Revisiting Future Path

Chapter 409: End of volume

End of Volume 409

During the exchange between Wei Dongsheng and the inferior product, time seemed to temporarily stop flowing.

In fact, time does not stop passing.

Inferior Tomorrow Ring has the ability to suspend time, but the movement of suspending the flow of time within a certain range is relatively large, which can easily attract the attention of Anhe or the Carbon-based Life Alliance. Dongfang Wei releases the inferior Tomorrow Ring and the inferior Tomorrow Ring selects Wei Dongsheng for the ultimate goal of contacting the Empire of Tomorrow. Even if Anhe’s condescending look down is unavoidable, Dongfang Wei will do everything possible to postpone the time of discovery. Time flows.

Time seems to suspend a vision, and the principle is similar to the difference in the flow of time between different worlds and the real world. The inferior Tomorrow Ring may pull Wei Dongsheng’s consciousness into a different space where time flows faster. Even if Wei Dongsheng is there to communicate with the inferior Tomorrow Ring for a whole day, the real world takes less than a second, and then appears like time. Suspended vision.

Considering the particularity of the inferior Tomorrow Ring, Wei Dongsheng decisively concealed its existence, pretending to be as fruitless as Shao Baomin and Ji Susu.

That night, Wei Dongsheng quietly left the quantum wave circle control center.

Wei Dongsheng did not take away the inferior Tomorrow Ring, as if the jade ring was still suspended in the center of the quantum wave circle. The inferior Tomorrow ring is not taken away because it is not necessary to take it away. The so-called jade material ring is just a bad Tomorrow ring deliberately for Wei Dongsheng to discover its appearance. The so-called round and square physical characteristics are also inferior Tomorrow rings to show it deliberately. The peculiarities of the product, through some simple examples, convinced Wei Dongsheng that it is indeed a higher civilization education product. In fact, the inferior Tomorrow Ring has no concept of material at all. It transcends space, it transcends dimensions, and it even transcends time. It is an existence that humans on Earth cannot imagine.

The inferior Tomorrow ring is in the center of the quantum wave circle but not in the center of the quantum wave circle.

In fact, Wei Dongsheng did not know where it was.

Wei Dongsheng only knew that as long as he was on the earth or in the solar system, he could communicate with the inferior Tomorrow Ring anytime and anywhere. However, scientific researchers such as Ji Susu and Shao Baomin cannot establish communication channels with the shoddy Tomorrow Ring even if they observe the round and square jade ring at close range. As for the magical physical phenomenon that is both round and square, it is far beyond the current physics theoretical research on the earth. Even if all Nobel Prize-level scientists are concentrated, it is difficult to get the slightest real gain in a short time.

Leave the gossip aside.

In the following days, Wei Dongsheng adjusted the short-term goals of the computer intelligent life system, adjusted Jiang Wenchen's short-term guidance of dark chess, and constantly held management meetings to adjust the business planning of the Spring and Autumn Department in two years, and so on. These arrangements are not difficult. After more than ten years of continuous development, the management gathered together under the control of thinking has been intermittently on top, and Wei Dongsheng does not need to do everything himself. Furthermore, Wei Dongsheng practiced the tenth rebirth with a mortal body. The longest life expectancy in each life is only 80 or 90 years old. It is only two or three months away from the real world time.

With all arrangements in place, Wei Dongsheng began to prepare for the tenth reincarnation.

On this day, Ji Susu suddenly found Wei Dongsheng.

In Wei Dongsheng's arrangement, Ji Susu was responsible for the connection between the scientific research system of the Spring and Autumn Department and the scientific research system of the national team, and supervised the two quantum fluctuation circles in the name of the project chief. Unexpectedly, Ji Susu's sudden visit, Wei Dongsheng couldn't help being a little surprised: "There is an unexpected situation in the quantum wave circle?"

Ji Susu rarely questioned Wei Dongsheng: "Can we only talk about work?"

Wei Dongsheng smiled and shook his head: "Of course not."

Ji Susu reluctantly smiled: "I'm in a bad mood recently, can you walk with me?"

Wei Dongsheng was even more surprised.

In addition to the 30-year memory of the inferior Tomorrow Ring simulation, Ji Susu was the first to express such emotions.

Wei Dongsheng did not refuse: "Okay."

Ji Susu seemed to be depressed, walking silently through streets, familiar or unfamiliar. Wei Dongsheng couldn't ask the reason, so he stayed with Ji Susu silently. Where did Ji Susu go and where did Wei Dongsheng follow. About thirty or forty minutes later, Wei Dongsheng suddenly found that the building in front of him was very familiar, but he came to the alma mater Wu Ping Yi Gao of Wei Dongsheng and Ji Susu.

It was summer vacation. Except for the security guards on duty, the campus was empty and unpopular.

Ji Susu stopped in a small three-story building, feeling sad to recall the past: "Our first and second high school classes are still there."

Wei Dongsheng has not followed Wu Ping Yigao for a long time.

After the economic rise of Panyang City, Wu Ping Yigao seized the opportunity to take advantage of the situation and is now ranked sixth in Panyang City and the first high school in Wuping District. Taking into account the large number of students and the old facilities of the original campus, Wu Ping Yigao’s teaching focus gradually shifted to the new campus in Henan, and the teaching functions of the old campus in Hebei became less and less. Because of abundant funds, new teaching buildings, football fields, basketball courts, tennis courts and other gymnasiums have all been renovated and reconstructed one after another, making Wu Ping Yigao gradually worthy of the emerging economic city of Panyang.

Among the magnificent new buildings, the old three-story buildings are particularly noticeable.

Wei Dongsheng simply commented: "Oh, this building has not been demolished yet."

Ji Susu smiled: "It won't be demolished. In recent years, Wu Ping Yigao has operated this three-story building as a museum. Whenever leaders come to inspect or visit by international friends, the school will deliberately lead a team to this old building. The old three-story building, and then talked freely about the youthful years of you and me here."

Wei Dongsheng chuckled. It turned out that Wu Ping Yigao regarded Wei Dongsheng and Ji Susu as archways.

In fact, before Wei Dongsheng and Ji Susu, Wu Pingyi Gao had no history at all, and there was no celebrity that could come up with it. Now it has become a well-known high school in the country. When the school traces its historical glory, it naturally regards Wei Dongsheng and Ji Susu, the only celebrities of the time, as the torii.

While talking, Ji Susu walked towards the three-story old building.

On the far left of the first floor is the 9th class of the year, where Ji Susu and Wei Dongsheng met; on the far left of the third floor is the first class of the year. After the division of liberal arts and sciences, Ji Susu and Wei Dongsheng continued their fellowship with the same classmates in the first class, and finally together Tested to Yan Hang.

Standing in front of the window searching for the seat of the year, the youthful face of the year can not help but appear in front of him.

Ji Susu said with emotion: "Time is so fast!"

Wei Dongsheng also said with emotion: "Yes, it's been so many years in a flash."

Especially awakening that the so-called thirty-year memory is only a deduction of the poor-quality Tomorrow Ring, Wei Dongsheng became more sentimental and quietly lost youth.

Ji Susu suddenly changed the subject: "I went home last week and my mother urged me to get married again."

Wei Dongsheng did not answer.

Ji Susu continued to say to herself: "I am 28 years old."

Ji Susu was born in April 1988, slightly eight months older than Wei Dongsheng, and is now 28 years old and April.

Staring at the seat of the year, Ji Susu was sad: "Time is so fast. It has been fourteen years in the blink of an eye. Alas, how I wish these fourteen years were just a dream. I woke up and found that I had just finished 2002. Teacher's Day."

Just when Wei Dongsheng didn't know how to answer the conversation, Ji Susu suddenly turned his head and confessed to him: "I like you, I like you very much."

Wei Dongsheng was silent.

When Ji Susu just talked about urging marriage, Wei Dongsheng was mentally prepared.

As if afraid of Wei Dongsheng’s refusal, Ji Susu’s words speeded up suddenly: "I am by no means an annoying mistress. If you and Bai Guo’s love are not in doubt, even if I like you again, I will silently hide in my heart and will never selfishly disturb you. Happiness."

"But you are not!"

"In the seven years from high school to university, I don’t understand how you get along; but after graduation, I came to work with you and witnessed your relationship with Ginkgo up close... Is that the life that a normal lover should have? No, no matter the pure **** or platonic spirit, it shouldn't be what you are."

"In my opinion, the love affair between you and Ginguo is like: you say she is your girlfriend, and then she is your girlfriend. There is no running-in that a normal lover should have, and no normal lover should have. Emotions are purely trying to play the role of boy and girl friends, and the two actually have no feelings at all."

"In the past, I didn't expose it because you always have sadness between your brows. You may have kept a lot of people from you, but you can't hide from me. Especially in the past few years of working with you, I can clearly feel that 100 million The sorrow that all wealth cannot eliminate. I mistakenly thought that this sorrow was related to your abnormal relationship with Ginkgo, so I always kept it in my heart. Until a few days ago, the quantum wave circle attracted a round and square emerald ring. , Your sorrows suddenly disappeared. Until then, I awake lately that your sorrows rest in the quantum wave circle, not because of ginkgo."

"In the past ten days or so, you have kept meeting and then meeting again. It looks like you are urgently adjusting the short-term plan of the Spring and Autumn Department, but in fact it is more like arranging the funeral. I have an illusion, as if you are about to leave me. If you don't tell your mind today Come out, I will regret it for a lifetime."

Ji Susu said hurriedly, and Wei Dongsheng listened silently.

Wei Dongsheng was a little surprised. It turned out that his cover-up was not perfect. Ji Susu had long seen the strangeness. Just because he didn't understand that there would be an event of the shadow empire collapse in the future beyond common sense, Ji Susu could not guess Wei Dongsheng's hidden worries.

When it comes to the relationship between him and Ji Susu, Wei Dongsheng is also very sad.

In 30 years of memory, Wei Dongsheng tried to develop a relationship with Ji Susu, but it was a pity that the two were more suitable to be friends. It is also because of the influence of 30 years of memory that Wei Dongsheng decisively excluded Ji Susu when he chose a legal spouse, and continued to be a friend with a very good personality. Wei Dongsheng understood the truth of his thirty-year memory until he communicated with the inferior product Tomorrow, and he sighed with surprise and sigh of his rigidity.

Of course, thirty years of memory is after all thirty years of memory.

Although the memory of thirty years is only the deduction of the inferior Tomorrow Ring, the clear memory under the ruling of the Shadow Empire still deeply affects Wei Dongsheng, making some of Wei Dongsheng's values ​​incompatible with current values. For example, Wei Dongsheng has always maintained an indifferent attitude toward marriage and love. It is a brand-new value concept that has been formed in the soul for 30 years.

There are some guesses that Ji Susu is right.

The reason why Wei Dongsheng's relationship with Ginguo looks so strange is that the two have no love at all. Wei Dongsheng does not love Ginkgo, and Ginguo may not love Wei Dongsheng either. The two are just a fake couple put together to cope with the necessity of marriage and love for human beings. In 30 years of memory, Wei Dongsheng and Ginguo have been living together since their reunion. It can be described as the most familiar opposite **** in the era of the shadow empire's ruin. After knowing it for a long time, Ginguo occasionally woke up memories of her youth. It turned out that she was an actor working hard to act as a normal human before the collapse of the Shadow Empire.

With thirty years of memory in 2002, Wei Dongsheng’s understanding of marriage and love is a social need. With Ginkgo by her side, she can help stop many unnecessary troubles. In order to live up to the feelings of the other party, Wei Dongsheng decisively chose Ginguo, whose friends in his 30-year memory now have abnormal values.

This is the truth of Wei Dongsheng's love affair with Bai Guo.

Because of need, the two aliens walked together.

As for the touching love story, there is no such thing.

Under this circumstance, in the eyes of normal humans such as Ji Susu, the relationship between Wei Dongsheng and Ginguo is of course so strange that it can't be more strange.

Of course, the memory of thirty years of awakening turned out to be just a deduction of the inferior Tomorrow Ring, and regrets arose in Wei Dongsheng's heart. If Wei Dongsheng did not selfishly regard the existence of ginkgo as a social need, ginkgo might have the opportunity to move on to another path in the future and gradually become a normal human being by society.

However, Wei Dongsheng thought that the most boring thing in the world was regret. Rather than wasting time regretting it, it is better to cherish the present and work hard to save the evil consequences caused by the mistakes of the past. Wei Dongsheng already has a preliminary idea on how to correct the series of evil consequences caused by the memory of thirty years of misjudgment in the future.

This change in mentality also includes Ji Susu.

If it is before the communication of the inferior product Tomorrow Ring, Wei Dongsheng has a great probability of categorically rejecting Ji Susu's unilateral confession on the grounds that he does not want to hurt Ji Susu. At this moment, Wei Dongsheng's methods have become more gentle, proficient in the procrastination routines commonly used by normal humans, and temporarily postponed the uncertain answer until the end of the tenth reincarnation.

Wei Dongsheng was not afraid to delay Ji Susu's youth accusations.

Inferior products can be donated to Wei Dongsheng for about 500 years of life in a pre-school education tomorrow; the shadow empire of the second-level civilization has collapsed, and the theoretical life span can be calculated as millions of years. Waiting for Wei Dongsheng to succeed in his studies and for Wei Dongsheng to successfully reproduce the longevity technology in the real world can completely extend Ji Susu's life span to 500 to 1,000 years.

In other words, with inferior products Tomorrow Ring's confidence, there is no need to entangle the so-called delayed youth like mortals. Ji Susu's confession did not weaken Wei Dongsheng's soul, but made Wei Dongsheng more determined to welcome the tenth reincarnation course arranged by the inferior Tomorrow Ring.

What kind of course is the tenth reincarnation?

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