Revisiting Future Path

Chapter 105: Big plate

106th Public Relations Department

Whether a search engine is good or not, the first is whether the library has the books you want, and the second is whether the librarian can quickly find the books you want from hundreds of millions of books. The former is less technically difficult. As long as you have the will and are willing to invest, every search engine can grab Internet resources; the latter is the one who really needs technical details. Google is better than the 3721 who is reborn from the knowledge.

However, just like the scores of the college entrance examination, the difference between one and three books is clear at a glance, but how about 710 points and 720 points? For the vast majority of students, those with a full score of 750, those with a score of 710 and those with a score of 720 are all academic masters. A high score in an exam does not prove who is strong and who is weak.

The feeling of netizens is usually slow.

A search engine focuses on a certain field, and another search engine ignores a certain field. Only in this way can a professional search feel a significant difference. Mainstream netizens search for common keywords. For example, if you type in the search box "return to the future" keywords, Baidu, 360, bing, Sogou, etc. can all find links on the homepage. It is difficult to feel the technical gap.

Knowing the technical limitations of search engines, it should be understood that unless Wei Dongsheng sacrifices "artificial intelligence" black technology that spans the era, it will be difficult to defeat competitors in the search engine field from a technical level. The risk of offering artificial intelligence is not in proportion to the benefits, and it is by no means the business model Wei Dongsheng should adopt.

Looking back at the search engine industry in China at the beginning of 2004, in addition to the spring and autumn, there are four heavyweight players: HC Search, which has been renamed Zhongso, Yahoo search which was reborn by 3721, Google, and Hua Guo Baidu, the future king.

Zhongsou's technical background is very weak, and it is not clear about the direction of the search engine. At this moment, it proudly declares that it is the number one search in China, and is pointing fingers at Yahoo, Baidu and Chunqiu. In Wei Dongsheng's eyes, Zhongsou is a rootless ping, waiting for it to defeat itself; political factors are Google's deadlock, no matter how much market Google seizes, it will have to spit it out in the future, or ignore it.

The only rivals of Spring and Autumn Search are Yahoo and Baidu.

The two are very difficult.

Behind Yahoo is Zhou Hongyi, who is very good at business operations. Ignoring the Spring and Autumn Period, the revenue share of China’s search engine operators in 2003 is as follows: 3721 and Yahoo dominate 43.7%; second is Sina, accounting for 16.7%; third is Sohu, accounting for 12.5%; Baidu ranks In fourth place, 11.2%. Zhou Hongyi gained 43.7% of revenue with a market share that has no obvious advantage, which is enough to prove his advantage in the sales market. Zhou Hongyi is in charge of Yahoo China, and after straightening out internal resources, he may regard Chunqiu Qiaoqian as the biggest threat, or perhaps in order to take revenge on Chunqiu's security steward, he launched a fierce strangulation of Chunqiu's offline partners.

Baidu is relatively low-key and rarely fights with Chunqiu Bayonet. Such a low profile does not mean that Baidu is not threatening, but because Baidu has chosen a strategic defense. In the melee between Zhongsou, Google, Yahoo, Chunqiu and Baidu, Baidu firmly guarded its barriers with Baidu MP3, Baidu Tieba and other products, and it was difficult for outsiders to seize its territory.

For example, the experiment of turning the comment section of the novel by mistake into Tieba, the 17.63% market brought about by the diversion of online literature, is just an illusion of a low retention rate. When the freshness fades, Chunqiu Qiaoyi's market share has slowly fallen to 12.68%, which proves that Chunqiu Tieba cannot form an absolute advantage against Baidu Tieba's competition. Chunqiu took a look at the handover with Baidu. Every battle was hard, but few gains were made. The strategically contracted Baidu seems to be an assassin hiding in the dark, and may not be aware of it at ordinary times. Chunqiu did not pay attention to revealing the flaws and immediately endured Baidu's fatal assassination.

In fact, these are minor issues.

Zhou Hongyi is good at commercial sales, but cannot see the future trend of search engines; Robin Li clearly understands the core value of search engines, but suffers from not being good at commercial operations. Yahoo's glory is like a castle in the sky; Baidu's depression is like begging on the street. They all have their own flaws.

Similar to the revenue share of Chinese search engine operators listed above in 2003, Baidu ranked fourth with only 11.2%. This 11.2% ratio is real figures. Baidu's 2003 annual income was only 45.911 million yuan, which is simply the word "poor" in capitals.

"The Spring and Autumn of the Ten Kingdoms" had monthly sales of 159.32 million yuan in May 2004, and its January revenue exceeded three times Baidu's 2003 annual revenue.

Baidu's poverty is not the fact that it has been poor in 2003. Looking back at Baidu’s revenue over the years, the annual revenue in 2000 was 1.34 million yuan; the annual revenue in 2001 was 6.533 million yuan; the annual revenue in 2002 was 11.02 million yuan; the annual revenue in 2003 was 45.911 million yuan. In the face of a poor company like Baidu, Wei Dongsheng can sacrifice the anger of real-world RMB players and use the money to simply and rudely kill Baidu.

At the same time, with Baidu's 11.2% share, Yahoo's revenue is also very limited.

With the support of the huge cash flow of "Ten Kingdoms", Wei Dongsheng can completely kill Baidu with his left hand and Yahoo with his right hand. Spring and Autumn took a look at search engines, and was not afraid of commercial competition with Baidu, Yahoo, and Google.

The real trouble for Chunqiu Company comes from national policy, specifically from the interference of government agencies such as the State Council Information Office (State Council Information Office).

At the end of March 2004, Chunqiu took a look at being anonymously reported by a certain force that **** harms the physical and mental health of young people and political affairs harms social stability. The State Council Information Office and other government agencies immediately ordered Chunqiu to take a look at the self-examination, self-correction and rectification. After the incident, Chunqiu looked at the investigation and found that these so-called harmful information were highly likely to be deliberate by anonymous reporting forces.

Obviously, this is a conspiracy, and anonymous reporting forces are trying to use state power to suppress Chunqiu.

Chunqiu has no reliable evidence to reveal who the anonymous reporting force is, but it can be understood with your toes that the conspiracy initiator must be one of the competitors such as Zhongsou, Google, Yahoo, and Baidu. Chunqiu does not need evidence to convict the court, nor does it require credible evidence for commercial intrigue. Chunqiu immediately countered it without distinction.

However, pure commercial competition is extremely difficult to resolve political issues.

Interference in the political dimension from government agencies such as the State Council Information Office requires political attitudes to coordinate.

Wei Dongsheng asked Jing Min to run around.

However, Jing Minqiang's influence has its limitations. Jing Minqiang has a strong network of contacts in basic telecommunications industries such as China Telecom and China Netcom, making his public relations office and other government agencies equivalent to an actor playing Go across borders, with very limited efficiency. Sure enough in the follow-up, Jing Minqiang went to the west but couldn't do anything about it, and ate a lot of closed doors.

Subject to the interference of government agencies such as the State Information Office, from April to June 2004, the Spring and Autumn Period was forced to guard the city.

Perhaps it is distressed that her husband Jing Minqiang has been in vain for a long time. At this critical juncture, Gong Qiuqiu stepped forward in time.

Gong Qiuqiu's influence is completely different from that of Jing Minqiang.

As mentioned earlier, dating back to the Republic of China, there was a family of financial compradors in the Gong family, who were giant crocodiles in the financial world of Shenhai. In the Song and Chen families of the four major families of the Republic of China at that time, the black-hearted money obtained from corruption was often sold by the Gong family financial comprador. However, the Gong family financial comprador department is not the underdog of the Song and Chen family. The backing of the Gong family financial comprador department is international capital headed by the United Kingdom and the United States. There are also partners such as the HSBC hereditary comprador Xi Ligong in China. Four major families. Even the Song and Chen families sometimes have to rely on the network of connections of the Gong family financial comprador department to negotiate and sign various agreements on traitorous or non- traitorous with international capital.

At the same time, financial compradors are just financial compradors, selling stolen goods is a business, and investing is also a business. Today, the Rong family, known as the red capitalist, has funds from the beginning of its ancestors, and it also has investment support from the Gong family financial comprador department. In a few words, it is impossible to analyze the essence of the Gong Family Finance Department.

Gonghe Dingding, the financial comprador of the Gong family moved its base camp to the United States and Britain, and gradually evolved into international capital. After leaving Shenhai, the financial comprador department of the Gong family became more and more British and beautified. The children of the financial comprador family of the Gong family who were at the same time as Gong Qiuqiu no longer speak Chinese, and naturally they have very few relationships with the homeland of China.

However, things are easier with time.

After the Second Generation Mu came to power, he deliberately wooed the Gong family and quickly promoted Gong Qixing, hoping to use the Gong family's three parties as the crown and cover advantage to be in line with international standards. Only because of unexpected setbacks or opportunities on the way, Gong Qixing withdrew from the CITIC Group, which now makes the Rong family famous. The financial comprador department of the Gong family has no feelings for the homeland of China. It is difficult for Gong Qixing to obtain the effect of the financial comprador department of the Gong family through blood relationship, but he is unwilling to completely give up the control of the capital field.

Gong Qiuqiu had a strong talent for mathematics since childhood, and was born extremely sensitive to numbers. Gong Qixing feels that mathematical talent is very compatible with financial capital. He arranged for Gong Qiuqiu to intern on Wall Street and promoted Gong Qiuqiu's participation in capital operations. He wanted to use Gong Qiuqiu's cuttings in domestic and foreign capital fields as the spokesperson of the Gong family's interests. Unfortunately, Gong Qiuqiu disappointed Gong Qixing. Gong Qixing didn't blame Gong Qiuqiu too much, but because of this he resented Jing Minqiang. This is the fundamental reason why Jing Minqiang was not treated by the Gong family.

After Gong Qiuqiu returned to China, he was arranged to work in CITIC Group by Gong Qixing.

Like Jing Minqiang, Gong Qiuqiu is not familiar with the operation of government agencies such as the State Information Office. However, Gong Qiuqiu and Jing Minqiang are different. Gong Qiuqiu and Gong Qixing are not father-daughter but more connected than father-daughter, which gives her a unique higher-level network of contacts.

With Gong Qiuqiu going out, the review by the State Information Office and other government agencies quickly lit the green light all the way.

On the one hand, he considered that he could not ask Gong Qiuqiu for everything, and on the other hand, he was really strong. Wei Dongsheng immediately used Gong Qiuqiu's banner to form a large public relations department under the Chunqiu Group. The Ministry of Public Relations, facing the political affairs halls of government agencies, implements a key tracking system, that is, using Gong Qiuqiu's influence to recruit a group of relatives and children of relevant leaders of government agencies such as the State Information Office. These related households usually get paid in Chunqiu Company for nothing, and their only job is to maintain friendly and unobstructed contact with the person in charge of the government agency they follow, and promptly express to the government agencies that Chunqiu Company is willing to cooperate with each other and have something to say in advance. Speak frankly, if you have something to say.

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