Revisiting Future Path

Chapter 287: The future is more interesting

287 The future is more interesting

In the future, humans may still be unable to develop strong artificial intelligence in the true sense.

However, such a level of change as the self-update of the source code of computer programs has already brought a stormy impact on human society.

Thinking of this level of artificial intelligence audiences, their expressions are different: some audiences are afraid of a terrible future, soaking their clothes with cold sweat; some audiences are shining in their eyes and wondering what kind of future it will be; some audiences are aware of artificial intelligence Is about to become the outlet, brewing the idea of ​​immersing in it.

Wei Dongsheng looked calm.

Wei Dongsheng has seen the artificial intelligence rebellion in 30 years of memory.

Wei Dongsheng has worked hard to study the new knowledge system of computer intelligent life in the memory of 30 years.

Wei Dongsheng has survived the baptism of computer intelligent life in 30 years of memory.

once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking.

Artificial intelligence is not terrible, and artificial intelligence is not terrible. The key is how you are prepared to treat it.

Different choices will lead to different futures.

Wei Dongsheng believes that he has the ability to use artificial intelligence instead of being backlashed by artificial intelligence.

Therefore, Wei Dong has a calm mind at the moment.

Wei Dongsheng does not worship artificial intelligence, because artificial intelligence is not a god; Wei Dongsheng does not fear artificial intelligence, because artificial intelligence is not a devil. In Wei Dongsheng's eyes, artificial intelligence is like the discovery of fire by primitive humans. It is indeed very meaningful and can even be regarded as a milestone in the history of human evolution. But the most important thing is never the fire itself, but the group of primitive people who ignited the fire.

With artificial intelligence and computer intelligent life, the future of mankind is bound to be more interesting.

Wei Dongsheng stood in front of the stage and talked about his philosophy: "Lanke Go is far more powerful than everyone thinks. The chess power it demonstrated in the Lanke Go Challenge is just a drop in the bucket."

"I hope that everyone will not be afraid of this kind of power, because fear has never been able to solve problems. Looking back on China's century of sinking history, 1840 to 1911, 1911 to 1949, 1949 to the present, fear or blindness can solve the problem. ?"

"Fearing that hard ships and sharp artillery threaten coastal defense, can the ban on seas, warships, and firearms protect the people from being injured by hard ships and sharp artillery?"

"Can the fear of war and bloodshed stop the invasion of other countries?"

"Fear of artificial intelligence, can you ensure that the people will not be hurt by artificial intelligence?"

"Fear of artificial intelligence and prohibit artificial intelligence research. Can artificial intelligence be prevented from coming?"

"On the contrary, the more we fear artificial intelligence and the less willing to study artificial intelligence, we will be severely insulted and hurt by artificial intelligence."

"The stronger the roughness of Go, the more we Go players should pay attention to it and make progress with it. If there is a tendency to despise the roughness of Go, it is just a mechanical mind, and the conservatives feel that the emotionless Go is not true Go, and then it will be more of the achievements of Lanke Go. Turning a blind eye, I think he is definitely not a player who really likes Go."

"A true warrior should dare to face all challenges."

"The Lanke Go Challenge still has a few days to go. In the future, all the invited players will challenge Lanke Go in various forms such as individual competitions, team competitions, time-limited and unlimited time. I hope that all of you will be able to Let go of the burden other than Go, and after losing Lanke Go, be able to humbly accept the handicap of Lanke Go and indirectly measure the upper limit of Lanke Go."

"Going back to the big concept of artificial intelligence, I also hope that countries around the world will pay attention to the pros and cons of artificial intelligence, rather than evade it."

"Science and technology are advancing rapidly."

"Before March 2010, everyone thought it was a distant thing for computers to beat Go; at this moment, everyone might still think that the era of artificial intelligence is a distant thing."

"Like Lanke Go, although it is very powerful, it is so cumbersome, with a full 960 CPUs and 100 GPUs. Besides its performance parameters, although the bumpy Go is not a standard parallel supercomputer, its Linkpack calculation The value is also as high as 8,469 trillion times, which is higher than Cambrian 2007-1 and lower than Cambrian 2007-2. Considering that there is no new supercomputer in the world to challenge the Cambrian, the upcoming June 2010 supercomputer five On the top 100 rankings, Cambrian won the championship in 2010-1, and Lanke Go can also rank ninth in the world."

"Speaking of it, it seems to be only the ninth in the world. But everyone should know that the top eight and tenth in the ranking are all Cambrian series supercomputers developed by Zhiyu Group. Take the Cambrian series supercomputers, the world's strongest It is the Jaguar developed by Clay Company. Its Linpack calculation value is about 1,759 trillion times, which is only about one-fifth of the bumpy Go."

"Ninth in the country, first in the world."

"Lanke Go is a veritable supercomputer."

"There are only nine such intelligent supercomputers in the world as Lanke Go. It sounds like a long time away from us."

"However, this is an illusion."

"Lan Ke Go has come to us."

"Chunqiu Search in the future will not only continue to optimize Lanke Go, but Zhiyu Group is also cooperating with the development of a CPU suitable for artificial intelligence, and the project is progressing very smoothly. Within five years, we hope to make a desktop-sized Lanke Go; Within ten years, we are hopeful that we will make a smart phone-sized Lanke Go. The online novel under Chunqiu Literature will create a history traversal novel in the future, and it is entirely possible to set the protagonist to bring a smart phone back to the ancient times. Whether Go is 17 horizontal and vertical or 19 horizontal and vertical, it doesn’t matter how old the ancient chess is, and the rules are 6.5 or 7.5. Forgive me for saying something disrespectful. The stand-alone version of Renko Go on your smartphone can help you. Hang all the famous ancient Go players."

"Speaking of which, you may have discovered that Chunqiu Search is completely different from IBM."

"Deep Blue defeated Gary Kasparov and IBM announced that Deep Blue would retire. The reason is very simple. IBM developed Deep Blue only to prove Deep Blue, not really caring about chess. I believe that if Spring and Autumn Search’s competitor Google developed Go The program Google_Go, when it defeats human chess players, Google also has a high probability of announcing that Google_Go will retire. IBM does not care about the future of chess, and Google does not care about the future of Go."

"But Chunqiu Search cares."

"Chunqiu Search will not announce Lanke Go's retirement."

"Beating Lee Sedol is just the start of Lanke Go, and there are more exciting futures waiting for it to create."

"Spring and Autumn Search is not here to destroy."

"Compared with spoilers, Chunqiu Search prefers the honorary title of builder."

"The Lanke Go Challenge is over and Lanke Go will be stationed on the Chunteng game platform. At that time, all Go fans around the world will be able to play online games with Lanke Go in the chess hall. The Lanke Go team will also begin to develop and utilize Lanke in depth. Go, for example, can we introduce a teaching model that guides everyone to learn Go based on the principles of the enhanced Lee Sedol data model and the dynamic Lee Sedol data model, etc. Different from IBM’s saboteurs, I hope Lanke Go can make some contributions to Go. Let more friends like Go."

"As an enterprise rooted in Panyang City, Chunqiu Search decided to establish the Panyang Chunqiu Search Go Club to encourage the Go game in Panyang City; as an enterprise rooted in Hedong Province, Lanke Go Machinery Body Manufacturer Zhuwei Group has acquired The Hedong Go Club, known as the declining aristocracy, was renamed as the Hedong Zhuweiqi Club; as a company with roots in China, Chunqiu Group plans to imitate Mr. Ying Changqi to establish the four-year Spring and Autumn Cup World Go Championship. The total prize money is temporarily Set at 52 million yuan, including 26 million yuan for the champion, 13 million yuan for the second place, 6.5 million yuan for the top four (third and fourth), and the top eight (fifth to eighth) A bonus of 3.25 million yuan, the top 16 (ninth to sixteenth) will evenly split a bonus of 1.625 million yuan, and the top thirty-two (seventeenth to 32nd) will evenly split the final 1.625 million yuan in bonus. "

Spring and Autumn Cup!

The total bonus is 52 million yuan!

The Go enthusiasts and professional players present all looked at Wei Dongsheng in amazement.

You know, Go is a chess game with a very high threshold.

This naturally limits the commercialization of Go.

It is useless to promote it because it has no mass base. The vast majority of people can't even understand whether a chess player's move is good or bad. How can they be emotionally appreciating it?

In the world’s six traditional Go tournaments, the Ying’s Cup has the highest prize money. The champion prize is USD 400,000, at a current exchange rate of approximately RMB 2.73 million; the Samsung Cup champion prize is 200 million won, at a current exchange rate of approximately 1.19 million; LG Cup champion prize money 250 million won, the current exchange rate is approximately 1.48 million; the Chunlan Cup champion prize is 150,000 US dollars, the current exchange rate is approximately 1.02 million; the Fujitsu Cup champion prize is 15 million yen, the current exchange rate is approximately 1.19 million; the Toyota Cup champion prize is 3000 Ten thousand yen plus a new Toyota car, but last year, the sponsor announced the suspension of the Toyota Cup in the name of a deep economic crisis.

The prize money for the championship of each cup is limited to two million.

Compared with popular sports such as football and basketball, the shabbyness of Go can be imagined.

Wei Dongsheng was rich in wealth, and raised the bonus to an unimaginable 52 million yuan. The championship prize of the Spring and Autumn Cup not only increased tenfold to a terrifying 26 million yuan, but the top four were able to receive a prize of 3.25 million yuan higher than the Ying's Cup champion. The admission of Chunqiu Group not only made up for the suspension of the Toyota Cup in an instant, but also took the game of Go to a new height. Everyone can only sigh with emotion: "The Chunqiu Group is really rich, so I just donated 52 million yuan to support the Go game!"

Standing on the high platform, Wei Dongsheng loudly promoted the philosophy of the Chunqiu Group: "Please remember that Lanke Go is not here to destroy Go. I hope Lanke Go can greatly reduce the talent threshold of Go, and I hope that Go can be more popular. For promotion, I hope Lanke Go can lead Go to a more exciting future."

"Going back to the big concept of artificial intelligence, Chunqiu, Zhuwei, Zhiyu, Zhixing, and Quantum Rose are not here to destroy the world. Artificial intelligence eliminates some job opportunities and will also create new ones. I hope that artificial intelligence will eliminate those burdensome I hope you will have more time to think, learn, and improve yourself in the future through boring and dull work. I hope you can live more exciting lives in the future."

"The Sapientia_4 smartphone is just the beginning of the Long March."

"Whether it is a smart phone or a smart home, from now on, I hope that human society will gradually eliminate those meaningless repetitive tasks."

"A more exciting future is waiting for us in the future."

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