Revisiting Future Path

Chapter 184: No good or evil

184 Crazy

Wei Dongsheng knew about Gong Qiuqiu's soft outside and strong inside, but he didn't know Gong Qiuqiu's Goldman Sachs knot.

Recalling the 2008 economic crisis in the United States, Wei Dongsheng vaguely remembers the outcome of the five major investment banks: Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Lehman Brothers, and Bear Stearns: Lehman Brothers went bankrupt; Bear Stearns was acquired by JPMorgan Chase; Merrill Lynch was acquired by Bank of America. Acquisition; only Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley survived. Goldman Sachs is the survivor. If Gong Qiuqiu wants to target Goldman Sachs, there is a high probability that he will hit the iron plate.

However, these issues do not need to be discussed with Jing Min now.

Wei Dongsheng simplified the matter and directly asked Jing Minqiang's opinion: "What do you think is better?"

Jing Minqiang hesitated for more than ten seconds, and said in an uncertain tone: "Wait. When the atmosphere over there is tense, I will go with her again."

Wei Dongsheng immediately replied: "Good."

Saying goodbye to Jing Minqiang, Wei Dongsheng flew back to Panyang City overnight to deal with other tasks such as the Cambrian 2007 supercomputer.

Zhiyu Technology’s mobile phone business is regarded by Wei Dongsheng as the new cash cow after online games, and it has indeed lived up to Wei Dongsheng’s trust. Perhaps the glamour promotion of the "Fruit" mobile game played an intuitive role. The pre-sale performance of the multi-touch capacitive screen smartphone Sapientia_3G exceeded Wei Dongsheng’s imagination. On the first day of release, 326,000 users pre-ordered, including even Sixty thousand users chose to pre-order the full price in order to ensure the first time to get the product.

Sapientia_3G has not yet been officially sold, and it has received more than 300 million yuan in return.

The follow-up will not be as crazy as the first day, but it will maintain a daily increase of tens of thousands of units. The total pre-order data on each platform that month easily exceeded one million. Such an achievement is beyond Wei Dong's business expectations, and even beyond the expectations of Zhiyu Technology and various forecasting agencies. Various forecasting agencies suspect that Zhiyu Technology’s false data is used in gimmick propaganda, and hesitate to confirm how much water the pre-order data of Sapientia_3G actually contains.

In fact, more than forecasting agencies, Wei Dongsheng did not expect the Chinese market in 2007 to have such potential.

Zhiyu Technology urgently organized an investigation and asked users why they pre-purchased Sapientia_3G. Eighty percent of the buyers checked the "Fruit" mobile game.

What multi-touch, what is the difference between a resistive screen and a capacitive screen, what is the difference between a keyless mobile phone and a one-key mobile phone, users in the era of feature phones are confused and don't know what they are. "Fruit" is a completely different phone. With its exquisite graphics and smooth operating experience, users who read the conference video instantly understood the generation difference between Sapientia_3G and Nokia and other feature phones. In fact, as soon as the Sapientia_3G conference of Zhiyu Technology ended, keywords such as Sapientia_3G, fruit games, fruit cutting, mobile games, etc., quickly soared into hot words of the day and monthly hot words in Spring and Autumn Search.

Verifying that the pre-order data is true, the employees of Zhiyu Technology and Zhuwei have all fallen into a "surprise collapse": This is the rhythm of working overtime again!

As mentioned earlier, Zhiyu Technology’s initial estimate of Sapientia_3G smartphones is 2 million units. Zhiyu Technology also uses this data to arrange component orders, and it is expected to accumulate one million units in inventory before it goes on sale on May 20, and then sell them while producing. What do you think, the market’s expectations for Sapientia_3G are beyond imagination, and one million units have been pre-sold in more than ten days. In order to minimize the impact of out-of-stocks, Zhiyu Technology quickly increased the number of orders for upstream and downstream partners.

The 5,150 yuan loss warning line mentioned above does not refer to the actual production cost of Sapientia_3G. Production costs, advertising expenditures, price cuts and concessions at the time of shipment, value-added tax and other tax burdens, etc., are combined, and the final pricing ratio is set at 5,150 yuan, so that Zhiyu Technology will not lose money to produce Sapientia_3G.

Among them, the production cost has a lot of room for compression.

It is impossible for component manufacturers to lose money to cooperate with Zhiyu Technology in launching Sapientia_3G. The adjustment of production line and the improvement of the corresponding technology will be converted into the price of components. Adjusting the production line and technology research and development is a one-time investment. 1 million shipments are so much capital, and 2 million shipments are still so much capital. Therefore, if the number of orders increases to three or five million, these one-time investments can be substantially flattened. Furthermore, the continuous technological improvement in the production process will increase the yield and production efficiency, which indirectly leads to the continuous reduction of components and production costs.

For the first one million, Zhiyu Technology can hardly make real profits; for the second one million, Zhiyu Technology can make money in a real sense... If the sales volume reaches five million, China Mobile’s 300,000 contract machines can also become profitable projects.

This is also the charm of industrial production. The higher the output, the lower the unit price.

Perhaps Double Happiness Yingmen and Zhiyu Technology's mobile phone business have a bright future. At the same time, Gong Qiuqiu's short US mortgage market also ushered in good news.

On March 8, 2007, New Century Financial Company stopped applying for mortgage loans; on March 13, New Century Financial Company was delisted from the New York Stock Exchange; on April 2, New Century Financial Company applied for protection.

The subprime mortgage crisis officially kicked off.

However, due to the arrogance and guardianship of various financial institutions, the collapse of the New Century Financial Corporation did not cause any waves in the market. The Dow Jones and other indexes in the United States that day all rose steadily. On April 2, 2007, the Dow Jones Index was 12382.3; on May 18, 2007, the Dow Jones Index was 13556.53, a total increase of 9.48%. The bankruptcy of the New Century Financial Corporation did not arouse public alert, but instead caused a wave of bull market. In the Internet age, global news is common, and the resumption of the US stock market bull market has further stimulated the enthusiasm of the Chinese stock market. The Shenhai Securities Index passed all the way and easily broke through the 4000-point peak on May 9th. The total number of accounts opened in the Huaguo stock market is also infinitely close to 100 million, which vividly depicts what is meant by national stocks.

Not everyone is aware of the crisis.

In fact, many financial elites have heard the footsteps of the crisis.

According to the latest news from Gong Qiuqiu, the small bull market after the bankruptcy of the New Century Financial Corporation was actually the conscious and tacit cooperation of major investment banks and other financial oligarchs.

Investment banks are unprofitable people, and they are used to avoiding risks as much as possible. For example, Rose Fund and Goldman Sachs collaborated on a short US mortgage debt bond. Goldman Sachs received tens of millions of US dollars in marketing and insurance premiums from Rose Fund and sold it to investors such as multinational banks, funds and insurance companies. When the Rose Fund reaps the fruits of victory in the future, Goldman Sachs will not lose a single hair. Instead, a group of banks, funds, and insurance companies will cut meat from the Rose Fund. Goldman Sachs took the money from the left hand and took the money from the right hand. It was simply making money in bed.

Other investment banks are similar people.

For example, Bear Stearns is currently cooperating with raising the stock market while taking the opportunity to sell bad assets. Ordinary investors saw that the stock market was doing well. It is a false signal that the oligarchs joined forces. They rushed to enter the market and took over the bombs ignited by major investment banks such as Bear Stearns.

Unfortunately, they are overkill.

The non-performing assets accumulated by speculation before are far from being sold out temporarily. They are desperately trying to save themselves and transfer risks. Vested interests have repeatedly assured the public that the crisis is controllable, but in actual operations they took the opportunity to spread the crisis to more investors, indirectly expanding the scope of the economic crisis.

This is what Wei Dongsheng said is quite different.

They think that everything is under control, they think that all risks can be passed on to others, and they think that there is no lower limit to the tolerance of the people at the bottom. In order to find more takers, the more critical the real situation is, the more the financial oligarchs screen good information to prove to investors that "the crisis is accidental and temporary, and the future situation is very good." At the same time, some smart funds also quietly withdrew from the quagmire of the mortgage market, buying stocks of companies with investment value to maintain their value.

This is the background of the times when the stock market rises against the trend.

All the good news has been deliberately operated. Due to the take-off of Huaguo's stock market and public opinion speculation that China is about to surpass the United States to become the world's largest Internet power, Chinese concept stocks such as Chunqiu Network, Chunqiu Search, and other Internet companies have also been favored by the international capital market.

Take Chunqiu Search as an example. Since its main business is in the Chinese market, which is not visible to the United States, the capital market found that Chunqiu Search, which is the main image search engine, does not actually threaten Google's position in the US market. It immediately fell bearish and the stock price slowed down. Yin fell. On March 16, 2007, the market value of Chunqiu Search fell to 6.5 billion U.S. dollars, and from March 16 to April 23, there was a long-term immortality. At this time, the market began to speculate on the Chinese concept stocks. From April 23 to May 14, in just 20 days, the market value of Chunqiu Search skyrocketed from 6.5 billion US dollars to 9.4 billion US dollars, an increase of crazy 44%. .

The Chinese stock market is going crazy, the US stock market is going crazy, and the market value of Spring and Autumn Search is going crazy.

Following, Chunqiu Search has a market value of nearly $10 billion for the first time. Since the current noisy Huaguo stock market is the most eye-catching, many online media in China tracked and reported the crazy stock price of Chunqiu Search in time, discussing whether Chunqiu Search hopes to lead the Huaguo concept stocks to break the threshold of $10 billion in market value.

Noisy everywhere, impetuous everywhere.

Since the Rose Fund is long in the Chinese stock market and the US housing loan market at the same time, Wei Dong's physiological wisdom declined all interviews and will not comment on the crazy stock market. During this period of time, Wei Dongsheng cooperated with Xiao Lei's team to devote himself to the supercomputer project. Cambrian 2007 was successfully developed as scheduled, setting a new record with 6,182 trillion Linpack calculations.

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