Revisiting Future Path

Chapter 219: I am not short of money

219 I'm Not Short of Money

Wei Dongsheng expressed his gratitude to Jin Zongxian: "Thank you for your support."

Jin Zongxian smiled and said some promises that seemed to be in Mandarin but not in Mandarin: "The cabinet should be an advanced force that represents the interests of the people, not a decadent force that hinders the development of advanced productive forces. Since Zhiyu, Zhixing, Rose, etc. are beneficial to the country, we should do our best. Support it and help it within the scope."

Speaking of this, Jin Zongxian suddenly lowered the situation and focused on Wei Dongsheng: "Do you have any emotion, you stayed in Yanjing for more than a month and finally heard good news?"

Wei Dongsheng laughed and said, "It is also good news that the Yanjing Olympics has ended successfully."

The changes caused by the financial turmoil are not limited to Lehman Brothers or Wall Street. In the modern national system, the departments perform their duties. Although Jin Zongxian is not one of the nine cabinet elders and is not ranked high in the State Council, he is fully in charge of the financial field. Within the scope of his business, he only needs to report to the cabinet chief and the first deputy prime minister. Ge Lao reported. Many of the complicated situations caused by the financial turmoil require Jin Zongxian's mediation to resolve. He is now a hundred times more busy than Wei Dongsheng. After talking with Wei Dongsheng for more than forty minutes in the Beihai Courtyard, Jin Zongxian hurriedly left under the reminder of the secretary.

Jin Zongxian never mentioned the previous disguised house arrest.

It's not that Jin Zongxian didn't know about it, but that it was an attitude not to mention it. Jin Zongxian joked that his agreement to the Rose Fund's joint venture with China Investment Corporation and CITIC's stake in Lehman Brothers was "the good news that Wei Dongsheng finally heard", that is, he was euphemistically saying that his arrival was the good news Wei Dongsheng wanted. With his arrival and his support, Jin Zongxian pacified Wei Dongsheng with a clear attitude that "everything is over."

Wei Dongsheng understood what Jin Zongxian meant.

Wei Dongsheng believes in how much power can do big things, and is not ready to hold on to this matter for the time being, he has to ask someone for an explanation. There is a famous saying in the third generation, that one's fate, of course, depends on one's own struggle, but one must also consider the historical schedule. Since Jin Zongxian said that everything is over, then everything is over. Even if there is no past, you must pretend to be over.

Wei Dongsheng's bet is the future.

Wei Dongsheng is still very young, and time is his biggest advantage.

Become the richest man in China in three years, and dare to go to Wall Street in six years. How about another six years?


In the following time, Jin Zongxian expressed his support from the top down. Gong Qiuqiu worked together to activate the existing connections, and finally finalized the acquisition contract at 3 a.m. on September 15, 2008, New York time. The management and core employees of Lehman Brothers have been anxious for two days. Everyone is exhausted. Some managements even ignore the US law to get a lot of illegal drugs to refresh themselves. Despite the exhaustion, when Gong Qiuqiu officially announced the agreement on behalf of Rose Fund, China Investment and CITIC, all the staff cheered happily.

However, it is not over yet.

The plight of Lehman Brothers is similar to a bank run. The more Lehman Brothers is short of funds, the more eager customers are to withdraw funds. The Fed’s special loans, the Rose Fund, China Investment, CITIC’s financing, and the short contracts held by the Rose Fund can only help but not eliminate them. If you want to dispel the crisis, the real good strategy is to rebuild customers' confidence in Lehman Brothers. In view of the fact that the Lehman Brothers management team from the beginning of the year to the present has been scorned by everyone, Fuld sincerely invites Wei Dongsheng and Gong Qiuqiu to represent the Rose Fund to refresh the image of Lehman Brothers fans.

Confidence and honesty are two different things.

The Lehman Brothers accounting department immediately worked overtime to do the accounting, making this acquisition look more perfect. For example, Wei Dongsheng only sold a bunch of short-selling contracts that were difficult to fulfill in full to Lehman Brothers at a 30% discount. There is no pitfall but more pitfalls. But in the hands of Lehman Brothers accountant, everything becomes another golden look.

Through cumbersome transfer procedures, Lehman Brothers split the 20 billion acquisition funds, the 20 to 30% surplus high-interest loans, fixed short contracts, and floating short contracts, respectively, and repeated calculations: Rose Fund United CIC, CITIC, with 20 billion U.S. dollar purchases 40% of Lehman Brothers shares; before the end of 2008, Rose Fund will also provide Lehman Brothers with a guaranteed loan of 10 billion to 15 billion US dollars at an annual interest rate of 11%; Rose Fund will transfer all its short contracts to Lehman at preferential rates. Man Brothers, Lehman Brothers can make a profit of 30 billion U.S. dollars from this transaction in the future. In this way, Fuld took a cheating acquisition, and Lim shamelessly pretended to be super good news that could bring Lehman Brothers $65 billion in funds.

Fuld thinks this way, and does so.

At the high-end customer meeting held in the early morning of the next morning, Fuld pledged to the customers present: "Lehman Brothers has good assets, otherwise Rose Fund, China Investment, and CITIC will not when Lehman Brothers share price plummets to 3.85 yuan per share. Lehman Brothers is still valued at US$50 billion. Lehman Brothers is financially healthy and Lehman Brothers’ assets are very good. The previous stock price plummeted, all due to disorderly short selling, and a large number of short sellers sold non-existent stocks in the market. Short selling is a normal investment behavior, but naked short selling is full of maliciousness. The Securities and Exchange Commission should immediately and decisively introduce relevant measures to control or even prohibit naked short selling in the market."

In order to win the trust of Lehman Brothers customers, Fuld praised the strengths of the Rose Fund, China Investment and CITIC in a whisper:

"CITIC is..."

"CIC is..."

"Before July 2006, Wall Street didn’t know who Gong Qiuqiu was. In July 2006, Wall Street mocked Gong Qiuqiu as a stupid woman who came to China to give money. The farther away from the Rose Fund, the better; at the end of 2006, subprime mortgages At the beginning of the crisis, the Rose Fund quickly emerged in the cold winter of Wall Street. As a fund manager, Ms. Gong Qiuqiu's income in 2007 was as high as 4.4 billion US dollars, overwhelming John Paulson, who was also short, and became the most profitable fund manager in 2007. List. Today, everyone knows Gong Qiuqiu's name, and it is said that no fund dares to bet against her."


"Everyone knows that apart from Rose Fund, Ms. Gong Qiuqiu is also the executive director of Chunqiu Search and holds 4.7% of Chunqiu Search. Based on the closing price on September 12, Chunqiu Search has a market value of US$27.47 billion, and Gong Qiuqiu's 4.7% stake is approximately It is equal to 1.2 billion U.S. dollars. Although it is not as good as the income of the Rose Fund, it cannot be ignored."

"In early 2007, Wall Street talked about the relationship between the Rose Fund and Spring and Autumn Search."

"What is the relationship between Chunqiu Search and Rose Fund? Today I am here to uncover the mystery and tell you clearly: Mr. Wei Dongsheng and Ms. Gong Qiuqiu are both the helms of Chunqiu Search and Rose Fund. Chunqiu Search is Mr. Wei Dongsheng and Ms. Gong Qiuqiu. The achievements in the Internet field, the Rose Fund are the achievements of Mr. Wei Dongsheng and Ms. Gong Qiuqiu in the financial field."

"Gong Qiuqiu has been on Wall Street for two or three years, everyone is already very familiar with it, so let's not say much."

"I will briefly introduce Mr. Wei Dongsheng."

"Mr. Wei Dongsheng is a legend in the Internet world."

"In 2002, Wei Dongsheng founded Chunqiu Network, and the following year he launched "Ten Kingdoms Spring and Autumn", an online game that shocked China. Everyone is familiar with "World of Warcraft", with a revenue of 1.886 billion yuan in the Chinese market in 2007. The revenue of "Ten Kingdoms" in 2007 was as high as 4.664 billion yuan, almost 2.5 times that of "World of Warcraft". In fact, "World of Warcraft" is also operated by Chunqiu Network in the Chinese market. Chunqiu Network only With four works, he has become the top online game operator in China."

"In 2005, Chunqiu Network went public on the Nasdaq; in 2006, Chunqiu Search went public on the Nasdaq. Chunqiu Search is a star company in 2007, so I don’t need to be verbose. At the beginning of the year, Forbes released the World Rich List, and Wei Dongsheng scored 135.9 It is ranked 55th in 100 million U.S. dollars. It took Wei Dongsheng only 6 years for a poor student from a mountain village to reach 55th on the global rich list."

"This is not accidental."

"If you are lucky enough to communicate with Mr. Wei Dongsheng face to face, you will understand that his success is inevitable."

"Being in the vacancy loan market and shorting financial stocks is an inevitable success, and investing in Lehman Brothers will also be an inevitable success."

Fuld lavishly praised Wei Dongsheng, and then invited Wei Dongsheng to communicate with Lehman Brothers' high-end investor clients via video.

Worshiping success and eager to be a successful person is the voice of all independent investors; worshipping profits and hoping to obtain stable income is the pursuit of all loyal customers such as banks and funds. Wei Dongsheng started from scratch and became No. 55 on the Forbes Global Rich List. The Rose Fund was humiliated on Wall Street against various financial giants who gambled, which are all past examples that investors admire very much. They may be taboo about Wei Dongsheng's nationality or Wei Dongsheng's ideas, but they will not taboo about the earning power of Wei Dongsheng and the Rose Fund.

Therefore, although it was only a relatively lack of sincere video communication, a group of investors also warmly applauded Wei Dongsheng.

Wei Dongsheng switched on the video, waved to the investors present, and said with a smile: "Dick praised me."

Lehman Brothers helms Fuld, full name Richard Fuld (Richard_Fuld), nickname Dick, so often called Dick Fuld (Dick_Fuld). Although Wei Dongsheng did not have much friendship with Fuld, at this moment, in order to show investors that he was optimistic about the future of Lehman Brothers, he also went to the village and called Fuld's nickname Dick.

Wei Dongsheng then talked: "The Rose Fund has recently gained a reputation. Some people praised our insights, and some people insulted us for shorting. However, I want to explain here that I will not go short for short, nor will Rose Fund be short for short. Shorting. During the Yanjing Olympics, I communicated privately with Minister of Finance Paulson and told such a story..."

Wei Dongsheng recited and explained "Bian Que Meets Cai Huan Gong" in English, reiterating that he was not shorting for the sake of shorting: "Perhaps everyone thinks I am hypocritical, but this is my voice. I am a doctor, a doctor who treats market economy. It is not a speculator who shorts to make a profit."

"In fact, I am not short of money."

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