhe River and three tributaries were forced back and forth across ten Dragon Guard groups 27 times. Eighty-seven mushroom clouds rose, and the Union ’s many attempts to gather forces were just gathered. It was wiped out, and all ground targets within 180 kilometers of the Golden River Fortress were destroyed.

At 9:45, the Federal Space Fleet supported nuclear weapons 70 kilometers northeast of Hengshan. Twenty minutes later, under the counterattack of the Oceanic Missile Group, the nano-energy shields on the outer layer of these space fleets were shone with flickering light and forced to flee the area.

At 10:02, the attacking cluster that had evaded nuclear strikes gathered again and continued south.

Between 10:19 and 11:30, four cities, including the Hanmin City, were penetrated. Subsequently, an integrated drone drove into the city to suppress it. The mechanized army intervened at the traffic station and took over the urban transportation function. The attacking group continued south.

At 12:20, the northern soldiers arrived at Zhumaduo, at the same time, the Mo Jialin Huai Shui Corps failed to resist the southern front assault department.

At 13:45, the UAVs of the two north-south assault units attacked the cluster, completing air assembly in Tancheng, successfully blocking the possibility of the retreat of the upper federal commander in the theater.

On the large-scale strategic map, the south leaps forward, and the north side detour forms an oversized encirclement that can fully enclose the upper commander's defense zone. Qiu Jin will use the sacrifices of the two big arrows, as if a man opened up a broad mind, and the bear hugged Molina's legion defense zone.

On the 1.2 million square kilometers of the Qianchuan alluvial plain in the north, there are 160 important military points in the Federation. There are many fortresses here, and important facilities such as machinery manufacturing, chemical engineering, and energy are here.

At this time, everyone could see that this was a super-combat. The commanders of the party who sought to join the party were all at no cost, and even personally commanded the front line to eat a strategic military department of the Federation.


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