Revisiting Future Path

Chapter 241: Hope you don't disappoint my trust

241 I hope you don't disappoint my trust

Wei Dongsheng explained: “Due to historical reasons, China lacks influence in Wuyou country and lacks sufficient Chinese foundation. It is extremely difficult to find orphans of Chinese descent in Wuyou country. Rather than searching through the mountains and wilds, it is better to fake it on the spot and let it go. The exchange of birds sends the Chinese teenagers directly to Wuyouguo."

Ji Susu questioned: "Will the people of the Ugly Kingdom agree with the solar system organizations in proportions of black, white, and yellow seeds?"

Wei Dongsheng laughed and said: "I am going to Wuyouguo, not to send warmth to the black ethnic group. Just as the development of the Spring and Autumn Period in China is based on me, the new government after the usurpation of power will also be based on me. The new government-government. The economic system controlled by the white ethnic group and the tribal system of the black ethnic group are the old social relations that the new government-government is about to smash with iron fist. Compared with the great shock of social transformation, how can the two million people in the country care about the so-called Race ratio?"

Ji Susu: "Oh."

The topic of usurping the country ends here for now.

Looking around the global situation, the current international order is dominated by the United States, while China is united in seeking opportunities to break the situation, propaganda outside, seeking common ground while reserving differences, and propagating peaceful diplomacy internally. Citizens who grew up reading Chinese political textbooks always emphasized the reciprocity between countries too much, thinking in their hearts the simple values ​​of doing nothing to others. Against this background, Wei Dongsheng's idea of ​​overthrowing the Uganda State is not in line with China's national interests, and it also violates the mainstream social values, and it is difficult to get substantive approval.

Wei Dongsheng was not sure whether Ji Susu would support him.

However, Wei Dongsheng is willing to try.

Brain-computer fusion is a big project. To develop brain-computer fusion, brain science must be developed first. China's brain science research is relatively backward. In order to promote brain-computer integration, Wei Dongsheng had to wave US dollar bills around the world to recruit life scientists.

However, those who come for money will also go for money. The high-tech technology of Jinguangdong Laboratory is at risk of leakage at any time.

Instead of passive disclosure, it is better to actively disclose.

Jinguangdong Laboratory will become an open, cooperative, and transparent brain-computer interface basic technology research and development laboratory. Whenever this laboratory produces a new research breakthrough, Spring and Autumn Search will promptly announce it to humans around the world. Of course, this selfless dedication is forced by the imperfect basic science to turn passive into an active strategy. In the direction that can be operated cheaply, such as specific practical technology, such as the derivative technology of the Nezha series, will be secretly transferred to other laboratories to continue in-depth research.

After the most basic brain electromagnetic signal analysis model is established, the second step of research will be rapidly carried out in parallel.

The Golden Hole Laboratory continues its pure scientific research. At the same time, the Solar System Organization will conduct supplementary research with political and military features in another laboratory, and the project code has been designated "Solar System." Unlike the open and transparent Golden Hole Laboratory, the Solar System Laboratory has relatively low requirements for the quality of researchers, and relatively high requirements for the loyalty of researchers.

Wei Dongsheng plans to arrange Ji Susu to the solar system laboratory.

Wei Dongsheng hoped that Ji Susu would not let down his trust in her.

Brain-computer fusion is a long-term project, and it is impossible for the solar system organization to demand one-day success. The members of the solar system organization are humans with complex desires. In order to ensure their sense of dependence and dependence on the Spring and Autumn System, it is necessary to establish a good environment that is conducive to the interaction of the members of the organization and their respective talents, and then guide them to closely unite with the organization.

After Ji Susu was selected into the Solar System Laboratory, she was both a researcher and life counselor for the Solar System Organization. Before the experimental equipment was in place, Ji Susu's work intensity was relatively relaxed, and he accompanies nine Wuyouguo teenagers to play and connect. In the process of communicating with nine Wuyouguo teenagers, Ji Susu discovered that outside of the 3:3:3 ratio, Chinese people always hold the leadership of the solar system organization. Guo Xingyang is the captain, the Dutch white girl Guo Xingmu and the mixed race of the British hundred people and the black hyrax Guo Xingtu is the deputy captain, and so on. The simple nine-member organization already highlights Wei Dongsheng's ideal power structure.

Days pass by.

On this day, Ji Susu brought the nine teenagers from the Solar System Research Office back to Dongxin International Middle School. As he was about to leave Dongxin International Middle School, Ji Susu suddenly heard an unfamiliar voice calling out: "Ji Susu?"

Ji Susu followed the prestige, and two beautiful shadows came a few meters away. Staring for two or three seconds, Ji Susu recognized one of them, Qi Lirui who led her to report to the job a few months ago. Thinking of Qi Lirui's kindness at the time, Ji Susu stopped and said hello to Qi Lirui: "Ha, long time no see."

Qi Lirui vaguely remembered that Ji Susu was assigned to the artificial intelligence department: "Is the work going well?"

Ji Susu: "Alright, how about you?"

Qi Lirui said in a mocking tone: "I, I just got a regular salary at the beginning of last month, with the lowest basic salary of 3250 yuan. Adding up the various benefits and deducting insurance and individual taxes, I probably actually got 4,500 yuan."

Qi Lirui's dissatisfaction hit the sky.

Obviously, Qi Lirui believes that her value is far more than 4,500 yuan a month, and she is unwilling to search the personnel relations department in the Spring and Autumn Period and wait to die.

Ji Susu didn't understand Qi Lirui and was unwilling to gossip. He smiled and changed the subject: "Do you have relatives studying in Dongxin Middle School?"

Qi Lirui stopped complaining and returned to the pure greeting tone: "We are here for charity."

Ji Susu was surprised: "Charity?"

Qi Lirui first introduced her companions to introduce her: "This is my friend Ran Qianqian, who graduated from Panyang Normal University... By the way, Qianqian, I remember you are also a computer student, and you should have a common topic with Ji Susu."

Ran Xiqian waved her hand in embarrassment: "No, no. I'm stupid and my grades are messed up. I don't dare to say that I learn computer in the company."

Ji Susu smiled and said to himself: "My technique is not good either."

Ran Xiqian: "I really can't do it. When defending your graduation thesis, do you know what your supervisor said about me? The supervisor said that if you hadn't missed a class during your four-year undergraduate course, and your learning attitude was still honest and sincere, I would never pass Your graduation thesis. The employment counselor also told me that some people don’t work hard because of attitude issues; some people work hard and still have no results. That is really not suitable for this industry. Me, it is really not suitable for the computer industry."

After pouring the bitter water, Ran Xiqian asked Ji Susu curiously again: "Are you searching for work in Spring and Autumn?"

Ji Susu answered briefly: "The Department of Artificial Intelligence."

The brain-computer fusion project has not yet become an independent department, and Ji Susu’s publicity of personnel relations is linked to the artificial intelligence department, which is not a lie.

After all, Ran Xiqian graduated from a computer major. Although her academic performance is messed up, she has a certain vague impression of the difficulty of artificial intelligence research. She immediately showed a longing look: "You are so amazing. I also wanted to study artificial intelligence when I was studying in school. Unfortunately, I did not A talent for learning computers."

Ji Susu is not familiar with Ran Xiqian. After a few simple and humble sentences, Ji Susu returns to the original topic: "Are you doing charity at Dongxin Middle School?"

Qi Lirui: "Yes."

Ji Susu smiled and said, "Does Dongxin Middle School still need charity?"

Qi Lirui explained on her behalf: "It must be necessary. The students of Dongxin Middle School have a huge gap between rich and poor, rich rich, poor poor..."

Ji Susu was surprised to interrupt Qi Lirui's narration: "There are still poor students in Dongxin Middle School?"

When Ji Susu was in contact with nine Wuyouguo teenagers, he took the initiative to learn about the background of Dongxin Middle School. Dongxin Middle School is one of the experimental middle schools in Panyang City that respond to the national quality education policy. Quality education is a good term. It opposes the teaching of exam-oriented education, and comprehensively cultivates students' ability development, moral quality, physical and mental health, personality development, and so on. Unfortunately, good ideals are always difficult to implement, and quality education has gradually become money education in the course of practice.

The tuition fees of Dongxin Middle School are very low, similar to those of public middle schools, but the miscellaneous fees brought by the varied forms of quality education outside of normal subjects have left most families at a loss. For example, in the "Reading thousands of books, traveling thousands of miles" activity, Dongxin Middle School organizes two self-funded domestic tours and two self-funded international tours every academic year in order to broaden the horizons of students. Taking the 2008 academic year as an example, domestic tourism went to Kunming, Yunnan and Xi'an, Shaanxi respectively, and international tourism went to Mexico and Egypt. The expenses of four domestic and foreign travels can make a group of middle-class families wake up from a nightmare in the middle of the night and complain about reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles.

In addition, "reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles" is just one of the practice of quality education.

Another example is the endless stream of interest classes, and students need a lot of money behind every interest.

Recent statistics show that in order to keep up with the pace of quality education, the average annual expenditure for each student in Dongxin Middle School is as high as 104,000 yuan.

After paying insurance and personal taxes, Qi Lirui actually got a monthly salary of about 4,500 yuan. In December, she can save 54,000 yuan without eating or drinking. A simple comparison of the two figures shows that a grass-roots staff like Qi Lirui can't afford to support his children at Dongxin Middle School. Regardless of whether the children of the junior staff have learning talents, they will definitely be rejected by Dongxin Middle School because they cannot afford the expensive tuition and fees. Ji Susu knows the background of Dongxin Middle School, so when he heard that Qi Lirui came to Dongxin Middle School to do charity, she suddenly felt absurd: "Students of Dongxin Middle School, need you to do charity?"

Qi Lirui understood Ji Susu's suspicion.

This incident is indeed absurd.

However, Qi Lirui has Qi Lirui's ideas.

Qi Lirui has no heart for charity, and she didn't really do charity when she came to Dongxin Middle School.

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