Revisiting Future Path

Chapter 139: Not as good as 1 game

140th Requesters, Rebels

In the plot background of "Legend of Survival", six large spherical objects hit the earth, and the earth ushered in a new era of apocalyptic invasion. The human power is divided into three parts. Some human beings feel desperate for the future and surrendering to the foreign vanguards are called Adventists; some humans want to ally with foreign enemy countries and use their super technology to save mankind, which is called Help-seeker; some humans feel that they are strong. It is really strong. It is called the rebels to advocate the introduction of super technology and expel foreign invading forces.

In the setting, the Alien Vanguard and the Adventist are the opposite characters, and the player can choose the camp as the helper and the rebel.

In the first scene of "Legend of Survival", in order to completely conquer the earth, the foreign land ordered the Adventists to spend all their funds and resources to build a hyperspace teleportation fortress. The Adventists had no time to chase down and suppress the help-seekers and the rebels. The external pressure from the help-seekers and the rebels disappeared, and internal conflicts became more and more intense. The united front for rebelling against the alien and restoring the earth was disintegrating, and the civil war began between the seekers and the rebels.

The first confrontation between the help-seekers and the rebels was in Rio, Brazil, in South America. Rio, Brazil is also the first big map of "Leaves for Survival".

Taking into account the entertainment, the occasional confrontation between the help-seekers and the rebels occasionally confrontation, "Left to Survive" are deliberately selected in well-known cities in various countries. Rio Brazil is the big map, Uruguay is the small map, Buenos Aires, Argentina is the big map, Chile, Peru, and Elvador are the small maps, and Cartagena, Colombia is the big map. Players are not familiar with the cities of South American countries and are used to calling different maps by country. The three big maps of Brazil, Argentina, and Colombia are especially famous.

Wei Dongsheng activated the background permissions and marked the accounts of Zeng Liqing and others as internal test permissions.

Click the balance competition option that will only appear on the internal beta user client, and the game will start downloading updates.

Although the Seed Download Artifact is a non-profit free software, Chunqiu has not ignored its development, and instead regards it as a basic Internet service like water and electricity. Considering that gimmicks are no longer needed, considering that the BitTorrent protocol has been rotten on the street, the seed download artifact quietly deleted the adjective "artifact" a few months ago and changed it to a neutral seed download (SeedDown).

The download technology of torrent download is not limited to the torrent client. All services in Spring and Autumn will more or less call the thread analysis of seed download. For example, one of the simplest optimizations is to assume that the bandwidth of the residents’ home entry is 4M, the maximum download speed is 512K, and the indoor router is connected to four computers. Four computers all want to download "Legend of Survival". If the previous download mechanism used four computers to download the same data at the same time, the maximum download speed would be changed from 512K to 128K, meaninglessly reducing efficiency. The seed download module analyzes that four computers under one router will download data externally based on the router. The routers transfer files to each other and make perfect use of the 512K maximum download speed limit to achieve a user experience that is four times more efficient.

Of course, this is only an ideal situation, and the actual processing is actually very complicated.

Nevertheless, downloading the same data under the same router and under the same LAN is much more efficient than meaningless repeated downloads of other download software.

It's such a small technology, Tencent's technical staff just can't do it.

Extending to the network speed occupied by online games, "Ten Kingdoms Spring and Autumn" 5Kbps can handle the scene, Tencent's "QQ Fantasy Country", 80Kbps are helpless. With the same network transmission speed, Chunqiu's "Ten Kingdoms Spring and Autumn", "Dancing Cute Lord" and "Road to Survival" are always able to handle more commands than "QQ Fantasy Kingdom". Because of this, "Legend of Survival" can run smoothly most of the time, but "QQ Fantasy Country" is often anxious.

With such an experience, players may only be able to roughly evaluate the technical level of Chunqiu Software, but technicians can feel the gap between Chunqiu Software and Chunqiu Software. This kind of optimization is really not what you want to optimize.

The more they understand the technology behind online games, the more they are ashamed of Tencent's recklessness.

Perhaps Ma Huateng is right. With continuous practice and accumulation, the technical background has been improved to a certain level, and then with the thinking of making products to make online games, Tencent will definitely become an online game operator. Unfortunately, Tencent has no time to slowly accumulate technology. Investors are unwilling to wait, MIH is unwilling to wait, and Tencent management is unwilling to wait. Have tasted the delicacies of mountains and seas, and the delicacies of mountains and seas are within reach there. How many people are willing to climb the snow-capped mountains and cross the grass to temper themselves?

The Balanced Competitive Edition was quickly updated, and Wei Dongsheng and Zeng Liqing entered the game one after another. Wei Dongsheng is slightly familiar with the settings of the Balanced Competitive Edition, and took the initiative to introduce: “The Balanced Competitive Edition temporarily only opens the Rio big map in Brazil, and the combat mode temporarily opens the restricted, free, and melee versions. The restricted edition is based on balance considerations. Players are allowed to freely set the upper limit of weapons, such as banning sniping, banning heavy weapons, banning bombs, banning body armor, banning paid equipment, banning some paid equipment, etc. The free version is a competitive entertainment version, and no upper limit is set artificially. It is subdivided into free melee and restricted melee. In addition to player confrontation, adding NPC monsters increases the variables."

Wei Dongsheng set up a room and cut into a certain map: "Come and try the 3VS3 mini map of Rio Gangs. I chose the free mode of zero starting point."

Zeng Liqing is not familiar with the balanced competitive version of the closed beta: "What does zero start mean?"

Wei Dongsheng explained: "The zero point means that the player comes to this map with bare hands and snatches the NPC or the opponent's firearms and bullets in order to mix them; if they are killed by the NPC or the opponent, they will lose all their weapons and equipment and start over."

Zeng Liqing: "This is a bit difficult."

Wei Dongsheng: "Yes, this model was originally prepared for high-end players. However, whether it will be officially launched or not will be subject to internal beta operation screening."

The names of the games are English nicknames in reality. Wei Dongsheng is Franco, Zeng Liqing is Kney, Zhang Zhidong is Tony, Xu Chenye is Daniel, and Chen Yidan is Charles. The 3VS3 map can only be activated by six people. Wei Dongsheng did not ask Zeng Liqing to find someone else. He directly chose automatic matching: "The number of internal beta players is small. In order to ensure that the internal beta players can play the game in real time, Spring and Autumn has arranged some sparring and robot players. If If there is no successful match after 30 seconds of waiting, sparring or robots will be randomly assigned."

Sparring, Zeng Liqing and others understand. Play, chat, and practice are the characteristics of the Internet at the beginning of Hongmeng. In the beginning of Lianzhong, due to the relatively small number of users, in order to retain users, Bao Yueqiao and others went to the battle to accompany the game in person; the same is true for Tencent's QQ, Zeng Liqing, Ma Huateng, etc., have anonymously chatted with new users who occasionally visited.

However, Zeng Liqing didn't understand the robot.

Zeng Liqing questioned: "The robot is playing with it, and its behavior is so rigid, it will be discovered by the player."

Wei Dongsheng didn't explain: "Let's try it out first, then talk about it."

While talking, match a player with the name "a bottle of pure water".

Random allocation is chosen, Wei Dongsheng and Zhang Zhidong, Xu Chenye are put in a group, Zeng Liqing and Chen Yidan, "a bottle of pure water" are put together.

The five people are sitting together, not playing games for the sake of playing games, so the sense of competition is indifferent and the rhythm is very slow. They control the characters to find weapons while communicating leisurely. At the beginning of the game, the system suddenly refreshed a red message: "The player Tony robbed pedestrians and resisted arrest. He was killed on the spot by the Rio Security Army. Searching Tony’s body, the Security Army found the Resistance Franco team logo, and the Resistance Franco Team was killed by the Security Maintenance Army. Listed as a survey object."

Tony is Zhang Zhidong.

Zhang Zhidong awkwardly replied to Wei Dongsheng and Xu Chenye: "I saw an NPC holding a fruit knife in his hand and snatching it to use as a weapon. Before he understood what was going on, he was killed by the puppet army."

The human forces who surrendered the foreign vanguard are the strongest, and the Brazilian regime is also under their control. In the so-called security maintenance army, players habitually call them a pseudo-army after they have entered the camp of help-seekers and rebels, and there is no burden to kill them. The reason why the government has been portrayed as a pseudo-army that surrenders to a foreign land is actually Chunqiu Software’s trick to pass the censorship. If a neutral and harmless police officer is killed, it will definitely be ordered to be deleted and amended by the relevant department; it is also a government force that has portrayed them as anti The human pseudo-army, the player's resistance is more positive and positive.

Wei Dongsheng didn’t care about winning or losing, and naturally he didn’t care about Zhang Zhidong’s food delivery. He briefly said: “In this map, there are seven puppet soldiers and 36 gangsters. Gangsters have regional characteristics. Attack; the puppet army has the characteristics of maintaining law and order and hunting down helpers and rebels. When the player picks up a weapon, there is a chance that the puppet army will be killed on the spot. We have to fight each other as well as the puppet army and gang members."

Zhang Zhidong: "That's it, we pulled out the puppet army nails in advance."

Wei Dongsheng: "Let's find weapons first. To the right of the spawn point is an unguarded mob stronghold with weapons inside."

The opposite Zeng Liqing immediately dissatisfied and retorted: "You are cheating."

Wei Dongsheng: "It's the same on your side. There is also an unguarded mob stronghold on the right. Although it is a zero starting point, it should also be considered that the patience of players is very limited. Spring and Autumn Software still prepares basic weapons."

Zeng Liqing laughed suddenly and said: "Our'a bottle of pure water' is an old player and has already asked us to get weapons.

Before Zeng Liqing spoke, the system refreshed a message in red font: "The player killed the police officer P4 with a bottle of purified water. The Rio Peacekeeper has noticed the existence of helpers and rebels and started patrolling the whole city. "

After the police patrol the whole city, the degree of difficulty suddenly increased. The player was controlling the characters to advance cautiously, and suddenly jumped out from the left, right, and rear to kill the police. In just five minutes, Zhang Zhidong and Xu Chenye were shot and killed six times by the police.

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