Revisiting Future Path

Chapter 240: Solar System Organization

240th Solar System Organization

Wei Dongsheng also had a general plan for the route of stealing the country.

The violent machine is the basis of rule. If you want to usurp power, you must be able to contain the existing military power of the country.

Wuyou Country is a country with a small population and a weak military.

The Uzbek’s national defense force is only 15,000, of which the air force and navy together are about 1,000; the police special force is 6,000; the army is composed of four mechanized infantry battalions, an artillery battalion, an anti-tank regiment, and the presidential guard, totaling about 8,000. people. The number and quality of the Uzbek National Defence Forces are not good. The Chinese can easily slap Uzbek by arranging a regiment. Unfortunately, Wei Dongsheng is weaker and has no power and capital to dispatch a regiment.

Even if it has power, China will not allow Wei Dongsheng to expedition to the African continent alone, and the international community will not allow Wei Dongsheng to annex Wuyou.

Wei Dongsheng must think of another way.

It is said that in the past few years, Wei Dongsheng has continuously brought the children of the U.S. to China in the name of adoption, aid, and study abroad. From 2004 to 2008, the children of Wuyouguo received special education in China; from 2008 to 2009, Wei Dongsheng added revolutionary education content for Wuyouguo, so that the children of Wuyouguo awakened to see through the backwardness of the tribal system and the colonial exploitation of international mining capital. Guide them to learn the advanced culture of Panyang City.

This group of young people from a country bears the mission of returning to China to save two million Li people.

This group of teenagers who are thinking about Wuyouguo are the pawns of Wei Dongsheng in usurping the power of Wuyouguo.

However, due to various factors, Wei Dongsheng's remote control of Wuyouguo teenagers is only over a hundred. No matter how weak the Uzbek National Defence Force is, it has a scale of 15,000, which obviously cannot be defeated by more than a hundred teenagers. Wei Dongsheng has no authority to borrow the military power of China, but can only squeeze his own black technology power and use the intelligent life of computers to form an army of cheap machines.

Considering the risk of computer intelligence being out of control, Wei Dongsheng decisively adopts the swarm war mentality in his 30-year memory.

The swarm war mentality prohibits computer intelligent life from fully communicating, so that it can be divided into independent swarms on the battlefield. For example, there are a total of 1,000 mechanical military units, and we will cut them into ten small groups such as A, B, C, D, E, G, Xin, Ren, and Kui. Each team has jurisdiction over 100 mechanical military units. . After the split, the 100 mechanical military units in Team A can communicate information with a high degree of freedom, but they have no right to contact the mechanical military units of Team B on their own. If Team A wants to fight with Team B, it must communicate with Team A and Team B, and Team A and Team B are all humans.

Brain-computer fusion is the pre-technology of swarm tactics.

After the brain-computer fusion technology matures, the drone's camera is the soldier's eye. If pre-optimized processing through software technology, the drone automatically finds and locks the target, the battle can be simplified into a 3D war game scene. Moreover, similar to the multi-line control of competitive games, with the pre-processing of computer intelligent life, a human soldier may be able to command 100 or even 10,000 mechanical military units at the same time. In this way, as long as there is enough war logistics, every soldier under Wei Dongsheng can launch a swarm attack.

The swarm tactics are the courage that Wei Dongsheng dares to usurp power.

The above are just Wei Dongsheng's general ideas. As the situation develops, the future will definitely need to be adjusted continuously.

Wei Dongsheng didn't talk too deeply, but simply told Ji Susu that he wanted to maximize the use of brain-computer fusion, and regarded it as a trump card for usurping power. Wei Dongsheng then led the disturbed Ji Susu to leave the south gate of the Third Research Institute of Spring and Autumn, and walked six or seven hundred meters south along Dongxinyuan Middle Road to Dongxin International Middle School.

Dongxin International Middle School is a privately-run private middle school. After layers of vests, the real owner is Wei Dongsheng. In order to evade the supervision of the Chinese government and government agencies, about 60 Wuyouguo teenagers were packed in this school; in order to do everything possible to train these Wuyouguo teenagers into the vanguard, Wei Dongsheng deliberately put them in a separate class. Dispatch teachers who understand politics best to patiently guide them to understand the essence of the revolution.

In a regular classroom, Ji Susu saw four boys and five girls with different skin colors.

The nine young soldiers seemed to stand upright in a row, welcoming Wei Dongsheng loudly with a pure Mandarin accent: "Hello teacher!"

Wei Dongsheng waved his hand: "The students have worked hard."

Wei Dongsheng then introduced Ji Susu to the nine teenagers: "This is Teacher Ji, and she will teach you brain-computer fusion courses in the future."

The nine teenagers bowed and said hello: "Hello, Teacher Ji."

Suddenly, Ji Susu suddenly became the teacher of nine teenagers, and hurriedly responded to the kindness of the nine teenagers: "Hello everyone."

Wei Dongsheng looked back at the nine teenagers: "Report your names from far to near, so that Teacher Ji can understand you."

A typical black boy stepped forward: "My name is Guo Xinghai and I am 13 years old this year."

After all, the black boy returned to the queue.

Another typical black girl stepped forward: "My name is Guo Xingtian and I am 13 years old this year."

Another black boy with a lighter complexion stepped forward: "My name is Guo Xingtu and I am fourteen years old this year."

Another white girl with a darker complexion, who appears to be of mixed race, stepped forward: "My name is Guo Xingmu, and I am fourteen years old."

Another typical white boy stepped forward: "My name is Guo Xinghuo and I am 13 years old this year."

Another typical white girl stepped forward: "My name is Guo Xingdi, I am fourteen years old this year."

Another young man who is suspected to be of mixed ethnicity of Chinese and Caucasian took a step forward: "My name is Guo Xingjin and I am 13 years old this year."

Another girl with a typical face of southern China took a step forward: "My name is Guo Xingshui and I am fourteen years old this year."

Another young man with a typical appearance in northern China took a step forward: "My name is Guo Xingyang and I am fifteen years old this year."

After the introduction of the nine teenagers in turn, Wei Dongsheng smiled and asked Ji Susu: "Do you think their names are strange?"

Ji Susu vomited and said, "The surname is Guo."

Wei Dongsheng explained: "This is based on the national surname, because the national surname is rare, so it was replaced with the more common ‘Guo’."

Ji Susu suddenly said, "It turns out that there is still this meaning, what about the second character star?"

Wei Dongsheng: "You can read the last two characters of their names in reverse."

Ji Susu recalled the names of the nine teenagers: "Guo Xingyang, Yang Xing... It’s no different. Guo Xingshui, Mercury; Guo Xingjin, Venus... Hey, I understand! Guo Xingdi is the earth, Guo Xinghuo is Mars, and Guo Xingmu is Jupiter. Guo Xingtu is Saturn, Guo Xingtian is Uranus, and Guo Xinghai is Neptune. Their names are derived from the eight planets of the solar system."

Wei Dongsheng added: "Sun star refers to the sun."

Standing in front of the nine teenagers, Ji Susu was inconvenient to say directly, but in the bottom of his heart, the method of naming like this was really rough.

As if guessing what Ji Susu thought, Wei Dongsheng added more explanation: "Actually, they all have their own real names. For example, Guo Xinghai, he comes from the ostrich tribe of Wuyou Country. Among the 2.1 million population of Wuyou Country, the ostrich tribe accounts for 1 million. It is the largest ethnic group in Wuyouguo. The predecessor of the ruling party in Wuyouguo is the ostrich party with national liberation characteristics. Guo Xinghai has his ostrich name, and he came to China and took a Chinese name with similar pronunciation. Guo Xinghai is not His real name is a new name for being a member of the "Solar System" organization."

"In the second phase of the brain-computer fusion experiment, the members of the solar system organization are the experimental objects. Based on the electromagnetic signal analysis model of your brain, we will establish a targeted model for them. Guo Xinghai, Guo Xingtian, etc., are the code names of the members of the organization. This'Guo Xinghai' is unwilling to work hard or unable to keep up with the progress of the experiment. We will choose the new Wuyouguo boy to inherit the honorary title of'Guo Xinghai' or'Neptune'. In other words, as long as the solar system organization is not collapsed, The members will always be nine people including Guo Xinghai, Guo Xingtian, and Guo Xingyang."

Wei Dongsheng didn't intend to analyze the solar system organization in depth. Ji Susu and the nine Wuyouguo teenagers simply walked through the meeting process and waved to disband the nine Wuyouguo teenagers. Returning to the Third Spring and Autumn Research Institute, Ji Susu took advantage of the remoteness and delay to ask questions in his mind: "Wuyou country is an African country, right?"

Wei Dongsheng: "Never has a country in South Africa, naturally it is an African country."

Ji Susu: "Wuyou country should also be a black country?"

Wei Dongsheng ignores Ji Susu’s African country as a black country logic, explaining in her tone: “In terms of population, blacks in the Uzbek country accounted for 88%; whites accounted for 8%, and other races accounted for 4%. However, nothing happened. The country was colonized by the Netherlands, Spain, Britain, Germany, South Africa and other countries for hundreds of years. After the independence of Wuyou country, the political and economic power is still controlled by white people of Dutch, German, British, French, and Portuguese descent. Groups. Moreover, in addition to the ostrich tribe, which accounts for 50% of the black tribe, there are a bunch of tribal tribes from different sources. The differences between these black tribes even exceed the differences between blacks and whites, and there is almost no possibility of unity. In terms of population ratio, Wuyouguo should be classified as a black country; from the analysis of political and economic strata, Wuyouguo is a modern colonial country in which the white class rules the black class.

Ji Susu nodded: "So out of the nine teenagers in the country, there are three black teenagers and three white teenagers?"

Wei Dongsheng: "Actually, they are two black teenagers, two white teenagers, and two mixed-race teenagers."

Ji Susu: "The other three teenagers are all Chinese, right?"

Wei Dongsheng: "Only Guo Xingjin, who looks like a mixed race, is a Chinese descent in the real sense of nothing. Guo Xingshui and Guo Xingyang are orthodox Chinese children found in the orphanage."

Ji Susu: "Huh?"

Wei Dongsheng smiled and said, "Is it weird?"

Ji Susu: "I thought they were all Chinese."

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