Revisiting Future Path

Chapter 125: Plot to usurp the throne

The 126th thing must rot first, and then the insects will grow

"Ten Kingdoms" is a profitable game.

All privileges must be charged.

If players want to experience the king's privileges, they must exchange it for real yuan.

In the operation group setting of "The Spring and Autumn of the Ten Kingdoms", a normal player invests an average of 3.6 million yuan to hope to usurp the throne. Moreover, although the threshold will continue to be lowered over time, and in another year or two or even cease operations, the lower limit of the king's privilege will also be locked at 1 million yuan. The operation team does not force or urge the leaders of each faction to usurp the throne. If there is no player usurpation on the entire server, the NPC king will continue to maintain the order of the game step by step.

After the update of "Tian Shidaiqi", seeking to usurp the throne suddenly became the hottest keyword on the Internet.

As of the end of January, a total of 26 players on the full server of "Ten Kingdoms" had usurped the throne as king. These 26 players alone brought 93.6 million yuan in sales to the Spring and Autumn Network, which swelled the monthly sales of "Ten Kingdoms" in January 2005 to 280.75 million, becoming the first network in Chinese history to exceed 200 million yuan in monthly sales. game.

Looking down on the Huaguo online game market, there is only one game for those with monthly sales of 200 million, that is, "Spring and Autumn of the Ten Kingdoms"; those with monthly sales of 100 million, still have only one, or "Spring and Autumn of Ten. While other online games are still struggling for monthly sales of more than 100 million yuan, the record of "Ten Kingdoms" has been infinitely close to 300 million.

The most money-rich game in history, "The Spring and Autumn of the Ten Kingdoms" deserves it.

At the same time, various companies have successively announced their annual financial reports, and the online game market in China has become increasingly clear. Looking back at 2003, statistics show that the total revenue of China's online game market in 2004 was 3.912 billion yuan.

NetEase ranked third, with a total annual revenue of 472 million in the online game business, occupying 12.06% of the online game market in China. The reason why NetEase was able to sprint to the top three mainly relied on two works, "Western Journey 2" and "Fantasy Westward Journey". NetEase’s financial results for the fourth quarter of 2004 showed that the average number of online users of "Western Journey 2" was about 143,000, followed by "Fantasy Westward Journey" with an average number of 131,000.

Shanda ranked second, with a total annual revenue of 1.021 billion in its online game business and a 26.1% share in the online game market in China. Its mainstay games are "Legend of Blood", "Legendary World", "Bubble Hall" and so on.

The number one is undoubtedly Chunqiu Network.

"Road to Survival", which was publicly tested on September 18, 2004, had annual revenue of 79.858 million yuan; "Ten Kingdoms Spring and Autumn", known as the pillar of the Spring and Autumn Period, had annual revenue of 1.912 billion yuan.

1.912 billion yuan!

The revenue of a "Ten Kingdoms Spring and Autumn" exceeds the combined revenue of NetEase and Shanda.

After superimposing "Road to Survival", Chunqiu Network's annual revenue is 1.992 billion, occupying 50.92% of the online game market in China. The market share accounted for more than half, which means that Chunqiu Network can single-handedly challenge the entire Chinese online game circle.

The total revenue of Huaguo’s online game market in 2003 was 1.722 billion yuan, and the total revenue of the online game market in 2004 was 3.912 billion yuan, an increase of 127.18%. The growth rate last year was 89.23%, and this year's growth rate was 127.18%. The extremely high growth rate of the online game industry in China has attracted countless envy and red eyes. Regardless of scolding online games as electronic crows or something, countless companies have gathered and crossed into the online game market.

At the same time, the winner-to-kill feature of the online game industry has also attracted attention.

The top three in market share, Spring and Autumn, about 50.92%; Shanda second, about 26.1%; Netease third, about 12.06%, a total of 89.08%.

In addition to the three companies, dozens of nearly a hundred games will share the remaining 11%, and the situation can be imagined.

Especially last year, the majestic and majestic Ninth City and Guangtong Communications, the ninth city's "Miracle MU" has been in a quagmire, after being squeezed out of the "World of Warcraft" agency rights by the Spring and Autumn Network, it has not been able to find a replacement, the rivers and lakes of the ninth city The status is rapidly declining; Optical Communication’s "Legend 3" is declining under the pressure of "Legend of Blood" and "Legend World". It claims to be unbreakable and change to "Legend of 3G" to try to break the game, but is frustrated that the game has not been broken. The only reputation of Legend 3 has been smashed.

The more winner-takes-all the market, the more important the winner is.

The new leader Chunqiu Networks, which has sacked Shanda, is not only the new champion of 2004, but its absolute income is also worth looking forward to. The revenue in 2003 was 468 million yuan, and the revenue in 2004 was 1.992 billion yuan, an increase of 325.64%. Moreover, the second online game "Road to Survival" operated by the Spring and Autumn Network had monthly sales of 19.152 million yuan in October 2004, November Monthly sales of 23.548 million yuan, December monthly sales of 30.851 million yuan, January 2005 monthly sales of 39.04 million yuan, are refreshing records every month, very worth looking forward to.

At the same time, Chunqiu Software delivered the "Dancing Cute Lord" operated by Chunteng Games, which was publicly tested in June 2004, with revenue of 145 million yuan within half a year. If it is not limited by time, Chunteng Games may even threaten NetEase's unstable third place in China.

From "The Spring and Autumn of the Ten Kingdoms" to "The Dancing Lord", and then to "Road to Survive", the three works of Spring and Autumn Software may be criticized and controversial in the player community, but they are undoubtedly the products in the eyes of the manufacturers and capital Sweet pastry in the eyes.

In the spring and autumn, the flowers bloom in full bloom, as if the four seasons in the sun are like spring; on the Tencent side, it is miserable, like a trembling bird in the cold winter. The public beta of "QQ Hall" reached the end of January 2005, and its popularity remained sluggish, while the number of online users hovered below 10,000 for a long time.

Such achievements have brought heavy pressure to Ma Huateng.

Online games are an indispensable tool for attracting money. Take NetEase as an example. NetEase's total revenue in 2004 was 786 million, of which online game business accounted for 59.9%. Looking at this ratio, the outside world joked that NetEase is an online game company, and it really didn't wrong it. Unfortunately, Tencent saw online games but did not have sufficient R&D and execution capabilities.

In fact, it is more than Tencent.

For example, a bunch of portals, in addition to NetEase, the online game business of Sina, Sohu, and TOM are also half-dead.

The threshold of online games is not high, but it is not anyone who wants to enter.

At the end of 2004 and early 2005, Tencent faced a serious crisis.

Tencent’s 2004 fourth quarter results, quarterly total revenue of 314 million, of which mobile and telecommunications value-added services revenue of 168 million, accounting for a very high proportion. Mobile and telecommunications value-added service revenue is the core business of Tencent, and it is precisely this most fundamental business that has now provoked a joint attack by China Mobile and China Telecom. In the third quarter of 2004, Tencent’s revenue from mobile and telecom value-added services was 173 million yuan. In this era of rapid Internet development, revenue in the fourth quarter did not rise but fell.

What's more serious is that there is no hope of improvement in a short period of time. In the first quarter of 2005, the turnover of mobile and telecom value-added services will further decline. It is precisely in order to get rid of Tencent's dependence on mobile and telecom value-added services that Tencent is desperately looking for new growth points.

Online gaming is a very important direction.

Unfortunately, "QQ Tang" failed.

Tencent was not reconciled and decided to risk launching another online game.

The QQ Game Hall project and the "QQ Hall" project are both side attacks bypassing the main battlefield. If you want to develop online games and want to make money from online games, you have to develop large-scale online games. At the same time as the launch of the "QQ Hall" project, Tencent borrowed deeply from the hottest "Spring and Autumn in the Ten Kingdoms" and "World of Warcraft", which has already launched beta tests in the United States and South Korea, and secretly established the "QQ Fantasy Country".

In terms of normal progress, "QQ Fantasy Country" cannot be tested until March 2005.

But Ma Huateng can't wait.

Because the Tencent founder team had disputes, differences, and rifts.

The core founder team of Tencent includes five people including Ma Huateng, Zhang Zhidong, Zeng Liqing, Chen Yidan, and Xu Chenye.

Among them, mobile and telecommunications value-added services are in charge of Zeng Liqing, mobile and telecommunications value-added services are frustrated, and Zeng Liqing's prestige is weakened. The company is everyone’s company. If you are capable of a win-win situation, everyone will definitely support you; if you lead everyone to lose money, hehe, if you don’t want to hurt the peace, you should abdicate and let the good. Zeng Liqing may be able to argue that China Mobile and China Telecom are unreasonable, but since you are responsible for liaising with China Mobile and China Telecom, handling the relationship with them is one of your business. If you can't handle the relationship with China Mobile and China Telecom, you should abdicate and let talents who can handle the relationship between Tencent, China Mobile and China Telecom come to the top.

The ability of Zeng Liqing has been questioned by Tencent management.

If there is no way out within a certain period of time, Zeng Liqing must give up power.

Tencent's carriage could not collapse with Zeng Liqing.

Ma Huateng is now experiencing a similar crisis.

The reason for Tencent's rebuilding of the game department is Ma Huateng's insistence that Tencent should have its own online games.

Ma Huateng insisted on Tencent's independent research and development or in-depth independent research and development of new games, and had a one-time encounter with two friends, Shanda and Chunqiu. Tencent doesn't care about Shanda's disgust. Ma Huateng and Tencent have long become public enemies of the Internet industry. Tencent, led by Ma Huateng, is like a greedy rebirth. He wants to do this, and he wants to do it. Google, Yahoo, Ebay, and MSN all want to do business. If Ma Huateng is afraid of other companies' bad feelings, Tencent will not become what it is today.

Unfortunately, Chunqiu is not Shanda. Shanda can't help Tencent, but Chunqiu can contain Tencent. Chunqiu deliberately lowered Tencent's stock price by selling stocks and creating bad news, copied Tencent's back path through the Chinese version of Facebook four-dimensional space, and manipulated sorting through Chunqiu search, deliberately recommending to users Shanda sued Tencent's "QQ Hall" for plagiarizing "Baotang" "" related reports, so that every potential player searched and downloaded "QQ Hall" and "Bubble Hall" to notice this news in time.

Ma Huateng's persistence may be the correct persistence.

Unfortunately, Ma Huateng forgot how thick his arms were.

Ma Huateng's persistence angered Chun Qiu, and he was hit by a series of combination punches. After Tencent and Chunqiu had a bad relationship, the stock price has been in a long-term downturn. Employees who hold shares in Tencent are short of money and are reluctant to cash out cheaply. Recently, there have been many complaints about Ma Huateng's mess. How good is the development of Chunteng Games. The QQ Game Hall has set a record of 1 million simultaneous online games, and "Dance of the Forest" has accumulated 145 million yuan in revenue in half a year. Without Ma Huateng, Tencent's share price would have broken through 10 Hong Kong dollars.

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