Revisiting Future Path

Chapter 428: Slaves deceive

Chapter 428

Of course Wu Qihua wants it.

In terms of learning ability, the supervised students may be inferior to those who have passed the exam or even failed the exam. However, the Wei-Xia Empire is by no means equal to all people. Each vassal state has a strict hierarchical system, and the Jiaozhi vassal state is based on caste. As a student of a shadow supervisor, his parents are at least a prefect. Not only does his family's energy far outperform ordinary families with children, but also the education resources give them back. Even if Wei Dongsheng died of his father's shabby door like this, he still has social prestige that is countless times higher than that of the poor.

Wu Qihua sponsored the failed students to study in Vietnam for a similar national policy attempt. What is needed is not one or two outstanding young people, but hope that the court of Jiaozhi Fan Elementary School will pay more attention. Under such a background, the role of a shadow supervisor is self-evident.

Although Wu Qihua subconsciously disagrees with Wei Dongsheng's choice, he is happy to be supported by a student in the shadow supervisor.

Wu Qihua immediately regarded Wei Dongsheng as an example of the horse bones in the golden city. Not only did he personally summon Xi Han Wennuan, he also immediately appointed Wei Dongsheng as the deputy envoy of the Vietnam Study Group.

At the same time, Wei Dongsheng's choice caused an uproar in the group.

Shi Liang almost reprimanded his tone to express his strong disappointment: "Brother Wei is confused!"

Wei Dongsheng was too lazy to argue with Shi Liang about right or wrong, and deliberately said with a smile: "Jiaozhi Guozijian is the Guozijian, and isn't the Yue Guozijian also the Guozijian?"

Shi Liang explained: “With the power of the Wu family, only the direct heirs of the Wu family can go to the Yue Guo Zi Jian to study. They are incapable and will not open the door for a group of failed candidates. Said it is the Yue Guo Zi Jian, it must be three. Sohaike sub-supervisors, even the worst of Xin'an Guozi prisons, even the sons of Danmin."

Wei Dongsheng joked and found that Shi Liang was sincere and caring about himself, and gradually became embarrassed and pretended to be confused. Wei Dongsheng was a little more serious, using the ocean as an excuse to explain his reasons: "The Western Regions where Banding is far stopped, the sky is full of wind and sand and the roads are isolated. It is a pity that Wei Xia has not been able to restore the old land. In the eyes of the people of Han and Tang dynasties, the Western Regions and Persia are far beyond imagination. Today, sea ships not only go back and forth between the old Persian soil every year, but also go west through Kunlun and connect the great wilderness. Over 10,000 miles of ocean, the value of Penglai. Calculating the mileage, Penglai is several times that of Persia, but the sea merchants did not realize that it is far away... Since the Xia and Shang dynasties, has Penglai gone from legend to reality? Now it is less than two thousand years. Changes. Since changes are breeding in the ocean, how can my generation not see them?"

This reason can barely convince Shi Liang.

In terms of demand theory, those who meet the needs of physiological needs, safety needs, emotional needs, and respectful needs are more likely to challenge self-fulfillment needs. The candidates who came to the Imperial Capital for examinations have basically fulfilled their physiological needs, safety needs, and emotional needs. Their pursuit of the Imperial College and the pursuit of official careers belong to the need for respect and desire for their achievements to be recognized by the society.

As for the higher-status shadow supervisors, they have probably realized their ordinary level of respect for a long time, and they are naturally the envy of the people. Therefore, in addition to the traditional impressions of dudes, prodigal sons, and guardians, there is no shortage of powerful children who are pursuing self-worth.

The powerful children who find the direction of self-worth, they are richer, smarter, and work harder than you, and their achievements are often very outstanding.

Shiliang walks in the circle of shadow supervision and supervision students, knowing that the shadow supervision and supervision students are the same people who are fed with rice. There are people who are blind, there are people who eat, drink and play, and there are paranoias who pursue self-worth. Just like the saying that love is born in a wealthy family, the children of the rich and powerful are paranoid beyond imagination. Not to mention the qualifications of Lao Shizi's shade supervisor, even the throne dared to abandon it.

Of course, these bigotry are the prerogatives of the rich and powerful.

Even if they paranoidly give up their qualifications as a shade supervisor, they will have no worries about food or clothing for the rest of their lives.

The material foundation left by their parents is precisely where they dare to pursue self-worth.

Shiliang was unable to follow suit.

Shi Liang's father had just been promoted to the presidency of Nichinan Prefecture, and he judged his hierarchy based on the traditional concept of dignitaries. Shi Liang had just stepped into the circle of dignitaries. If Shiliang’s father cannot go further, if Shiyan and Shiliang brothers cannot hold onto the family business, Shi’s family will be quickly removed from the list of powerful circles. After finally entering the circle of the powerful, Shi Liang refused to accept the fate of being revolved and eliminated. Shiliang has a sense of anxiety similar to that of the middle class. He and his brother Shiyan have long vowed to keep working hard to become officials, climbing to the prefect of a prefecture, climbing to the cabinet elder, and turning the Shi family into a Jiaozhi giant.

Since we are fortunate enough to squeeze into the circle of the powerful, it is necessary to stay in the circle of the powerful for generations.

Different road non-phase plan.

Realizing that Wei Dongsheng will hardly be the help of his officialdom in the future, Shi Liang decisively stopped making friends.


bid farewell.

From then on, you walk on your Yangguan Road, and I walk on my single-plank bridge.

In the real world and the experience of the third generation, Wei Dongsheng has lived for more than 170 years and has experienced countless world events. His eyes are quite vicious. Wei Dongsheng has long seen through Shi Liang's character. This person is willing to make friends who are beneficial to him, but he never wants to waste time on useless people. Determined that Wei Dongsheng was paranoid in choosing to study in Vietnam, Shi Liang concluded that Wei Dongsheng was abolished, and naturally turned and left decisively.

It is commonplace for people to push the wall down, and some people are more hateful than Shiliang's face change.

After more than a month, the butler reported the bad news to Wei Dongsheng with a sad face: "Liu Lianggen, here, said that this year, the manor lost his savings and owed another fifty taels of foreign debts. He couldn't make up the money for the next quarter. For expenses, Liu Lianggen would only send five taels of silver to the young master."

Wei Dongsheng chuckled.

Wei Dongsheng's fourth-generation status background, his nominal father left him more than 300 acres of fertile land, but also a number of servants and tenants. The Wei family set up two housekeepers. One housekeeper followed Wei Dongsheng to take care of Wei Dongsheng’s studies in Longbian’s residence, namely the housekeeper Jiang Shengxing in front of him; the other housekeeper Liu Lianggen worked in the farming and rent collection of more than 300 acres of fertile land in the prime minister’s home. . More than 300 acres of farmland and its affiliated breeding industry have an average annual net profit of about 90 taels of silver, of which 80 taels of silver are sent to Wei Dongsheng for his consumption in the Longbian Fu School; 10 taels of silver are stored in the cellar for occasional use Need.

In the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, Liu Lianggen sends 20 taels of silver every quarter on time.

Liu Lianggen sent only 5 taels of silver for the regular money this summer.

Jiang Shengxing angrily revealed Liu Lianggen: "Liu Lianggen, a wicked slave, is really bold and reckless. After the master's death, Liu Lianggen stuffed his seven aunts and eight aunts into the manor. In the past few years, he has almost emptied the Wei family. More than 300 acres of fine land, in He only has 80 taels of silver in his hands, which is extremely hateful. How can he think that he is becoming less and less aware of restraint, and now he wants to deceive the top and the bottom to the extent that he is only willing to pay the young master 5 taels of silver."

It's not that there is a real drought and flood disaster to reduce production, but the slaves deceive the master.

Wei Dongsheng has a fourth-generation background. He is the only child of his nominal father. He is the only young master in the family. When his father died, Wei Dongsheng was only 12 years old, and he was fostered in Long Bianfu, far away from his hometown. There is no credible and usable Wei bloodline in the old house, and Wei Dongsheng can't read the account books in time. Unless Liu Lianggen has the heart of a saint, he will not take the opportunity to act.

However, Jiang Shengxing is not credible.

Wei Dongsheng speculated that Jiang Shengxing might want to take the opportunity to overthrow Liu Genxing, and then return to his hometown in the name of rectifying the slave party. For domestic servants such as Liu Lianggen and Jiang Shengxing, the Wei family’s 300-mu farmland family business is already a big piece of cake, and they can earn a family business for future generations by paying for themselves for several years.

Wei Dongsheng was not angry or happy, and asked Jiang Shengxing in a calm tone: "There are more than 300 acres of fertile land, and there is a small silk workshop with strong demand for sea trade. The profit of 90 taels of silver per year is really unreasonable. But I don't supervise in time at home, and there is no way to contain the family. Slave the top and the bottom. Liu Lianggen can send 80 taels of silver every year on time, which is still within my tolerance, and I don’t bother to go home to reorganize the manor. However, 5 taels of silver in the first quarter is too shameful! Haha, Liu Lianggen thought me Can you bully at will? Tell me, why did Liu Lianggen suddenly act boldly?"

Jiang Shengxing told the truth: “Liu Lianggen suddenly became bold when he heard that the young master had abandoned his fame as a prison student. Liu Lianggen said to his servant that the sea is like a tomb and I don’t know how many heroes had been lost. The young master went to study and sail in Vietnam, even if he did not die in the sea. He will come back only once in three to five years. Liu Lianggen added that if he does not take the opportunity to make a fortune, he is really sorry for this rare opportunity."

That's it.

Not only did Shi Liang despise Wei Dongsheng's choice, but Liu Lianggen, the butler, was also not optimistic about Wei Dongsheng's choice.

Although not as extravagant as a county magistrate in the Ming and Qing dynasties in the real world, the prison students of the Guozijian of the Jiaozhi domain do not have to worry about knowing the rank of the county. As long as you steadily survive the four years of studying at the Imperial College, as long as you don't stand in the wrong team when climbing officialdom, you can almost certainly be promoted to a county magistrate. In the eyes of the top dignitaries, the prefects may be worthless seven-grade sesame officials, but in the eyes of Liu Gensheng and Jiang Shengxing, the prefects can destroy their homes and the prefects can break their families. They are all successful people who need to look up. And if you can go a step further and climb to the level of the prefect of the Longbian Mansion in the name of Wei Dongsheng's father, it is simply too expensive.

On the contrary, what is the future of navigation?

Although there are countless luxury merchants, they can learn sailing to achieve luxury merchants. The distance between the two is more than tens of thousands of miles. The world-renowned maritime merchants are either lucky ones who have struggled to get up, or they have been wandering at sea for generations. How many people are from big landlords like Wei Dongsheng? The vast majority of ordinary people who go to sea, even if they bet on their lives, can only fight for the wealth of the family. It is understandable that bankrupt farmers who are so poor that they have nothing to go to the sea to find a silver lining. Wei Dongsheng, a big landlord with more than 300 acres of fertile land, why bother to gamble on everything?

In the eyes of Liu Lianggen and Jiang Shengxing, Wei Dongsheng was extremely stupid.

It was also because he was pessimistic about Wei Dongsheng's future prospects that Liu Lianggen dared to bully the slaves and deceive his master, and suddenly cut his quarterly expenses to 5 taels of silver.

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