Revisiting Future Path

Chapter 325: Time bonus

Bonus at 325th time

Wu Jingyi replied: "I heard that sister Mengxian was unhappy in Guangzhou, so I called her to Panyang City."

Wu Jingzhong rarely asked Wu Jingyi: "My cousin is our benefactor. You have to treat Mengxian better, and you must help when it is time to help."

Wu Jingzhong was born in a poverty-stricken small valley. When he was in elementary school, he had to climb mountains and wading every time he went to class, stepping out of the door in the morning and returning home under the stars. By the middle school, Wu Jingzhong's financial conditions became more difficult. At that time, Shi Mengxian's family conditions were slightly better, and his home was only a few hundred meters away from the local middle school. Shi Mengxian’s father pityed Wu Jingzhong and Wu Jingyi’s poverty and persuaded them to live in Shi Mengxian’s house, and take care of them and eat. Had it not been for the poorest years to get help from Shi Mengxian’s parents, Wu Jingzhong and Wu Jingyi’s brothers and sisters would have dropped out of school long ago, and there is no hope of continuing their entangled destiny.

But Wu Jingyi is not always grateful like Wu Jingzhong.

Gayin Wu Jingzhong is a sojourn in Shi Mengxian's house in a pure sense, while Wu Jingyi and Shi Mengxian sleep in the same bed. The relationship with Shi Mengxian's family is more complicated. Shi Mengxian was annoyed at that time that Wu Jingyi had robbed her room and robbed her parents' love. She often satirized Wu Jingyi uncontrollably. However, Wu Jingyi frequently fought with Shi Mengxian like wild dogs, pulled her hair, and bit her arms. The experience of girlhood was very unpleasant. As they grew older, Shi Mengxian and Wu Jingyi gradually matured, and the old quarrels gradually evolved into another form of friendship. In Wu Jingyi's mind, Shi Mengxian is not a grateful emotional baggage, but not a playmate that she doesn't know. Wu Jingyi dismissed Wu Jingzhong's instructions and said perfunctorily: "I know!"

After all, Wu’s mother couldn’t let go of Wu Jingyi’s marital affairs, and she unwittingly began to urge her to marry again: “I have time to invite Xiao Sun to sit at our house on weekends, and let your brother check it out for you.”

Wu Jingyi rolled her eyes helplessly: "Don't worry about it, okay? People have already left Panyang."

Mother Wu was taken aback suddenly: "Leave?"

Wu Jingyi gloated: "I have already left."

Ma Wu was at a loss for a while: "Didn't Xiao Sun say that she must stay in Panyang City? Even if she is not accepted by Chunqiu Search, she will go to wish to submit a resume for the group."

Wu Jingyi: "Both interviews were brushed off."

Wu Ma expressed her disbelief: "Xiao Sun is a high-achieving student from 985 schools. Your two books have all gone to the Chunqiu Group, can Xiao Sun be brushed down?"

When Wu Jingyi enrolled, Panyang Normal College was indeed an ordinary second-tier college. But with Wei Dongsheng's continuous investment in scientific research resources, Panyang City has also invested a huge amount of resources in the field of education after its economy has risen. The development of Panyang City's colleges and universities represented by Panyang Normal University seems to have grown exponentially over the years. Wu Jingyi was able to steadily be promoted to a fourth-level employee of the Spring and Autumn Group with her second diploma. The halo effect of the outstanding graduates of Panyang Normal University is definitely an important factor. Wu Jingyi is proud of Panyang Normal University’s academic qualifications, and she can’t look down on Wu Ma’s contempt for Panyang Normal University’s ideas: “Even C9 undergraduate graduates have no confidence to pass the interview with our Spring and Autumn Group 100%, and he was removed in 985. what's happenin?"

Wu Ma does not understand the distribution of educational resources in China. Back then, because Wu Jingzhong and Wu Jingyi took the college entrance examination, Mother Wu passively instilled some concepts of "985 is better than 211, 211 is better than ordinary one, and one is better than two". At this moment, when Wu Jingyi's doubts were encountered, Wu's mother could only nag and accuse Wu Jingyi's mouth, but could not make a substantive refutation.

However, there is Wu Jingzhong at home now.

Wu Jingzhong also cared about his sister's marriage, and took advantage of the situation to ask: "Xiao Sun made a mistake during the interview?"

Wu Jingyi: "I didn't make a mistake, it was just unlucky."

Wu Jingzhong: "Unlucky?"

Wu Jingyi: "He is a computer student just like you. He went for an interview a few days ago and found that whether Chunqiu Group or Zhuwei Group, competitors with limited positions are a group of graduates from Panyang City colleges and universities. There are computer technology positions. For the graduates of Panyang City colleges and universities, the company will definitely give priority to the admission of Panyang City college graduates."

Wu Jingzhong puzzled: "Why? Regional discrimination?"

Wu Jingyi: "It is not geographical discrimination, but the computer education in Panyang City is all targeted at the Spring and Autumn Department. My computer foundation is limited. I can't tell the specific differences, but the most obvious point is that our school majors in computer science. VS, Cousin Mengxian’s friend, they learned VC."

Wu Jingzhong was stunned: "VC refers to Visual_C++?"

Wu Jingyi: "Yes."

Wu Jingzhong was even more at a loss: "Aren't VC and VS the same thing?"

In Wu Jingzhong’s alma mater, C++ is not a pre-course on data structures. Instead, students learn C first, then learn data structures based on C, and then learn the object-oriented C++ in depth. Wu Jingzhong's first close contact with the program was also Visual_Studio_6.0.

Visual_Studio_6.0 is a development kit launched by Microsoft, and it was also the most popular integrated development environment for the Windows platform that year. In addition to the well-known Visual_c++_6.0 and Visual_Basic_6.0, it also includes Visual_J++_6.0. Wu Jingzhong's four-year undergraduate program code basically comes from Visual_Studio. In Wu Jingzhong's eyes, C++, VC, VC++, and VS all mean the same thing, except for those who need to dig out the words and professional textbooks, except for those beginners who are wondering "It is better to learn C++ first, or to learn Visual_C++ first". For example, the forum "VC Station" established by Wu Jingzhong's classmates is a platform that provides C and C++ programming exchanges.

Wu Jingyi quickly explained her doubts: "The S of VS is Sapientia. In the context of Panyang colleges and universities, VS refers to the intelligent operating system integrated development platform launched by Zhiyu Group, and VC is the integrated development platform launched by Microsoft. In 2005, when Panyang Teachers College just started to develop the computer major, it warned students over and over again that they must not simply spell Visual_Studio as VS."

Wu Jingzhong was speechless: "Sapientia......"

Wu Jingzhong immediately expressed his doubts: "Aren't the integrated development tools launched by Zhiyu limited to the smartphone platform?"

Wu Jingyi: "Brother, you have been in Africa for a long time. From smartphones to tablets, laptops to desktop computers, Zhiyu overtaking corners over the years has begun to shake Microsoft's absolute dominance. Especially since 2012, Zhiyu's actions It’s even bigger and announced that it will spend hundreds of billions to promote smart IoT standards, from bracelet accessories to rice cookers for cooking at home, ambitious to intelligently connect everything."

Wu Jingzhong thinks about it too.

With the rapid development of modern science and technology, Wu Jingzhong spent three or four years in southern Africa, and it was a natural result of his departure from the technological frontier. Despite this, Wu Jingzhong still questioned the policy of the Chunqiu Group: "After all, C++ is just a set of grammatical systems and a set of logical rules. As long as the logical rules work, why does C++ become D++? MFC library becomes NGD What's wrong with the library? An excellent programmer can slowly adapt to VS after three months of re-learning. If colleges and universities in other provinces do not use smart operating systems to teach their students and eliminate their students, Chunqiu Group will be too shabby. "

Wu Jingyi has a little knowledge of computer technology and decisively explained to Wu Jingzhong with familiar common sense: "VS is just a small example. There are many differences between the students trained by Panyang colleges and universities and the graduates from other provinces and cities. For example, In addition to cultivating usable talents for the Spring and Autumn Department enterprises in a targeted manner, Panyang City Colleges and Universities also require students to take the course of thinking control. All students with relatively good results in thinking control are highly likely to invite them to join the Spring and Autumn Period. system."

"Just like Yu Yueyi in our class, her college entrance examination scores ranked third from the bottom in the class, and she was very inconspicuous at the beginning of school. However, Yu Yueyi did an excellent job of thinking control of this homework, and firmly monopolized the first place in the whole year. As a result, The first year of college was not over, and the Chunqiu Group took her through special channels to recruit her. Just last month, 24-year-old Yu Yueyi was once again exceptionally promoted to a seventh-level employee of Chunqiu Group, with a pre-tax annual salary of up to 6.6 million, which is simply ours. A legend."

Wu Jingzhong sighed with emotion: "One year younger than you, with an annual salary of 6.6 million, the promotion system of the Chunqiu Group is too eclectic."

Wu Jingyi smiled and said: "Who makes our boss only 24 years old?"

The boss in Wu Jingyi's mouth is naturally Wei Dongsheng.

If commercial achievements are discussed in terms of wealth figures, Wei Dongsheng is simply an eternal light.

During the Narnia Revolution, Wei Dongsheng's absolute wealth fluctuated, but he always stood among the top three in the world with absolute advantage.

In the 2011 Global Rich List, Forbes valued Wei Dongsheng's net assets at US$60.2 billion, slightly surpassing Bill Gates with a net worth of 54.6 billion US dollars, second only to Mexican telecom operator Carlos Slim Elu, ranking second in the world.

In the 2012 Global Rich List, Forbes valued Wei Dongsheng's net assets at US$68.3 billion, and the Mexican telecom operator Carlos Slim Elu, whose net assets surpassed US$67.3 billion, became the world's richest man without precedent.

For the 2013 Global Rich List, Forbes valued Wei Dongsheng’s net assets at US$56.9 billion. Unfortunately, he was surpassed by Mexican telecom operator Carlos Slim Elu with US$70.8 billion in net assets and Bill Gates, who has a net worth of US$65 billion. Return to third in the world.

The reason why billions of US dollars fluctuate every year is that Wei Dongsheng’s apparent wealth is mainly concentrated in Chunqiu Search’s 25.3% equity. The higher Chunqiu Search’s stock price, the higher Wei Dongsheng’s worth. If the stock price of Chunqiu Search fluctuates and falls, Wei Dongsheng's net assets will suddenly shrink and devalue.

Taking 2012’s net assets of US$68.3 billion as an example, 25.3% of Chunqiu Search’s equity was valued by Forbes at US$59.15 billion, 15% of Tencent’s equity was valued by Forbes at US$4.16 billion, and 5.61% of Chunqiu Internet’s equity was valued at 14.9 by Forbes. One hundred million U.S. dollars. Wei Dongsheng’s lifeline of the real economy, Zhuwei Group, Zhixing Group, and Zhiyu Electronics Group and Zhiyu Telecom Group, which continue to be spun off by Zhiyu Group, are not listed for financing and the equity structure is so complex that the Chinese government dare not easily initiate an investigation. , Wei Dongsheng’s symbolic holdings of fractional shares are only valued at more than three billion US dollars by Forbes.

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