
Chapter 607: 35.10 throw the rope? Still for lights

If a large-scale war can continue for a long time, it is inevitable that both sides expect to achieve their goals, so they are constantly investing in bets. Without the hope of 'success', the decision-making organization of war cannot sustain the motive force of group thinking.

Well, the robot puppet soldiers under the Federation of Eight-petaled Flowers and the Titanium Steel Society do not need hope. They have gradually lost their human form. In the infinite degradation, they only need to consider that their desires are satisfied today and tomorrow.

However, as long as the war still needs to be commanded, for upper-level decision makers, confidence needs to be maintained.

In the two-year war, the titanium steel gods, except for hitting the federation at the beginning, caught off guard. When the federation reacted, it was always suppressed.

But so far, after many major failures, these steel sticks of titanium steel can still conduct large-scale troop deployment according to the needs of the battlefield. This situation that still maintains organizational strength shows that senior officials feel that they have not lost.

What was the main purpose of the titanium steel rebellion?


After the battle of Si Mengguan, the upper layer of the titanium steel clergy can no longer cover the flaming wheel from the white titanium star.

Bai Ti observed the strange magnetic flash of Si Mengguan. Questioned by the white titanium star, the original second faction in the titanium steel clergy found an opportunity.

This faction is located in Shenlin. In recent years, it has been very dissatisfied with the people in Luo Tian and Haoyang plate factions who hold a lot of places in the **** world. In one fell swoop, he began to report the incompetence of Luotian faction. The Luotian Titanium Steel God Club was confronted with the fuel wheel, and a series of incompetent treatments were all given to the white titanium star like a bamboo tube.

The white titanium star lost confidence in the titanium steel members of the Luotian plate, so he ordered the titanium steel gods to make adjustments.

In this way, the gas wheel began to leverage the strategic direction of the two planets.


Chaos era 457, November.

Shenlin Plate, cities knowingly are active in the new quarter. At 8:22 am on the 4th, as it was the morning rush hour, people shuttled through the tunnel and began to enter a busy day.

After the proliferation law began, a large amount of money flowed into the market. Food manufacturing, fashion, as well as artificial gems, advanced game cards-and so on are all active. A lively look, um, there is still the atmosphere of war, on the big screen of the city of Jun, the girls cheerleaders wear a lot of tailored military uniforms, start rap, mobilize young people into the operating room, and freeze themselves Natural organs, implanted artificial organs, join the battlefield. After the rap, the big screen slogan: "After the war, return to youth with a large amount of relief money."

However, in this optimistic atmosphere, the sudden earthquake tremor began, and the whole city was shaking and covered with smoke. The drones in the sky began to chant shouting as if they were playing together: "Emergency notice, earthquake, please don't panic, and orderly withdraw from the danger zone."

In the underground tunnel, cracks suddenly appeared, a large number of stones fell, and crackling sounds echoed in the tunnel.

A subway train suddenly braked suddenly and began to flash red alarms, but then a strong up and down shaking came from the ground, just like a bump on the sea, everyone in each compartment realized something, screamed and stepped on each other, towards the most in the train. A sturdy suspension life module ran over.

The ups and downs quickly ended, but within a minute, a sharp roll came out, and everyone felt a sudden push. Immediately below, they felt that the sky was opening. After the subway train was tilted sixty degrees, the person holding the seat sternly looked out of the glass window and projected the sunlight.


The perspective returned to the ground, and the ground suddenly cracked and spread.

But this is not a good thing for the underground train, which is just in the crack. The ground fissure created an abyss. In the last screams of people, the entire train instantly fell into the rift, and then immediately after, the ground fissure closed, and the train disappeared silently into the formation, perhaps for thousands of years. May turn into fossils.

Four hours later, the rescue team looked at the completely misplaced tunnel underground and the debris of the train debris in the misplaced tunnel, filling in the "lost" one by one on the loss list.

Throughout the city, the surviving buildings lost their luster and cracks, and yellow emergency lights were shining through the windows.

And into the higher sky, the large cracks spread more area, and the city is just a string of candied gourds.


The Shenlin Plate was hit by an absolute natural disaster, and the idea of ​​the Titanium Steel God Association to create a large earthquake on the plate's fracture zone obviously showed signs of planning at the beginning of the war.

In 455, there were signs that titanium steel was drilling wells in some large cracked areas, and then buried unknowns.

It now appears that they drilled the preliminary fracture in advance and excited the nuclear force to introduce the plate stress into the plate's stable area.

It's similar: "A crooked stick cuts a small opening in a certain part, and it pops, and it is this small opening that bursts into a wooden thorn."

For a more vivid metaphor, cut a mark on the glass with a diamond, and then break it with a hammer.

The stable area of ​​the plate has been the bustling place of the Eight-petaled Flower Federation. Can be described as directly hitting the core of the Federation.

The original target of the titanium steel **** club was the Luotian plate.

Naihe Ronglun constantly strengthened control in the Haoyang plate on the east of the Luotian plate, the ice sheet in the north, and the cracked area in the west of the west, preventing titanium steel from operating the Luotian plate. Therefore, only the world's second largest plate has been damaged.


Forty minutes after being torn by a fringe earthquake in the Shenlin area.

All the leaders of the Federation of Eight-flowered Flowers issued an urgent public television speech announcing that they would wage a firm and thorough war against the culprits of the chaos era.

The Commonwealth was forced to the edge of a cliff, and it must be tough, tough, and then tough when encountering such weak destruction by a weak enemy.

Since the casualties cannot be reduced, and there is no guarantee that the casualties will not occur in the future, it is necessary to take a stance of disregard for the casualties.


At the same time, the distant white titanium planet is communicating with the titanium steel gods.

In the temple of titanium steel, a clergyman wearing a white metallic robe is watching the arrival of the "others" respectfully.

As the particle beam arrives, an information agent arrives.

The followers of titanium steel sat down and made a ceremony of respect. In the robes, these members have more or less mechanical structures on their bodies.

For a long time, a very remote piece of information has not been noticed. The mechanical puppet technology of the white titanium planet seems to be a little bit higher. For example, Mei Blade's body has an implant structure, but the body can still maintain a balance so that it can form a realm.

The messenger of white titanium received reports of the attack from under the crown of religion.

The intelligent messenger of high-energy particles praised the actions of religious groups in titanium steel.

Messenger: "You have succeeded in damaging the decadent and hypocritical rich class ..." "The emperor highly praises you for your achievements ..." "This star belongs to white titanium! ..." "Please continue your efforts to welcome the advent of the Holy Spirit."

After the messenger issued an encouraging declaration outside the form, he rewarded a bishop who had made a great contribution in this war, and a bunch of particles were injected into the eyebrows to update the information chip in his brain.

[This technology is similar to the current brain expansion technology of Zhou You, but the bishops are quite low-level in using this technology. Instead of actively learning to enter knowledge into it, Bai Titan has injected a ready-made scientific knowledge system into it. 】

The messenger of titanium disintegrated after exhausting energy. It was originally a high-energy particle system, which was turned into a light cluster and lost. In the temple, the atmosphere is even more sacred.

The solemn music and rituals seemed to inform those who did not receive the gift of God to make persistent efforts.


The world has increased instability.

For the gas turbine, there is a good side to the crisis. First of all, the big guys in the Luotian plate suddenly stopped all plans for the gas turbine. The situation of the Shenlin plate really made the people in Luotian plate afraid for a while. It is surprisingly concerned about the condition of the cracked area of ​​its own edge.

The leaders of the Luo Tian plate must soothe the hearts and minds of the war, and naturally they must say that their own situation is "under control". At this time, of course, it showed a strong relationship with the fuel wheel.

The fuel wheel is also very knowledgeable. It has disclosed the work of dividing each cracked area by numbers and assigning personnel to patrol periodically over the years-ppt showed the work flow in a concise manner, and restored the confidence of all parties in the Luotian plate.

At this time, Luo Tian's big brothers need internal confidence most, and their attitude towards the gas wheel is to stabilize, and they will never actively create contradictions. Wider on some systems.

For example, Parliament has approved:

1. The gas turbine can produce tactical nuclear bombs.

2. The Xi'an Salt-Alkali Security Force can, during supervision, throw industrial nuclear weapons to control the tidal salt tide cycle.

3. A series of core components such as the small dragon heart can be purchased. (The small dragon heart of the gas turbine relies on external nuclear fuel supply, and the federal government has not released the core technology.)


The status of the fuel wheel has begun to be more publicly confirmed by the Eight Petal Federation. Take off like a pig in a tuyere.

However, various new and difficult decisions are before the gas wheel.

In the big crack, the Shenlin Plate recruited seven cities and killed 170,000 people, but affected as many as 50 million people.

The city was not completely destroyed, but just as the same house became a dilapidated house, would anyone still live there? The originally stable plate became an earthquake-active area.

In the future, when the white titanium planet approaches, the huge gravitational tide will make this plate more severe and oscillating.

All factory production systems were relocated. On the other hand, the large-scale escape of the primary industry and the secondary industry is like the collapse of the foundation, and the non-survival service industry population attached to the dense tertiary industry has all become refugees.

Now on the Luo Tian plate, young decision-makers in the gas turbine are quite enthusiastic (naive, naive) to request that they take this opportunity to fully accept all the displaced persons in the God's temporary sector and continue to expand the power of the gas turbine!

This opinion was expressed from the mouths of some young cadres at the upper level, and then in just two days, a trend was formed!

However, at this time, Zhou You jumped out and hit the brakes!

This is an era of ideological collisions. Some unchanging inertial thoughts at the bottom level will not interfere with Zhou You, waiting for historical lessons, but the high-level naive and naive, ignore the actual ideas, Zhou You can completely jump out and step on the brakes.

Because these people have forgotten one thing, that is the external expansion of fuel wheel in recent years, why is there no other section to deal with!


Regionalization is an inevitable problem encountered by all civilizations as the planet develops.

This is by no means a problem that can be solved by mixing everyone in one place. After mixing in one place, this regionalization quickly turned to religion, ethnicity, and ethnic issues.

The degree of civilization of this star is obviously unable to solve the problem of regionalization.

The early days of the fuel wheel started in the Luotian plate, with strong characteristics of the Luotian people. After the Luotian area expanded to the limit, it would not spread in other areas for a long time, because once in other areas, the organization of the fuel wheel gave these people the senses-the label of the Luotian people is the largest.

The first reaction of ordinary people in other sectors is that foreigners come to grab resources.

People in other sectors have this ideological problem, so now there is no such problem in the grassroots of the fuel wheel?

Now that the fuel tankers are accepting refugees from the Shenlin Plate, the biggest problem is that this is the "Refugee" label of the Shenlin Plate. It is distressed and needs help.

It is impossible for those who burn the gas in Luotian plate to ignore this label. Therefore, the concept of "grace" is bound to be carried in the subconscious.

However, once there is the concept of "I benevolence and you", there can be no equality. Because the next step is: "I don't ask you to repay, you don't harm me"-and this "harm" concept often includes fair competition.

[This is what is called: people leave home cheap. 】

Zhou You inferred that once the foreign people were introduced on a large scale, the Luotian plate natively accepted them on the surface, but privately set up obstacles in various local higher industries. ——Let it continue to develop a super bomb.

Now we must not allow the young cadres above to clap their heads to make advance decisions.

When formulating policies, we must consider the lower limit of social thinking. When the people are wide, they will not take the initiative to say their own self-interested ideas. But when in distress, they will definitely make excuses to release their private grievances.


At the Plenary General Assembly, when everyone was discussing enthusiastically.

After Zhou You expressed his concerns.

The sounds of "the situation is very good" were quiet at once.

Obviously, in the eyes of the young people at the meeting, Zhou You's voice of "refusing God's presence and immigration" at this time was not decent. Furthermore: "Zhou You is old."

In the silence, whispers appeared.

Youming Cunyou heard it very clearly, and some people muttered without hesitation: "Why can the titanium steel **** ignore the race, we are going back."

Zhou You stood up, pointed at the whispering direction, and explained it in a serious and incomparable tone: "That's because the Titanium Steel Society, a religious group, positions all kinds of complex human needs unreasonably. They use low-level taste Tempting everyone's inferiority. And what about us? We allow individuals in society to have higher needs, and we must not ignore contradictions. "

Such "defile" the people immediately caused rebuttal.

A cadre in the North Plains region, Kai Fan countered: "If you just avoid differences, then what do you mean by the integration of world civilizations?"

In the face of these young people who beat themselves, Zhou You is inevitably a little angry, after all, he is also young. And always like to talk to others. But thinking quickly suppressed these negative emotions. Because-the collision of ideological trends of the times is like this.

Zhou You raised his finger and pointed at the crowd and said, "It is impossible to make real friends with wine and meat. Real friends carry guns together, have been beaten together, have endured hardships, and boiled out. The same applies to the global integration. "

Zhou You opened the map of the Shenlin Plate, and three terrible cracks run through it.

Zhou You marked the disaster area in the virtual space: "The people here are very hot, you think it is simple-accept them! I tell you, this is not help but charity! You who signed the order will become saviors! No! This The world does not need a savior. "

Zhou You swept through all the people present: "My suggestion is to send supplies and send cadres at the same time to establish an organization in the area of ​​Shenlin. And here."

Zhou You pointed at the big crack: "Now the people over there face the same task as us, exchange ideas with each other, tame the global crack together, and then-we are the community of destiny!"

After the explanation was completed, Zhou You faced the silent hall and exhaled deeply: "If the organization approves this plan, I will apply for the first batch of volunteers."

The last rebuttal was forcibly stabbed back. Although Zhou You's prestige has been declining, at this time, she is out of the sheath and has no match.


The humanities of each star civilization are slightly different, but they will not be generous to save another group.

And Zhou You meditated on the past, that is, the history of the early civilization of Zhongsheng. In his mind, he saw what he had done, and when he looked at the scarred star (projector), he couldn't help but ask: Why not do it yourself Yet.

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