Revisiting Future Path

Chapter 408: Reincarnation

408th reincarnation

It is a pity that Inferior Tomorrow Ring has its own education system and teaching plan.

Just as the Huaguo education system cannot be changed for a certain student, the superior and inferior Tomorrow Ring does not care about the difficulties in front of Wei Dongsheng. Ignoring the crisis of the Shadow Empire's collapse, the inferior product will unlock its teaching arrangements step by step tomorrow.

After the very simple entrance exam, the inferior product tomorrow ring initially unlocked the first stage of preschool education.

Taking China’s education system as a reference, the first stage of pre-school education for inferior products is not even a kindergarten. It is more like family education for children aged 0-3. The content of pre-school education at this stage is mainly to heuristically guide students to have a certain ignorance of the world view of the endless universe, and urge students to establish behavior, personality, and personality that fit the value system of the five-level civilization of tomorrow's empire.

For example, children aged 0-3 in China have a basic understanding of the world. They may not understand why father is father and mother is mother, but they do not understand that in theory everyone has father and mother. Tomorrow’s empire will develop into a fifth-level civilization. The concept of family and blood has long since collapsed. Mom and Dad have become historical terms, and the death of mankind at a hundred years has become a historical phenomenon. In order for Wei Dongsheng to understand the novel social relationship without the concept of family and blood, and for Wei Dongsheng to understand the world outlook and life values ​​that match the immortality, the imperial education system of tomorrow will inevitably repeat pre-school education, so that Wei Dongsheng has a preliminary understanding of what the world of five levels of civilization is like. world.

To put it simply, inferior products Mingrihuan judged that Wei Dongsheng was not eligible for kindergarten education.

Continue the topic of pre-school education of inferior products tomorrow ring.

The education system of the Empire of Tomorrow is completely different from the current education system of the earth. Compared with gathering a group of students to study in a classroom, the Inferior Tomorrow Ring encourages students to learn and grow in practice.

Inferior Goods Tomorrow Ring is the first course arranged by Wei Dongsheng, called "Ten Reincarnations".

To put it simply, similar to the reincarnation myths and legends of the earth, the inferior Tomorrow Ring put Wei Dongsheng in another world to live for ten lifetimes. Every life is a normal human life. After the death of the first life, the second life is reincarnated with memory... Such continuous reincarnation ten times is called tenth rebirth.

Assuming that the average age in each life is fifty years old, the tenth rebirth is five hundred years of practical learning.

Wei Dongsheng had to sigh that Tomorrow’s empire’s great efforts were only equivalent to the first stage of pre-school education for children aged 0-3 in China. The inferior product Tomorrow Ring generously granted Wei Dongsheng about 500 years of life. What surprises Wei Dongsheng is that the inferior Tomorrow Ring can surpass the concept of time. It can greatly reduce the time flow of another world, and can make a day in the real world equal to a year in another world. In other words, 365 days a year in the real world is 365 years when converted to a different world.

The inferior product tomorrow ring is restricted to Wei Dongsheng. Only Wei Dongsheng can accept the "Tenth Reincarnation" course. This obviously does not help accelerate the development of earth natural sciences. But five hundred years of life is after all five hundred years of life. With 500 years of learning and progress, Wei Dongsheng may not be able to develop a super weapon that rivals the shadow empire’s collapsed troops in a different world, and then debut at a critical moment to expel the shadow empire’s collapsed troops.

Wei Dongsheng made a decision in an instant that even if the inferior Tomorrow Ring is a trap set by Dongfang Wei or An He, he must accept the tenth reincarnation course arrangement.

Wei Dongsheng would rather bet on his life to seize a glimmer of hope than sit and wait in despair.

Confirmed to accept the tenth reincarnation course arrangement, the inferior product Mingrihuan gave several options to allow Wei Dongsheng to choose: the following different world spaces, which one do you want to go to most?

A: The sword and the magic world.

B: Oriental fairy world.

C: The world of steampunk.

Ding: Earth-like world.

Contrary to Wei Dong's business data, the inferior Tomorrow Ring can even provide the sword and the magic world and the Oriental Fairy World. Think about it, but it is reasonable. Even the elementary school student Dongfang Wei of the fifth civilization and the carbon-based life alliance of the fourth civilization can reproduce the real world from fantasy novels, not to mention the fact that the upper limit of force is not high. What about the magical world and the world of oriental fairy? You know, even for the magical online novels, the vast majority of swords and magical worlds and the world of Oriental Xianxia have stopped at a single thought to recreate the multiverse. Such strength is only ranked fourth in the five-level civilization system. Civilization only. If there is no condescending looking down from Anhe, the elementary school student Dongfang Wei from level 5 civilization, or the inferior Tomorrow Ring produced by Dongfang Wei in batches, can transcend time and logic to evolve the multiverse.

Considering that the Carbon-based Life Alliance and the Shadow Empire are both orthodox scientific civilizations or sci-fi civilizations, Wei Dongsheng decisively eliminated the sword and magic world, the world of the oriental fairy, the world of steampunk and other options, and chose an earth-like world without supernatural interference.

Choosing an earth-like world and inferior Tomorrow Ring made Wei Dongsheng choose the way of reincarnation for the tenth generation:

A: Who will feel the big dream first. (Remarks: Except for a few obsessions, all other memories are sealed, and they will be experienced in the red dust in a muddle-headed manner. Only in the interval of each rebirth can all memories be restored and sum up the gains and losses of previous rebirths.)

B: Sleepwalking three thousand worlds. (Remarks: One thought produces two thoughts. One thought is like a first, and it is practiced in the red dust in a muddled way, without knowing the true body; one thought sits in the void and observes the red dust travels of the other in real time, summing up the gains and losses at the first time.

C: Nothing can be said. (Note: Reincarnation with sober memory, but students are prohibited from spreading social sciences and natural sciences to other worlds, and can only coexist with the world.)

Ding: See what I see, listen to what I hear. (Note: Carrying lucid memories to reincarnate, but students are forbidden to communicate with life in other worlds, and can only be an observer and witness who silently records historical changes.)

As described above, there are many restrictions on the reincarnation of the tenth life, either to seal memory, or to prohibit communication or to prohibit the spread of science. Regardless of the choice, Wei Dongsheng seems to be unable to use five hundred years of time to climb the tree of science and technology in another world, which is very regrettable.

However, a choice is better than no choice.

Wei Dongsheng can only choose one of the worst ways of reincarnation among the lame.

Wei Dongsheng first excluded the two items A and B. Sealing memory is muddled and unpredictable. Experience is not Wei Dongsheng's style. Even if the future is rough and miserable, Wei Dongsheng will never seal memory to escape it. Wei Dongsheng immediately ruled out the option Ding. If communication with beings in other worlds is forbidden, what is the point of reincarnation in the tenth generation?

Excluding the three choices of A, B, and D, Wei Dongsheng can only choose C.

Although the restrictions on the dissemination of social sciences and natural sciences are very regrettable, they have been five hundred years longer.

Wei Dongsheng asked why the inferior product Tomorrow ring prohibits the spread of social sciences and natural sciences. The inferior product Tomorrow ring answered Wei Dongsheng this way: "Tomorrow ring is not a hedonic product, nor is it a revolutionary product to transform or save the world, but to guide students ( Wei Dongsheng) growing up of educational products."

From 2002 to 2016, Wei Dongsheng has experienced the use of technology generation gap (computer intelligent life) to crush the old society, and has also initially experienced the practice of using technology generation gap to transform the old world (the Union of Nothing Republics). If Wei Dongsheng is allowed to use social sciences or natural sciences to crush civilizations with lower levels of natural sciences in another world, it would be equivalent to brushing a copy over and over again. For one, brushing the copy ten times may still be fun, but for the educational product Tomorrow, Wei Dongsheng doing "addition exercises" over and over again, obviously does not help further multiplication learning.

Similar to the Huaguo education system, the curriculum arrangement of the inferior Mingrihuan is also from easy to difficult.

The difference in technology has crushed the old world. Nine out of ten people can do it. Occasionally, they can't do it because of IQ arrears or their own death. On the contrary, not using technological advantages to crush or turning defeat into victory is the problem that truly tests ability. For example, in the 1940s, the difficulty of leading the world's first industrial country to defeat Japan and leading a country as impoverished as China to defeat the United States was definitely not at the same level. Many people in the former were confident, while in the latter, it was difficult for anyone to succeed in the latter. Even the group of heroes who founded China only managed to repel US interference on the Korean Peninsula. How dare they ever dared to lead the People's Liberation Army to liberate New York? In order to cultivate Wei Dongsheng’s ability to weaken the strong or fight against each other on an equal footing, the inferior product Tomorrow Ring will increase the difficulty. Wei Dongsheng is forbidden to use the social and natural science achievements of modern earth to crush the old world of another world.

Obviously it is easy to see, this is a very difficult challenge.

However, Wei Dongsheng is willing to try.

The C option is selected, and the inferior product Tomorrow Ring ends condition screening: "Choose OK, and immediately shuttle through another world space for practical learning of tenth reincarnation; choose No, get an extra 30 days of preparation time, and then force the shuttle to another world space. "

The inferior product Tomorrow Ring appeared very suddenly. Wei Dongsheng just hurried back to Panyang City from the United States. At this time, it can be described as a multitude of things. Considering Wei Dongsheng's practice study of tenth rebirth, one year in another world is equal to one day in the real world. If the first life reaches fifty years old, the real world will be Wei Dongsheng disappearing for fifty days for no reason. As the business leader of the Spring and Autumn Period and the richest man in the world, Wei Dongsheng’s sudden disappearance for 50 days must have caused a great uproar all over the world. It was not the work of a wise man.

Wei Dongsheng decisively chose no and decided to use the only 30 days of preparation time to properly arrange the management of the Spring and Autumn Department and the computer intelligent life system.

Withdrawing from the interaction with the inferior Tomorrow Ring, Wei Dongsheng instantly returned to the Quantum Wave Circle Control Center.

Looking intently, Ji Susu is still Ji Susu, and Shao Baomin is still Shao Baomin. Turning his head to look at the time, when Wei Dongsheng touched the inferior Tomorrow Ring, when was it in a few minutes, and now it was still a few minutes, a few seconds, Ji Susu and Shao Baomin never thought that Wei Dongsheng had already communicated with the inferior Tomorrow Ring in some form. a long time.

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