Revisiting Future Path

Chapter 274: The wave is not flat 1 wave rises again

The 274th wave is not flat and another wave rises again (2)

To be precise, both Snowden and Silva are the pawns of Wei Dongsheng's remote control.

This kind of remote control is not a common remote control.

Snowden and Silva did not realize that they were remotely controlled by Wei Dongsheng, and they did not even realize the existence of Wei Dongsheng.

Similar to the Prism project led by the US National Security Agency, Wei Dongsheng also uses computer intelligent life black technology to establish a covert surveillance program. From 2007 to 2010, Wei Dongsheng has fully monitored Snowden for about three years. Snowden's first-level contact (1st_degree_contacts), second-level contact (2nd_degree_contacts), and third-level contact (3rd_degree_contacts), with real-time information of 370,000 people centered on Snowden, are all logged in to form a large database.

Wei Dongsheng never personally communicated with Snowden, and he was too lazy to persuade him to reveal the secret in advance.

Wei Dongsheng's strategy is to hide in the dark, hijack the mobile phones, computers and other network equipment of 370,000 people, so that they can see the documents that Wei Dongsheng wants them to see. 370,000 people are all pawns remotely controlled by Wei Dongsheng. Their eyes saw what Wei Dongsheng wanted them to see; their ears heard what Wei Dongsheng wanted them to hear. This bit by bit, persistently affecting for several years, Snowden and Silva and others became Wei Dongsheng's puppets quietly and began to do what Wei Dongsheng wanted them to do.

For example, Wei Dongsheng operated the Prism Gate incident in advance.

For the breakthrough, Wei Dongsheng first selected Andrew Silva.

Silva lacks the courage to resist. When encountering unfair difficulties, the first choice is often to escape. Escape to the ideal kingdom without sordid, as if there is no trouble. People who are unwilling to endure unfairness and have no courage to resist, such a person who lacks the perseverance, is actually very difficult to take responsibility when facing danger. However, the National Security Agency and the Hawaiian Oahu Cryptographic Center Branch do not need Silva to assume responsibility. As a technical worker, Silva's personality is easy to control. Therefore, after the FBI arrested Silva and found evidence, Silva's superiors and colleagues were dumbfounded. They couldn't believe that Silva, who had a negative and evasive personality, was actually an accomplice of Snowden, the revealer.

In fact, this result is not surprising.

Just like an introvert and honest person, when negative emotions accumulate to a certain extent, they often choose to kill on the extreme impulse. Silva's negativity, Silva's escape, Silva did not have the courage to resist, because those things have not yet trampled his bottom line.

Wei Dongsheng chose Silva as a breakthrough point to induce Silva and Snowden to restore contact first, and the idea of ​​working in Japan arose.

During Silva's application for transfer to Japan, Wei Dongsheng controlled the US National Security Agency to make "mistakes", and when a certain department was investigating something, it suddenly discovered clues implicating Silva, causing Silva and his family and friends to become US national security The bureau’s comprehensive monitoring of specific targets.

In the second step, Wei Dongsheng continued to control the US National Security Agency to make "errors" and assigned part of the task of monitoring Silva and his family and friends to Silva. In other words, Wei Dongsheng hijacked the US National Security Agency's network system to tamper with task assignment information and made a funny joke, causing Silva to receive the task of monitoring himself in a daze.

Monitor yourself!

This is really a big joke.

However, Silva quickly couldn't laugh.

Because surveillance is surveillance, and there is no emotion at all, other employees of other departments of the US National Security Agency will not treat Silva tolerantly because he is a special employee of the US National Security Agency. On the contrary, because Silva is an informed internal employee, the National Security Agency has a higher level of surveillance over him, and the surveillance methods are even more unscrupulous.

Silva was horrified to discover that his previous methods against suspected Pakistani spies and suspected Chinese spies were all used on him. His communication with friends, and his communication with his wife and daughter were collected on time for big data analysis. Raw materials.

Some of these monitoring can be tolerated, while others cannot be tolerated.

For example, screen monitoring.

The surveillance program commonly used by the National Security Agency includes a camera and microphone activation program. Take a laptop as an example. If the laptop is idle or has no power to shut down, this activation program can bypass the camera configuration and start silently. In other words, if the user sitting in front of the laptop screen feels that the camera is not illuminated or has no other features in use, they may subconsciously feel that it is closed and that it is safe. In fact, this is not the case. Many hacking tools can bypass the camera configuration and quietly activate the camera and microphone programs without alerting the user, making the laptop camera a powerful tool for monitoring ordinary Internet users.

Silva took precautions against this and used tape to cover the laptop camera.

However, Silva's wife and Silva's daughter did not have such a good habit.

As a result, there are many embarrassing pictures of Silva's monitoring data.

Silva's wife's private activities at home, such as changing sanitary napkins, changing underwear, and not wearing clothes out of the bath, are all recorded. Even Silva also saw some privacy that he didn't know. It turned out that when he was away from home or working overtime, he came home late. Silva's wife often masturbated once in a high mood, and then fell into a coma with satisfaction; His wife has already cheated, and she messes with her boss at home from time to time.

Silva is not angry at his wife's betrayal.

Silva has also been aware of marriage problems over the years, and even subconsciously has been mentally prepared to wear a green hat on his head.

These pictures are embarrassing, but Silva can barely accept it.

Silva's Ni Lin is his daughter.

Silva Wanwan did not expect that his daughter would become a key surveillance target of the National Security Agency.

Moreover, there are more unbearable pictures.

Silva was suddenly angry.

If monitoring his wife Silva can barely understand it, is it necessary for the National Security Agency to monitor his daughter?

His daughter is only nine years old this year!

What harm can a nine-year-old girl do?

After typing in the account password that came with the monitoring task, Silva suppressed the anger in his heart and visited other departments secretly to get a closer look at how they monitored him. During this visit, Silva's anger rose instead of declining. It turned out that the two employees were suspected of being addicted to the young girl lo*ic*n. Not only were they monitoring the indecent images of his daughter in real time, they also laughed and commented on his daughter's figure.

Silva almost fainted with anger.

These wretched and unbearable pictures are not the work of Wei Dongsheng.

Unscrupulous surveillance is a common behavior of the US National Security Agency, and employees who are fond of young girls, lo*ic*n, also exist objectively.

Wei Dongsheng didn't slander anyone.

Wei Dongsheng believes that real nasty can already arouse Silva's anger, and he doesn't need to bother about original nasty things.

Such a process, such a system, and such marital problems have always existed. Wei Dongsheng just pierced through the beautiful lie about hello and me, and staged a scene where Silva initially thought it would never happen to him. When Silva used surveillance systems such as the Prism Project to monitor suspected spies, he restrained himself and strictly adhered to moral boundaries, and would never satisfy his personal desires by it, so he didn't think there was anything wrong with comprehensive surveillance.

However, the exchange of positions made Silva the subject of surveillance, and Silva was suddenly horrified to discover that not every employee adhered to the moral boundaries like him. Some employees will spy on his wife and **** under the guise of surveillance and ridicule him for being cuckolded; some employees will molest his daughter under the guise of surveillance and secretly hurt his family.

Silva's values ​​began to collapse.

At this moment, another disgusting thing happened.

An old classmate who had a very poor relationship with Silva and even had a grudge, in the global virus crisis, "accidentally" intercepted part of the surveillance data against Silva as a hacker. Old classmates have long wanted to engage in Silva, and bitterly hated that they had never had a chance. After getting Silva's handle this time, the old classmate took advantage of the Bitcoin ransomware virus to sell it that night, and anonymously mailed Silva his daughter's 1G capacity indecent video, asking Silva to pay 10 million bits within 7 days. Currency, or forward more indecent videos to Silva’s colleagues and Silva’s daughter’s classmates.

It's refreshing to monitor others, but it's my turn to be monitored, but it's so tormented.

Silva, broke down

Silva's emotions are becoming more and more extreme, more and more disgusted by the National Security Agency, more and more hate various forms of surveillance programs.

It is unethical to monitor all privacy in a comprehensive way!

Collecting countless data but not having the power to protect it is a big mistake.

Silva shuddered when he thought of the private information collected by the US National Security Agency, embezzled by privileged persons, and copied by hackers. Silva shuddered when he thought of the tragedy of his wife and daughter being spied on every day.

Do not do to others what you want.

Since the surveillance program is so sinful, then destroy it.

In all this, Silva reflected on the shortcomings of the monitoring plan in the extreme time, and became Snowden's accomplice. Similar to Silva's transformation, Snowden's other colleagues and friends also supported Snowden's secrets because they felt the pain of the monitoring plan. Under the deliberate promotion of this force, Snowden also tortured his conscience in advance, and finally chose to implement Wei Dongsheng's 2013 decision in 2010 from his 30-year memory.

In this way, the global virus crisis has just faded, and the Snowden incident suddenly hit.

On March 18, Snowden was still missing. But on this day, WikiLeaks, or someone in the name of WikiLeaks, once again exposed a part of confidential information. This confidential information comes from Silva, who has been arrested by the FBI. He personally stole it and passed it to Snowden before the arrest.

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